Difference: EUTelescopeAndIBLTestbeam (1 vs. 30)

Revision 302015-04-21 - KennyWraight

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EUTelescope And ITK Testbeam pages



Glasgow work on ATLAS EUTelescope, Pixel and ITK testbeam data. Both Reconstruction and Analysis aspects of the work involve EUTelescope software. Please see the official pages pages for more details.
<--A communal area with installed software and test files can be found: /data/detdev01/FEI4_testbeam_construction. -->
Some tips on post-analysis analysis are also noted.


  • Information on finding data is given below.
  • EUDAQ pages are also available here.
  • UK activites are documented on Kate's pages on PUUKA
  • Find the working group meetings on indico
  • Instruction for simulating telescope data with AllPix here
  • Instruction for custominsing reconstruction and analysis are also available

Glasgow work on ATLAS Pixel Upgrade Reconstruction and Analysis.
Link to the DESY March 2012 analysis (from 2013!).
NB This page is a work in progress
Some pages
  • Information on finding data is given below.
  • EUTelescope pages are link ot EUTelescope
  • EUDAQ pages are also available here
  • UK activities are documented on Kate's pages on PUUKA
  • Find the working group meetings on indico

Instruction for customising reconstruction and analysis are also available

  • Some tips on post-analysis analysis are also noted.
  • Additional instruction for simulating telescope data with AllPix here

NB This page is a work in progress
Link to the DESY March 2012 analysis (from 2013!).
<--A communal area with installed software and test files can be found: /data/detdev01/FEI4_testbeam_construction. -->

Testbeam Reconstruction

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Testbeam Reconstruction

<-- A working version of the reconstruction code can be found: /data/detdev01/FEI4_testbeam_construction/reconstruction. -->
To install your own code then follow the instructions here.

This is a short recipe for running.

* First, check the environment has been set correctly by echoing the EUTELESCOPE parameter: > echo $EUTELESCOPE
This should be something like /PATH_TO_SOFTWARE/VERSION/Eutelescope/trunk

* Next, go to the jobsub directory:

> cd $EUTELESCOPE/jobsub

There are five basic steps to run the reconstruction chain (i.e. to transform raw data into analysis ready data): converter, clustering, hitmaker, alignment and filter. Each task is performed using the jobsub command (exported when the build environment is set) and requires a configuration file to set basic steering parameters such as input file, output directories and beam energy. The basic execution format is


Alternatively the syntax can be:


* Now you can proceed to run the reconstruction. Here is an example reconstruction chain:

> jobsub --config=$EUTELESCOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/config.cfg -csv $EUTELESCOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/runlist.csv converter 97
> jobsub --config=$EUTELESCOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/config.cfg -csv $EUTELESCOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/runlist.csv clustering 97
> jobsub --config=$EUTELESCOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/config.cfg -csv $EUTELESCOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/runlist.csv hitmaker 97
> jobsub --config=$EUTELESCOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/config.cfg -csv $EUTELESCOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/runlist.csv align 97
> jobsub --config=$EUTELESCOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/config.cfg -csv $EUTELESCOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/runlist.csv fitter 97
For ease of running a bash script called run_file.sh is in /data/detdev01/FEI4_testbeam_construction/reconstruction which will run the chain for you. Please edit the parameters at the top of the file.

The output of each step should include a root file (only the first three are inspectable) and lcio files. The final output, "SOMERUN-tracking.root" is used as the input for analysis.

For more details see the official pages here.

There are five basic steps to run the reconstruction chain (i.e. to transform raw data into analysis ready data):
  • converter: Read in telescope and DUT hit information, from native DAQ to LCIO format
  • clustering: Combine individual hits on each plane to hit clusters on each plane
  • hitmaker: Globally orient planes
  • align: Global alignment of planes: based on pattern recognition & track fitting
  • fitter: Generate tracks -> device resolution

Each task is performed using the job sub command (exported when the build environment is set) and requires a configuration file to set basic steering parameters such as input file, output directories and beam energy. The basic example is $EUTELESCOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT.

For a more complete explanation see: ReconstructionDetails. Further official information on the software is available http://eutelescope.web.cern.ch/content/job-submission To install your own code, follow the documented instructions here.

Simple Recipe

This is a short recipe for running, based on ~March 2015 version of code. After installing and sourcing environment main directory is $EUTELESCOPE (equivalent to /PATH_TO_SOFTWARE/VERSION/Eutelescope/trunk).

  • First, check the environment has been set correctly by echoing the EUTELESCOPE parameter: 

This should be something like /PATH_TO_SOFTWARE/VERSION/Eutelescope/trunk. If not, then source $EUTELESCOPE/build_env.sh

  • Next, go to the directory you wish to work in, e.g. jobsub/examples/MYDIR:
> cd $EUTELESCOPE/jobsub/example/MYDIR

The basic execution format is > jobsub -c CONFIGURATION_FILE [-o PARAMETER_NAME=VALUE ] TASK_NAME FILE_NUMBER

  • Now you can proceed to run the reconstruction. Here is an example reconstruction chain (for datura-noDUT example):

> jobsub -c config.cfg -csv runlist.csv converter 97
> jobsub -c config.cfg -csv runlist.csv clustering 97
> jobsub -c config.cfg -csv runlist.csv hitmaker 97
> jobsub -c config.cfg -csv runlist.csv align 97
> jobsub -c config.cfg -csv runlist.csv fitter 97 The output of each step should include a root file, in $MY_OUTPUT/histograms, and an lcio file, in $MY_OUTPUT/lcio.
  Link to CustomReconstruction.


Testbeam Analysis


Testbeam Analysis

  The testbeam analysis software is called tbmon and can be found /data/detdev01/FEI4_testbeam_construction/analysis/tbmon and the tbmon source code is available on svn: svn address.

