Difference: ConnorsAnalysis (1 vs. 35)

Revision 352018-09-25 - ConnorGraham

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Connor Graham's Analysis

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 To view the dates of meetings, shifts, other events and presentations view the event timeline page.

Non-analysis work of note:

  • Starting the French course 9th April
  • Progression documents due 4th May
  • Shifts end 19th October for Glasgow and 12th November for NA62 for Long Shutdown 2


To view the past, current and future progression of the analysis work view the analysis timeline page.

Revision 342018-04-03 - ConnorGraham

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Connor Graham's Analysis

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  To view the dates of meetings, shifts, other events and presentations view the event timeline page.
Non-analysis work this week:
  • Attended a seminar (see events section)
  • Moved to an electronic logbook using LaTeX
Non-analysis work of note:
  • Starting the French course 9th April
  • Progression documents due 4th May


To view the past, current and future progression of the analysis work view the analysis timeline page.

Line: 26 to 26
  To view a summary of the available instruction files view the instructions page.


  • Code files specific to my work are backed up to: /codes/

Revision 332018-02-01 - ConnorGraham

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Connor Graham's Analysis

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 To view the dates of meetings, shifts, other events and presentations view the event timeline page.

Non-analysis work this week:

  • Caught up on meeting slides from events I missed and made some summarised notes
  • Considerable contact with the UKLO as they're moving us to a new property
  • Finished with ORCID, arXiv account and Inspire ID with associated HepName
  • Signed up for the next French course
  • Ran some updates and dealt with some other electronic housekeeping jobs that were building up
  • Attended a seminar (see events section)
  • Moved to an electronic logbook using LaTeX


To view the past, current and future progression of the analysis work view the analysis timeline page.

Revision 322018-01-26 - ConnorGraham

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Connor Graham's Analysis

Line: 10 to 10
 To view the dates of meetings, shifts, other events and presentations view the event timeline page.

Non-analysis work this week:

  • Added Ubuntu bash terminal for Windows to make terminal access available everywhere, see howtogeek.com for details
  • Dealt with some information requests from the student loans company and the UKLO
  • linked my ORCID, arXiv account and Inspire ID for Brigitte's records on the collaboration, feel free to ask for the details if it would be useful
  • Caught up on meeting slides from events I missed and made some summarised notes
  • Considerable contact with the UKLO as they're moving us to a new property
  • Finished with ORCID, arXiv account and Inspire ID with associated HepName
  • Signed up for the next French course
  • Ran some updates and dealt with some other electronic housekeeping jobs that were building up


To view the past, current and future progression of the analysis work view the analysis timeline page.

Revision 312018-01-11 - ConnorGraham

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Connor Graham's Analysis

Line: 11 to 11
  Non-analysis work this week:
  • Added Ubuntu bash terminal for Windows to make terminal access available everywhere, see howtogeek.com for details
  • Dealt with some information requests from the student loans company and the UKLO
  • linked my ORCID, arXiv account and Inspire ID for Brigitte's records on the collaboration, feel free to ask for the details if it would be useful


To view the past, current and future progression of the analysis work view the analysis timeline page.

Revision 302018-01-11 - ConnorGraham

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Connor Graham's Analysis

Line: 10 to 10
 To view the dates of meetings, shifts, other events and presentations view the event timeline page.

Non-analysis work this week:

  • Finished placement test for the French course (course will start late Jan or early Feb)
  • Attended the collaboration meal on the 13th
  • Attended the Pnn talks for the collaboration meeting and looked at the slides of a few relevant others (DQ etc...)
  • Added Ubuntu bash terminal for Windows to make terminal access available everywhere, see howtogeek.com for details


To view the past, current and future progression of the analysis work view the analysis timeline page.

Revision 292017-12-14 - ConnorGraham

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Connor Graham's Analysis

Line: 10 to 10
 To view the dates of meetings, shifts, other events and presentations view the event timeline page.

