Mini-Production summary of IVs

  • CP6_summary.pdf: CPVI IV summary mini production Tracking wafer through the process

CERN Pixel V

Punch through biasing dots and poly silicon resistors

CERN_Pixel_V.pdf: Wafer layout

8/8/2012 : Discussion on next pixel sensor mask design

Presentation of ideas on possible devices

Sensors used in 2012 module production

5 Quad assemblies will be made. Based on the IV characteristics the summary and selection for flip-chip assembly has been made:

Layout of the Pixel II and quad (Pixel IV) wafers

IVs for the sensors on the Pixel II wafers and Pixel IV (Quad) wafers after UBM and dicing at VTT

IV data of FEI4 Wafers from Micron

-- RichardBates - 2011-05-19

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheetxlsx CERNPIX4_quad-batch1-2-IV.xlsx r1 manage 133.7 K 2012-11-15 - 10:58 DeanForshaw  
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheetxlsx CERNPIXEL4-BATCH7-nodiceimplant-Nov12.xlsx r1 manage 168.0 K 2012-11-15 - 10:59 DeanForshaw  
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheetxls CERNPIXEL4-batch3-IV.xls r1 manage 101.0 K 2012-11-15 - 10:58 DeanForshaw  
PDFpdf CERN_Pixel_V.pdf r1 manage 100.6 K 2014-04-30 - 08:05 RichardBates Wafer layout
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheetxlsx CP4-BATCH5-IV.xlsx r1 manage 262.4 K 2012-11-15 - 10:59 DeanForshaw  
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheetxlsx CP6_3164-6_wafer_level.xlsx r1 manage 278.1 K 2016-05-23 - 12:37 RichardBates 3164-6 Wafer post UBM IV
PDFpdf CP6_summary.pdf r1 manage 674.7 K 2016-05-23 - 12:37 RichardBates CPVI IV summary mini production
Microsoft Word filedocx Pixel2QuadSensorWafersOverview.docx r1 manage 142.8 K 2012-04-20 - 10:55 RichardBates Layout of Pixel II and Pixel IV (Quad) wafer
Microsoft Word filedocx Possible_things_that_could_go_on_a_detector_mask.docx r1 manage 95.7 K 2012-08-07 - 16:43 RichardBates Some ideas for discussion
Microsoft Word filedocx Summary_of_sensors_and_their_quality_from_FE.docx r1 manage 67.6 K 2012-06-06 - 14:30 RichardBates Quad sensor IV summary
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheetxlsx VTT-FEI4-SC-QUAD-IV-APRIL2012.xlsx r1 manage 73.5 K 2012-04-20 - 11:06 RichardBates IV from Pixel 11 (2615-19) and Pixel iV (2873-18)
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheetxlsx VTT-FEI4-SC-QUAD-IV-MAY2012.xlsx r2 r1 manage 84.0 K 2012-06-06 - 14:52 RichardBates IV from Pixel II (2873-19) and Pixel IV (2935-21)
PowerPointpptx evo-new-geometries-2012.pptx r1 manage 427.6 K 2012-08-08 - 11:21 RichardBates Discussion on detector R&D project
Microsoft Word filedocx quad-mask-sensor-details.docx r1 manage 37.0 K 2012-06-06 - 15:41 RichardBates Description of devices on the Pixel IV (Quad) wafer
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Topic revision: r13 - 2016-05-23 - RichardBates
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