Difference: NA62Experiment (1 vs. 17)

Revision 172012-09-21 - DanProtopopescu

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META TOPICPARENT name="Main.DanProtopopescu"

NA62 Experiment

The experiment aims to measure the very rare kaon decay K+ -> pi+ nu nubar in order to extract a 10% measurement of the CKM parameter |Vtd|. The experiment will use 400 GeV/c protons from the SPS and aims to collect about 80 to 100 K+ -> pi+ nu nubar events at the SM prediction with a signal to background ratio of 10:1 in two years of data taking.

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META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="goudzovski-110711-1.pdf" attr="" comment="Talk by Evgueni Goudzovski, July 2011" date="1334849658" name="goudzovski-110711-1.pdf" path="goudzovski-110711-1.pdf" size="1750626" stream="goudzovski-110711-1.pdf" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp15958" user="Main.DanProtopopescu" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="NA62_seminar.pdf" attr="" comment="Talk by Andreas Winhart, 2009" date="1334849903" name="NA62_seminar.pdf" path="NA62_seminar.pdf" size="5802192" stream="NA62_seminar.pdf" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp16109" user="Main.DanProtopopescu" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Siena.pdf" attr="" comment="Talk by Dan Protopopescu at the NA62 CM in Siena, August 2012" date="1347871978" name="Siena.pdf" path="Siena.pdf" size="4198456" stream="Siena.pdf" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp10768" user="DanProtopopescu" version="1"
META TOPICMOVED by="DanProtopopescu" date="1336990514" from="NA62.NA62Main" to="NA62.NA62"
META TOPICMOVED by="DanProtopopescu" date="1348217490" from="NA62.NA62" to="NA62.NA62Experiment"

Revision 162012-09-17 - DanProtopopescu

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META TOPICPARENT name="Main.DanProtopopescu"

NA62 Experiment

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PPE People

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Our group, in collaboration with IC, RAL and Liverpool, runs NA62's Monte Carlo simulations on the grid, with the aim to provide around 108 events by late 2012. How they are done is documented in here. We started production in early June 2012:
Our group, in collaboration with several UK sites, runs NA62's Monte Carlo simulations on the grid, with the aim to provide around 108 events by late 2012. How they are done is documented in here. We started production in early June 2012:
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  This table will be automatically updated along the way. Current jobs status can be found by visiting this link. Or you can get the iPhone webapp.
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="NA62_logo.jpg" attr="" comment="NA62 Logo" date="1333616998" name="NA62_logo.jpg" path="NA62_logo.jpg" size="8595" stream="NA62_logo.jpg" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp25829" user="Main.DanProtopopescu" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="NA62-SPSC-SR-083.pdf" attr="" comment="NA62 Status Report to the CERN SPSC" date="1333617334" name="NA62-SPSC-SR-083.pdf" path="NA62-SPSC-SR-083.pdf" size="1043656" stream="NA62-SPSC-SR-083.pdf" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp25872" user="Main.DanProtopopescu" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="overview.jpg" attr="" comment="NA62 Detector Overview" date="1333620197" name="overview.jpg" path="overview.jpg" size="96181" stream="overview.jpg" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp30713" user="Main.DanProtopopescu" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="goudzovski-110711-1.pdf" attr="" comment="Talk by Evgueni Goudzovski, July 2011" date="1334849658" name="goudzovski-110711-1.pdf" path="goudzovski-110711-1.pdf" size="1750626" stream="goudzovski-110711-1.pdf" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp15958" user="Main.DanProtopopescu" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="NA62_seminar.pdf" attr="" comment="Talk by Andreas Winhart, 2009" date="1334849903" name="NA62_seminar.pdf" path="NA62_seminar.pdf" size="5802192" stream="NA62_seminar.pdf" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp16109" user="Main.DanProtopopescu" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Siena.pdf" attr="" comment="Talk by Dan Protopopescu at the NA62 CM in Siena, August 2012" date="1347871978" name="Siena.pdf" path="Siena.pdf" size="4198456" stream="Siena.pdf" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp10768" user="DanProtopopescu" version="1"
META TOPICMOVED by="DanProtopopescu" date="1336990514" from="NA62.NA62Main" to="NA62.NA62"

Revision 152012-08-17 - DanProtopopescu

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META TOPICPARENT name="Main.DanProtopopescu"

NA62 Experiment

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Revision 142012-06-21 - DanProtopopescu

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META TOPICPARENT name="Main.DanProtopopescu"

NA62 Experiment

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Our group, in collaboration with IC, RAL and Liverpool, runs NA62's Monte Carlo simulations on the grid, with the aim to provide around 108 events by late 2012. How they are done is documented in here. After a couple of weeks of trial runs, we started production in early June:
Our group, in collaboration with IC, RAL and Liverpool, runs NA62's Monte Carlo simulations on the grid, with the aim to provide around 108 events by late 2012. How they are done is documented in here. We started production in early June 2012:
  This table will be automatically updated along the way. Current jobs status can be found by visiting this link. Or you can get the iPhone webapp.

