Date | Indico page | Other notes/docs (e.g. uploads to PUUKA Twiki) | |
2016.06.16 |![]() |
Meeting focussed on scoping new sensor design for RD53 (overview of recent previous designs given by Craig) | |
2016.06.09 | | ||
2016.05.26 | | Actions from last meeting: 1. PJD: Prepare irradiation programme to include irradiation of AC-coupled detectors, singles with and without zig-zag biasing, 200um thick sensors to be able to make realistic measurements. Contact Anna Macchiolo to discuss programme. Present at meeting on 26/5; Postponed to next meeting. 2. JL: To circulate mil-spec document for developing HASS for bump-bonding and other aspects of module construction. 3. CMB: To get Cr UBM wafers sent to Glasgow for I-V tests. DONE 4. JM: To check tested FE-I4 wafer stock and confirm if we have two tested wafers for module production as requested by RLB. 5. CMB: To order 10 CP6 and discuss with Micron when we have to define how many we want with UBM. 6. CMB/RLB/PJD: Meet and prepare plans for quads and singles for module construction, radiation programme and multi-module tests. Report at the next meeting; Postponed to next meeting |
2016.05.12 | | ||
2016.02.04 | | 1. Update on Pixel readout ,Andeas 2. Irradiation programme, Paul -discussion 3. Multi-module status, Ilya 4. Brief updates 1. Module production, Richard 2. Micron update, Craig 3. Itk week talks 5. AOB |
2016.01.21 | | 1. Report on thinned modules and module production, Richard, 20mins 2. Module results, Ilya, 20mins 3. Status of hybrid production, Sneha, 10mins 4. Status of ASIC testing, John, 10mins 5. AOB |
2015.11.12 | | ||
2015.10.15 | | ||
2015.10.01 | | ||
2015.09.03 | | . | |
2015.08.20 | | Agenda:
2015.08.06 | | Agenda
2015.07.09 | | Agenda
2015.06.18 | | ||
2015.05.28 | | 11:15-13:00 Agenda
Items 3 & 4 will be reported at tomorrow's ITk module meeting. The indico page is at: |
2015.05.07 | |
Paul Dervan noted: This was the glue/paint that failed at about ~40C: |
2015.04.16 | |
2015.03.19 | | 11.15. Agenda
Can groups send Craig information on what USBPix systems you have and whether they are working or not. Andreas Korn is organising an order for new MIO3 and MMC3 cards. |
2015.03.05 | | 11:15am | |
2015.02.25 | | 11:15am | |
2015.01.22 | UK WP1: Meeting Summary
Oxford: Glasgow: RAL: |
13th Nov 2014 | Modification key is wp1 Vidyo pin: 54321 |
Agenda 1. CP6 discussion: do we dice at Micron or get a new set of masks made? Paul 2. Module production update, Richard 3. Update on wafer testing, John M 4. Discussion of pixel fest agenda, all If you want to add anything, please let me know. Attending: C. Buttar, R. Bates, A. Stewart, J. Matheson, K. Wraight, K. Sexton, J. Pater, R. Plackett, F. Munoz, I. Tsurin, M. Milovanovic Indico page: Richard Plackett from Oxford was welcomed to the meeting. Oxford are considering doing pixel module assembly during production. 1. Dicing at Micron Richard B will contact Micron and the dicing company used by John Lipp about cost and time for dicing CP6, and send round an email. 2. Module production First CP6 wafer has been bump-bonded. CP6 Quads: 5 quads made up, two damaged during visual inspection. Reason was noted and will be avoided in future. Distribution: 2 quads for irradiation --> Liverpool for bonding; 1 baseline in Glasgow. Also want to identify 1 quad for thermal runaway measurements; Richard B has identified an assembled quad that can be used. CP6 singles All singles made up (6). All I-Vs look ok, wafer 3009-8. Richard B will update sharepoint. Distribution 3 to Liverpool for bonding & testing, 1 to go to Francesca in Manchester 3 at Glasgow for bonding & testing 2nd wafer has UBM and will be flipped at Advacam this week once Sami is back from NSS. CP5 AC/DC sensors: all 12 good assemblies have been made. 4 at Glasgow and 8 at Liverpool. Thinned modules: 1 wafer with SCL at Advacam. Some die have been returned to Cea/Leti for TDM measurements. Sami had done some flip-chipping trials. The die are very flat on the tool but after a tack bond and reflow he did not see good contact. These are preliminary results and Sami has more to do. Comments from Sami: worried that UBM is not sufficiently wettable and SAC solder may be an issue. Another possibility to be considered is to use Cu as an SCL. This has been done by Medipix where they have used Cu as an redistribution layer and these devices have shown no change in bow with temperature. 