Revision 292015-04-20 - KennyWraight

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EUTelescope And ITK Testbeam pages

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  There are five basic steps to run the reconstruction chain (i.e. to transform raw data into analysis ready data): converter, clustering, hitmaker, alignment and filter. Each task is performed using the jobsub command (exported when the build environment is set) and requires a configuration file to set basic steering parameters such as input file, output directories and beam energy. The basic execution format is

Alternatively the syntax can be:


  * Now you can proceed to run the reconstruction. Here is an example reconstruction chain:
> ./jobsub.py --config=$EUTELESCOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/config.cfg -csv $EUTELESCOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/runlist.csv converter 97
> ./jobsub.py --config=$EUTELESCOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/config.cfg -csv $EUTELESCOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/runlist.csv clustering 97
> ./jobsub.py --config=$EUTELESCOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/config.cfg -csv $EUTELESCOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/runlist.csv hitmaker 97
> ./jobsub.py --config=$EUTELESCOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/config.cfg -csv $EUTELESCOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/runlist.csv align 97
> ./jobsub.py --config=$EUTELESCOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/config.cfg -csv $EUTELESCOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/runlist.csv fitter 97
For ease of running a bash script called run_file.sh is in /data/detdev01/FEI4_testbeam_construction/reconstruction which will run the chain for you. Please edit the parameters at the top of the file.
> jobsub --config=$EUTELESCOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/config.cfg -csv $EUTELESCOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/runlist.csv converter 97
> jobsub --config=$EUTELESCOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/config.cfg -csv $EUTELESCOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/runlist.csv clustering 97
> jobsub --config=$EUTELESCOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/config.cfg -csv $EUTELESCOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/runlist.csv hitmaker 97
> jobsub --config=$EUTELESCOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/config.cfg -csv $EUTELESCOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/runlist.csv align 97
> jobsub --config=$EUTELESCOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/config.cfg -csv $EUTELESCOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/runlist.csv fitter 97
For ease of running a bash script called run_file.sh is in /data/detdev01/FEI4_testbeam_construction/reconstruction which will run the chain for you. Please edit the parameters at the top of the file.
  The output of each step should include a root file (only the first three are inspectable) and lcio files. The final output, "SOMERUN-tracking.root" is used as the input for analysis.

Revision 282015-04-20 - KennyWraight

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EUTelescope And ITK Testbeam pages

Revision 272015-04-20 - KennyWraight

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EUTelescope And ITK Testbeam pages



Glasgow work on ATLAS EUTelescope, Pixel and ITK testbeam data. Both Reconstruction and Analysis aspects of the work involve EUTelescope software. Please see the official pages pages for more details. A communal area with installed software and test files can be found: /data/detdev01/FEI4_testbeam_construction.

Glasgow work on ATLAS EUTelescope, Pixel and ITK testbeam data. Both Reconstruction and Analysis aspects of the work involve EUTelescope software. Please see the official pages pages for more details.
<--A communal area with installed software and test files can be found: /data/detdev01/FEI4_testbeam_construction. -->
 Some tips on post-analysis analysis are also noted.
Information on finding data is given below.
    • Information on finding data is given below.
    • EUDAQ pages are also available here.
    • UK activites are documented on Kate's pages on PUUKA
    • Find the working group meetings on indico
    • Instruction for simulating telescope data with AllPix here
    • Instruction for custominsing reconstruction and analysis are also available
EUDAQ pages are also available here.
Link to the DESY March 2012 analysis (from 2013!).
Here is a link to the DESY March 2012 analysis.

Also, UK activites are documented on Kate's pages on PUUKA.

* Find the working group meetings on indico.

Here is some instruction for simulating telescope data with AllPix here.

Pages with instruction for custominsing reconstruction and analysis are also available.

NB This page is a work in progress

Testbeam Reconstruction

A working version of the reconstruction code can be found: /data/detdev01/FEI4_testbeam_construction/reconstruction.
<-- A working version of the reconstruction code can be found: /data/detdev01/FEI4_testbeam_construction/reconstruction. -->
If you want to install your own code then follow the instructions here.
To install your own code then follow the instructions here.
  This is a short recipe for running.
* First set the environment.

> ILCSOFT=/data/detdev01/FEI4_testbeam_construction/reconstruction/v01-17-01/Eutelescope/v00-08-02
> source build_env.sh

To check the environment has been set correctly check the EUTELESCOPE parameter has been set: > echo $EUTELESCOPE
This should be something like /PATH_TO_SOFTWARE/v01-16-02/Eutelescope/v00-08-02

* First, check the environment has been set correctly by echoing the EUTELESCOPE parameter: > echo $EUTELESCOPE
This should be something like /PATH_TO_SOFTWARE/VERSION/Eutelescope/trunk
  * Next, go to the jobsub directory:

> cd $EUTELESCOPE/jobsub

You are now ready to run the reconstruction chain. There are five steps or "tasks" to transform raw data into analysis ready data: converter, clustering, hitmaker, alignment and filter. Each task is performed using the jobsub.py script and requires a configuration file to set basic steering parameters such as input file, output directories and beam energy. The basic execution format is
There are five basic steps to run the reconstruction chain (i.e. to transform raw data into analysis ready data): converter, clustering, hitmaker, alignment and filter. Each task is performed using the jobsub command (exported when the build environment is set) and requires a configuration file to set basic steering parameters such as input file, output directories and beam energy. The basic execution format is

Revision 262014-07-31 - KennyWraight

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EUTelescope And ITK Testbeam pages

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  Information on finding data is given below.
EUDAQ pages are also available here.
 Here is a link to the DESY March 2012 analysis.

Also, UK activites are documented on Kate's pages on PUUKA.

Revision 252014-06-25 - KennyWraight

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EUTelescope And ITK Testbeam pages

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  Here is some instruction for simulating telescope data with AllPix here.
Pages with instruction for custominsing reconstruction and analysis are also available.
NB This page is a work in progress

Testbeam Reconstruction

A working version of the reconstruction code can be found: /data/detdev01/FEI4_testbeam_construction/reconstruction.

Revision 242014-05-19 - KennyWraight

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EUTelescope And ITK Testbeam pages

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  * Find the working group meetings on indico.
Here is some instruction for simulating telescope data with AllPix here.
NB This page is a work in progress

Revision 232014-05-19 - KennyWraight

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EUTelescope And ITK Testbeam pages

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  Also, UK activites are documented on Kate's pages on PUUKA.
NB This page is a work in progress.
* Find the working group meetings on indico.

NB This page is a work in progress



Testbeam Reconstruction

A working version of the reconstruction code can be found: /data/detdev01/FEI4_testbeam_construction/reconstruction.

Revision 222014-05-15 - KennyWraight

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EUTelescope And IBL Testbeam pages


EUTelescope And ITK Testbeam pages


Glasgow work on ATLAS Inner B-Layer (IBL) testbeam data. Both Reconstruction and Analysis aspects of the work involve EUTelescope software. Please see the official pages pages for more details. A communal area with installed software and testfiles can be found: /data/detdev01/FEI4_testbeam_construction.

Glasgow work on ATLAS EUTelescope, Pixel and ITK testbeam data. Both Reconstruction and Analysis aspects of the work involve EUTelescope software. Please see the official pages pages for more details. A communal area with installed software and test files can be found: /data/detdev01/FEI4_testbeam_construction.
 Some tips on post-analysis analysis are also noted.

Information on finding data is given below.

Here is a link to the DESY March 2012 analysis.

