1.01 For Tier 2.5 Donny to do a more substantial check like running multitask in v17 on one or several ntup\_top datasets that we have here in Glasgow and get it to output the result to cluster\_shared\_atlas. (LOW PRIORITY)
1.08 Mike to put in
AtlasHbb SVN the change to use the latest ganga version which performs automatic rebrokering to another site (
AtlasTask instead of
1.12 Adrian to setup
GlaNtp 65 on /afs, document it on his Twiki, and send around.
M1.01 Tom D. continues to update/test the dq2 scripts.
M1.02 Donny updates
RooFit (arguments, values) as it changes its version.
2.06 (Low priority, after ICHEP) Chris to add a cutword for preselection (of more than 6 jets) to run on grid before the next grid run.
2.15 (Low priority, after ICHEP) Rick to automatize the work around for Roofit in
GlaNtp, as at the moment you have to change your config file to run 1 pseudoexperiment when running
2.18 Alistair and Donny update ttH with action numbers v17c numbers.
2.19 Chris and Rick to perform a detailed comparison of KLfitter and chi2 methods to select preferred the final state to try to find the t, t and H candidates.
2.21 Gavin and Alistair to double check the ttH cross sections against each other, the note, the literature, but do not change the note numbers.
2.22 Gavin to try the new $q$ variations of $(m_t+m_H)/2 \rightarrow 2(m_t+m_H)$, suggested by Chris White (theorist).
3.03 Mike to work the v17 changes to
AtlasHbb. Then Faig, Deepak, Stan to run v17 while Mike is advising and Deepak et all to run the grid submission for v17.
3.04 Faig and Stan should start working on Computentp in Rick's framework.
3.13 Adrian to create the scripts to create a table of yields for all processes in a sample, and compare with the official numbers for v16 WH and ZH.
3.15 Adrian should validate his formula that is theoretically able to decide if an event is passes the desired selection based on the cutWord, cutMask and invertWord with the standard logic now in
4.13 Tom to reproduce all Adrian has done in
GlaNtp for the ZH analysis (thinning, event yield, stacked plots) with
GlaNtp version 65 under /afs.
5.03 Mike to integrate the micro jet code into
AdrianBuzatu - 2012-07-10