Difference: AssemblyDetails (1 vs. 3)

Revision 32017-10-06 - GordonStewart

Line: 1 to 1
META TOPICPARENT name="SingleDeviceCharacterization"
The single chip card usually has a cut out below the FE-I4A chip to facilitate Sr-90 source tests. The FE-I4A is mounted on a 0.5mm Al plate that is glued to the SSC with electrically conductive glue.
Line: 11 to 11
  The wirebonding of the FE-I4A to the single chip card is shown and the program for the K&S 710 is given

Revision 22016-07-25 - RichardBates

Line: 1 to 1
META TOPICPARENT name="SingleDeviceCharacterization"
The single chip card usually has a cut out below the FE-I4A chip to facilitate Sr-90 source tests. The FE-I4A is mounted on a 0.5mm Al plate that is glued to the SSC with electrically conductive glue.
Line: 17 to 17
  The wirebonding of the FE-I4A to the single chip card is shown and the program for the K&S 710 is given
  -- RichardBates - 2012-02-22

Revision 12012-02-22 - RichardBates

Line: 1 to 1
META TOPICPARENT name="SingleDeviceCharacterization"
The single chip card usually has a cut out below the FE-I4A chip to facilitate Sr-90 source tests. The FE-I4A is mounted on a 0.5mm Al plate that is glued to the SSC with electrically conductive glue.

Drawing of the dortmund Al plate for the single chip card

Drawing of the Glasgow re-design of the Al plate for the single chip card

The wirebonding of the FE-I4A to the single chip card is shown and the program for the K&S 710 is given

-- RichardBates - 2012-02-22

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="FEI4_SCA_Carrier_Plate_Simple_Prolonged_Simplified_forBonnCardV2.dxf" attr="" comment="DXF file of Al plate" date="1329911764" name="FEI4_SCA_Carrier_Plate_Simple_Prolonged_Simplified_forBonnCardV2.dxf" path="FEI4_SCA_Carrier_Plate_Simple_Prolonged_Simplified_forBonnCardV2.dxf" size="55898" stream="FEI4_SCA_Carrier_Plate_Simple_Prolonged_Simplified_forBonnCardV2.dxf" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp27528" user="RichardBates" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="FEI4_SCA_Carrier_Plate_Simple_Prolonged_Simplified_forBonnCardV2.pdf" attr="" comment="PDF of Al plate" date="1329911805" name="FEI4_SCA_Carrier_Plate_Simple_Prolonged_Simplified_forBonnCardV2.pdf" path="FEI4_SCA_Carrier_Plate_Simple_Prolonged_Simplified_forBonnCardV2.pdf" size="850320" stream="FEI4_SCA_Carrier_Plate_Simple_Prolonged_Simplified_forBonnCardV2.pdf" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp27552" user="RichardBates" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Al_plate_forSCC.PDF" attr="" comment="PDF of Al plate" date="1329911822" name="Al_plate_forSCC.PDF" path="Al_plate_forSCC.PDF" size="21842" stream="Al_plate_forSCC.PDF" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp27581" user="RichardBates" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Al_plate_forSCC.SLDDRW" attr="" comment="solid works drawing of Al plate" date="1329911852" name="Al_plate_forSCC.SLDDRW" path="Al_plate_forSCC.SLDDRW" size="262656" stream="Al_plate_forSCC.SLDDRW" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp27536" user="RichardBates" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Al_plate_forSCC.sldprt" attr="" comment="SolidWorks part of Al plate" date="1329911875" name="Al_plate_forSCC.sldprt" path="Al_plate_forSCC.sldprt" size="162816" stream="Al_plate_forSCC.sldprt" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp27663" user="RichardBates" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="WireBond_FEI4SingleChipCard_Rev_1.1.pdf" attr="" comment="Wirebond diagram for lower bonds" date="1329913065" name="WireBond_FEI4SingleChipCard_Rev_1.1.pdf" path="WireBond_FEI4SingleChipCard_Rev_1.1.pdf" size="24440" stream="WireBond_FEI4SingleChipCard_Rev_1.1.pdf" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp27537" user="RichardBates" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="WireBond_Upper_FEI4SingleChipCard_Rev_1.1.pdf" attr="" comment="Wirebond diagram for upper bonds" date="1329913110" name="WireBond_Upper_FEI4SingleChipCard_Rev_1.1.pdf" path="WireBond_Upper_FEI4SingleChipCard_Rev_1.1.pdf" size="23102" stream="WireBond_Upper_FEI4SingleChipCard_Rev_1.1.pdf" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp27480" user="RichardBates" version="1"
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