HV-HR CMOS sensor work in Glasgow

The Glasgow group has had many years of experience working on CMOS sensors (including the HEPAPS and MI3 projects) which are detailed here CMOSOldGlasgow.

For many years these devices have been used for imaging sensors and even for tracking devices in particle physics. However, due to their collection via diffuison these devices have been limited in particle physics application where there are significant radiation levels. New devices with a depleted volume are now possible that allow collection via drift rather than diffusion. This should enhance the charge collection over devices that coolect via diffusion only. There are two technology classes High Resistivity (HR) substarte with a backside bias contact (HR-CMOS) and High Voltage CMOS device designs.


The HV-CMOS devices that we are using are supplied by Ivan Peric from Heidelberg as part of the CERN HVCMOS collaboration.

Various designs have been made.

Links to useful webpages are:

Weekly vidyo meeting on indicio: e.g. https://indico.cern.ch/event/314097/ (go up a level, was called future pixels, now called HV-HR CMOS)

Twiki site: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/Atlas/HVHRCMOSUpgrade

Sharepoint site: https://espace.cern.ch/atlas-pixel-upgrade-elec/HVHR-CMOS/default.aspx

Ivan's HVCMOS web page (password protected) : http://sus.ziti.uni-heidelberg.de/Forschung/ivanchips/ProtectedHV/

CERN e-group : atlas-upgrade-hvhrcmos@cern.ch

Some publications and presentations from HVCMOS group




The design of the HR-CMOS device we are using is performed at RAL (link) using a HR-CMOS process from TowerJazz.

Some past papers from RAL on CMOS devices made with the TowerJazz process:

PIMMS sensor : http://iopscience.iop.org/1748-0221/7/08/C08001

-- Richard Bates - 2014-05-22


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