Difference: LocalPPEAccounts (1 vs. 11)

Revision 112016-04-19 - GordonStewart

Line: 1 to 1
META TOPICPARENT name="GlasgowComputing"

Local Computing

All new users will have access to a home directory on the ppe system, of the form /afs/phas.gla.ac.uk/user/"u"/"username".

Please see IT/AccountCreation for more details about local user accounts.
Please contact PPE IT Support for more details about local user accounts.
  Below are instructions on setting up locally, so that one might run an Athena job from a Glasgow desktop.

Revision 102015-01-07 - GraemeStewart

Line: 1 to 1
META TOPICPARENT name="GlasgowComputing"

Local Computing

Line: 54 to 54
  After setting up ATLAS Local Root Base, simply use the usual asetup command to setup your desired athena release, e.g.,
ppepc145:~/dev/trk$ asetup,here AtlasProduction/ with platform i686-slc5-gcc43-opt at /cvmfs/atlas.cern.ch/repo/sw/software/i686-slc5-gcc43-opt/17.2.11
ppepc145:~/dev/trk$ asetup,here AtlasProduction/ with platform x86_64-slc6-gcc47-opt at /cvmfs/atlas.cern.ch/repo/sw/software/x86_64-slc6-gcc47-opt/19.1.1
 Test area: /afs/phas.gla.ac.uk/user/g/graeme/dev/trk
See the ATLAS twiki for complete asetup documentation.
See the ATLAS twiki for complete asetup documentation. Note that if you need to use very old or very new releases you may need some extra arguments to select the correct build, e.g., on an SL6 machine use an SL5 release like this: asetup,slc5

Package Checkout

Line: 73 to 72
 PubkeyAuthentication yes Protocol 2 ForwardX11 no
User graemes # <--- Replace with your CERN AFS username, if it's different from your PPE unix account name
User graemes # <--- Replace with your CERN AFS username, if it's different from your PPE unix account name
  You will need to add your ssh public key to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys on lxplus at CERN.

Revision 92014-01-15 - GraemeStewart

Line: 1 to 1
META TOPICPARENT name="GlasgowComputing"

Local Computing

Line: 65 to 61
  See the ATLAS twiki for complete asetup documentation.

Package Checkout

Checking out packages from ATLAS SVN at CERN should work without problems. However, there are a few tricks to avoid needing to type your password all the time, in particular you need to setup your ~/.ssh/config file with the following configuration for svn.cern.ch:

Host svn.cern.ch svn
GSSAPIAuthentication yes
GSSAPIDelegateCredentials yes
PubkeyAuthentication yes
Protocol 2
ForwardX11 no
User graemes  # <--- Replace with your CERN AFS username, if it's different from your PPE unix account name

You will need to add your ssh public key to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys on lxplus at CERN.

You should now be able to use cmt co path/package or pkgco.py package and not be prompted for a password (personally, I like pkgco.py better as there is no need to specify the path to the package; see this documentation for the gory details).

 -- Graeme Stewart - 2014-01-14

Revision 82014-01-14 - GraemeStewart

Line: 1 to 1
META TOPICPARENT name="GlasgowComputing"
-- CatherineWright - 15 Jul 2008

Local Computing

All new users will have access to a home directory on the ppe system, of the form /home/"username".

All new account/e-mail passwords should be changed immediately after they are issued. To change your PPE account password, type yppasswd at the terminal. You will then be prompted to enter your old password and a new password (twice for confirmation). Choose a secure password (a mixture of upper/lower case letters, numbers and punctuation/symbols) which you can remember.

New users should contact Shane Kelly by e-mail (room 238, s.kelly@gla.ac.uk) in order to be placed on the PPE mailing list.

All new users will have access to a home directory on the ppe system, of the form /afs/phas.gla.ac.uk/user/"u"/"username".
It is possible to run Athena - the Atlas computing framework - locally from this home area.
Please see IT/AccountCreation for more details about local user accounts.
  Below are instructions on setting up locally, so that one might run an Athena job from a Glasgow desktop.

Athena Releases at Glasgow

Glasgow PPE machines have CVMFS (CERN Virtual Machine File System) installed on them, which allows very efficient access to all current ATLAS releases. Access to releases (and other useful ATLAS software) is done with the setupATLAS command, itself hosted on CVMFS.

N.B.: We will endevour to keep this page up to date with recent Atlas software releases.