Revision 132012-06-21 - DanProtopopescu

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META TOPICPARENT name="Main.DanProtopopescu"

NA62 Experiment

Revision 122012-06-20 - DanProtopopescu

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META TOPICPARENT name="Main.DanProtopopescu"

NA62 Experiment

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 Our group, in collaboration with IC, RAL and Liverpool, runs NA62's Monte Carlo simulations on the grid, with the aim to provide around 108 events by late 2012. How they are done is documented in here. After a couple of weeks of trial runs, we started production in early June:
Description Parameters Runs Files
The first production run 120k events, decay type 60 (K+ --> pi+ pi- e+ nu), radiative corrections off DONE 34 GB
This table will be updated along the way. Current status can be found by visiting this link. Or you can get the iPhone webapp.
This table will be automatically updated along the way. Current jobs status can be found by visiting this link. Or you can get the iPhone webapp.

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="NA62_logo.jpg" attr="" comment="NA62 Logo" date="1333616998" name="NA62_logo.jpg" path="NA62_logo.jpg" size="8595" stream="NA62_logo.jpg" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp25829" user="Main.DanProtopopescu" version="1"

Revision 112012-06-18 - DanProtopopescu

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META TOPICPARENT name="Main.DanProtopopescu"

NA62 Experiment

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 After a couple of weeks of trial runs, we started production in early June:

Description Parameters Runs Files
The first production run 100k events, decay type 60 (K+ --> pi+ pi- e+ nu), radiative corrections off DONE 29 GB
The first production run 120k events, decay type 60 (K+ --> pi+ pi- e+ nu), radiative corrections off DONE 34 GB
  This table will be updated along the way. Current status can be found by visiting this link. Or you can get the iPhone webapp.

Revision 102012-06-15 - DanProtopopescu

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META TOPICPARENT name="Main.DanProtopopescu"

NA62 Experiment

Line: 26 to 26
Description Parameters Runs Files
The first production run 100k events, decay type 60 (K+ --> pi+ pi- e+ nu), radiative corrections off DONE 29 GB

This table will be updated along the way. Current status can be found by visiting this link.
This table will be updated along the way. Current status can be found by visiting this link. Or you can get the iPhone webapp.

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="NA62_logo.jpg" attr="" comment="NA62 Logo" date="1333616998" name="NA62_logo.jpg" path="NA62_logo.jpg" size="8595" stream="NA62_logo.jpg" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp25829" user="Main.DanProtopopescu" version="1"

Revision 92012-06-15 - DanProtopopescu

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META TOPICPARENT name="Main.DanProtopopescu"

NA62 Experiment

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PPE People

  Currently, David Britton and DanProtopopescu are directly involved in this experiment.


Our group, in collaboration with IC, RAL and Liverpool, runs NA62's Monte Carlo simulations on the grid, with the aim to provide around 108 events by late 2012. How they are done is documented in here. After a couple of weeks of trial runs, we started production in early June:


Description Parameters Runs Files
The first production run 100k events, decay type 60 (K+ --> pi+ pi- e+ nu), radiative corrections off DONE 29 GB

This table will be updated along the way. Current status can be found by visiting this link.

