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Results from NA62 web retrieved at 05:56 (GMT)

Beam pions Beam pions ... Generators Software implementation Documentation The generators are documented in CERN NA62 14 10 Radiative Pion Decay Monte Carlo...
Connor Graham`s Analysis This page summarises key points and events from my PhD analysis, if you make any changes to this topic (or sub topics) please sign your name...
Running a custom version of the NA62MC There are some constraints that limit the practicality of running one`s custom version of the NA62MC on the Grid. Within these...
Data Distribution This wiki describes RAW and RECO data distribution on the Grid, including transfer mechanisms, logging and database structures. RAW Data RAW data...
Pions from in beam Kaon Decay Pions from in beam Kaon Decay Generator This case is handled via pichdecays.F . This file is a container for charged pion decays....
Retrieving MC output Outputs from Monte Carlo simulation are stored on disk at RAL and CERN. This page explains how to access this data. CERN CASTOR MC production...
NA62 Experiment The experiment aims to measure the very rare kaon decay K pi nu nubar in order to extract a 10% measurement of the CKM parameter Vtd . The experiment...
NA62 Monte Carlo Simulations This wiki describes how to set up and distribute the NA62 Monte Carlo simulation code. Software Source or precompiled production version...
Production requests To request MC production on the Grid you need to first contact the NA62 Production Coordinator (PC), Evgueni Goudzovski (goudzovs #64;
NA62 Monte Carlo Production Howto This wiki explains how to submit NA62 Monte Carlo jobs on the Grid using the custom written tools and online interface for this....
NA62 Monte Carlo Grid Production Shifts This wiki contains information about and for the volunteers for the NA62 MC Grid production rota. Check this page regularly...
Writing portable software The Golden Rules Software meant to run on the Grid must be self contained and compatible with the most standard Linux configuration. Golden...
Using the CVMFS na62fw Installation From version v0.9.0 up, the NA62 software framework is available on PPE machines via CVMFS. No Git checkout or compilation is necessary...
NA62 Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the NA62 web. These preferences overwrite the site level preferences in . and...
Statistics for NA62 Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and...
Number of topics: 15

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