Difference: RunningAtlasInGlasgow (1 vs. 7)

Revision 72014-01-14 - GraemeStewart

Line: 1 to 1
 -- ThomasDoherty - 2009-11-03
This is mostly deprecated information - releases should be setup and used from cvmfs instead. The conditions data setup is probably still useful though -- Graeme Stewart - 2014-01-14

Running ATLAS Software at Glasgow

Using AtlasSetup at Glasgow

Line: 25 to 27
  It is also necessary to point to the nearest frontier client - in our case at Glasgow this is:
export FRONTIER_SERVER="(serverurl=http://lcgft-atlas.gridpp.rl.ac.uk:3128/frontierATLAS)(serverurl=http://oratest02.pic.es:3128/pic-frontier)(proxyurl=http://nat005.gla.scotgrid.ac.uk:3128)(proxyurl=http://fal-pygrid-45.lancs.ac.uk:3128)"
export FRONTIER_SERVER="(serverurl=http://lcgft-atlas.gridpp.rl.ac.uk:3128/frontierATLAS)(serverurl=http://oratest02.pic.es:3128/pic-frontier)(proxyurl=http://nat005.gla.scotgrid.ac.uk:3128)(proxyurl=http://fal-pygrid-45.lancs.ac.uk:3128)"

Installation locations

Revision 62011-07-12 - ThomasDoherty

Line: 1 to 1
 -- ThomasDoherty - 2009-11-03

Running ATLAS Software at Glasgow


Using AtlasSetup at Glasgow

The three key lines are:

export ATLAS_ROOT=/data/atlasb04/software16_slc5_gcc43 export


alias asetup='source ${AtlasSetup}/scripts/asetup.sh'

and then you can set up as normal for example:

asetup AtlasPhysics,


Setting up for real data

It is necessary to point to the conditions pool file catalogues. To do this using afs set the following environment variable:

Revision 52011-05-23 - ThomasDoherty

Line: 1 to 1
 -- ThomasDoherty - 2009-11-03

Running ATLAS Software at Glasgow


Setting up for real data

It is necessary to point to the conditions pool file catalogues. To do this using afs set the following environment variable:

export ATLAS_POOLCOND_PATH=/afs/cern.ch/atlas/conditions/poolcond/catalogue

It is also necessary to point to the nearest frontier client - in our case at Glasgow this is:

export FRONTIER_SERVER="(serverurl=http://lcgft-atlas.gridpp.rl.ac.uk:3128/frontierATLAS)(serverurl=http://oratest02.pic.es:3128/pic-frontier)(proxyurl=http://nat005.gla.scotgrid.ac.uk:3128)(proxyurl=http://fal-pygrid-45.lancs.ac.uk:3128)"

Installation locations

 The locations for the Atlas releases are
   /data/atlasb01/software for release      12.X.Y
   /data/atlasb01/software for release      13.X.Y  

Revision 42009-11-16 - ThomasDoherty

Line: 1 to 1
 -- ThomasDoherty - 2009-11-03

Running ATLAS Software at Glasgow

The locations for the Atlas releases are
   /data/atlasb01/software for release      12.X.Y

The locations for the Atlas releases are
   /data/atlasb01/software for release      12.X.Y

  /data/atlasb01/software for release 13.X.Y (/data/atlas04/software is backup)
Line: 15 to 15
NOTE: When setting up CMT for your release - if you have an SL5 machine - make sure you use the tag '32' otherwise Python will be set up incorrectly. For example:

source setup.sh -tag=ANALYSISSSL5-V15.3.0.1,32,,runtime,AtlasProduction


Setting up v12 locally

How to set up an analysis skeleton on an sl4 PPE machine for v12

Line: 66 to 70
more /data/atlasb01/software/AtlasAnalysis/2.0.6/PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon/UserAnalysis/cmt/version.cmt
(11) As v12 was not migrated to the svn repository it still lies on the old CVS server - so we need to set up CVS (just for v12 - note although this is strange behaviour expect to enter your password up to 6 times) by:
(11) As v12 was not migrated to the svn repository it still lies on the old CVS server - so we need to set up CVS (just for v12 - note although this is strange behaviour expect to enter your password up to 6 times) by:
export CVSROOT=":ext:isscvs.cern.ch:/local/reps/atlas/"
export CVSROOT=":ext:isscvs.cern.ch:/local/reps/atlas/"
export CVS_RSH="ssh"
export CVS_RSH="ssh"
  (12) Now check out the package (in $TEST/ANALYSISSL4-v12.0.6/12.0.6) by:
Line: 79 to 82
  (13) when successfully checked out we now want to compile this code (after changes are made) by:
 cd PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon/UserAnalysis/cmt
 cd PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon/UserAnalysis/cmt
 source setup.sh
 source setup.sh
cmt bro gmake
cmt bro gmake
  (14) Now we want to run Athena with a basic JO. This means you need to change into your run directory (cd ../run)
and then fetch the JO by:
 get_files AnalysisSkeleton _topOptions.py
and then fetch the JO by:
 get_files AnalysisSkeleton _topOptions.py
  (15) We want to change the JO to point to the input AOD that we want to run our Analysis on for example:
point to -
point to -
  at the line starting "ServiceMgr.EventSelector.InputCollections = " in the JO.
Line: 158 to 166
  (12) Now you must set up SVN/CVS here in GLasgow. Normally it takes the form of:
export SVNROOT=svn+ssh://USERNAME@svn.cern.ch/reps/atlasoff
 where USERNAME is your CERN lxplus username. Example:
export SVNROOT=svn+ssh://tdoherty@svn.cern.ch/reps/atlasoff
export SVNROOT=svn+ssh://tdoherty@svn.cern.ch/reps/atlasoff
  (13) when successfully checked out we now want to compile this code (after your code changes are made) by:
cd PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon/UserAnalysis/cmt
cd PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon/UserAnalysis/cmt
source setup.sh
source setup.sh
cmt bro gmake
cmt bro gmake
  (14) Now we want to run Athena with a basic JO. This means you need to change into your run directory (cd ../run)
Line: 185 to 197
athena.py AnalysisSkeleton_topOptions.py
and append '> AnalysisSkeleton.log' to this if you want to write the output to a log
and append '> AnalysisSkeleton.log' to this if you want to write the output to a log
  (17) NOTE: If you find that your code changes have not been picked up when you run Athena - sometimes you have to compile, THEN LOG OUT AND RESTART YOUR SESSION. SET UP THE ENV again...
cd cmthome-v15
source setup.sh -tag=ANALYSISSSL5-V15.3.0.1,32,,runtime,AtlasProduction
cd $TEST
cd PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon/UserAnalysis/cmt
source setup.sh
cd ../run
cd cmthome-v15
source setup.sh -tag=ANALYSISSSL5-V15.3.0.1,32,,runtime,AtlasProduction
cd $TEST
cd PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon/UserAnalysis/cmt
source setup.sh
cd ../run
  and then run Athena

Revision 32009-11-11 - ThomasDoherty

Line: 1 to 1
 -- ThomasDoherty - 2009-11-03

Running ATLAS Software at Glasgow

Line: 93 to 93
  point to -
at the line starting "ServiceMgr.EventSelector.InputCollections = " in the JO.
 (16) And finally run the JO:

athena.py AnalysisSkeleton _topOptions.py &gt; AnalysisSkeleton.log
Line: 108 to 110
  (1) Log in to a ppe machine - example: ssh ppepc17
(2) Make a test area if you haven't already and change into this directory - example: cd atlas
(2) Make a test area if you haven't already and change into this directory - example:
cd atlas
(3) Make a directory specific to the v15 release you are going to use - example: ANALYSISSSL5-V15.3.0.1
(3) Make a directory specific to the v15 release you are going to use - example:
and again make a further directory within this one - example mkdir ANALYSISSSL5-V15.3.0./
and again make a further directory within this one - example:

mkdir ANALYSISSSL5-V15.3.0./
  (4) Now we want to set up CMT and your requirements file directory - if you wish create a requirement file
Line: 128 to 134
where you have added the location of the directory "ANALYSISSSL5-V15.3.0.1" to it so it can be used as a cmt tag