3. Module assembly Ilya has discussed getting the module assembly jig made in Liverpool workshop. It has been proposed that this is done by an apprentice. This has low priority and Paul needs to be negotiate with workshop management. Gluing studies are required. This can be done by a student and Ilya will discuss with Tim Jones. A stencil with 9 patterns will be ordered. There will be a meeting at RAL to discuss module assembly. Ilya will submit his new hybrid design to Quick Circuits and get 20 hybrids made and stuffed. MUX and PSP chip will be added as separate boards once they are available. A flex to RJ45 board is required. Ilya will send details to Richard B and Richard will get panasonic connectors from Liverpool. 4. Wafer testing Glasgow is reprobing 0.25 of a wafer probed at RAL to confirm results. Expect there will be 5 wafers probed between Glasgow & RAL by Christmas. John and Andrew will produce a write up on the testing procedure and results. RAL is reprobing a round-robin wafer from LBL. The green, yellow, red, blue yields broadly agree. John is investigating differences. Craig will check FE-I4 stock and confirm what remains to be tested. 5. Agenda for Pixel Fest. The outline agenda is at: It will be discussed at the next meeting. 6. Testbeam studies (see slides on indico page) Francesca reported on results with 3D sensor at recent SPS testbeam. A strange pattern in the hit map was observed, see slide 9. It appears to be a region of low efficiency. No-one recognised this effect. Kenny will discuss with Francesca. 7. AC/DC sensor characterisation (see slides on indico page) Marko presented characterisation of the AC/DC sensors. He notices lower noise with the USBpix system, as he has seen before. AC devices have lower noise than DC devices. 90-Sr source scans indicate that the DC sensors have a slightly larger signal than AC sensors, ~6.4ToT vs 5.9ToT on plateau. There was only a brief discussion due to lack of time this will be revisited at the next meeting.
Please send me comments and/or corrections by Monday 24/11. I send round corrected minutes and put them on the indico page. |
29th Oct 2014 | Dear All, Notes from WP1 meeting 29/10 Present: A. Stewart, J. Pater, P. Dervan, C. Buttar, K. Doonan, M. Milovanovic Craig discussed the proposal by Anna Macciholo regarding having a single talk on sensors and other areas in the module meeting. It was agreed that this was reasonable and that we should see if it works. Craig will reply. Craig reported that there was concern expressed by Advacam regarding dicing of CP6 sensors due to the mistake in the mask design. As previously discussed, a plan had been sent to to Advacam that sacrificed single sensors. It had also been agreed to have a wafer diced at Micron to see if this could avoid sacrificing the single sensors and having an extended edge on one of the quads. The question was raised as to whether we should get a new CP6 mask set that is better for dicing. It was agreed we should investigate dicing with Micron first. *Paul will discuss dicing at Micron with Ilya and Gian to check* *availability and cost and report at the next meeting.* Craig reported that the he had discussed the probe marks on the chips shown in Marko's slides. He said it was unusual to probe a chip twice but this had been done from time to time as required. It had not been a problem during production. He could not make a comment on dicing. It was agreed that new modules will undergo a visual inspection to look at the quality of dicing, probe marks, scratches and chips. A record will be kept for each module. *Advacam also have a visual inspection sheet and Richard will ask if they* *can be sent to us along with a module.* Please send me comments and corrections. Craig & Paul |
16th Oct 2014 | | ||
4th Sept 2014 | | ||
28th August 2014 | | ||