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="NA62_logo.jpg" attr="" comment="NA62 Logo" date="1333616998" name="NA62_logo.jpg" path="NA62_logo.jpg" size="8595" stream="NA62_logo.jpg" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp25829" user="Main.DanProtopopescu" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="NA62-SPSC-SR-083.pdf" attr="" comment="NA62 Status Report to the CERN SPSC" date="1333617334" name="NA62-SPSC-SR-083.pdf" path="NA62-SPSC-SR-083.pdf" size="1043656" stream="NA62-SPSC-SR-083.pdf" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp25872" user="Main.DanProtopopescu" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="overview.jpg" attr="" comment="NA62 Detector Overview" date="1333620197" name="overview.jpg" path="overview.jpg" size="96181" stream="overview.jpg" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp30713" user="Main.DanProtopopescu" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="goudzovski-110711-1.pdf" attr="" comment="Talk by Evgueni Goudzovski, July 2011" date="1334849658" name="goudzovski-110711-1.pdf" path="goudzovski-110711-1.pdf" size="1750626" stream="goudzovski-110711-1.pdf" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp15958" user="Main.DanProtopopescu" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="NA62_seminar.pdf" attr="" comment="Talk by Andreas Winhart, 2009" date="1334849903" name="NA62_seminar.pdf" path="NA62_seminar.pdf" size="5802192" stream="NA62_seminar.pdf" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp16109" user="Main.DanProtopopescu" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="NA62MC-org-chart.png" attr="h" comment="NA62 MC organisational chart" date="1337183954" name="NA62MC-org-chart.png" path="NA62MC-org-chart.png" size="57317" stream="NA62MC-org-chart.png" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp18961" user="DanProtopopescu" version="1"
META TOPICMOVED by="DanProtopopescu" date="1336990514" from="NA62.NA62Main" to="NA62.NA62"

Revision 82012-05-16 - DanProtopopescu

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META TOPICPARENT name="Main.DanProtopopescu"

NA62 Experiment

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META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="overview.jpg" attr="" comment="NA62 Detector Overview" date="1333620197" name="overview.jpg" path="overview.jpg" size="96181" stream="overview.jpg" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp30713" user="Main.DanProtopopescu" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="goudzovski-110711-1.pdf" attr="" comment="Talk by Evgueni Goudzovski, July 2011" date="1334849658" name="goudzovski-110711-1.pdf" path="goudzovski-110711-1.pdf" size="1750626" stream="goudzovski-110711-1.pdf" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp15958" user="Main.DanProtopopescu" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="NA62_seminar.pdf" attr="" comment="Talk by Andreas Winhart, 2009" date="1334849903" name="NA62_seminar.pdf" path="NA62_seminar.pdf" size="5802192" stream="NA62_seminar.pdf" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp16109" user="Main.DanProtopopescu" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="NA62MC-org-chart.png" attr="h" comment="NA62 MC organisational chart" date="1337183954" name="NA62MC-org-chart.png" path="NA62MC-org-chart.png" size="57317" stream="NA62MC-org-chart.png" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp18961" user="DanProtopopescu" version="1"
META TOPICMOVED by="DanProtopopescu" date="1336990514" from="NA62.NA62Main" to="NA62.NA62"

Revision 72012-05-14 - DanProtopopescu

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META TOPICPARENT name="Main.DanProtopopescu"

NA62 Experiment

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META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="overview.jpg" attr="" comment="NA62 Detector Overview" date="1333620197" name="overview.jpg" path="overview.jpg" size="96181" stream="overview.jpg" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp30713" user="Main.DanProtopopescu" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="goudzovski-110711-1.pdf" attr="" comment="Talk by Evgueni Goudzovski, July 2011" date="1334849658" name="goudzovski-110711-1.pdf" path="goudzovski-110711-1.pdf" size="1750626" stream="goudzovski-110711-1.pdf" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp15958" user="Main.DanProtopopescu" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="NA62_seminar.pdf" attr="" comment="Talk by Andreas Winhart, 2009" date="1334849903" name="NA62_seminar.pdf" path="NA62_seminar.pdf" size="5802192" stream="NA62_seminar.pdf" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp16109" user="Main.DanProtopopescu" version="1"
META TOPICMOVED by="DanProtopopescu" date="1335879367" from="NA62.NA62" to="NA62.NA62Main"
META TOPICMOVED by="DanProtopopescu" date="1336990514" from="NA62.NA62Main" to="NA62.NA62"

Revision 62012-05-01 - DanProtopopescu

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META TOPICPARENT name="DanProtopopescu"


Access control:  
META TOPICPARENT name="Main.DanProtopopescu"

NA62 Experiment

  The experiment aims to measure the very rare kaon decay K+ -> pi+ nu nubar in order to extract a 10% measurement of the CKM parameter |Vtd|. The experiment will use 400 GeV/c protons from the SPS and aims to collect about 80 to 100 K+ -> pi+ nu nubar events at the SM prediction with a signal to background ratio of 10:1 in two years of data taking.
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Currently, David Britton and DanProtopopescu are directly involved in this experiment.
Currently, David Britton and DanProtopopescu are directly involved in this experiment.