Current Atlas Release: v14

Setting up v14 Locally

ATLAS Local Root Base

Follow the instructions in the link below to setup up v14 Locally (this might not work with SL5 machines).
Glasgow PPE machines have CVMFS (CERN Virtual Machine File System) installed on them, which allows very efficient access to all current ATLAS releases. Access to releases (and other useful ATLAS software) is done with the setupATLAS command, itself hosted on CVMFS. To use setupATLAS do this (bash, ksh, zsh):
export ATLAS_LOCAL_ROOT_BASE=/cvmfs/atlas.cern.ch/repo/ATLASLocalRootBase
alias setupATLAS='source ${ATLAS_LOCAL_ROOT_BASE}/user/atlasLocalSetup.sh'

or this (csh, tcsh):

setenv ATLAS_LOCAL_ROOT_BASE /cvmfs/atlas.cern.ch/repo/ATLASLocalRootBase
alias setupATLAS 'source ${ATLAS_LOCAL_ROOT_BASE}/user/atlasLocalSetup.csh'

(Usually it's best to add these lines to your shell's startup scipts, e.g., .bashrc.)

Then run setupATLAS:

ppepc145:~$ setupATLAS
...Type localSetupAGIS to setup AGIS
...Type localSetupDQ2Client to use DQ2 Client
...Type localSetupEmi to use emi
...Type localSetupFAX to use FAX
...Type localSetupGanga to use Ganga
...Type localSetupGcc to use alternate gcc
...Type localSetupMana to setup mana
...Type localSetupPacman to use Pacman
...Type localSetupPandaClient to use Panda Client
...Type localSetupPyAMI to setup pyAMI
...Type localSetupPoD to setup Proof-on-Demand
...Type localSetupROOT to setup (standalone) ROOT
...Type localSetupRucio to setup Rucio
...Type localSetupXRootD to setup XRootD
...Type showVersions to show versions of installed software
...Type asetup to setup a release (changeASetup to change asetup version)
...Type rcSetup to setup an ASG release (changeRCSetup to change rcSetup ver.)
...Type diagnostics for diagnostic tools
...Type helpMe for more help
...Type printMenu to show this menu

Please see ATLASLocalRootBase documentation for more information.


After setting up ATLAS Local Root Base, simply use the usual asetup command to setup your desired athena release, e.g.,

ppepc145:~/dev/trk$ asetup,here
AtlasProduction/ with platform i686-slc5-gcc43-opt
at /cvmfs/atlas.cern.ch/repo/sw/software/i686-slc5-gcc43-opt/17.2.11
Test area: /afs/phas.gla.ac.uk/user/g/graeme/dev/trk
<--For now, please see the following logfile_14.2.0_setup and logfile_14.1.0.4_setup for some instruction. Note these logfiles are not written with the aim of being instructions for setup, but do contain useful information. -->
See the ATLAS twiki for complete asetup documentation.
-- WilliamBreadenMadden - 2010-10-22
 \ No newline at end of file
-- Graeme Stewart - 2014-01-14

Revision 72014-01-14 - GraemeStewart

Line: 1 to 1
META TOPICPARENT name="GlasgowComputing"
-- CatherineWright - 15 Jul 2008
Line: 14 to 14
  Below are instructions on setting up locally, so that one might run an Athena job from a Glasgow desktop.

Athena Releases at Glasgow

Glasgow PPE machines have CVMFS (CERN Virtual Machine File System) installed on them, which allows very efficient access to all current ATLAS releases. Access to releases (and other useful ATLAS software) is done with the setupATLAS command, itself hosted on CVMFS.

 N.B.: We will endevour to keep this page up to date with recent Atlas software releases.

Current Atlas Release: v14

Revision 62010-10-22 - WilliamBreadenMadden

Line: 1 to 1
META TOPICPARENT name="GlasgowComputing"
-- CatherineWright - 15 Jul 2008

Local Computing

All new users will have access to a home directory on the ppe system, of the form /home/"username".

Line: 12 to 14
  Below are instructions on setting up locally, so that one might run an Athena job from a Glasgow desktop.
-- WilliamBreadenMadden - 2010-10-21
 N.B.: We will endevour to keep this page up to date with recent Atlas software releases.

Current Atlas Release: v14

Line: 22 to 22
Setting up v14 Locally
Follow the instructions in the link below to setup up v14 Locally ( This might not work with SL5 machines).
Follow the instructions in the link below to setup up v14 Locally (this might not work with SL5 machines).