21st Aug 2014 | | ||
14th August 2014 | | ||
8th August 2014 | | ||
17th July 2014 | | Agenda: 1. Status of assembly jigs and procedure for mounting hybrids to modules, Ilya 2. Status of PA5 production and tests, Ilya/Marko 3. Cooling system for module testing, Richard 4. CP6 production status, Gian/Sergey 5. TB samples for October 6. AOB |
3rd July 2014 | | ||
19th June 2014 | | ||
12th June 2014 | | ||
5th Jun 2014 | | ||
29th May 2014 | | ||
22nd May 2014 | | ||
15th May 2014 | | ||
24th April 2014 | | Agenda: 1. Brief reports Status of Micron sensors CP6 production, Gian/Sergey Status of testbeam preparations, Kenny 2. Discussion on module parameters for FEA thermal simulations, All See attached note by Graham Beck 3. Update on source scans for slim edge sensors, Marko 4. Response to FE-IX talk at AUW, All 5. AoB Modification key is wp1 Vidyo pin: 54321 |
3rd April 2014 | | ||
27th Mar 2014 | | Agenda:
List sent to Paolo after last weeks discussion 1. Sensors Results from characterisation of quad sensors. We got some nice data at DESY with unirradiated and also with an irradiated sensors. Results from characterisation of pixel sensors with different geometries As for the quads, we have some nice data from the Feb DESY TB run with unirradiated and irradiated sensors. 2. Modules Interconnect developments This would cover work with Cea-Leti, we have first results on using the backside compensation, status of bump-bonding at Advacam. Status of In bump bonding at RAL This would cover an update on the In bump bonding at RAL. We have the first module from RAL and would hope to have results from characterising. It may be this could be merged with the more general interconnect developments. Depending on overlaps with the other meetings, we could contribute a summary of quad and different geometries in case as there may be people who do not see the talks in the sensor sessions. Flex development We have a prototype flex on thin FR4 and hope to have bonded chips to it and characterised it by Freiburg. Wafer probing We can provide an update on UK work in this area. |
20th Mar 2014 | | ||
13th Mar 2014 | | ||
6th Mar 2014 | | ||
27th Feb 2014 | | ||
21st Feb 2014 | | Agenda 1. Testbeam preparation, Marko/Kate Devices to be tested, test conditions and priorities 2. Status of wafer testing, John |
30th Jan 2014 |![]() |
23rd Jan 2014 |![]() |
16th Jan 2014 |
28th Nov 2013 |![]() |
31st Oct 2013 | Indico page![]() |
Agenda Status of Quad and CP-V modules
Testbeam preparations
Status of wafer probing at Edinburgh: Corrinne Update on RAL bump-bonding: John |
24th Oct 2013 | Indico page![]() |
17th Oct 2013 |
10th Oct 2013 | Indico page![]() |
3rd Oct 2013 | confId=276089![]() |
26th Sept 2013 |![]() |
12th Sept 2013 | confId=268648![]() |
5th Sept 2013 | confId=271197![]() |
29th Aug 2013 | confId=270174![]() |
22nd Aug 2013 | confId=264982![]() |
8th Aug 2013 | confId=266895![]() |
1st Aug 2013 | confId=266005![]() |
Notes: | |
25th July 2013 | confId=264982![]() |
Notes: | |
30th May 2013 | Notes_from_WP1_meeting_30th_May |
4th Oct 2012 | September CERN Testbeam Update CERN-PPStestbeam-Overview-sept2012.pptx | ||
9th Aug 2012 | Discussion document on Flex PCB:-
15th Mar 2012 | Glasgow Update: GlasgowUpdate_150312.pdf | ||
29th Jan 2012 | Minutes: 2012-01-19_UKModules.txt | ||
10th Nov 2011 | |||
3rd Nov 2011 | Micron Quad Detectors IV: 031111.pptx | ||
9th June 2011 | Minutes | ||
2nd June 2011 | Minutes | ||
19th May 2011 | Minutes | ||
5th May 2011 |
21st Apr 2011 | |||
7th Apr 2011 | Minutes of the meeting Minutes_from_April_7th_UK_Pixel_Module_phone_meeting.doc | ||
3rd Mar 2011 | -- RichardBates - 2011-01-21
I | Attachment | History | Action | Size | Date | Who | Comment |
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Notes_from_WP1_meeting_30th_May.docx | r1 | manage | 117.2 K | 2013-06-03 - 14:57 | CraigButtar | |
![]() |
PixelDAQ_300513.pdf | r1 | manage | 15560.6 K | 2013-06-03 - 14:58 | CraigButtar | |
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Pre_and_post_assembly_IVs_summary.pptx | r1 | manage | 853.5 K | 2013-06-03 - 14:58 | CraigButtar |