Also, UK activites are documented on Kate's pages on PUUKA.
Also, UK activites are documented on Kate's pages on PUUKA.
  NB This page is a work in progress.
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Testbeam Analysis

The testbeam analysis software is called tbmon and can be found /data/detdev01/FEI4_testbeam_construction/analysis/tbmon and the tbmon source code is available on svn: svn address.
The testbeam analysis software is called tbmon and can be found /data/detdev01/FEI4_testbeam_construction/analysis/tbmon and the tbmon source code is available on svn: svn address.
  The software has three main configuration files: siteconfig.h, configs.cc and driver.cc, which are all found in the trunk directory. The siteconfig.h file is where default parameters such as run numbers and configuration settings can be defined, though these can be overwritten on the commandline. After any editting of the files the make command must be rerun.
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Other options can be added, for example -o OUTPUT_PATH and -d INPUT_PATH .
Other options can be added, for example -o OUTPUT_PATH and -d INPUT_PATH .
  Here is an example analysis chain:
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Tips on post-analysis analysis

To check the orientation of DUTs, use the clusterchecker_DUT_matchClusterSizeX and clusterchecker_DUT_matchClusterSizeX, with DUT appropriately substituted. One or other should relatively increase with any orthogonal tilt of the device. This can be compared to the recorded orientation of the device with respect to the beam.
To check the orientation of DUTs, use the clusterchecker_DUT_matchClusterSizeX and clusterchecker_DUT_matchClusterSizeX, with DUT appropriately substituted. One or other should relatively increase with any orthogonal tilt of the device. This can be compared to the recorded orientation of the device with respect to the beam.
Use maxcellres_DUT_chi2 and maxcellres_DUT_lv1 (with DUT appropriately substituted) to check the best chi2 and lv1 cuts in analysis.
Use maxcellres_DUT_chi2 and maxcellres_DUT_lv1 (with DUT appropriately substituted) to check the best chi2 and lv1 cuts in analysis.

Testbeam Data

Revision 212014-04-08 - KennyWraight

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EUTelescope And IBL Testbeam pages

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  Here is a link to the DESY March 2012 analysis.
Also, UK activites are documented on Kate's pages on PUUKA.
 NB This page is a work in progress.

Revision 202014-01-14 - KennyWraight

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EUTelescope And IBL Testbeam pages

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Other options can be added, for example -o OUTPUT_PATH and -d INPUT_PATH .
 Here is an example analysis chain:

> cd PATH_TO_ANALYSIS/tbmon/trunk
> make
> ./tbmon -s 61527 -a hotpixelfinder -c eudetIBLsep2011
> cp OUTPUT_PATH/run61527-hotpixelfinder-*txt IBLcalibs/
edit driver.cc to set bool masknoisyanddeadpixels = true in relevant subroutine (e.g. here eudetIBLsep2011)

Revision 192013-11-14 - KennyWraight

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EUTelescope And IBL Testbeam pages


Glasgow work on ATLAS Inner B-Layer (IBL) testbeam data. Both Reconstruction and Analysis aspects of the work involve EUTelescope software. Please see the official pages pages for more details. A communal area with installed software and testfiles can be found: /data/detdev01/FEI4_testbeam_construction.

Some tips on post-analysis analysis are also noted.
  Information on finding data is given below.
Here is a link to the DESY March 2012 analysis TestBeamAnalysisMarch2012
Here is a link to the DESY March 2012 analysis.
  NB This page is a work in progress.
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  Link to CustomAnalysis.

Tips on post-analysis analysis

To check the orientation of DUTs, use the clusterchecker_DUT_matchClusterSizeX and clusterchecker_DUT_matchClusterSizeX, with DUT appropriately substituted. One or other should relatively increase with any orthogonal tilt of the device. This can be compared to the recorded orientation of the device with respect to the beam.

Use maxcellres_DUT_chi2 and maxcellres_DUT_lv1 (with DUT appropriately substituted) to check the best chi2 and lv1 cuts in analysis.


Testbeam Data

Revision 182013-11-12 - KennyWraight

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EUTelescope And IBL Testbeam pages

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  Information on finding data is given below.
Here is a link to the DESY March 2012 analysis TestBeamAnalysisMarch2012
 NB This page is a work in progress.

Revision 172013-09-12 - KennyWraight

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EUTelescope And IBL Testbeam pages

Glasgow work on ATLAS Inner B-Layer (IBL) testbeam data. Both Reconstruction and Analysis aspects of the work involve EUTelescope software. Please see the official pages pages for more details. A communal area with installed software and testfiles can be found: /data/detdev01/FEI4_testbeam_construction.
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Testbeam Analysis

The testbeam analysis software is called tbmon and can be found /data/detdev01/FEI4_testbeam_construction/analysis/tbmon.
The testbeam analysis software is called tbmon and can be found /data/detdev01/FEI4_testbeam_construction/analysis/tbmon and the tbmon source code is available on svn: svn address.
  The software has three main configuration files: siteconfig.h, configs.cc and driver.cc, which are all found in the trunk directory. The siteconfig.h file is where default parameters such as run numbers and configuration settings can be defined, though these can be overwritten on the commandline. After any editting of the files the make command must be rerun.

Revision 162013-07-08 - AndrewBlue

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EUTelescope And IBL Testbeam pages

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  A list of testbeam data can be found: /eos/atlas/atlascerngroupdisk/pixel-upgrade/pps/BeamTest/ .

Requires a VO for ilc (done by DESY)

source /afs/cern.ch/project/gd/LCG-share/current/etc/profile.d/grid_env.sh

lcg-infosites --vo ilc lfc

export LFC_HOST=grid-lfc.desy.de

voms-proxy-init --voms ilc

Data can be found at:

lfc-ls -l /grid/ilc/aida-wp9

copy files (example)

lcg-cp --vo ilc lfn:/grid/ilc/aida-wp9/2012/tb-desy-spring/pps/joboutput/fitter/tbtrack999.root ./tbtrack999.root

 -- KennyWraight - 2013-05-24

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="eutel-strategy.png" attr="" comment="Schematic of EUTelescope strategy" date="1369395202" name="eutel-strategy.png" path="eutel-strategy.png" size="109179" stream="eutel-strategy.png" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp23940" user="KennyWraight" version="1"

Revision 152013-06-27 - KennyWraight

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EUTelescope And IBL Testbeam pages