(6) Now source the set up script for the CMT version you wnat to use - example

(6) Now source the set up script for the CMT version you want to use - example
source /data/atlasb04/software15/CMT/v1r20p20090520/mgr/setup.sh
source /data/atlasb04/software15/CMT/v1r20p20090520/mgr/setup.sh
(7) As your requirements file is new and specific to v15 you must create the CMT setup scripts for it - by: cmt config
(7) As your requirements file is new and specific to v15 you must create the CMT setup scripts for it - by:
cmt config
(8) Now you can set up CMT for your specific release (v15.3.0.1) by sourcing the setup file like this:
(8) Now you can set up CMT for your specific release (example v15.3.0.1) by sourcing the setup file like this:
source setup.sh -tag=ANALYSISSSL5-V15.3.0.1,32,,runtime,AtlasProduction
source setup.sh -tag=ANALYSISSSL5-V15.3.0.1,32,,runtime,AtlasProduction
  (9) Now we want to check out the UserAnalysis package for this release to do this first change into your testarea (cd $TEST)

(10) To find out the specific package version needed fro this release try this-

more /data/atlasb04/software15/AtlasAnalysis/15.3.0/PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon/UserAnalysis/cmt/version.cmt
more /data/atlasb04/software15/AtlasAnalysis/15.3.0/PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon/UserAnalysis/cmt/version.cmt
(11) Now check out the package (in $TEST/ANALYSISSL4-v12.0.6/12.0.6) by:
cmt co -r UserAnalysis-00-09-10 PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon/UserAnalysis
so in this case it is UserAnalysis-00-13-17
(13) when successfully checked out we now want to compile this code (after changes are made) by:
(11) Now check out the package (in $TEST/ANALYSISSSL5-V15.3.0.1/ by:
cmt co -r UserAnalysis-00-13-17 PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon/UserAnalysis

(12) Now you must set up SVN/CVS here in GLasgow. Normally it takes the form of:

export SVNROOT=svn+ssh://USERNAME@svn.cern.ch/reps/atlasoff
where USERNAME is your CERN lxplus username. Example:
export SVNROOT=svn+ssh://tdoherty@svn.cern.ch/reps/atlasoff

(13) when successfully checked out we now want to compile this code (after your code changes are made) by:

(a) cd PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon/UserAnalysis/cmt
cd PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon/UserAnalysis/cmt
(b) source setup.sh
source setup.sh
(c) cmt bro gmake
cmt bro gmake
  (14) Now we want to run Athena with a basic JO. This means you need to change into your run directory (cd ../run)
and then fetch the JO by: get_files AnalysisSkeleton _topOptions.py
and then fetch the JO by:
get_files AnalysisSkeleton_topOptions.py
  (15) We want to change the JO to point to the input AOD that we want to run our Analysis on for example:

point to - /data/atlas07/chrisc/CSC-AOD/trig1_misal1_mc12.006855.AcerMCttbb_QCD.recon.AOD.v12000605_tid011597/AOD.011597._00002.pool.root.1

at the line starting "ServiceMgr.EventSelector.InputCollections = " in the JO.
 (16) And finally run the JO:
athena.py AnalysisSkeleton _topOptions.py > AnalysisSkeleton.log
athena.py AnalysisSkeleton_topOptions.py

and append '> AnalysisSkeleton.log' to this if you want to write the output to a log

(17) NOTE: If you find that your code changes have not been picked up when you run Athena - sometimes you have to compile, THEN LOG OUT AND RESTART YOUR SESSION. SET UP THE ENV again...

cd cmthome-v15
source setup.sh -tag=ANALYSISSSL5-V15.3.0.1,32,,runtime,AtlasProduction
cd $TEST
cd PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon/UserAnalysis/cmt
source setup.sh
cd ../run

and then run Athena

Revision 22009-11-03 - ThomasDoherty

Line: 1 to 1
 -- ThomasDoherty - 2009-11-03

Running ATLAS Software at Glasgow

The locations for the Atlas releases are
   /data/atlasb01/software for release      12.X.Y
   /data/atlasb01/software          "            13.X.Y  

The locations for the Atlas releases are
   /data/atlasb01/software for release      12.X.Y
   /data/atlasb01/software for release      13.X.Y  

