-- ThomasDoherty - 2009-11-03

This is mostly deprecated information - releases should be setup and used from cvmfs instead. The conditions data setup is probably still useful though -- Graeme Stewart - 2014-01-14

Running ATLAS Software at Glasgow

Using AtlasSetup at Glasgow

The three key lines are:

export ATLAS_ROOT=/data/atlasb04/software16_slc5_gcc43 export

AtlasSetup =${ATLAS_ROOT}/AtlasSetup

alias asetup='source ${AtlasSetup}/scripts/asetup.sh'

and then you can set up as normal for example:

asetup AtlasPhysics,

Setting up for real data

It is necessary to point to the conditions pool file catalogues. To do this using afs set the following environment variable:

export ATLAS_POOLCOND_PATH=/afs/cern.ch/atlas/conditions/poolcond/catalogue

It is also necessary to point to the nearest frontier client - in our case at Glasgow this is:

export FRONTIER_SERVER="(serverurl=http://lcgft-atlas.gridpp.rl.ac.uk:3128/frontierATLAS)(serverurl=http://oratest02.pic.es:3128/pic-frontier)(proxyurl=http://nat005.gla.scotgrid.ac.uk:3128)(proxyurl=http://fal-pygrid-45.lancs.ac.uk:3128)"

Installation locations

The locations for the Atlas releases are

   /data/atlasb01/software for release      12.X.Y
   /data/atlasb01/software for release      13.X.Y  
  (/data/atlas04/software is backup)   

   /data/atlasb02/software for release      14.X.Y
  (/data/atlas04/software14 is backup)

  /data/atlasb04/software15 for release     15.X.Y

NOTE: When setting up CMT for your release - if you have an SL5 machine - make sure you use the tag '32' otherwise Python will be set up incorrectly. For example:

source setup.sh -tag=ANALYSISSSL5-V15.3.0.1,32,,runtime,AtlasProduction

Setting up v12 locally

How to set up an analysis skeleton on an sl4 PPE machine for v12

(1) Log in to the ppe machine - example: ssh ppepc17

(2) Make a test area if you haven't already and change into this directory - example:

cd atlas

(3) Make a directory specific to the v12 release you are going to use - example:

mkdir ANALYSISSL4-v12.0.6

and again make a further directory within this one - example

mkdir ANALYSISSL4-v12.0.6/12.0.6

(4) Now we want to set up CMT and your requirements file directory - if you wish create a requirement file

specifically for v12 and store it in a directory that indicates this - example make a directory and change into ../cmthome-v12

(5) The requirements file should look something like this:


set SITEROOT /data/atlasb01/software

macro ATLAS_TEST_AREA "${HOME}/atlas/CSC-eventview" \
ANALYSISSL4-v12.0.6 "${HOME}/atlas/ANALYSISSL4-v12.0.6"\
macro ATLAS_GROUP_AREA "/data/atlasb01/software/EVGroupArea/Stable"
apply_tag projectArea
apply_tag opt
apply_tag projectTest
use AtlasLogin AtlasLogin -* $(ATLAS_DIST_AREA)
set CMTCONFIG i686-slc3-gcc323-opt

macro DBRel "2.8" \
12.0.31 "2.8" \
12.0.4 "3.0.1" \
12.0.5 "3.1.1" \
12.0.6 "3.2.1" \
12.3.0 "2.9.1" \
12.5.0 "3.2.1"


path TEST ""
path_append TEST "$(TestArea)"

macro home_dir "${HOME}"
path_remove CMTPATH "${home_dir}"
path_prepend CMTPATH "${TestArea}"


where you have added the location of the directory "ANALYSISSL4-v12.0.6" to it so you can set it up as a cmt tag.

(6) Now source the set up script for the CMT version you want to use - example

source /data/atlasb01/software/CMT/v1r19/mgr/setup.sh

(7) As your requirements file is new and specific to v12 you must create the CMT setup scripts for it - by:

 cmt config

(8) Now you can set up CMT for your specific release (v12.0.6) by sourcing the setup file like this:

source setup.sh -tag=ANALYSISSL4-v12.0.6,12.0.6


source /data/atlasb01/software/AtlasProduction/12.0.6/AtlasProductionRunTime/cmt/setup.sh

(9) Now we want to check out the UserAnalysis package for this release to do this first change into your testarea (cd $TEST)

(10) To find out the specific package version needed fro this release try this-

more /data/atlasb01/software/AtlasAnalysis/2.0.6/PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon/UserAnalysis/cmt/version.cmt

(11) As v12 was not migrated to the svn repository it still lies on the old CVS server - so we need to set up CVS (just for v12 - note although this is strange behaviour expect to enter your password up to 6 times) by:

export CVSROOT=":ext:isscvs.cern.ch:/local/reps/atlas/"

export CVS_RSH="ssh"

(12) Now check out the package (in $TEST/ANALYSISSL4-v12.0.6/12.0.6) by:

cmt co -r UserAnalysis-00-09-10 PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon/UserAnalysis

(13) when successfully checked out we now want to compile this code (after changes are made) by:


 cd PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon/UserAnalysis/cmt


 source setup.sh


cmt bro gmake

(14) Now we want to run Athena with a basic JO. This means you need to change into your run directory (cd ../run)

and then fetch the JO by:

 get_files AnalysisSkeleton _topOptions.py

(15) We want to change the JO to point to the input AOD that we want to run our Analysis on for example:

point to -


at the line starting "ServiceMgr.EventSelector.InputCollections = " in the JO.