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META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="TBmon_Introduction_CERN_2012.pdf" attr="" comment="Slides on tbmon analysis" date="1369820797" name="TBmon_Introduction_CERN_2012.pdf" path="TBmon_Introduction_CERN_2012.pdf" size="149858" stream="TBmon_Introduction_CERN_2012.pdf" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp26117" user="KennyWraight" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="howtoTBmon.pdf" attr="" comment="full list of analysis options" date="1369821613" name="howtoTBmon.pdf" path="howtoTBmon.pdf" size="62501" stream="howtoTBmon.pdf" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp30857" user="KennyWraight" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="PPS_March2012_BatchSummary.xlsx" attr="" comment="Spreadsheet with description of testbeam runs" date="1371555416" name="PPS_March2012_BatchSummary.xlsx" path="PPS_March2012_BatchSummary.xlsx" size="92535" stream="PPS_March2012_BatchSummary.xlsx" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp13756" user="KennyWraight" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="PPS_March2012_BatchSummary_extradetail.xlsx" attr="" comment="Spreadsheet with description of testbeam runs" date="1372347530" name="PPS_March2012_BatchSummary_extradetail.xlsx" path="PPS_March2012_BatchSummary_extradetail.xlsx" size="93263" stream="PPS_March2012_BatchSummary_extradetail.xlsx" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp13838" user="KennyWraight" version="1"

Revision 142013-06-25 - KennyWraight

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EUTelescope And IBL Testbeam pages

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  * Now you can proceed to run the reconstruction. Here is an example reconstruction chain:
> ./jobsub.py --config=$EUTELESCOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/config.cfg -csv $EUTELECOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/runlist.csv converter 97
> ./jobsub.py --config=$EUTELESCOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/config.cfg -csv $EUTELECOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/runlist.csv clustering 97
> ./jobsub.py --config=$EUTELESCOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/config.cfg -csv $EUTELECOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/runlist.csv hitmaker 97
> ./jobsub.py --config=$EUTELESCOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/config.cfg -csv $EUTELECOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/runlist.csv align 97
> ./jobsub.py --config=$EUTELESCOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/config.cfg -csv $EUTELECOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/runlist.csv fitter 97
For ease of running a bash script called run_file.sh is in /data/detdev01/FEI4_testbeam_construction/reconstruction which will run the chain for you. Please edit the parameters at the top of the file.
> ./jobsub.py --config=$EUTELESCOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/config.cfg -csv $EUTELESCOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/runlist.csv converter 97
> ./jobsub.py --config=$EUTELESCOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/config.cfg -csv $EUTELESCOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/runlist.csv clustering 97
> ./jobsub.py --config=$EUTELESCOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/config.cfg -csv $EUTELESCOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/runlist.csv hitmaker 97
> ./jobsub.py --config=$EUTELESCOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/config.cfg -csv $EUTELESCOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/runlist.csv align 97
> ./jobsub.py --config=$EUTELESCOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/config.cfg -csv $EUTELESCOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/runlist.csv fitter 97
For ease of running a bash script called run_file.sh is in /data/detdev01/FEI4_testbeam_construction/reconstruction which will run the chain for you. Please edit the parameters at the top of the file.
  The output of each step should include a root file (only the first three are inspectable) and lcio files. The final output, "SOMERUN-tracking.root" is used as the input for analysis.

Revision 132013-06-18 - KennyWraight

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EUTelescope And IBL Testbeam pages



Glasgow work on ATLAS Inner B-Layer (IBL) testbeam data. Both Reconstruction and Analysis aspects of the work involve EUTelescope software. Please see the official pages pages for more details. A communal area with installed software and testfiles can be found: /data/detdev01/FEI4_testbeam_construction.

Glasgow work on ATLAS Inner B-Layer (IBL) testbeam data. Both Reconstruction and Analysis aspects of the work involve EUTelescope software. Please see the official pages pages for more details. A communal area with installed software and testfiles can be found: /data/detdev01/FEI4_testbeam_construction.
  Information on finding data is given below.
NB This page is a work in progress.
NB This page is a work in progress.

Testbeam Reconstruction

A working version of the reconstruction code can be found: /data/detdev01/FEI4_testbeam_construction/reconstruction.
A working version of the reconstruction code can be found: /data/detdev01/FEI4_testbeam_construction/reconstruction.
  If you want to install your own code then follow the instructions here.
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  * First set the environment.
> ILCSOFT=/data/detdev01/FEI4_testbeam_construction/reconstruction/v01-17-01/Eutelescope/v00-08-02
> source build_env.sh

To check the environment has been set correctly check the EUTELESCOPE parameter has been set: > echo $EUTELESCOPE
This should be something like /PATH_TO_SOFTWARE/v01-16-02/Eutelescope/v00-08-02

* Next, go to the jobsub directory:

> cd $EUTELESCOPE/jobsub

> ILCSOFT=/data/detdev01/FEI4_testbeam_construction/reconstruction/v01-17-01/Eutelescope/v00-08-02
> source build_env.sh
You are now ready to run the reconstruction chain. There are five steps or "tasks" to transform raw data into analysis ready data: converter, clustering, hitmaker, alignment and filter. Each task is performed using the jobsub.py script and requires a configuration file to set basic steering parameters such as input file, output directories and beam energy. The basic execution format is
To check the environment has been set correctly check the EUTELESCOPE parameter has been set: > echo $EUTELESCOPE
This should be something like /PATH_TO_SOFTWARE/v01-16-02/Eutelescope/v00-08-02

* Next, go to the jobsub directory:

> cd $EUTELESCOPE/jobsub

You are now ready to run the reconstruction chain. There are five steps or "tasks" to transform raw data into analysis ready data: converter, clustering, hitmaker, alignment and filter. Each task is performed using the jobsub.py script and requires a configuration file to set basic steering parameters such as input file, output directories and beam energy. The basic execution format is


  * Now you can proceed to run the reconstruction. Here is an example reconstruction chain:
> ./jobsub.py --config=$EUTELESCOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/config.cfg -csv $EUTELECOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/runlist.csv converter 97
> ./jobsub.py --config=$EUTELESCOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/config.cfg -csv $EUTELECOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/runlist.csv clustering 97
> ./jobsub.py --config=$EUTELESCOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/config.cfg -csv $EUTELECOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/runlist.csv hitmaker 97
> ./jobsub.py --config=$EUTELESCOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/config.cfg -csv $EUTELECOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/runlist.csv align 97
> ./jobsub.py --config=$EUTELESCOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/config.cfg -csv $EUTELECOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/runlist.csv fitter 97
For ease of running a bash script called run_file.sh is in /data/detdev01/FEI4_testbeam_construction/reconstruction which will run the chain for you. Please edit the parameters at the top of the file.
> ./jobsub.py --config=$EUTELESCOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/config.cfg -csv $EUTELECOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/runlist.csv converter 97
> ./jobsub.py --config=$EUTELESCOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/config.cfg -csv $EUTELECOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/runlist.csv clustering 97
> ./jobsub.py --config=$EUTELESCOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/config.cfg -csv $EUTELECOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/runlist.csv hitmaker 97
> ./jobsub.py --config=$EUTELESCOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/config.cfg -csv $EUTELECOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/runlist.csv align 97
> ./jobsub.py --config=$EUTELESCOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/config.cfg -csv $EUTELECOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/runlist.csv fitter 97
For ease of running a bash script called run_file.sh is in /data/detdev01/FEI4_testbeam_construction/reconstruction which will run the chain for you. Please edit the parameters at the top of the file.
The output of each step should include a root file (only the first three are inspectable) and lcio files. The final output, "SOMERUN-tracking.root" is used as the input for analysis.
The output of each step should include a root file (only the first three are inspectable) and lcio files. The final output, "SOMERUN-tracking.root" is used as the input for analysis.
  For more details see the official pages here.
Line: 67 to 46