Non-analysis work this week:

  • Trying to get my placement test organised for the French course
    • the online test [done]
    • call for final assessment [waiting]
  • Signed up for the collaboration meal during the meeting next week
  • Attended the UKLO Christmas party
  • Finished placement test for the French course (course will start late Jan or early Feb)
  • Attended the collaboration meal on the 13th
  • Attended the Pnn talks for the collaboration meeting and looked at the slides of a few relevant others (DQ etc...)


To view the past, current and future progression of the analysis work view the analysis timeline page.

Revision 282017-12-08 - ConnorGraham

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Connor Graham's Analysis

Line: 11 to 11
  Non-analysis work this week:
  • Trying to get my placement test organised for the French course
    • the online test [done]
    • call for final assessment [waiting]
  • Signed up for the collaboration meal during the meeting next week
  • Attended the UKLO Christmas party


Revision 272017-12-07 - ConnorGraham

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Connor Graham's Analysis

Line: 11 to 11
  Non-analysis work this week:
  • Trying to get my placement test organised for the French course
  • Large update of the twiki analysis material
  • Backed up the newly working user directory before making edits
  • Signed up for the collaboration meal during the meeting next week
  • Attended the UKLO Christmas party


To view the past, current and future progression of the analysis work view the analysis timeline page.

Revision 262017-12-04 - ConnorGraham

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Connor Graham's Analysis

Line: 11 to 11
  Non-analysis work this week:
  • Trying to get my placement test organised for the French course
  • Writing up the HTCondor instructions
  • Dealt with the Mac security issues by setting my root pw and then downloading the security update when it became available
  • Attended the Pnn analysis meeting
  • Large update of the twiki analysis material
  • Backed up the newly working user directory before making edits


To view the past, current and future progression of the analysis work view the analysis timeline page.

Revision 252017-12-04 - ConnorGraham

Line: 1 to 1

Connor Graham's Analysis

This page summarises key points and events from my <nop>PhD analysis, if you make any changes to this topic (or sub-topics) please sign your name next to the edit. My thesis topic is an analysis of 2017 data from the NA62 experiment at CERN, to make a measurement of the branching fraction K+→π+νν to 10% Standard Model sensitivity.
This page summarises key points and events from my PhD analysis, if you make any changes to this topic (or sub-topics) please sign your name next to the edit. My thesis topic is an analysis of 2017 data from the NA62 experiment at CERN, to make a measurement of the branching fraction K+→π+νν to 10% Standard Model sensitivity.


Revision 242017-11-30 - ConnorGraham

Line: 1 to 1

Connor Graham's Analysis

This page summarises key points and events from my PhD analysis, if you make any changes to this topic (or sub-topics) please sign your name next to the edit. My thesis topic is an analysis of 2017 data from the NA62 experiment at CERN, to make a measurement of the branching fraction K+→π+νν to 10% Standard Model sensitivity.
This page summarises key points and events from my <nop>PhD analysis, if you make any changes to this topic (or sub-topics) please sign your name next to the edit. My thesis topic is an analysis of 2017 data from the NA62 experiment at CERN, to make a measurement of the branching fraction K+→π+νν to 10% Standard Model sensitivity.


Line: 17 to 17


To view the past, current and future progression of the analysis work view the analysis timeline page.

Giuseppe's preliminary note on the Pnn analysis is available in /Documents/pinunu_selection.pdf

Thesis document

I've collected all the relevant guideline documents and found a LATEX template for a generic "science and engineering" thesis. I've made a draft copy, added some basic information, style (both in the code and pdf) and some preliminary chapter titles. I'll mostly work on this in the background at this stage, such as a little while on shifts or during long periods of travel.

Revision 232017-11-30 - ConnorGraham

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Connor Graham's Analysis

Line: 10 to 10
 To view the dates of meetings, shifts, other events and presentations view the event timeline page.