  (/data/atlas04/software is backup)
/data/atlasb02/software " 14.X.Y
/data/atlasb02/software for release 14.X.Y
  (/data/atlas04/software14 is backup)
/data/atlasb04/software15 " 15.X.Y
/data/atlasb04/software15 for release 15.X.Y
Line: 20 to 20
  (1) Log in to the ppe machine - example: ssh ppepc17
(2) Make a test area if you haven't already and change into this directory - example: cd atlas
(2) Make a test area if you haven't already and change into this directory - example:
cd atlas
(3) Make a directory specific to the v12 release you are going to use - example: mkdir ANALYSISSL4-v12.0.6
(3) Make a directory specific to the v12 release you are going to use - example:
mkdir ANALYSISSL4-v12.0.6
and again make a further directory within this one - example mkdir 12.0.6
and again make a further directory within this one - example
mkdir ANALYSISSL4-v12.0.6/12.0.6
  (4) Now we want to set up CMT and your requirements file directory - if you wish create a requirement file
Line: 40 to 43

where you have added the location of the directory "ANALYSISSL4-v12.0.6" to it.

where you have added the location of the directory "ANALYSISSL4-v12.0.6" to it so you can set it up as a cmt tag.

(6) Now source the set up script for the CMT version you wnat to use - example

(6) Now source the set up script for the CMT version you want to use - example
source /data/atlasb04/software15/CMT/v1r20p20090520/mgr/setup.sh
source /data/atlasb01/software/CMT/v1r19/mgr/setup.sh
(7) As your requirements file is new and specific to v12 you must create the CMT setup scripts for it - by: cmt config
(7) As your requirements file is new and specific to v12 you must create the CMT setup scripts for it - by:
 cmt config
  (8) Now you can set up CMT for your specific release (v12.0.6) by sourcing the setup file like this:
source setup.sh -tag=ANALYSISSL4-v12.0.6,12.0.6
source setup.sh -tag=ANALYSISSL4-v12.0.6,12.0.6
source /data/atlasb01/software/AtlasProduction/12.0.6/AtlasProductionRunTime/cmt/setup.sh
source /data/atlasb01/software/AtlasProduction/12.0.6/AtlasProductionRunTime/cmt/setup.sh
  (9) Now we want to check out the UserAnalysis package for this release to do this first change into your testarea (cd $TEST)

(10) To find out the specific package version needed fro this release try this-

more /data/atlasb01/software/AtlasAnalysis/2.0.6/PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon/UserAnalysis/cmt/version.cmt
more /data/atlasb01/software/AtlasAnalysis/2.0.6/PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon/UserAnalysis/cmt/version.cmt

(11) As v12 was not migrated to the svn repository it still lies on the old CVS server - so we need to set up CVS (just for v12 - note although this is strange behaviour expect to enter your password up to 6 times) by:

(11) As v12 was not migrated to the svn servers it still lies on the old CVS server - so we need to set up CVS (just for v12) by:
export CVSROOT=":ext:isscvs.cern.ch:/local/reps/atlas/"
export CVSROOT=":ext:isscvs.cern.ch:/local/reps/atlas/"
export CVS_RSH="ssh"
export CVS_RSH="ssh"
(12) Now check out the package (in $TEST/ANALYSISSL4-v12.0.6/12.0.6) by:
(12) Now check out the package (in $TEST/ANALYSISSL4-v12.0.6/12.0.6) by:
cmt co -r UserAnalysis-00-09-10 PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon/UserAnalysis
cmt co -r UserAnalysis-00-09-10 PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon/UserAnalysis
  (13) when successfully checked out we now want to compile this code (after changes are made) by:
(a) cd PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon/UserAnalysis/cmt
 cd PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon/UserAnalysis/cmt
(b) source setup.sh
 source setup.sh
(c) cmt bro gmake
cmt bro gmake
  (14) Now we want to run Athena with a basic JO. This means you need to change into your run directory (cd ../run)
and then fetch the JO by: get_files AnalysisSkeleton _topOptions.py
and then fetch the JO by:
 get_files AnalysisSkeleton _topOptions.py
  (15) We want to change the JO to point to the input AOD that we want to run our Analysis on for example:
point to - /data/atlas07/chrisc/CSC-AOD/trig1_misal1_mc12.006855.AcerMCttbb_QCD.recon.AOD.v12000605_tid011597/AOD.011597._00002.pool.root.1
point to -
  (16) And finally run the JO:
athena.py AnalysisSkeleton _topOptions.py > AnalysisSkeleton.log
athena.py AnalysisSkeleton _topOptions.py &gt; AnalysisSkeleton.log

Setting up v14 Locally

Follow the instructions in the link below to setup up v14 Locally ( Note and issue with python setup is currently being fixed for SL5 machines).



