Results from ATLAS/PUUKA web retrieved at 16:21 (GMT)

2016 data transmission Article text. Comments
2016 Electrical services Details of the module, ring tape, data transmission and EoSC are found here for the 2016 design. 2016ModuleHybrid 2016RingTape 2016DataTransmission...
2016 EoSC Article text. Comments
2016 Module hybird Article text. Comments
2016 ring tape Article text. Comments
wafer ABPJXGH Map.pdf: ABPJXGH Wafer Map RichardBates 2013 07 12
25/07/2012 The Quad assemblies 2 and 3 are made with full thickness ROIC as there is a worry about wafer bow and unbonded edge pixels. Stock Location StatusOfAssemblies...
VTT Assembly10 3200e 100V Tuned.cfg.root: Assembly 10 Configuration File: Threshold 3200e@ ToT8, 100V Det Bias VTT Assembly10 1600e 100V Tuned.cfg.root: Assembly...
This device was mounted on a single chip card, checked to be fine, and sent to CERN for testbeam in September 2012. RichardBates 2012 10 09
VTT Assembly14 3200e 10V Tuned.cfg.root: Assembly 14 Configuation File: Threshold 3200e @ ToT8, 10V Det Bias Assembly14 3200e 10V ToT8 FastTuning.root: Assembly...
VTT Assembly15 3200e 100V Tuned.cfg.root: Assembly15 Config file 3200electrons ToT8 100V Det Bias VTT Assembly15 1600e 100V Tuned.cfg.root: Assembly15 Config...
Unfortunately this assembly was broken due to an accident with the probe station. The detector of the assembly was being IVed on arrival in Glasgow, before wirebonding...
Assembly 5 Device IV after flip chip and mouting on the SCC. Assembly5 02082012.pptx: Presentation of scans performed on Assembly 5 VTT Assembly5 3200e 100V...
The single chip card usually has a cut out below the FE I4A chip to facilitate Sr 90 source tests. The FE I4A is mounted on a 0.5mm Al plate that is glued to the SSC...
CO2 blow off systems in WP2 Please use the space below to describe your system and how you use it. It would be helpful if you could include any modifications you have...
CO2 cooling The CO2 cooling of the pixel endcap system is being developed by Manchester in collabraotion with Glasgow, Sheffield and Lancaster. Some useful info on...
The connective task has two main areas of work, TSV and flip chip bonding development. Flip chip bonding at STFC RAL STFC/RAL are developing a fine pitched Indium...
Connectivity The UK are developing: Flip chip bump deposition at CEA Leti and flip chip at Advacam Thin chip assemblies with Advacam and CEA Leti...
JoleenPater 2012 02 16 SimonBrown 2012 02 23 This page contains information about the Data Multiplexer for the Pixel Modules. The Data Multiplexer is intended...
Title Article text. Comments
Title Article text. Comments
`Open Rings` Endcap Layout (Previously known by a number of different names e.g. `concentric diskettes`.) Motivation and Description A couple of talks showing the...
Open Rings Engineering Design page Please add drawings and information as needed to share Comments
IV Characteristics of the FBK 7 assembly: IV Curve FBK 200212.xlsx Details of noise characterisation of the FBK 7 assembly: FBK Noise.pptx Further information on FBK...
FEI 4 Documentation Documentation for FEI can be found at pixel upgrade elec/Final%20Design/Reference/ (NB: Requires cern id and...
24th 25th June 2015 Manchester INDICO: 10 11th December 2013 Manchester INDICO agenda, slides etc :
Meeting in Manchester to scope out Manchester involvement in the UK pixel activity in the pixel hybrid RichardBates 2010 12 17
Flip chip bump deposition at CEA Leti and Flip chip at Advacam The first phase of the development with CEA Leti was the deposition of copper pillars with SAC solder...
The details of this device can be found at Devices This device was then shipped...
Glue Stencil A set of jigs have been made to hold the pixel assembly, apply glue via a stencil to the back of the assembly and then lower the flex to the assembly...
IBL Testbeam e group for IBL testbeam: atlas ibl testbeam #64; To sign up for the 2011 CERN testbeam go to: IBL testbeam...
IBL Testbeam e group for IBL testbeam: atlas ibl testbeam #64; Testbeam runs 2 Testbeam runs have been performed at DESY using the EUDET telescope. Information...
Flip chip bonding at STFC RAL STFC/RAL are developing a fine pitched Indium flip chip process. The samples first have an under bump metal (UBM) layer deposited upon...
Indium Bumped Modules This page will serve as a database for characterisation of Indium Bumped Modules developed at RAL. Indium bumps require pressure only to make...