Testbeam Analysis

The testbeam analysis software is called tbmon and can be found /data/detdev01/FEI4_testbeam_construction/analysis/tbmon.
The testbeam analysis software is called tbmon and can be found /data/detdev01/FEI4_testbeam_construction/analysis/tbmon.
The software has three main configuration files: siteconfig.h, configs.cc and driver.cc, which are all found in the trunk directory. The siteconfig.h file is where default parameters such as run numbers and configuration settings can be defined, though these can be overwritten on the commandline. After any editting of the files the make command must be rerun.
The software has three main configuration files: siteconfig.h, configs.cc and driver.cc, which are all found in the trunk directory. The siteconfig.h file is where default parameters such as run numbers and configuration settings can be defined, though these can be overwritten on the commandline. After any editting of the files the make command must be rerun.
NB Be sure the version of root you are using includes libraries for TFitResult and TFitResultPtr i.e. version >=5.26. If needed do
NB Be sure the version of root you are using includes libraries for TFitResult and TFitResultPtr i.e. version >=5.26. If needed do
> source /data/ppe01/sl5x/x86_64/root/5.34.00/setup.sh
> source /data/ppe01/sl5x/x86_64/root/5.34.00/setup.sh
  The basic execution format is
  Here is an example analysis chain:
> cd PATH_TO_ANALYSIS/tbmon/trunk
> make
> ./tbmon -s 61527 -a hotpixelfinder -c eudetIBLsep2011
> cp OUTPUT_PATH/run61527-hotpixelfinder-*txt IBLcalibs/
edit driver.cc to set bool masknoisyanddeadpixels = true in relevant subroutine (e.g. here eudetIBLsep2011)

> make
> ./tbmon -s 61527 -a checkalign -c eudetIBLsep2011
> cp OUTPUT_PATH/run61527-checkalign-*txt IBLcalibs/
no need to edit or make here

> ./tbmon -s 61527 -a getetacorr -c eudetIBLsep2011
> cp OUTPUT_PATH/run61527-getetacorr-*txt IBLcalibs/
edit driver.cc to set bool applyetacorr = true and bool applytranslation = false

> make
> ./tbmon -s 61527 -a checkalign -c eudetIBLsep2011
edit driver.cc to set bool applytranslation = true and comment out hotpixelfinder, getetacorr and checkalign analysis objects from the allAnalyses function at the top of the file.

> make

for ease of use these steps are combined in the basic_analysis.sh file. In it the common tbmon command without a specified task (i.e. ./tbmon -s/r/l RUN_NUMBER(s)/RUN_LIST -c CONFIGURATION_SET) is set at the top to the basicCommand variable. This should be editted to refer to the correct and run set and siteconfig file. Also an uneditted driver.cc file should be copied to defaultdriver.cc to avoid any uneccessary file changes to the original driver.cc file. Once this is done the previous steps can be run in serial using the sole command > source basic_analysis.sh.

At this point any additional analyses can be run without further make commands. E.g. to perform residuals analysis:

> ./tbmon -s 61527 -a residuals -c eudetIBLsep2011
All standard analysis code resides in trunk/analysis/src. If no analysis is specified on the commandline then all analyses in the allAnalyses function of driver.cc are run.

> cd PATH_TO_ANALYSIS/tbmon/trunk
> make
> ./tbmon -s 61527 -a hotpixelfinder -c eudetIBLsep2011
> cp OUTPUT_PATH/run61527-hotpixelfinder-*txt IBLcalibs/
edit driver.cc to set bool masknoisyanddeadpixels = true in relevant subroutine (e.g. here eudetIBLsep2011)

> make
> ./tbmon -s 61527 -a checkalign -c eudetIBLsep2011
> cp OUTPUT_PATH/run61527-checkalign-*txt IBLcalibs/
no need to edit or make here

> ./tbmon -s 61527 -a getetacorr -c eudetIBLsep2011
> cp OUTPUT_PATH/run61527-getetacorr-*txt IBLcalibs/
edit driver.cc to set bool applyetacorr = true and bool applytranslation = false

> make
> ./tbmon -s 61527 -a checkalign -c eudetIBLsep2011
edit driver.cc to set bool applytranslation = true and comment out hotpixelfinder, getetacorr and checkalign analysis objects from the allAnalyses function at the top of the file.

> make

for ease of use these steps are combined in the basic_analysis.sh file. In it the common tbmon command without a specified task (i.e. ./tbmon -s/r/l RUN_NUMBER(s)/RUN_LIST -c CONFIGURATION_SET) is set at the top to the basicCommand variable. This should be editted to refer to the correct and run set and siteconfig file. Also an uneditted driver.cc file should be copied to defaultdriver.cc to avoid any uneccessary file changes to the original driver.cc file. Once this is done the previous steps can be run in serial using the sole command > source basic_analysis.sh.

The output of analyses are root files and pictures (in a format which can be specified in siteconfig.h or on the commandline with -e option).
At this point any additional analyses can be run without further make commands. E.g. to perform residuals analysis:

> ./tbmon -s 61527 -a residuals -c eudetIBLsep2011
All standard analysis code resides in trunk/analysis/src. If no analysis is specified on the commandline then all analyses in the allAnalyses function of driver.cc are run.

The output of analyses are root files and pictures (in a format which can be specified in siteconfig.h or on the commandline with -e option).

  For more details see some useful slides on tbmon commands and software.
Line: 137 to 87
  Data can be found at Dortmund, DESY and CERN.
 Test data can be run directly over AFS from DESY. The address is /afs/desy.de/group/telescopes/EutelTestData/.
 Data at Dortmund must be copied locally and can only be accessed once an account has been set up on the Dortmund server. To do this you will need to contact andre.rummler@tu-dortmund.de.

Here is a spreadsheet on data sample and important parameters such as bias, theta and threshold.

Here is a link to ATLAS twiki. In the Testbeams there are links to the pages of each testbeam. Then on each page there is a link to a spreadsheet with run information hosted on google docs. You may need to ask for permission to view the data (just log-in to google, click to ask permission and wait for someone to add you, no questions asked).


