Recent Changes in ATLAS Web retrieved at 07:45 (GMT)

The Hitchhiker`s Guide to CERN This page is an informal guide that contains tips, tricks and observations for the avid physicist going on an adventure to CERN. It...
Higgs analysis at ATLAS using RooStats This page contains basic information on getting started with Higgs analysis at ATLAS using RooStats. Only the most meager of...
Local Computing All new users will have access to a home directory on the ppe system, of the form /afs/`u`/`username`. Please contact PPE IT Support...
Glasgow Ntuple Production In the following you can find all important links for the ntuple production for the boosted differential Xsec and the resolved and boosted...
Welcome to the Glasgow ATLAS Twiki N.B. Cartographers can redirect here, but pay more attention in future. LATEST ATLAS NEWS
Est 12 120.eps Computentp, Neural Nets and MCLIMITS This page has been substantially rewritten (and remains a work in progress) to focus just on the information required...
CERN Git This page contains information on the use of CERN Git repositories. introduction is better than Subversion. CERN provides access controlled Git repositories...
Run 2 H bb twiki Twiki to document the Run 2 H bb analysis. Will also cover useful code stuff. xAODs The new data format for run 2 is xAOD. It is a root readable...
Deprecated This page is now only of historical interest. For up to date ganga and pathena instructions, please see the information in the Software Tutorial. Using...
Grid Computing To obtain a Grid certificate you will need to visit the site. Follow the instructions when you go to the CA web interface, select `Request a Certificate...
Glasgow machines at CERN All Glasgow machines hosted at CERN should behave like lxplus nodes (having AFS, CVMFS and usual software installed). If they don`t, or you...
CERN and ATLAS computing accounts CERN account Complete the CERN Registration Form: Registration Form ATLAS account Complete the ATLAS Registration Form: Registration...
Introduction Documenting the setup of Higgsbb analysis code used by An overview of the software framework can be found
Title Agenda Data A local copy of xAOD input data is here: /afs/ xAOD EDM Notes...
Existing Plots and Comparisons Effect of raising hadron pt threshold from 5 GeV to 10 GeV (full sim) Differences between Powheg/Pythia and Powheg/Herwig...
ThomasDoherty 2009 11 03 This is mostly deprecated information releases should be setup and used from cvmfs instead. The conditions data setup is probably still...
Subversion at Glasgow Subversion repositories are used to store code centrally so that it can be used and updated by different people. To access the Glasgow repositories...
Welcome to the 1 web GLASGOW ATLAS COMPUTING There are several computing systems available to work from as a member of the ATLAS Collaboration here at Glasgow...
This page documents studies that have been carried out using the PythiattH code. Summary of Ongoing Studies Q^2 ttH phase space and geometry Cutflows Semileptonic...
GavinKirby 15 Jun 2009 Full TWiki Access In order to gain access to the protected Glasgow ATLAS TWiki pages you will require authorisation from Andrew Pickford....
ATLFAST CORRECTORS VERSION FOR 10TEV Efficiencies and Contaminations I have produced a revised set of efficiencies and contaminations for e, gamma and jets...
WilliamBreadenMadden 2013 11 19 collaborating This page is a brisk, informal guide to resources available for collaborating with others online. An emphasis is placed...
Higgs Self Couplings at the HL LHC Introduction Analysis Code The HiggsSelfCouplings package contains classes to build objects, to apply selection cuts...
GavinKirby 2011 02 08 This page contains instructions for setting up and using a tool to parse the text files produced by the PythiattH software and create flattuples...
GavinKirby 2010 09 29 This page documents the use of Pythia to generate ttH (Higgs strahlung from top/tbar) events. The relevant code can be found in the Glasgow ATLAS...
12/07/03 Set ALLOWTOPICVIEW PpeGroup Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE PpeGroup 1.01 For Tier 2.5 Donny to do a more substantial check like running multitask in v17 on one...
12/07/03 Set ALLOWTOPICVIEW PpeGroup Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE PpeGroup 1.01 For Tier 2.5 Donny to do a more substantial check like running multitask in v17 on one...
12/07/03 Set ALLOWTOPICVIEW PpeGroup Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE PpeGroup 1.01 For Tier 2.5 Donny to do a more substantial check like running multitask in v17 on one...
12/07/03 Set ALLOWTOPICVIEW PpeGroup Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE PpeGroup 1.01 For Tier 2.5 Donny to do a more substantial check like running multitask in v17 on one...
12/07/03 Set ALLOWTOPICVIEW PpeGroup Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE PpeGroup 1.01 For Tier 2.5 Donny to do a more substantial check like running multitask in v17 on one...
1.01 Mike and Tom to provide an example on how to use multitask for jobs for which the output can not be retrieved. 1.02 Tom to find how to auto rebroker in multitask...
WilliamBreadenMadden 2012 03 20 SSH description of SSH Screen Happy birthday, Screen! General description There can be certain limitations when using SSH to...
Paper: Search for Lepton Flavor Violation in the emu Continuum CDS Link: Comments due in CDS by: 20th Feb. Adrian Buzatu`s comments...
DeepakKar 2012 02 14
TomRavenscroft 2012 01 20 Summary Of ATLAS UK Work This page summaries other ATLAS UK groups work in Higgs analysis, taken from web pages and also presentations made...
Institute Reading of `Search for pair produced heavy quarks decaying to Wq in the two lepton channel`. The draft document may be found at this URL:
DonnchadhaQuilty 2011 11 15
The paper draft is here: The draft document may be found at this URL: It is version no. 4 entitled: `Study of W boson production...
Making Inputs for the Neural Net from AOD This is just a small page that will contain any work arounds/bug fixes that we`ve found, that can`t be applied in the code...
RichardStDenis 2011 04 12 WhAnalysis TextToNtupleParser ttH(H bb) : pages AtlasDataAnalysis BJetTagging RickSVNNotes SVN Usage...
See Chris` notes at export SVN EDITOR `emacs nw` export SVNROOT svn ssh://
GavinKirby 2011 03 15 Resources on b jet tagging See also this local page. Links to CERN TWiki pages This page exists to host links to useful resources on matters...
1 Tagging Main Page 1 1 root file with tagweight distributions in perf flavtag/Lists/7%20TeV%20%20Mistag%20Rate/Flat.aspx?RootFolder...
Trying to get panda client tools working on my Mac laptop Step 1: Get voms proxy init working Mainly followed the steps on
Exclusive Jet Study With Kt, AntiKt and Cambridge Aachen Jet Finders Exclusive Jet Talk (Rough Idea): Reference used to calculate bin width with respect to...
ATLAS Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the ATLAS web. These preferences overwrite the site level preferences in . and...
Zll Analysis on Data: technical documentation Some documentation on experiences of running on data, especially useful for running on D3PDs outside of the Athena framework...
GavinKirby 2010 08 04 Objectives Work on updating documentation: Look at the order of build in the most basic things are built first, so they are...
Running on Real Data Here are some notes on the various elements needed to conduct an analysis on real ATLAS data. It`s a work in progress! Running on the grid with...
ADCoS shift summary Report from Alistair. 27/10/2009. Modified by ChrisCT on 11/11/2009 and on 17/6/2010: See at the bottom of the page for general conclusions...

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