-- GavinKirby - 15 Jun 2009

Full TWiki Access

In order to gain access to the protected Glasgow ATLAS TWiki pages you will require authorisation from Andrew Pickford.

  • Created a TWiki account. This can be done by clicking "Register" in the upper left corner of the screen.
  • E-mail Andrew Pickford (andrew.pickford@glasgow.ac.uk) with your details and request authorisation.
  • Obtain editing privileges. This can be done by anyone with TWiki editing priviliges (including Andy Pickford). The person with editing privleges logs in. He/she proceeds to the Main web. From there, he/she proceeds to the Index. Thence, he/she notes the exact TWiki name of the new user. He/she proceeds to the PpeGroup page (listed on the Index). Finally, he/she edits the page by adding the TWiki name of the new user.

-- WilliamBreadenMadden - 2010-10-22

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Topic revision: r6 - 2013-12-17 - AndrewPickford
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