Data can be found at CERN by first logging on to lxplus then sourcing the necessary EOS build: source /afs/cern.ch/project/eos/installation/atlas/etc/setup.sh

EOS can then be launched vai the eos command.

A list of testbeam data can be found: /eos/atlas/atlascerngroupdisk/pixel-upgrade/pps/BeamTest/ .

 -- KennyWraight - 2013-05-24

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="eutel-strategy.png" attr="" comment="Schematic of EUTelescope strategy" date="1369395202" name="eutel-strategy.png" path="eutel-strategy.png" size="109179" stream="eutel-strategy.png" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp23940" user="KennyWraight" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="recon_chain.png" attr="" comment="reconstruction chain flowchart" date="1369738800" name="recon_chain.png" path="recon_chain.png" size="59821" stream="recon_chain.png" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp32394" user="KennyWraight" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="TBmon_Introduction_CERN_2012.pdf" attr="" comment="Slides on tbmon analysis" date="1369820797" name="TBmon_Introduction_CERN_2012.pdf" path="TBmon_Introduction_CERN_2012.pdf" size="149858" stream="TBmon_Introduction_CERN_2012.pdf" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp26117" user="KennyWraight" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="howtoTBmon.pdf" attr="" comment="full list of analysis options" date="1369821613" name="howtoTBmon.pdf" path="howtoTBmon.pdf" size="62501" stream="howtoTBmon.pdf" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp30857" user="KennyWraight" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="PPS_March2012_BatchSummary.xlsx" attr="" comment="list of datasets and detector parameters" date="1371051625" name="PPS_March2012_BatchSummary.xlsx" path="PPS_March2012_BatchSummary.xlsx" size="78212" stream="PPS_March2012_BatchSummary.xlsx" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp8817" user="KennyWraight" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="PPS_March2012_BatchSummary.xlsx" attr="" comment="Spreadsheet with description of testbeam runs" date="1371555416" name="PPS_March2012_BatchSummary.xlsx" path="PPS_March2012_BatchSummary.xlsx" size="92535" stream="PPS_March2012_BatchSummary.xlsx" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp13756" user="KennyWraight" version="1"

Revision 122013-06-12 - KennyWraight

Line: 1 to 1

EUTelescope And IBL Testbeam pages

Line: 7 to 7
Glasgow work on ATLAS Inner B-Layer (IBL) testbeam data. Both Reconstruction and Analysis aspects of the work involve EUTelescope software. Please see the official pages pages for more details. A communal area with installed software and testfiles can be found: /data/detdev01/FEI4_testbeam_construction.
Information on finding data is given below.
 NB This page is a work in progress.

Line: 114 to 116
 > make
for ease of use these steps are combined in the basic_analysis.sh file. In it the common tbmon command without a specified task (i.e. ./tbmon -s/r/l RUN_NUMBER(s)/RUN_LIST -c CONFIGURATION_SET) is set at the top to the basicCommand variable. This should be editted to refer to the correct and run set and siteconfig file. Also an uneditted driver.cc file should be copied to defaultdriver.cc to avoid any uneccessary file changes to the original driver.cc file. Once this is done the previous steps can be run in serial using the sole command > source basic_analysis.sh.
 At this point any additional analyses can be run without further make commands. E.g. to perform residuals analysis:
Line: 126 to 130
  For more details see some useful slides on tbmon commands and software.
Link to CustomAnalysis
Link to CustomAnalysis.

Testbeam Data

Data can be found at Dortmund, DESY and CERN.

Test data can be run directly over AFS from DESY. The address is /afs/desy.de/group/telescopes/EutelTestData/.

Data at Dortmund must be copied locally and can only be accessed once an account has been set up on the Dortmund server. To do this you will need to contact andre.rummler@tu-dortmund.de.

Here is a spreadsheet on data sample and important parameters such as bias, theta and threshold.

Here is a link to ATLAS twiki. In the Testbeams there are links to the pages of each testbeam. Then on each page there is a link to a spreadsheet with run information hosted on google docs. You may need to ask for permission to view the data (just log-in to google, click to ask permission and wait for someone to add you, no questions asked).

  -- KennyWraight - 2013-05-24
Line: 134 to 151
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="recon_chain.png" attr="" comment="reconstruction chain flowchart" date="1369738800" name="recon_chain.png" path="recon_chain.png" size="59821" stream="recon_chain.png" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp32394" user="KennyWraight" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="TBmon_Introduction_CERN_2012.pdf" attr="" comment="Slides on tbmon analysis" date="1369820797" name="TBmon_Introduction_CERN_2012.pdf" path="TBmon_Introduction_CERN_2012.pdf" size="149858" stream="TBmon_Introduction_CERN_2012.pdf" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp26117" user="KennyWraight" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="howtoTBmon.pdf" attr="" comment="full list of analysis options" date="1369821613" name="howtoTBmon.pdf" path="howtoTBmon.pdf" size="62501" stream="howtoTBmon.pdf" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp30857" user="KennyWraight" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="PPS_March2012_BatchSummary.xlsx" attr="" comment="list of datasets and detector parameters" date="1371051625" name="PPS_March2012_BatchSummary.xlsx" path="PPS_March2012_BatchSummary.xlsx" size="78212" stream="PPS_March2012_BatchSummary.xlsx" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp8817" user="KennyWraight" version="1"

Revision 112013-06-11 - KennyWraight

Line: 1 to 1

EUTelescope And IBL Testbeam pages

Line: 60 to 60
  For more details see the official pages here.
Link to CustomReconstruction.

Testbeam Analysis

Line: 76 to 78
 The basic execution format is


Here is an example analysis chain:

Line: 124 to 126
  For more details see some useful slides on tbmon commands and software.
Link to CustomAnalysis
 -- KennyWraight - 2013-05-24

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="eutel-strategy.png" attr="" comment="Schematic of EUTelescope strategy" date="1369395202" name="eutel-strategy.png" path="eutel-strategy.png" size="109179" stream="eutel-strategy.png" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp23940" user="KennyWraight" version="1"

Revision 102013-06-04 - KennyWraight

Line: 1 to 1

EUTelescope And IBL Testbeam pages

Line: 12 to 12

Testbeam Reconstruction

Reconstruction code can be found: /data/detdev01/FEI4_testbeam_construction/reconstruction.
A working version of the reconstruction code can be found: /data/detdev01/FEI4_testbeam_construction/reconstruction.

If you want to install your own code then follow the instructions here.