Irradiations Here are collected details of the irradaitions for sesnors and modules. Facilities B`ham Paul Dervan and Phil Allport are in charge of this activity...
Silicon sensors with various pixel geometries adapted for a common readout ASIC Link to Publication: 0221/9/11/C...
ThomasMcMullen 2013 03 08
RichardBates 2011 04 16 See attachments for cool box drawing for EUDET telescope as of Sept2012, note this is not compatible with the QUAD module due as it is not...
IV Curves of MPI Sensor MPI IV.xlsx KateDoonan 2012 12 18
Manual Glue Stamping The flex to assembly attachmenet can be performed with a glue stamp to transfer the glue and to vertical stamp to pick up the items to attach...
AUW/ITK week 2017 November AUW September ITK week 18th 22nd June ITK week 26th 30th March...
AndrewBlue 2011 04 18
IV Curves of Micron sensor MICRONCurves 2012.xlsx KateDoonan 2012 12 18
Module Assembly Details of module assembly are given here Single chip card Assembly Details SCCvFEI4B Some notes on assembly, including wirebond program, are...
Module Cooling Pages detailing Glasgow`s multi module cooling tests. Tests of CO2 cooling prototypes. Basic set up Sensors Temperature Pressure Comments
First meeting 17122010 RichardBates 2010 12 16
Module Flex Details of the UK quad flex to work with the FEI4 quad assemblies. These will have the correct tab orientation to be useable for the endcap ring structure...
Title Article text. Comments
Useful workpackage links: site meetings Vidyo portal Modules Our FEI4 wafers Wafer Probing Module Assembly Assemblies...
Multi Module Set up Pages detailing Glasgow`s multi module set up. The basic goal is to run multiple quad sensor modules simultaneously to test the electronic properties...
Older Module flex versions This is the list of the older quad module flexes Flex design files : version Dec 2014 (v1.11) These are the flex hybrids that will be manufactured...
Older Module flex versions This is the list of the older quad module flexes Flex design files : version Dec 2014 (v1.11) These are the flex hybrids that will be manufactured...
There are a number of FE I4 wafers A and B that belong to the UK for the ATLAS module upgarde project. Wafers wafer FE I4A Top metal layer GDS...
SLAC Testbeam May 2014 This page catalogues each experimental setup, GeoIDs and run numbers. For details on reconstruction see here. Enjoy! Quad5, 250x50 DUTs...
This wafer has been on the probe station for longe than usual due to the testing of a new probe card. The dirt is a worry. The wafer will eiterh be replaced by a wafer...
Pixel Endcaps in the LoI (Cartigny) Layout The drawings below show 3 possible types of pixel endcap disks in the LoI, or `Cartigny` layout of the upgraded inner tracker...
Pixel Weekly vidyo/phone meetings Thursdays at 10:00 am (UK time) portal or Vidyo portal In general, indico pages are listed in:
JoleenPater 2013 08 13 Thermal simulation See this page ThermalFEA Rectangular 3 quad Prototypes To put here: concept sketches assembly photos thermal...
Glasgow RCE Info Set up See here for hardware set up: RCESetUp Running the RCE software Make sure to have set up symbolic link to RCE area, i.e. ln s /afs/phas...
RCE Set up: equipment connections Current RCE Set up (lab 345) ATCA 2 slot crate (Asis) 3COM Switch RCEs 8 chips possible to connect per RCE...
RD53 A collection of links to useful resources for the RD53 chip Manual RD53A Manual.pdf: RD53 Manual v3.14 specification document testing meetings testing Twiki...
Reconstruction This page serves as a central hub for information on the reconstruction and analysis effort of UK Test Beam data. Versions of software in use:...
Rice Paper method The jig set is very similar to that used for the stencil method. The major differences is that a layer of rice paper is loaded with adhesive and...
Robotic pick and place module assembly November 2016 presentation re: pixel module assembly using a gantry positioning system, see
SCCB.docx: Document with set up for direct powering FE I4B SingleChipCard AE.pdf: PDF of design PCBBonds PCBDesign.pptx: Bonding diagram with direct powering...
28/5/2012 Sensors chosen to flip chip in the second run are: From Pixel II (2873 18) SC9 RD50 guard IBL ganged pixels (baseline) SC10 RD50 guard IBL...
CERN Pixel VI Mini Production summary of IVs CP6 summary.pdf: CPVI IV summary mini production Tracking wafer through the process CP6 3164 6 wafer level...
Services Electrical services The elecrical services have been re desgned to take the data off the ring tape and to include DCS. This includes a re design of the...