Setting up v15 Locally

How to set up an analysis skeleton for v15

(1) Log in to a ppe machine - example: ssh ppepc17

(2) Make a test area if you haven't already and change into this directory - example: cd atlas

(3) Make a directory specific to the v15 release you are going to use - example: ANALYSISSSL5-V15.3.0.1

and again make a further directory within this one - example mkdir ANALYSISSSL5-V15.3.0./

(4) Now we want to set up CMT and your requirements file directory - if you wish create a requirement file

specifically for v15 and store it in a directory that indicates this - example make a directory and change into ../cmthome-v15

(5) The requirements file should look something like this:


set SITEROOT /data/atlasb04/software15
macro ATLAS_DIST_AREA /data/atlasb04/software15
macro ATLAS_TEST_AREA ${HOME}/Test-14-0-0 \
ANALYSISSSL4-V15.3.0.1 ${HOME}/atlas/ANALYSISSSL4-V15.3.0.1\
ANALYSISSSL5-V15.3.0.1 ${HOME}/atlas/ANALYSISSSL5-V15.3.0.1
#macro ATLAS_TEST_AREA ${HOME}/atlas/AtlfastCorrectorsTEST
apply_tag projectArea
apply_tag simpleTest
use AtlasLogin AtlasLogin-* $(ATLAS_DIST_AREA)
set CMTCONFIG i686-slc4-gcc34-opt
path_remove CMTPATH "$(TestArea)"
path_prepend CMTPATH "$(TestArea)"
path TEST ""
path_append TEST "$(TestArea)"


where you have added the location of the directory "ANALYSISSSL5-V15.3.0.1" to it so it can be used as a cmt tag

(6) Now source the set up script for the CMT version you wnat to use - example

source /data/atlasb04/software15/CMT/v1r20p20090520/mgr/setup.sh

(7) As your requirements file is new and specific to v15 you must create the CMT setup scripts for it - by: cmt config

(8) Now you can set up CMT for your specific release (v15.3.0.1) by sourcing the setup file like this:

source setup.sh -tag=ANALYSISSSL5-V15.3.0.1,32,,runtime,AtlasProduction

(9) Now we want to check out the UserAnalysis package for this release to do this first change into your testarea (cd $TEST)

(10) To find out the specific package version needed fro this release try this-

more /data/atlasb04/software15/AtlasAnalysis/15.3.0/PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon/UserAnalysis/cmt/version.cmt

(11) Now check out the package (in $TEST/ANALYSISSL4-v12.0.6/12.0.6) by:
cmt co -r UserAnalysis-00-09-10 PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon/UserAnalysis

(13) when successfully checked out we now want to compile this code (after changes are made) by:

(a) cd PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon/UserAnalysis/cmt

(b) source setup.sh

(c) cmt bro gmake

(14) Now we want to run Athena with a basic JO. This means you need to change into your run directory (cd ../run)

and then fetch the JO by: get_files AnalysisSkeleton _topOptions.py

(15) We want to change the JO to point to the input AOD that we want to run our Analysis on for example:

point to - /data/atlas07/chrisc/CSC-AOD/trig1_misal1_mc12.006855.AcerMCttbb_QCD.recon.AOD.v12000605_tid011597/AOD.011597._00002.pool.root.1

(16) And finally run the JO:

athena.py AnalysisSkeleton _topOptions.py > AnalysisSkeleton.log

Revision 12009-11-03 - ThomasDoherty

Line: 1 to 1
-- ThomasDoherty - 2009-11-03

Running ATLAS Software at Glasgow

The locations for the Atlas releases are

   /data/atlasb01/software for release      12.X.Y
   /data/atlasb01/software          "            13.X.Y  
  (/data/atlas04/software is backup)   