Non-analysis work this week:

  • Added subsections to this TWiki page by the use of links and wikiwords, so this one page doesn't get too long
  • Physics Beyond Colliders Annual Workshop 21-22/11/17
  • I'm in the process of downloading many of the CERN academic training lectures, which may be useful for future reference, this mostly just takes 5 mins plus some waiting while I work on other things
  • Trying to get my placement test organised for the French course
  • Writing up the HTCondor instructions
  • Dealt with the Mac security issues by setting my root pw and then downloading the security update when it became available
  • Attended the Pnn analysis meeting


To view the past, current and future progression of the analysis work view the analysis timeline page.

Revision 222017-11-23 - ConnorGraham

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Connor Graham's Analysis

Line: 12 to 12
 Non-analysis work this week:
  • Added subsections to this TWiki page by the use of links and wikiwords, so this one page doesn't get too long
  • Physics Beyond Colliders Annual Workshop 21-22/11/17
  • I'm in the process of downloading many of the CERN academic training lectures, which may be useful for future reference, this mostly just takes 5 mins plus some waiting while I work on other things


To view the past, current and future progression of the analysis work view the analysis timeline page.

Line: 24 to 25
  To view a summary of the available instruction files view the instructions page.


  • Current version of my Kμ2 normalisation sample code on 16/11/17 (runs with data and r1720 of the Git framework): /codes/kmu2norm/KaonEventAnalysis.cc (.hh also in this directory, as required to build)
  • Current version of my Kμ2 normalisation sample code on 23/11/17 (runs with data and r1720 of the Git framework): /codes/kmu2norm/KaonEventAnalysis.cc (.hh also in this directory, as required to build)

Revision 212017-11-22 - ConnorGraham

Line: 1 to 1

Connor Graham's Analysis

This page summarises key points and events from my <nop>PhD analysis, if you make any changes to this topic (or sub-topics) please sign your name next to the edit. My thesis topic is an analysis of 2017 data from the NA62 experiment at CERN, to make a measurement of the branching fraction K+→π+νν to 10% Standard Model sensitivity.
This page summarises key points and events from my PhD analysis, if you make any changes to this topic (or sub-topics) please sign your name next to the edit. My thesis topic is an analysis of 2017 data from the NA62 experiment at CERN, to make a measurement of the branching fraction K+→π+νν to 10% Standard Model sensitivity.


Line: 11 to 11
  Non-analysis work this week:
  • Added subsections to this TWiki page by the use of links and wikiwords, so this one page doesn't get too long
  • Physics Beyond Colliders Annual Workshop 21-22/11/17


To view the past, current and future progression of the analysis work view the analysis timeline page.


Thesis document


Thesis document

  I've collected all the relevant guideline documents and found a LATEX template for a generic "science and engineering" thesis. I've made a draft copy, added some basic information, style (both in the code and pdf) and some preliminary chapter titles. I'll mostly work on this in the background at this stage, such as a little while on shifts or during long periods of travel.

Some initial content has been added in bullet point and section title format, this will be expanded (when time allows) to some first draft paragraphs.





NA62 framework and user directory: (may expand this into a complete section with the instructions written out to be easier to read)

Instruction file in the shared directory under: /readme/analysisbuild.txt

I'm currently using "NA62AnalysisBuilder.py build -j16 --build-user-only --old-specialtrigger fullanalysis.conf" to build my config file

  • --old-specialtrigger (explained above) is for backward compatibility with datasets that were filtered using an older revision
  • --build-user-only speeds up the build if the framework is built and up-to-date (wouldn't advise this unless this analyser has been built at least once completely)
  • -j16 uses more cores to run the build, also speeding it up
Monte Carlo from cvmfs

Instruction file in the shared directory under: /readme/NA62MC.txt

How to download and run the cvmfs version of the analysis framework to generate a reconstructed MC .root file.

Generating an analyser for a specific (or style of) root file

Instruction file in the shared directory under: /readme/MakeClass_instructions.txt

How to generate an analyser from a root file using the <nop>MakeClass() ROOT function, then subsequently run that function in the ROOT comand line.