  This is a short recipe for running.
Line: 43 to 45
Here is an example analysis chain:
* Now you can proceed to run the reconstruction. Here is an example reconstruction chain:
> ./jobsub.py --config=$EUTELECOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/config.cfg -csv $EUTELECOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/runlist.csv converter 97
> ./jobsub.py --config=$EUTELECOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/config.cfg -csv $EUTELECOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/runlist.csv clustering 97
> ./jobsub.py --config=$EUTELECOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/config.cfg -csv $EUTELECOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/runlist.csv hitmaker 97
> ./jobsub.py --config=$EUTELECOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/config.cfg -csv $EUTELECOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/runlist.csv align 97
> ./jobsub.py --config=$EUTELECOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/config.cfg -csv $EUTELECOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/runlist.csv fitter 97
> ./jobsub.py --config=$EUTELESCOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/config.cfg -csv $EUTELECOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/runlist.csv converter 97
> ./jobsub.py --config=$EUTELESCOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/config.cfg -csv $EUTELECOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/runlist.csv clustering 97
> ./jobsub.py --config=$EUTELESCOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/config.cfg -csv $EUTELECOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/runlist.csv hitmaker 97
> ./jobsub.py --config=$EUTELESCOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/config.cfg -csv $EUTELECOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/runlist.csv align 97
> ./jobsub.py --config=$EUTELESCOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/config.cfg -csv $EUTELECOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/runlist.csv fitter 97
For ease of running a bash script called run_file.sh is supplied which will run the chain for you. Please edit the parameters at the top of the file.
For ease of running a bash script called run_file.sh is in /data/detdev01/FEI4_testbeam_construction/reconstruction which will run the chain for you. Please edit the parameters at the top of the file.
  The output of each step should include a root file (only the first three are inspectable) and lcio files. The final output, "SOMERUN-tracking.root" is used as the input for analysis.

Revision 92013-06-03 - KennyWraight

Line: 1 to 1

EUTelescope And IBL Testbeam pages

Line: 19 to 19
 * First set the environment.

> ILCSOFT=/data/detdev01/FEI4_testbeam_construction/reconstruction/PATH_TO_SOFTWARE
> ILCSOFT=/data/detdev01/FEI4_testbeam_construction/reconstruction/v01-17-01/Eutelescope/v00-08-02
 > cd $ILCSOFT
> source build_env.sh

Revision 82013-05-29 - KennyWraight

Line: 1 to 1

EUTelescope And IBL Testbeam pages

Revision 72013-05-29 - KennyWraight

Line: 1 to 1

EUTelescope And IBL Testbeam pages

Line: 103 to 103
 > make
> ./tbmon -s 61527 -a checkalign -c eudetIBLsep2011
edit bool applytranslation = true and comment out hotpixel, geteta and checkalign processors (what does this mean?)
edit driver.cc to set bool applytranslation = true and comment out hotpixelfinder, getetacorr and checkalign analysis objects from the allAnalyses function at the top of the file.

 > make
> ./tbmon -s 61527 -a residuals -c eudetIBLsep2011
At this point any additional analyses can be run without further make commands. All standard analysis code resides in trunk/analysis/src.
At this point any additional analyses can be run without further make commands. E.g. to perform residuals analysis:

> ./tbmon -s 61527 -a residuals -c eudetIBLsep2011
All standard analysis code resides in trunk/analysis/src. If no analysis is specified on the commandline then all analyses in the allAnalyses function of driver.cc are run.

  The output of analyses are root files and pictures (in a format which can be specified in siteconfig.h or on the commandline with -e option).

Revision 62013-05-29 - KennyWraight

Line: 1 to 1

EUTelescope And IBL Testbeam pages

Line: 36 to 36
 > cd $EUTELESCOPE/jobsub
You are now ready to run the reconstruction chain. There are five steps or "tasks" to transform raw data into analysis ready data: converter, clustering, hitmaker, alignment and filter. Each task is performed using the jobsub.py script and requires a condifuration file to set basic steering parameters such as input file, output directories and beam energy.
You are now ready to run the reconstruction chain. There are five steps or "tasks" to transform raw data into analysis ready data: converter, clustering, hitmaker, alignment and filter. Each task is performed using the jobsub.py script and requires a configuration file to set basic steering parameters such as input file, output directories and beam energy.
 The basic execution format is

Line: 54 to 54
  For ease of running a bash script called run_file.sh is supplied which will run the chain for you. Please edit the parameters at the top of the file.
The output of each step should include a root file (only the first three are inspectable) and lcio files. The final output, "someRun-tracking.root" is used as the input for analysis.
The output of each step should include a root file (only the first three are inspectable) and lcio files. The final output, "SOMERUN-tracking.root" is used as the input for analysis.
  For more details see the official pages here.
Line: 74 to 74
 The basic execution format is


Here is an example analysis chain:

> cd PATH_TO_ANALYSIS/tbmon/trunk
 > make
> ./tbmon -s 61527 -a hotpixelfinder -c eudetIBLsep2011
> cp OUTPUT_PATH/run61527-hotpixelfinder-*txt IBLcalibs/
edit driver.cc to set bool masknoisyanddeadpixels = true in relevant subroutine (e.g. here eudetIBLsep2011)
The output of analyses are root files and pictures (in a format which anc be specified in siteconfig.h or on the commandline with -e option).
> make
> ./tbmon -s 61527 -a checkalign -c eudetIBLsep2011
> cp OUTPUT_PATH/run61527-checkalign-*txt IBLcalibs/
no need to edit or make here > ./tbmon -s 61527 -a getetacorr -c eudetIBLsep2011
> cp OUTPUT_PATH/run61527-getetacorr-*txt IBLcalibs/
edit driver.cc to set bool applyetacorr = true and bool applytranslation = false

> make
> ./tbmon -s 61527 -a checkalign -c eudetIBLsep2011
edit bool applytranslation = true and comment out hotpixel, geteta and checkalign processors (what does this mean?) > make
> ./tbmon -s 61527 -a residuals -c eudetIBLsep2011

At this point any additional analyses can be run without further make commands. All standard analysis code resides in trunk/analysis/src.

The output of analyses are root files and pictures (in a format which can be specified in siteconfig.h or on the commandline with -e option).

  For more details see some useful slides on tbmon commands and software.

Revision 52013-05-29 - KennyWraight

Line: 1 to 1

EUTelescope And IBL Testbeam pages

Line: 52 to 52
 > ./jobsub.py --config=$EUTELECOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/config.cfg -csv $EUTELECOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/runlist.csv align 97
> ./jobsub.py --config=$EUTELECOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/config.cfg -csv $EUTELECOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/runlist.csv fitter 97
 For ease of running a bash script called run_file.sh is supplied which will run the chain for you. Please edit the parameters at the top of the file.
The output of each step should include a root file (only the first three are inspectable) and lcio files. The final output, "someRun-tracking.root" is used as the input for analysis.
 For more details see the official pages here.