   /data/atlasb02/software          "            14.X.Y
  (/data/atlas04/software14 is backup)

  /data/atlasb04/software15     "              15.X.Y

Setting up v12 locally

How to set up an analysis skeleton on an sl4 PPE machine for v12

(1) Log in to the ppe machine - example: ssh ppepc17

(2) Make a test area if you haven't already and change into this directory - example: cd atlas

(3) Make a directory specific to the v12 release you are going to use - example: mkdir ANALYSISSL4-v12.0.6

and again make a further directory within this one - example mkdir 12.0.6

(4) Now we want to set up CMT and your requirements file directory - if you wish create a requirement file

specifically for v12 and store it in a directory that indicates this - example make a directory and change into ../cmthome-v12

(5) The requirements file should look something like this:


set SITEROOT /data/atlasb01/software

macro ATLAS_TEST_AREA "${HOME}/atlas/CSC-eventview" \
ANALYSISSL4-v12.0.6 "${HOME}/atlas/ANALYSISSL4-v12.0.6"\
macro ATLAS_GROUP_AREA "/data/atlasb01/software/EVGroupArea/Stable"
apply_tag projectArea
apply_tag opt
apply_tag projectTest
use AtlasLogin AtlasLogin-* $(ATLAS_DIST_AREA)
set CMTCONFIG i686-slc3-gcc323-opt

macro DBRel "2.8" \
12.0.31 "2.8" \
12.0.4 "3.0.1" \
12.0.5 "3.1.1" \
12.0.6 "3.2.1" \
12.3.0 "2.9.1" \
12.5.0 "3.2.1"


path TEST ""
path_append TEST "$(TestArea)"

macro home_dir "${HOME}"
path_remove CMTPATH "${home_dir}"
path_prepend CMTPATH "${TestArea}"


where you have added the location of the directory "ANALYSISSL4-v12.0.6" to it.

(6) Now source the set up script for the CMT version you wnat to use - example

source /data/atlasb04/software15/CMT/v1r20p20090520/mgr/setup.sh

(7) As your requirements file is new and specific to v12 you must create the CMT setup scripts for it - by: cmt config

(8) Now you can set up CMT for your specific release (v12.0.6) by sourcing the setup file like this:

source setup.sh -tag=ANALYSISSL4-v12.0.6,12.0.6


source /data/atlasb01/software/AtlasProduction/12.0.6/AtlasProductionRunTime/cmt/setup.sh

(9) Now we want to check out the UserAnalysis package for this release to do this first change into your testarea (cd $TEST)

(10) To find out the specific package version needed fro this release try this-

more /data/atlasb01/software/AtlasAnalysis/2.0.6/PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon/UserAnalysis/cmt/version.cmt

(11) As v12 was not migrated to the svn servers it still lies on the old CVS server - so we need to set up CVS (just for v12) by:

export CVSROOT=":ext:isscvs.cern.ch:/local/reps/atlas/"

export CVS_RSH="ssh"

(12) Now check out the package (in $TEST/ANALYSISSL4-v12.0.6/12.0.6) by:
cmt co -r UserAnalysis-00-09-10 PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon/UserAnalysis

(13) when successfully checked out we now want to compile this code (after changes are made) by:

(a) cd PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon/UserAnalysis/cmt

(b) source setup.sh

(c) cmt bro gmake

(14) Now we want to run Athena with a basic JO. This means you need to change into your run directory (cd ../run)

and then fetch the JO by: get_files AnalysisSkeleton _topOptions.py

(15) We want to change the JO to point to the input AOD that we want to run our Analysis on for example:

point to - /data/atlas07/chrisc/CSC-AOD/trig1_misal1_mc12.006855.AcerMCttbb_QCD.recon.AOD.v12000605_tid011597/AOD.011597._00002.pool.root.1

(16) And finally run the JO:

athena.py AnalysisSkeleton _topOptions.py > AnalysisSkeleton.log

Setting up v14 Locally

Follow the instructions in the link below to setup up v14 Locally ( Note and issue with python setup is currently being fixed for SL5 machines).


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