27/7/2012 Some Red chips sent to RAL and MPI Die Status 3 2.xlsx: Die status as of 27/7/2012 14/7/2012 2 Green chips sent to glasgow for wafer probing Die...
28/5/2012 Sensors chosen to flip chip in the second run are: From Pixel II (2873 18) SC9 RD50 guard IBL ganged pixels (baseline) SC10 RD50 guard IBL...
The wafer map Wafer V5ABC2H Map.bmp: picture of wafer map The Wafer test results Wafer V5ABC2H Results Summary.xls: Probe results Pictures of the wafer...
Wafer VBABAXH replace `dirty` wafer V5ABC2H Sent to VTT on 11th April 2012. Wafer VBABAXH Results Summary.xlsx: Wafer Map Data AndrewStewart 2012 04 11
The details of this device can be found at https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/viewauth/Atlas/PixelUpgrade3DSystematicStudies#FBK Devices This device was then shipped...
This wafer has been on the probe station for longe than usual due to the testing of a new probe card. The dirt is a worry. The wafer will eiterh be replaced by a wafer...
IBL Testbeam e group for IBL testbeam: atlas ibl testbeam #64;cern.ch Testbeam runs 2 Testbeam runs have been performed at DESY using the EUDET telescope. Information...
IBL Testbeam e group for IBL testbeam: atlas ibl testbeam #64;cern.ch To sign up for the 2011 CERN testbeam go to: http://doodle.com/488d4629pxc9tyed IBL testbeam...
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