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  VOMS_CA_DN="'/C=UK/O=eScienceCA/OU=Authority/CN=UK e-Science CA 2B'"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="NA62_logo.jpg" attr="" comment="NA62 Logo" date="1333616998" name="NA62_logo.jpg" path="NA62_logo.jpg" size="8595" stream="NA62_logo.jpg" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp25829" user="DanProtopopescu" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="NA62-SPSC-SR-083.pdf" attr="" comment="NA62 Status Report to the CERN SPSC" date="1333617334" name="NA62-SPSC-SR-083.pdf" path="NA62-SPSC-SR-083.pdf" size="1043656" stream="NA62-SPSC-SR-083.pdf" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp25872" user="DanProtopopescu" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="overview.jpg" attr="" comment="NA62 Detector Overview" date="1333620197" name="overview.jpg" path="overview.jpg" size="96181" stream="overview.jpg" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp30713" user="DanProtopopescu" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="goudzovski-110711-1.pdf" attr="" comment="Talk by Evgueni Goudzovski, July 2011" date="1334849658" name="goudzovski-110711-1.pdf" path="goudzovski-110711-1.pdf" size="1750626" stream="goudzovski-110711-1.pdf" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp15958" user="DanProtopopescu" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="NA62_seminar.pdf" attr="" comment="Talk by Andreas Winhart, 2009" date="1334849903" name="NA62_seminar.pdf" path="NA62_seminar.pdf" size="5802192" stream="NA62_seminar.pdf" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp16109" user="DanProtopopescu" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="NA62_logo.jpg" attr="" comment="NA62 Logo" date="1333616998" name="NA62_logo.jpg" path="NA62_logo.jpg" size="8595" stream="NA62_logo.jpg" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp25829" user="Main.DanProtopopescu" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="NA62-SPSC-SR-083.pdf" attr="" comment="NA62 Status Report to the CERN SPSC" date="1333617334" name="NA62-SPSC-SR-083.pdf" path="NA62-SPSC-SR-083.pdf" size="1043656" stream="NA62-SPSC-SR-083.pdf" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp25872" user="Main.DanProtopopescu" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="overview.jpg" attr="" comment="NA62 Detector Overview" date="1333620197" name="overview.jpg" path="overview.jpg" size="96181" stream="overview.jpg" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp30713" user="Main.DanProtopopescu" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="goudzovski-110711-1.pdf" attr="" comment="Talk by Evgueni Goudzovski, July 2011" date="1334849658" name="goudzovski-110711-1.pdf" path="goudzovski-110711-1.pdf" size="1750626" stream="goudzovski-110711-1.pdf" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp15958" user="Main.DanProtopopescu" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="NA62_seminar.pdf" attr="" comment="Talk by Andreas Winhart, 2009" date="1334849903" name="NA62_seminar.pdf" path="NA62_seminar.pdf" size="5802192" stream="NA62_seminar.pdf" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp16109" user="Main.DanProtopopescu" version="1"
META TOPICMOVED by="DanProtopopescu" date="1335879367" from="NA62.NA62" to="NA62.NA62Main"

Revision 52012-04-30 - DanProtopopescu

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META TOPICPARENT name="DanProtopopescu"


The experiment aims to measure the very rare kaon decay K+ -> pi+ nu nubar in order to extract a 10% measurement of the CKM parameter |Vtd|. The experiment will use 400 GeV/c protons from the SPS and aims to collect about 80 to 100 K+ -> pi+ nu nubar events at the SM prediction with a signal to background ratio of 10:1 in two years of data taking.

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Monte Carlo simulations:



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META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="NA62_logo.jpg" attr="" comment="NA62 Logo" date="1333616998" name="NA62_logo.jpg" path="NA62_logo.jpg" size="8595" stream="NA62_logo.jpg" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp25829" user="DanProtopopescu" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="NA62-SPSC-SR-083.pdf" attr="" comment="NA62 Status Report to the CERN SPSC" date="1333617334" name="NA62-SPSC-SR-083.pdf" path="NA62-SPSC-SR-083.pdf" size="1043656" stream="NA62-SPSC-SR-083.pdf" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp25872" user="DanProtopopescu" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="overview.jpg" attr="" comment="NA62 Detector Overview" date="1333620197" name="overview.jpg" path="overview.jpg" size="96181" stream="overview.jpg" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp30713" user="DanProtopopescu" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="NA62MC.tar.zip" attr="" comment="Test tarball from Antonino Sergi" date="1333620431" name="NA62MC.tar.zip" path="NA62MC.tar.zip" size="16919575" stream="NA62MC.tar.zip" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp30898" user="DanProtopopescu" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="goudzovski-110711-1.pdf" attr="" comment="Talk by Evgueni Goudzovski, July 2011" date="1334849658" name="goudzovski-110711-1.pdf" path="goudzovski-110711-1.pdf" size="1750626" stream="goudzovski-110711-1.pdf" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp15958" user="DanProtopopescu" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="NA62_seminar.pdf" attr="" comment="Talk by Andreas Winhart, 2009" date="1334849903" name="NA62_seminar.pdf" path="NA62_seminar.pdf" size="5802192" stream="NA62_seminar.pdf" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp16109" user="DanProtopopescu" version="1"

