Existing Plots and Comparisons
- Effect of raising hadron pt threshold from 5 GeV to 10 GeV (full sim)
- Differences between Powheg/Pythia and Powheg/Herwig (both Atlfast)
Questions/Plots ToDo:
- how often do you have a b-quark within a certain dR of a b-meson or -baryon?
- which jets contain a b-meson or -baryon? -> call b-jets
- do not have the MV1 weight for truth jets: match AntiKtTruth jets to AntiKtTopoJets, check how often a b-jet is really tagged
- plot b-Meson pt vs b-jet pt (eta,phi?)
- compare these studies for Alpgen, Powheg, Madgraph
- how good is the matching efficiency depending on the dR(quark, meson)? (reproduce plot from Javier)
- plot number of jets containing a b-meson vs pt, eta, phi
- Determine tagging efficiency
* Plot the MVA value for the jets with b mesons and those without b mesons
* Do a cut on MVA and plot how often the jets with b mesons are above the cuts at the nominal working points vs pt,eta phi. You will find that nominal 50% is really quite a spread! Is it the average? median?
* Repeat the exercise with D mesons and charm baryons vs charm quarks
* Repeat the exercise with no B or C mesons or baryons and call that uds
* Once you have a set of reference plots, compare them in Powheg and Madgraph
Interesting Talks:
https://indico.cern.ch/event/274137/contribution/67/material/slides/1.pdf (Summary Talk Tom Lecompte, top-charm frontier)
Andrea Knue - 2014-02-11