To view a summary of the available instruction files view the instructions page.


Revision 202017-11-22 - ConnorGraham

Line: 1 to 1

Connor Graham's Analysis

This page summarises key points and events from my PhD analysis. My thesis topic is an analysis of 2017 data from the NA62 experiment at CERN, to make a measurement of the branching fraction K+→π+νν to 10% Standard Model sensitivity.
This page summarises key points and events from my <nop>PhD analysis, if you make any changes to this topic (or sub-topics) please sign your name next to the edit. My thesis topic is an analysis of 2017 data from the NA62 experiment at CERN, to make a measurement of the branching fraction K+→π+νν to 10% Standard Model sensitivity.


Line: 25 to 25
  Instruction file in the shared directory under: /readme/analysisbuild.txt
I'm currently using "NA62AnalysisBuilder.py build --old-specialtrigger --build-user-only -j 60 config" to build my config file
I'm currently using "NA62AnalysisBuilder.py build -j16 --build-user-only --old-specialtrigger fullanalysis.conf" to build my config file
  • --old-specialtrigger (explained above) is for backward compatibility with datasets that were filtered using an older revision
  • --build-user-only speeds up the build if the framework is built and up-to-date (wouldn't advise this unless this analyser has been built at least once completely)
  • -j16 uses more cores to run the build, also speeding it up
Monte Carlo from cvmfs

Instruction file in the shared directory under: /readme/NA62MC.txt

How to download and run the cvmfs version of the analysis framework to generate a reconstructed MC .root file.

Generating an analyser for a specific (or style of) root file

Instruction file in the shared directory under: /readme/MakeClass_instructions.txt

How to generate an analyser from a root file using the <nop>MakeClass() ROOT function, then subsequently run that function in the ROOT comand line.



Revision 192017-11-19 - ConnorGraham

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Connor Graham's Analysis

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Non-analysis work this week:
  • Updated the histograms to .pdf code to have larger axis titles, better margins and a more readble stats box and tested this with an A4 print out
  • Added some bullet point content to the thesis document
  • Edited some of my email accounts' settings to make recieving important emails faster and with less distraction
  • Checked that my certificate for the NA62 VO was up-to-date

NA62 meetings

Analysis meetings:

18-19/10/17, 07-08/02/18, 25-26/04/18, 18-19/07/18, 24-25/10/18.

Collaboration meetings:

11-15/12/17, 5-9/03/18, 4-8/06/18, beginning of September in Pisa, 10-14/12/18.

Glasgow meetings:

Meeting slides are available in the shared directory under meeting_slides/

Upcoming: 10/11/17

Past: 20/10/17


Night = 00:00 - 08:00, Day = 08:00 - 16:00, Afternoon = 16:00 - 00:00


To view the dates of meetings, shifts, other events and presentations view the event timeline page.
Day 27/10 (shadow)


Practical training 04/07/17

Day 08/07 (shadow) | Night 10/07 | Afternoon 11/07 | Night 15/07 | Night 16/07 | Night 17/07 | Day 18/07

Afternoon 20/07 | Day 22/07 | Day 24/07 | Day 28/08 | Day 31/08 | Afternoon 10/08 | Day 21/08

Events and travel

PhD and Glasgow University related events:

Long Term Attachment at CERN: 27/06/17 - 12/18 (return date approximate)

Lancaster University for STFC HEP Summer School 03-15/09/17 | Helping with the particle physics masterclass for pre-university students 13/06/17 | CERN trip for analysis meeting etc. 22-26/05/17 | Residentail at Edinburgh University for SUPAHOW 25-27/04/17 | Helping on PhD interview day 15/02/17 | Edinburgh University for detectors lab 30/11/16 | CERN for account setup and visiting the main building 24-28/10/16

Seminars and other external events:

16/10/17 facebook live broadcast of the ISOLDE 50th birthday celebration

Talks and posters

11/09/17 poster presentation on NA62 at Lancaster University, 05/04/17 creative talk for the postgraduate leadership programme, 02/03/17 LHCb pentaquark talk for SUPADCL

