Sensors chosen to flip-chip in the second run are:
From Pixel II (2873-18)
- SC9 - RD50 guard IBL ganged pixels (baseline)
- SC10 - RD50 guard IBL ganged pixels (baseline)
From Pixel IV (2615-19)
- SC3 - 25 um x 500 um pixels
- SC4 - 25 um x 500 um pixels
- Quad 4 - 8 ganged pixels, 450 um edge, vias under ganged pixels only
Sensor chosen to flip-chip assembly are:
All from Pixel II (2873_18):
- SC5 and SC6 - MPI guard, not ganaged edge pixels
- SC3 and SC4 - MPI guard, IBL ganged pixels (baseline)
- SE3 and SE4 - slim egde pixels
Pixel II and Pixel IV (Quad) sensor wafers are at VTT.
The Pixel II wafers 2873_18 and 2873-19 ; and
the Pixel IV wafers 2615_19 and 2935-21 are at VTT.
Details of the sensor wafers layout and IVs after UBM VTT can be found at
RichardBates - 2012-02-26