
Electrical services

The elecrical services have been re-desgned to take the data off the ring tape and to include DCS.

This includes a re-design of the hybrid and the EOSCs.

Material used for these items are located at 2016ElectricalServices

Bus Tapes

The bus tape design from the pixel barrel is being adapted for disks by Yiorgos Sidiropoulos at Edinburgh. Details can be found in this presentation (in two parts, to beat twiki's 20MB upload limit):

20_02_14_Flex-tapes_for_the_ATLAS_pixel_Half_Disk.pptx: Update on Disk tape design

Altium Designer files for the crescent flex tape


Graham Beck's work on putting an EoS card into the thermal FEA for barrel stave work. This includes photos of, and some technical information about, the EoS card and GBTX chips.


Some information on the CO2cooling here


Some STEP files (created in Inventor) from Fred Gannaway:

  • Pixel_Ring_Endcap_Side.stp The Pixel Ring Endcap Side is more mature and shows an option to mount each ring to the support tubes, it also includes four Carbon post stuctures to link the inner and outer tubes in an aid to transfer insertion forces and not subject the rings to any such forces. The model has several routings for cooling tubes which may all show up, you will have to suppress each option.
  • Pixel_Discs.stp The Pixel_Discs model shows the array of the NP49 sectors inside the same inner and outer tubes, but without yet any fixation for these. The number of cooling tubes in this option is a concern but at the moment we do not know if we will have sufficient power to cool the ring design.

Characterisation of transmission lines

Passive electrical components, such as bus tapes, cables and transmission lines can impact signal quality. A common method of studying the signal degradation is by measuring S-Parameters. S-Parameters can be shown as a transmission vs frequency plot or can be used as inputs to many simulation programs for more advanced studies. Two different test procedures for measuring S-parameters are available at the links below. The RAL method uses an older TDR instrument. The Glasgow method uses a newer network analyser.

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PowerPointpptx 20_02_14_Flex-tapes_for_the_ATLAS_pixel_Half_Disk.pptx r1 manage 6534.8 K 2014-06-18 - 07:00 RichardBates Update on Disk tape design
PDFpdf S-Parameter_Measurement_Instructructions.pdf r1 manage 3421.3 K 2016-09-20 - 15:13 SnehaNaik S parameter measurements-RAL
PDFpdf S-parameters_document_Glasgow.pdf r1 manage 1278.5 K 2016-09-20 - 15:18 SnehaNaik Procedure for S-parameters mesurements- Glasgow
Unknown file formatpcbdoc outer_crescent.PcbDoc r1 manage 3342.5 K 2014-09-03 - 09:17 RichardBates Outer Crescent
Unknown file formatprjpcb outer_crescent.PrjPCB r1 manage 49.0 K 2014-09-03 - 09:21 RichardBates Outer Cresent PrjPCB
Unknown file formatschdoc outer_crescent.SchDoc r1 manage 436.5 K 2014-09-03 - 09:22 RichardBates Outer Crescent SchDoc
Unknown file formatpcblib pixel_half_disk.PcbLib r1 manage 1675.5 K 2014-09-03 - 09:23 RichardBates Pixel Half disk PCBLib
Unknown file formatschlib pixel_half_disk.SchLib r1 manage 25.5 K 2014-09-03 - 09:25 RichardBates Pixel Half Disk SchLib
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Topic revision: r8 - 2016-11-30 - RichardBates
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