Characterisation of Single Devices in Glasgow University and the UK Assembly Details SCCvFEI4B Some notes on assembly, including wirebond program, are given here...
JoleenPater 2013 08 13 Stepped Geometry Prototype NB this prototype was shelved in 2013 when the Open Rings layout was adopted. Peter Sutcliffe`s drawings for a...
ThomasMcMullen 2012 07 13
RichardBates 2011 04 16
RichardBates 2010 12 16 Sensors Connectivity Modules Connectivity
Thermal FEA Heat load from RD53A chip For the cooling capacity calculations and the FEA simulations the heat load of the RD53A chip is required. Power from the RD53A...
Thin chip assemblies To be able to flip chip very thin ROICs addtional work is required to prevent the ROIC from bowing duringthe solder re flow process. At present...
RichardBates 2011 01 21 Useful Twikis IBL USBPIX http://icwiki.physik.uni
Title Article text. Comments
Wafer V2AQMLH FE I4A wafer delivered 27th of July 2012. Primary purpose: Development of wafer probe test. AndrewStewart 2012 07 31
The wafer map Wafer V5ABC2H Map.bmp: picture of wafer map The Wafer test results Wafer V5ABC2H Results Summary.xls: Probe results Pictures of the wafer...
27/7/2012 Some Red chips sent to RAL and MPI Die Status 3 2.xlsx: Die status as of 27/7/2012 14/7/2012 2 Green chips sent to glasgow for wafer probing Die...
This wafer is going to LETI for u bump deposition wafermap V6B8WUH.pdf: Wafer Map V6B8WUH.waprj: Waprj file RichardBates 2013 02 14
Wafer map wafer V7B8WTH Map.pdf: Wafer Map RichardBates 2013 07 03 V7B8WTH.waprj: Waprj file
Wafer VBABAXH replace `dirty` wafer V5ABC2H Sent to VTT on 11th April 2012. Wafer VBABAXH Results Summary.xlsx: Wafer Map Data AndrewStewart 2012 04 11
wafer VEB6NSH Map.pdf: Wafer map RichardBates 2013 11 27
wafer VIB62GH Map.pdf: Wafer Map VIB62GH.waprj: Waprj file RichardBates 2013 11 27
wafer VJB8WGH Map.pdf: Wafer map RichardBates 2013 11 27
Wafer map wafer VKB8WFH Map.pdf: Wafer Map RichardBates 2013 07 03
This wafer is going to LETI for u bump deposition wafermap VMB8WDH.pdf: Wafer Map VMB8WDH.waprj: WAPRJ file RichardBates 2013 02 14
wafer VPB8WBH Map.pdf: Wafer map VPB8WBH.waprj: waprj file RichardBates 2013 11 27
Title Article text. Comments
wafer VTB8W7H Map.pdf: Wafer map RichardBates 2013 11 27
This wafer was broken during the wafer thinning process wafer VUAYCRH Map.pdf: Wafer map RichardBates 2013 11 26
wafer VUB6NCH Map.pdf: Wafer Map RichardBates 2013 11 27 VUB6NCH.waprj: Waprj file
wafer VWB6IVH Map.pdf: Wafer Map RichardBates 2013 06 13
wafer VYB8XJH Map.pdf: Wafer map RichardBates 2013 11 27
The wafer map, not white spaces are untested. Wafer VZABC8H Wafermap.bmp: picture of wafer map RichardBates 2012 03 01
Meetings Pixel Weekly Face to face meetings FEI 4 testing meeting (Mon @4.30pm CERN) Testbeam Analysis meeting (Tue @4pm CERN)
WP2 meetings WP2 currently holds bi weekly phone/vidyo meetings on Tuesdays at 11:00, face to face meetings every six weeks or so, and occasional `overlap` meetings...
Wafer Probing Info Notes The following modifications should be made to the Probe Card (FE I4A only) Add solder jumper to right side of T1 Add solder jumper...
Wafer Statistics Wafer Code Wafer No Good Chips Comment V2AQMLH 33 X Wafer Probed, generating statistics AndrewStewart...
This is a green chi. Sent to RAL. Prim List used to tune the chip $ Assembly14 Fast Tuning 3200e.prl.root: Data file from Prim List $ 2012 10 08 Wafer...
TWiki`s ATLAS/PUUKA web The 1 web of TWiki. TWiki is a Web Based Collaboration Platform for the Enterprise.
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PCB and wirebonding details for the various Assemblies are given here. Quad Flex v1.11 FLEX1 2.BPX: Quad Flex v1.11 Wire bonding program for BJ820 Zip file...
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