<--For now, please see the following logfile_14.2.0_setup and logfile_14.1.0.4_setup for some instruction. Note these logfiles are not written with the aim of being instructions for setup, but do contain useful information. -->
-- CatherineWright - 28 Jul 2008
-- WilliamBreadenMadden - 2010-10-22

Revision 52010-10-21 - WilliamBreadenMadden

Line: 1 to 1
META TOPICPARENT name="GlasgowComputing"

Local Computing

All new users will have access to a home directory on the ppe system, of the form /home/"username".

NB - All new account/email passwords should be changed immediately after they are issued. To change your PPE account password, type yppasswd at the terminal. You will then be prompted to enter your old password and a new password (twice for confirmation). Be sure to choose a password that is reasonably secure (mixture of upper/lower case letters, numbers and punctuation/symbols) and which you can remember.
All new account/e-mail passwords should be changed immediately after they are issued. To change your PPE account password, type yppasswd at the terminal. You will then be prompted to enter your old password and a new password (twice for confirmation). Choose a secure password (a mixture of upper/lower case letters, numbers and punctuation/symbols) which you can remember.

New users should contact Shane Kelly by e-mail (room 238, s.kelly@gla.ac.uk) in order to be placed on the PPE mailing list.

  It is possible to run Athena - the Atlas computing framework - locally from this home area.

Below are instructions on setting up locally, so that one might run an Athena job from a Glasgow desktop.

N.B We will endevour to keep this page up to date with recent Atlas software releases.
-- WilliamBreadenMadden - 2010-10-21

N.B.: We will endevour to keep this page up to date with recent Atlas software releases.

Current Atlas Release: v14
Current Atlas Release: v14

Revision 42009-10-19 - MichaelWright

Line: 1 to 1
META TOPICPARENT name="GlasgowComputing"

Local Computing

Line: 18 to 18
Setting up v14 Locally
Local setup instructions to follow below.
Follow the instructions in the link below to setup up v14 Locally ( This might not work with SL5 machines).


<--For now, please see the following logfile_14.2.0_setup and logfile_14.1.0.4_setup for some instruction. Note these logfiles are not written with the aim of being instructions for setup, but do contain useful information. -->
For now, please see the following logfile_14.2.0_setup and logfile_14.1.0.4_setup for some instruction. Note these logfiles are not written with the aim of being instructions for setup, but do contain useful information.
  -- CatherineWright - 28 Jul 2008 \ No newline at end of file

Revision 32009-06-25 - GavinKirby

Line: 1 to 1
META TOPICPARENT name="GlasgowComputing"

Local Computing

All new users will have access to a home directory on the ppe system, of the form /home/"username" .

NB - All new account/email passwords should be changed immediately after they are issued. To change your PPE account password, type yppasswd at the terminal. You will then be prompted to enter your old password and a new password (twice for confirmation). Be sure to choose a password that is reasonably secure (mixture of upper/lower case letters, numbers and punctuation/symbols) and which you can remember.
 It is possible to run Athena - the Atlas computing framework - locally from this home area.

Below are instructions on setting up locally, so that one might run an Athena job from a Glasgow desktop.

Revision 22008-07-28 - CatherineWright

Line: 1 to 1
META TOPICPARENT name="GlasgowComputing"

There will be details and examples for setting up on the local ppe system here.

Local Computing

-- CatherineWright - 15 Jul 2008
 \ No newline at end of file
All new users will have access to a home directory on the ppe system, of the form /home/"username" .

It is possible to run Athena - the Atlas computing framework - locally from this home area.

Below are instructions on setting up locally, so that one might run an Athena job from a Glasgow desktop.

N.B We will endevour to keep this page up to date with recent Atlas software releases.

Current Atlas Release: v14

Setting up v14 Locally

Local setup instructions to follow below.

For now, please see the following logfile_14.2.0_setup and logfile_14.1.0.4_setup for some instruction. Note these logfiles are not written with the aim of being instructions for setup, but do contain useful information.

-- CatherineWright - 28 Jul 2008

Revision 12008-07-15 - CatherineWright

Line: 1 to 1
META TOPICPARENT name="GlasgowComputing"

There will be details and examples for setting up on the local ppe system here.

-- CatherineWright - 15 Jul 2008

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