Non-analysis work this week:
  • Added subsections to this TWiki page by the use of links and wikiwords, so this one page doesn't get too long



Currently working on:

Generating a Kμ2 normalisation sample to compare the ππ0 and μ+ν normalised branching ratio values, to determine if anything has been missed in the systematics.
  • Step 1: Start generating a sample of Kμ2 data with PNN like cuts from one burst (current file) and organise some output histograms [in progress]
    • Write a new tree to group useful output [done along with a new function in the code]
    • Still to get started on PNN like cuts [ongoing]
  • Step 2: Test on 100 bursts with HTCondor (Stoyan will send me the instructions readme and associated codes when required)
    • Refine cuts and output histograms etc...
  • Step 3: Run on 1k bursts (average run) with HTCondor to try and get some good results
    • e.g. the number of kaon decays for Kμ2
  • Important: The acceptance of each decay has to be studied carefully as not all elements cancel, so everything has to be considered for how it could affect the acceptance with respect to the other decay (PNN or Kμ2)
Possible parallel MC work: [no further information on this as of yet]
  • Altering the Geant4 setup to change the hadronic interaction probability in GTK3 to 1
  • Generating on the order of 100M events
  • Comparing with data
  • Aim: to make an estimation of this background for the PNN errors


Generating a Pnn sample from the Kaon code given to me by Giuseppe.

  • Build fails due to class conflict in the public directory files
    • Solution: fixed manually by Giuseppe in the codes, largely by replacing the conflicting "Particle" class with "MyParticle"
  • Further run fails due to a special trigger issue not dependent on the build flag
    • Solution: a special trigger element of the code needs changing when swapping between MC and data files
  • Now working on afs and should be able to set up on any other system (copy placed in: userDir2)

A test analyser, to understand how to generate an analyser from scratch and plot variables in the data files, using the framework as a basis.

  • This analyser is now setup such that it builds and begins to run with the current setup, designed to record the number of spectrometer candidates, but it fails at runtime due to an issue with a special trigger which is not specifically used in the code.
    • Solution: frameworks are not yet completely backwards compatible, I need to use the --old-specialtrigger flag after "build" to get this to work
To view the past, current and future progression of the analysis work view the analysis timeline page.

Thesis document

I've collected all the relevant guideline documents and found a LATEX template for a generic "science and engineering" thesis. I've made a draft copy, added some basic information, style (both in the code and pdf) and some preliminary chapter titles. I'll mostly work on this in the background at this stage, such as a little while on shifts or during long periods of travel.

Line: 103 to 30
  • --build-user-only speeds up the build if the framework is built and up-to-date (wouldn't advise this unless this analyser has been built at least once completely)
  • -j16 uses more cores to run the build, also speeding it up


  • Current version of my Kμ2 normalisation sample code on 16/11/17 (runs with data and r1720 of the Git framework): /codes/kmu2norm/KaonEventAnalysis.cc (.hh also in this directory, as required to build)
  • Current version of my Kμ2 normalisation sample code on 16/11/17 (runs with data and r1720 of the Git framework): /codes/kmu2norm/KaonEventAnalysis.cc (.hh also in this directory, as required to build)
  \ No newline at end of file

Revision 182017-11-16 - ConnorGraham

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Connor Graham's Analysis

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Non-analysis work this week:

  • Wrote a code for writing useful histograms to .pdf, see the codes section below
  • Updated the histograms to .pdf code to have larger axis titles, better margins and a more readble stats box and tested this with an A4 print out
  • Added some bullet point content to the thesis document
  • Edited some of my email accounts' settings to make recieving important emails faster and with less distraction
  • Checked that my certificate for the NA62 VO was up-to-date

NA62 meetings

Analysis meetings:

Line: 87 to 90

Thesis document

I've collected all the relevant guideline documents and found a LATEX template for a generic "science and engineering" thesis. I've made a draft copy, added some basic information, style (both in the code and pdf) and some preliminary chapter titles. I'll mostly work on this in the background at this stage, such as a little while on shifts or during long periods of travel.

