Using the CVMFS na62fw Installation

From version v0.9.0 up, the NA62 software framework is available on PPE machines via CVMFS. No Git checkout or compilation is necessary in order to run simulation or reconstruction - the code is compiled by the developers and can be found in /cvmfs/

Set up na62fw

We are using version v0.9.1 in this example, but this should be valid for future production versions as well.

Assuming you are on a CVMFS-enabled machine, in your preferred work directory (say ~/work),

mkdir -p work/
cd work
setup your NA62FW with the commands
/cvmfs/ -v v0.9.1 -w ~/work/v0.9.1
cd v0.9.1

This will create two new subdirectories, NA62MC and NA62Reconstruction. will be added to your PATH and NA62Reco can be run from the NA62Reconstruction directory.

Running MC

Assuming you've set up your framework as above, and you are in ~/work/v0.9.1, configure GTK with

cd NA62MC/
chmod u+x config/
config/ 3809
then run the simulation with
NA62MC macros/StandardRun.mac
This example will produce 1000 events in a file named pluto.root located in the current directory. To simulate other physics channels, create your own macro using the StandardRun.mac example.

Running Reconstruction

First we go to the NA62Reconstruction directory and we adapt our SAV and LKr configurations for MC data type

cd ../NA62Reconstruction
cat config/NA62Reconstruction.2015.conf | sed 's|\(RecoSeq.*\)SAV|\1|' > config/NA62Reconstruction.conf
mv -v config/LKr.2015.conf config/LKr.2015.conf.orig
cat config/LKr.2015.conf.orig | sed 's|^DataType =.*|DataType = mc|' | sed 's|^RefShapeFileName=.*|RefShapeFileName= config/LKr-refshape_mc.dat|' | sed 's|^DigFilterFileName=.*|DigFilterFileName= config/LKr-digfcons_mc.dat|' > config/LKr.2015.conf
Note that you can modify the reconstruction configuration by hand, simply by editing the files config/NA62Reconstruction.conf and config/LKr.2015.conf (see differences here ).

Then reconstruct the MC file produced in the previous step with

./NA62Reco -i ../NA62MC/pluto.root -o reco.root
This will produce a file named reco.root located in the current directory.

Running Analysis

To run the analysis, you will have to use the usual recipe for downloading NA62Analysis and setting up UserAnalysis.

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I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
Texttxt mc-data-diff.txt r1 manage 0.7 K 2016-10-18 - 12:11 DanProtopopescu Differences between data and MC reconstruction configurations
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Topic revision: r2 - 2016-10-18 - DanProtopopescu
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