"Open Rings" Endcap Layout

(Previously known by a number of different names e.g. "concentric diskettes".)

Motivation and Description

A couple of talks showing the basic idea: 2013-06-26_Burdin_Rings.pdf 2013-11-OpenRings3D-simple.png

and a later update with a more sophisticated layout: 2013-08-27_Jones_Lpool_Status.pdf.

Caculation of ring sizes

(J.Pater) using spreadsheet found below:

Using the same module dimensions given above, assuming the same active coverage as the quad-hex-hex LoI -layout disks (dimensions are in mm):

Physical outer radius of ring 2 modules: centres not corners - corners will extend further 315.2
Active outer radius of ring 2 modules: centres not corners 315.0
Active inner radius of ring 2 modules: centres not corners 274.6
Physical inner radius of ring 2 modules: centres not corners 274.4
Physical outer radius of ring 1 modules: centres not corners - corners will extend further 253.0
Active outer radius of ring 1 modules: centres not corners 252.7
active CENTRE of ring 2 modules 232.5
Active inner radius of ring 1 modules: centres not corners 212.3
Physical inner radius of ring 1 modules: centres not corners 212.1
Physical outer radius of ring 0 modules: centres not corners - corners will extend further 190.7
Active outer radius of ring 0 modules: centres not corners 190.5
Active inner radius of ring 0 modules: centres not corners 150.1
Physical inner radius of ring 0 modules: centres not corners 149.9
Number of modules per ring, rounded up to be divisible by 4 (front/back, left/right clamshell):

Ring 2: 60  
Ring 1: 48  
Ring 0: 36  
Jo's spreadsheet for calculating numbers of rings: PixelDiskDimensions.xlsx

6-Feb-2014: Peter Sutcliffe's step files for the 3 ring types: np49-04-17.stp, np49-04-19.stp, np49-04-21.stp


Pixel Endcaps in the LoI Layout
Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PDFpdf 2013-06-26_Burdin_Rings.pdf r1 manage 328.5 K 2013-09-09 - 12:27 JoleenPater Sergey's initial talk introducing the 'concentric diskettes' layout
PDFpdf 2013-08-27_Jones_Lpool_Status.pdf r1 manage 1265.2 K 2013-09-09 - 12:28 JoleenPater Update from Liverpool, last half concerns the 'concentric diskettes' layout
PNGpng 2013-11-OpenRings3D-simple.png r1 manage 185.3 K 2014-02-06 - 15:03 JoleenPater  
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheetxlsx PixelDiskDimensions.xlsx r1 manage 21.8 K 2013-09-01 - 11:21 JoleenPater  
Unknown file formatstp np49-04-17.stp r1 manage 516.8 K 2014-02-06 - 14:58 JoleenPater  
Unknown file formatstp np49-04-19.stp r1 manage 404.0 K 2014-02-06 - 14:58 JoleenPater  
Unknown file formatstp np49-04-21.stp r1 manage 367.9 K 2014-02-06 - 14:59 JoleenPater  
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Topic revision: r16 - 2014-06-16 - JoleenPater
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