Some initial content has been added in bullet point and section title format, this will be expanded (when time allows) to some first draft paragraphs.


NA62 framework and user directory: (may expand this into a complete section with the instructions written out to be easier to read)

Line: 96 to 101
 I'm currently using "NA62AnalysisBuilder.py build --old-specialtrigger --build-user-only -j 60 config" to build my config file
  • --old-specialtrigger (explained above) is for backward compatibility with datasets that were filtered using an older revision
  • --build-user-only speeds up the build if the framework is built and up-to-date (wouldn't advise this unless this analyser has been built at least once completely)
  • -j 60 uses more cores to run the build, also speeding it up
  • -j16 uses more cores to run the build, also speeding it up


 \ No newline at end of file

Revision 172017-11-09 - ConnorGraham

Line: 1 to 1

Connor Graham's Analysis

This page summarises key points and events from my PhD analysis. My thesis topic is an analysis of 2017 data from the NA62 experiment at CERN, to make a measurement of the branching fraction K+→π+νν to 10% Standard Model sensitivity.
This page summarises key points and events from my PhD analysis. My thesis topic is an analysis of 2017 data from the NA62 experiment at CERN, to make a measurement of the branching fraction K+→π+νν to 10% Standard Model sensitivity.


Non-analysis work this week:

  • Obtained new grid certificate and am in the process of converting it from .p12 to .pem for Dirac and updating my associated readme file [done]
    • VO Northgrid membership has expired, need to sort this out [should be ok actually, it's the old membership]
  • Swapped my dosimeter as requested (for annual calibration and checks)
  • Fixed the dates on the meeting slides
  • Wrote a code for writing useful histograms to .pdf, see the codes section below

NA62 meetings

Analysis meetings:

Line: 64 to 61
 Generating a Kμ2 normalisation sample to compare the ππ0 and μ+ν normalised branching ratio values, to determine if anything has been missed in the systematics.
  • Step 1: Start generating a sample of Kμ2 data with PNN like cuts from one burst (current file) and organise some output histograms [in progress]
    • Write a new tree to group useful output [done along with a new function in the code]
    • Still to get started on PNN like cuts
    • Still to get started on PNN like cuts [ongoing]
  • Step 2: Test on 100 bursts with HTCondor (Stoyan will send me the instructions readme and associated codes when required)
    • Refine cuts and output histograms etc...
  • Step 3: Run on 1k bursts (average run) with HTCondor to try and get some good results
    • e.g. the number of kaon decays for Kμ2
  • Important: The acceptance of each decay has to be studied carefully as not all elements cancel, so everything has to be considered for how it could affect the acceptance with respect to the other decay (PNN or Kμ2)
Possible parallel MC work:
Possible parallel MC work: [no further information on this as of yet]
  • Altering the Geant4 setup to change the hadronic interaction probability in GTK3 to 1
  • Generating on the order of 100M events
  • Comparing with data
Line: 101 to 98
  • --build-user-only speeds up the build if the framework is built and up-to-date (wouldn't advise this unless this analyser has been built at least once completely)
  • -j 60 uses more cores to run the build, also speeding it up


Current version of my Kμ2 normalisation sample code on 02/11/17 (runs with data and r1720 of the Git framework): /codes/kmu2norm/KaonEventAnalysis.cc (.hh also in this directory, as required to build)
 \ No newline at end of file

Revision 162017-11-03 - ConnorGraham

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Connor Graham's Analysis

Line: 8 to 8


Non-analysis work this week:

  • Obtained new grid certificate and am in the process of converting it from .p12 to .pem for Dirac and updating my associated readme file
    • VO Northgrid membership has expired, need to sort this out
  • Obtained new grid certificate and am in the process of converting it from .p12 to .pem for Dirac and updating my associated readme file [done]
    • VO Northgrid membership has expired, need to sort this out [should be ok actually, it's the old membership]
  • Swapped my dosimeter as requested (for annual calibration and checks)
  • Fixed the dates on the meeting slides

