Recent Changes in DetDev Web retrieved at 12:10 (GMT)

Title Article text. This page will detail the scans made by ITSDAQ necessary to test DAQloads, Hybrids and Modules ITSDAQ HCC Chip ID Strobe Delay 3pt Gain...
AndrewBlue 2011 10 12 Information for ATLAS Strip upgrade work at Glasgow The following are pages that provide information on the Strips upgrade testing and building...
Testbeam Reconstruction Details Installation: After installing and sourcing environment (build the main...
EUTelescope And ITK Testbeam pages Glasgow work on ATLAS Pixel Upgrade Reconstruction and Analysis. NB...
Data Acquisition with EUDAQ This page gives some details on test beam data acquisition using EUDAQ software. See official pages for more information and installation...
Customising IBL Reconstruction Notes on customising reconstruction process for ITk (formerly IBL) testbeam data using EUTelescope software. NB this is a perilous process...
Information on module testing at Glasgow Introduction Modules can be tested using the HSIO system in a similar fashion to hybrid testing Below are notes that should...
Lab and software information If you`ve got any documentation, test procedures or code for lab equipment and software, please add it! Readout Setups Beetle...
New probes station in Lab 341a Built by Wentworth instuirments Model No Ip Address Instruction manuals \\\Ppesmb\detdev01\GLADD Labs\cleanroom\wentworth...
Welcome to the 1 web This Wiki will be a source of info for all members of the Detector Development group Contents ATLAS strip upgrade Glasgow...
WebHome PCB designers a rel `nofollow` href `http://www.wilkie` title `http://www.wilkie` http://www.wilkie
Glasgow ATLAS pixel work Some local items on Glasgow work on ATLAS pixels that are not covered on PUUKA. MUX development final May 2014.pptx: Final PPT from...
HV HR CMOS sensor work in Glasgow The Glasgow group has had many years of experience working on CMOS sensors (including the HEPAPS and MI3 projects) which are detailed...
Title Article text. Comments
Telescope Simulation Telescope simulation is done with the Geant based simulation package AllPix. See the official pages for more detail and installation instructions...
Beetle MIP test setup This is the strip detector test setup in room 342, which uses LHCb electronics. Inside the test box, there is the strip detector being tested...
WebHome April 25th April Minutes Talk Retinal talk by Keith May 9th May Minutes Talk Andy %u200E MI3/APS 23rd...
WebHome Talk Keith Retinal Talk Andy MI3/APS Talk Fred ATLAS Mini Detector IV/CV Test Results Talk Jac Moise characterisation...
Thin film hybrid in MCM D technology Processing on blank silicon wafers to determine the feasibility of building a fully functional circuit in this technology. The...
MATLAB scripts for Medipix2 analysis The Medipix2 USB interface produces output files that are just ASCII arrays containing the no. of photons detected by each pixel...
Medipix USB Medipix2 is a single photon counting pixel readout chip, developed by the CERN Medipix collaboration:
WebHome 2008 IWORID 08 A. Blue Active Edges For XFEL (Poster) C. Fleta X ray Detection with 3D Medipix2 Devices (Poster) A. Mac Raighne...
Synopsys TCAD This is a suite of programs for semiconductor device simulation. The software allows you to design a device structure (including simulating its fabrication...
Introduction Four electrical grade wafers were delivered, plus one that was damaged during fabrication. Each wafer has three hybrids, hence the electrical grade wafers...
DESY March 2012 PPS Testbeam This page documents the results of March 2012 PPS testbeam at DESY. The result can also be found in this presentation. Devices Devices...
EUTelescope And IBL Testbeam pages Notes on customising analysis of IBL testbeam data using tbmon . Analysis Cuts Various cuts are available in each of the analysis...
Mike Wormald ATLAS Upgrade Bonding programs referencing documents MIL STD 883E, Test Method Standard for Microcircuits...
Detector Development Lab (341) Hardware Catalogue Item Model Number Serial Set Up Number Notes Keithley Multimeter 2700 1241294...
AndrewBlue 2012 02 20 Jigs All are labelled with T to indicate the Top of each jig J Heights set up (From Liverpool) A Not shimmed (Glasgow) B Not set up (Glasgow...
On the Module assemble board, you place a piece of paper (to even out the vacuum) then a mechanical Si sensor AndrewBlue 2011 10 12 Module Gluing Testing...
Jig Heights Set up for Jig J Salad Cream First tests using Salad cream Too much used Glass slide not aligned to vacuum jig However...
FredDoherty 2012 06 29 Hybrid Bonding Diagrams Hybrid WireBonding.pdf Shunts The current...
Detector Development Journal Club The DetDev journal club meets on Tuesday (weekly) in room 253, where the det dev fortnightly meetings are held. We meet at 14:...
Hybrids Wire Bonding Hybrids (docs, pics) Modules Wire Bonding Modules (docs, pics) ASICS Wire Bonding Asics (docs, pics) Documents General docs, presentations...
FredDoherty 2012 07 02
FredDoherty 2012 07 02 BJ820 Bonding Table
FredDoherty 2012 06 29 Wire Bonding Trials To achieve correct measurements as above (assuming samples are exactly the size designed) Silicon (with DC) and 200um long...
FredDoherty 2012 06 29
FredDoherty 2012 06 29 New ASICS Wire Bond spacing trials using Glasgow produced Fanins (docs, pics)
AndrewBlue 2011 10 12 The normal set of electrical tests that are conducted for both hybrids and modules are as follows (conducted sequentially): Strobe Delay...
Descriprtion of the water testing of ASICS at Glasgow Introduction The following is a description of the setup used to test wafers of ABCn ASICS at Glasgow. The setup...
RichardBates 2011 09 22
RichardBates 2011 09 22
I/V Measurement of w09 after dicing The chart shows the I/V of the sensors after dicing measured in Glasgow. LarsEklund 2010 06 28
Estimates of the total capacitive load The capacitive load on the front end is expected to change due to the presence of a ground plane close to the strips. The capacitance...
Whole wafer photos at reception Four electrical grade wafers with three hybrids on each one were delivered, and one failed wafer (w08) was supplied as a mechanical...
Specification of the MCMD hybrid The first version of a fully working hybrid will electrically fully working but implemented on blank wafers. Hence no connections...
FredDoherty 10 Aug 2009
FredDoherty 10 Aug 2009 Sensors w17 Interstrip Capacitance Tests (2 probe adjacent)

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