Testbeam Analysis

Analysis stuff.
The testbeam analysis software is called tbmon and can be found /data/detdev01/FEI4_testbeam_construction/analysis/tbmon.

The software has three main configuration files: siteconfig.h, configs.cc and driver.cc, which are all found in the trunk directory. The siteconfig.h file is where default parameters such as run numbers and configuration settings can be defined, though these can be overwritten on the commandline. After any editting of the files the make command must be rerun.

NB Be sure the version of root you are using includes libraries for TFitResult and TFitResultPtr i.e. version >=5.26. If needed do

> source /data/ppe01/sl5x/x86_64/root/5.34.00/setup.sh

The basic execution format is


Here is an example analysis chain:

> make
> ./tbmon -s 61527 -a hotpixelfinder -c eudetIBLsep2011

The output of analyses are root files and pictures (in a format which anc be specified in siteconfig.h or on the commandline with -e option).

For more details see some useful slides on tbmon commands and software.

  -- KennyWraight - 2013-05-24

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="eutel-strategy.png" attr="" comment="Schematic of EUTelescope strategy" date="1369395202" name="eutel-strategy.png" path="eutel-strategy.png" size="109179" stream="eutel-strategy.png" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp23940" user="KennyWraight" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="recon_chain.png" attr="" comment="reconstruction chain flowchart" date="1369738800" name="recon_chain.png" path="recon_chain.png" size="59821" stream="recon_chain.png" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp32394" user="KennyWraight" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="TBmon_Introduction_CERN_2012.pdf" attr="" comment="Slides on tbmon analysis" date="1369820797" name="TBmon_Introduction_CERN_2012.pdf" path="TBmon_Introduction_CERN_2012.pdf" size="149858" stream="TBmon_Introduction_CERN_2012.pdf" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp26117" user="KennyWraight" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="howtoTBmon.pdf" attr="" comment="full list of analysis options" date="1369821613" name="howtoTBmon.pdf" path="howtoTBmon.pdf" size="62501" stream="howtoTBmon.pdf" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp30857" user="KennyWraight" version="1"

Revision 42013-05-28 - KennyWraight

Line: 1 to 1

EUTelescope And IBL Testbeam pages

Line: 7 to 7
Glasgow work on ATLAS Inner B-Layer (IBL) testbeam data. Both Reconstruction and Analysis aspects of the work involve EUTelescope software. Please see the official pages pages for more details. A communal area with installed software and testfiles can be found: /data/detdev01/FEI4_testbeam_construction.
This page is a work in progress.
NB This page is a work in progress.

Testbeam Reconstruction

Line: 21 to 21
  > ILCSOFT=/data/detdev01/FEI4_testbeam_construction/reconstruction/PATH_TO_SOFTWARE
> source file_to_source
> source build_env.sh
To check the environment has been set correctly check the EUTELESCOPE parameter has been set: > echo $EUTELESCOPE
This should be something like /PATH_TO_SOFTWARE/v01-16-02/Eutelescope/v00-08-02

* Next, go to the jobsub directory:

> cd $EUTELESCOPE/jobsub

You are now ready to run the reconstruction chain. There are five steps or "tasks" to transform raw data into analysis ready data: converter, clustering, hitmaker, alignment and filter. Each task is performed using the jobsub.py script and requires a condifuration file to set basic steering parameters such as input file, output directories and beam energy. The basic execution format is


Here is an example analysis chain:

> ./jobsub.py --config=$EUTELECOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/config.cfg -csv $EUTELECOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/runlist.csv converter 97
> ./jobsub.py --config=$EUTELECOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/config.cfg -csv $EUTELECOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/runlist.csv clustering 97
> ./jobsub.py --config=$EUTELECOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/config.cfg -csv $EUTELECOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/runlist.csv hitmaker 97
> ./jobsub.py --config=$EUTELECOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/config.cfg -csv $EUTELECOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/runlist.csv align 97
> ./jobsub.py --config=$EUTELECOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/config.cfg -csv $EUTELECOPE/jobsub/examples/datura-noDUT/runlist.csv fitter 97

For ease of running a bash script called run_file.sh is supplied which will run the chain for you. Please edit the parameters at the top of the file.

 For more details see the official pages here.

Line: 34 to 65
 -- KennyWraight - 2013-05-24

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="eutel-strategy.png" attr="" comment="Schematic of EUTelescope strategy" date="1369395202" name="eutel-strategy.png" path="eutel-strategy.png" size="109179" stream="eutel-strategy.png" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp23940" user="KennyWraight" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="recon_chain.png" attr="" comment="reconstruction chain flowchart" date="1369738800" name="recon_chain.png" path="recon_chain.png" size="59821" stream="recon_chain.png" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp32394" user="KennyWraight" version="1"

Revision 32013-05-24 - KennyWraight

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EUTelescope And IBL Testbeam pages


Glasgow work on ATLAS Inner B-Layer (IBL) testbeam data. Both Reconstruction and Analysis aspects of the work involve EUTelescope software. Please see the official pages pages for more details.

A communal area with installed software and testfiles can be found: /data/detdev01/FEI4_testbeam_construction.
A communal area with installed software and testfiles can be found on <
This page is a work in progress.

Testbeam Reconstruction

Reconstuction stuff.
Reconstruction code can be found: /data/detdev01/FEI4_testbeam_construction/reconstruction.

This is a short recipe for running.

* First set the environment.

> ILCSOFT=/data/detdev01/FEI4_testbeam_construction/reconstruction/PATH_TO_SOFTWARE
> source file_to_source

For more details see the official pages here.


Testbeam Analysis

Revision 22013-05-24 - KennyWraight

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EUTelescope And IBL Testbeam pages

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Glasgow work on ATLAS Inner B-Layer (IBL) testbeam data. Both Reconstruction and Analysis aspects of the work involve EUTelescope software. Please see the official pages pages for more details.
A communal area with installed software and testfiles can be found on <

Testbeam Reconstruction

Revision 12013-05-24 - KennyWraight

Line: 1 to 1

EUTelescope And IBL Testbeam pages


Glasgow work on ATLAS Inner B-Layer (IBL) testbeam data. Both Reconstruction and Analysis aspects of the work involve EUTelescope software. Please see the official pages pages for more details.

Testbeam Reconstruction

Reconstuction stuff.

Testbeam Analysis

Analysis stuff.

-- KennyWraight - 2013-05-24

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="eutel-strategy.png" attr="" comment="Schematic of EUTelescope strategy" date="1369395202" name="eutel-strategy.png" path="eutel-strategy.png" size="109179" stream="eutel-strategy.png" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp23940" user="KennyWraight" version="1"
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