NA62 meetings

Analysis meetings:

Revision 152017-11-03 - ConnorGraham

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Connor Graham's Analysis

Line: 101 to 101
  • -j 60 uses more cores to run the build, also speeding it up


Current version of my Kμ2 normalisation sample code on 02/11/17 (runs with r1720 of the Git framework): http://www.ppe.gla.ac.uk/~cgraham/na62/codes/kmu2norm/KaonEventAnalysis.cc (.hh also in this directory, as required to build)
Current version of my Kμ2 normalisation sample code on 02/11/17 (runs with data and r1720 of the Git framework): /codes/kmu2norm/KaonEventAnalysis.cc (.hh also in this directory, as required to build)

Revision 142017-11-02 - ConnorGraham

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Connor Graham's Analysis

Line: 9 to 9
  Non-analysis work this week:
  • Obtained new grid certificate and am in the process of converting it from .p12 to .pem for Dirac and updating my associated readme file
  • Continuing to Question Giuseppe on the HTCondor batch system, mentioned in the analysis meeting last week
  • Consolodating the large quantity of information given last week into some notes in my log book and possibly in this twiki page too, depending on content
    • VO Northgrid membership has expired, need to sort this out
  • Swapped my dosimeter as requested (for annual calibration and checks)

NA62 meetings

Analysis meetings:

Line: 25 to 25
  Meeting slides are available in the shared directory under meeting_slides/
Upcoming: 10/11/17, 27/10/17 (CERN)
Upcoming: 10/11/17
  Past: 20/10/17


Line: 61 to 61

Currently working on:

Generating a Kμ2 normalisation sample to compare the ππ0 and μ+ν normalised branching ratio values, to determine if anything has been missed in the systematics.

  • Step 1: Start generating a sample of Kμ2 data with PNN like cuts from one burst (current file) and organise some output histograms
    • Write a new tree to group useful output
  • Step 2: Test on 100 bursts with HTCondor (Giuseppe will send me the instructions ASAP)
  • Step 1: Start generating a sample of Kμ2 data with PNN like cuts from one burst (current file) and organise some output histograms [in progress]
    • Write a new tree to group useful output [done along with a new function in the code]
    • Still to get started on PNN like cuts
  • Step 2: Test on 100 bursts with HTCondor (Stoyan will send me the instructions readme and associated codes when required)
    • Refine cuts and output histograms etc...
  • Step 3: Run on 1k bursts (average run) with HTCondor to try and get some good results
    • e.g. the number of kaon decays for Kμ2
  • Important: The acceptance of each decay has to be studied carefully as not all elements cancel, so everything has to be considered for how it could affect the acceptance with respect to the other decay (PNN or Kμ2)
Possible parallel MC work:
  • Altering the Geant4 setup to change the hadronic interaction probability in GTK3 to 1
  • Generating on the order of 100M events
  • Comparing with data
  • Aim: to make an estimation of this background for the PNN errors


Generating a Pnn sample from the Kaon code given to me by Giuseppe.

Line: 94 to 101
  • -j 60 uses more cores to run the build, also speeding it up


Links to repositories, with version remarks, etc.
Current version of my Kμ2 normalisation sample code on 02/11/17 (runs with r1720 of the Git framework): http://www.ppe.gla.ac.uk/~cgraham/na62/codes/kmu2norm/KaonEventAnalysis.cc (.hh also in this directory, as required to build)

Revision 132017-10-24 - ConnorGraham

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Connor Graham's Analysis

Line: 61 to 61

Currently working on:

Generating a Kμ2 normalisation sample to compare the ππ0 and μ+ν normalised branching ratio values, to determine if anything has been missed in the systematics.