(16) And finally run the JO:

athena.py AnalysisSkeleton _topOptions.py > AnalysisSkeleton.log

Setting up v14 Locally

Follow the instructions in the link below to setup up v14 Locally ( Note and issue with python setup is currently being fixed for SL5 machines).


Setting up v15 Locally

How to set up an analysis skeleton for v15

(1) Log in to a ppe machine - example: ssh ppepc17

(2) Make a test area if you haven't already and change into this directory - example:

cd atlas

(3) Make a directory specific to the v15 release you are going to use - example:


and again make a further directory within this one - example:

mkdir ANALYSISSSL5-V15.3.0./

(4) Now we want to set up CMT and your requirements file directory - if you wish create a requirement file

specifically for v15 and store it in a directory that indicates this - example make a directory and change into ../cmthome-v15

(5) The requirements file should look something like this:


set SITEROOT /data/atlasb04/software15
macro ATLAS_DIST_AREA /data/atlasb04/software15
macro ATLAS_TEST_AREA ${HOME}/Test-14-0-0 \
ANALYSISSSL4-V15.3.0.1 ${HOME}/atlas/ANALYSISSSL4-V15.3.0.1\
ANALYSISSSL5-V15.3.0.1 ${HOME}/atlas/ANALYSISSSL5-V15.3.0.1
#macro ATLAS_TEST_AREA ${HOME}/atlas/AtlfastCorrectorsTEST
apply_tag projectArea
apply_tag simpleTest
use AtlasLogin AtlasLogin -* $(ATLAS_DIST_AREA)
set CMTCONFIG i686-slc4-gcc34-opt
path_remove CMTPATH "$(TestArea)"
path_prepend CMTPATH "$(TestArea)"
path TEST ""
path_append TEST "$(TestArea)"


where you have added the location of the directory "ANALYSISSSL5-V15.3.0.1" to it so it can be used as a cmt tag

(6) Now source the set up script for the CMT version you want to use - example

source /data/atlasb04/software15/CMT/v1r20p20090520/mgr/setup.sh

(7) As your requirements file is new and specific to v15 you must create the CMT setup scripts for it - by:

cmt config

(8) Now you can set up CMT for your specific release (example v15.3.0.1) by sourcing the setup file like this:

source setup.sh -tag=ANALYSISSSL5-V15.3.0.1,32,,runtime,AtlasProduction

(9) Now we want to check out the UserAnalysis package for this release to do this first change into your testarea (cd $TEST)

(10) To find out the specific package version needed fro this release try this-

more /data/atlasb04/software15/AtlasAnalysis/15.3.0/PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon/UserAnalysis/cmt/version.cmt

so in this case it is UserAnalysis -00-13-17

(11) Now check out the package (in $TEST/ANALYSISSSL5-V15.3.0.1/ by:

cmt co -r UserAnalysis-00-13-17 PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon/UserAnalysis

(12) Now you must set up SVN/CVS here in GLasgow. Normally it takes the form of:

export SVNROOT=svn+ssh://USERNAME@svn.cern.ch/reps/atlasoff

where USERNAME is your CERN lxplus username. Example:

export SVNROOT=svn+ssh://tdoherty@svn.cern.ch/reps/atlasoff

(13) when successfully checked out we now want to compile this code (after your code changes are made) by:


cd PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon/UserAnalysis/cmt


source setup.sh


cmt bro gmake

(14) Now we want to run Athena with a basic JO. This means you need to change into your run directory (cd ../run)

and then fetch the JO by:

get_files AnalysisSkeleton_topOptions.py

(15) We want to change the JO to point to the input AOD that we want to run our Analysis on for example:

point to - /data/atlas07/chrisc/CSC-AOD/trig1_misal1_mc12.006855.AcerMCttbb_QCD.recon.AOD.v12000605_tid011597/AOD.011597._00002.pool.root.1

at the line starting "ServiceMgr.EventSelector.InputCollections = " in the JO.

(16) And finally run the JO:

athena.py AnalysisSkeleton_topOptions.py

and append '> AnalysisSkeleton.log' to this if you want to write the output to a log

(17) NOTE: If you find that your code changes have not been picked up when you run Athena - sometimes you have to compile, THEN LOG OUT AND RESTART YOUR SESSION. SET UP THE ENV again...

cd cmthome-v15
source setup.sh -tag=ANALYSISSSL5-V15.3.0.1,32,,runtime,AtlasProduction
cd $TEST
cd PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon/UserAnalysis/cmt
source setup.sh
cd ../run

and then run Athena

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Topic revision: r7 - 2014-01-14 - GraemeStewart
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