Revision 42012-04-19 - DanProtopopescu

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META TOPICPARENT name="DanProtopopescu"


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Talks and Documentation



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META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="NA62-SPSC-SR-083.pdf" attr="" comment="NA62 Status Report to the CERN SPSC" date="1333617334" name="NA62-SPSC-SR-083.pdf" path="NA62-SPSC-SR-083.pdf" size="1043656" stream="NA62-SPSC-SR-083.pdf" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp25872" user="DanProtopopescu" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="overview.jpg" attr="" comment="NA62 Detector Overview" date="1333620197" name="overview.jpg" path="overview.jpg" size="96181" stream="overview.jpg" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp30713" user="DanProtopopescu" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="NA62MC.tar.zip" attr="" comment="Test tarball from Antonino Sergi" date="1333620431" name="NA62MC.tar.zip" path="NA62MC.tar.zip" size="16919575" stream="NA62MC.tar.zip" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp30898" user="DanProtopopescu" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="goudzovski-110711-1.pdf" attr="" comment="Talk by Evgueni Goudzovski, July 2011" date="1334849658" name="goudzovski-110711-1.pdf" path="goudzovski-110711-1.pdf" size="1750626" stream="goudzovski-110711-1.pdf" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp15958" user="DanProtopopescu" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="NA62_seminar.pdf" attr="" comment="Talk by Andreas Winhart, 2009" date="1334849903" name="NA62_seminar.pdf" path="NA62_seminar.pdf" size="5802192" stream="NA62_seminar.pdf" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp16109" user="DanProtopopescu" version="1"

Revision 32012-04-19 - DanProtopopescu

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META TOPICPARENT name="DanProtopopescu"


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META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="NA62_logo.jpg" attr="" comment="NA62 Logo" date="1333616998" name="NA62_logo.jpg" path="NA62_logo.jpg" size="8595" stream="NA62_logo.jpg" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp25829" user="DanProtopopescu" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="NA62-SPSC-SR-083.pdf" attr="" comment="NA62 Status Report to the CERN SPSC" date="1333617334" name="NA62-SPSC-SR-083.pdf" path="NA62-SPSC-SR-083.pdf" size="1043656" stream="NA62-SPSC-SR-083.pdf" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp25872" user="DanProtopopescu" version="1"

Revision 22012-04-05 - DanProtopopescu

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META TOPICPARENT name="DanProtopopescu"


-- DanProtopopescu - 2012-04-04
 \ No newline at end of file
Access control:  

The experiment aims to measure the very rare kaon decay K+ -> pi+ nu nubar in order to extract a 10% measurement of the CKM parameter |Vtd|. The experiment will use 400 GeV/c protons from the SPS and aims to collect about 80 to 100 K+ -> pi+ nu nubar events at the SM prediction with a signal to background ratio of 10:1 in two years of data taking.



Currently, David Britton and DanProtopopescu are directly involved in this experiment.


Monte Carlo simulations:

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="NA62_logo.jpg" attr="" comment="NA62 Logo" date="1333616998" name="NA62_logo.jpg" path="NA62_logo.jpg" size="8595" stream="NA62_logo.jpg" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp25829" user="DanProtopopescu" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="NA62-SPSC-SR-083.pdf" attr="" comment="NA62 Status Report to the CERN SPSC" date="1333617334" name="NA62-SPSC-SR-083.pdf" path="NA62-SPSC-SR-083.pdf" size="1043656" stream="NA62-SPSC-SR-083.pdf" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp25872" user="DanProtopopescu" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="overview.jpg" attr="" comment="NA62 Detector Overview" date="1333620197" name="overview.jpg" path="overview.jpg" size="96181" stream="overview.jpg" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp30713" user="DanProtopopescu" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="NA62MC.tar.zip" attr="" comment="Test tarball from Antonino Sergi" date="1333620431" name="NA62MC.tar.zip" path="NA62MC.tar.zip" size="16919575" stream="NA62MC.tar.zip" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp30898" user="DanProtopopescu" version="1"

Revision 12012-04-04 - DanProtopopescu

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META TOPICPARENT name="DanProtopopescu"


-- DanProtopopescu - 2012-04-04

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