  • Step 1: start generating a sample of Kμ2 data with PNN like cuts
  • Step 1: Start generating a sample of Kμ2 data with PNN like cuts from one burst (current file) and organise some output histograms
    • Write a new tree to group useful output
  • Step 2: Test on 100 bursts with HTCondor (Giuseppe will send me the instructions ASAP)
    • Refine cuts and output histograms etc...
  • Step 3: Run on 1k bursts (average run) with HTCondor to try and get some good results
    • e.g. the number of kaon decays for Kμ2


Generating a Pnn sample from the Kaon code given to me by Giuseppe.

Revision 122017-10-23 - ConnorGraham

Line: 1 to 1

Connor Graham's Analysis

Line: 8 to 8


Non-analysis work this week:

  • Listened to the facebook live broadcast of the ISOLDE 50th birthday celebration, with some talks and Q&A
  • Saturday: day shift
  • Updated the basic information on my glasgow webpage's front page
  • Attending the Analysis meeting in full, as I've only attended the pnn parts of the last several meetings and it may improve my knowledge of the software framework
  • Setup a mattermost account for further collaboration on na62 work
  • Obtained new grid certificate and am in the process of converting it from .p12 to .pem for Dirac and updating my associated readme file
  • Continuing to Question Giuseppe on the HTCondor batch system, mentioned in the analysis meeting last week
  • Consolodating the large quantity of information given last week into some notes in my log book and possibly in this twiki page too, depending on content

NA62 meetings

Analysis meetings:

Line: 47 to 45
 Afternoon 20/07 | Day 22/07 | Day 24/07 | Day 28/08 | Day 31/08 | Afternoon 10/08 | Day 21/08

Events and travel

PhD and Glasgow University related events:
 Long Term Attachment at CERN: 27/06/17 - 12/18 (return date approximate)

Lancaster University for STFC HEP Summer School 03-15/09/17 | Helping with the particle physics masterclass for pre-university students 13/06/17 | CERN trip for analysis meeting etc. 22-26/05/17 | Residentail at Edinburgh University for SUPAHOW 25-27/04/17 | Helping on PhD interview day 15/02/17 | Edinburgh University for detectors lab 30/11/16 | CERN for account setup and visiting the main building 24-28/10/16

Line: 61 to 61

Currently working on:

Generating a Kμ2 normalisation sample to compare the ππ0 and μ+ν normalised branching ratio values, to determine if anything has been missed in the systematics.

  • step 1: start generating a sample of Kμ2 data with PNN like cuts
  • Step 1: start generating a sample of Kμ2 data with PNN like cuts


Generating a Pnn sample from the Kaon code given to me by Giuseppe.

Revision 112017-10-21 - ConnorGraham

Line: 1 to 1

Connor Graham's Analysis

Line: 27 to 27
  Meeting slides are available in the shared directory under meeting_slides/
Upcoming: 10/11/17, 27/10/17 (CERN)

Past: 20/10/17



Night = 00:00 - 08:00, Day = 08:00 - 16:00, Afternoon = 16:00 - 00:00

Line: 58 to 60


Currently working on:

Generating a Pnn sample from the Kaon code given to me by Giuseppe.
  • Build fails at ~95% due to an issue with the Particle class definition, the code seems correct, perhaps include is searching for the .hh file in the wrong location
    • Possible solutions, look for: missing files in config (no), discrepancies with working dependency files (no), different combinations of build flags that might work (no)
      • Further issue generated, it seems this can only occur due to circular #include statements between two or more files, this is hard to find in so many files, it's possible this is due to the fact that the library files are out of date, as Stoyan has slightly different versions, I don't know where to get up-to-date versions of these, so I'll ask Giuseppe
    • Last resort idea: full cleanall and rebuild of analysis framework and userdirectory without any shortcuts
  • Met with Giuseppe to breiftly discus the user directory issues for the fullanalysis.conf
    • He suggested running from afs as certain things may not be set up for other systems, so I'm generating a new framework and user directory in my afs work directory, I'm following the instructions in my readme file and am updating for any missing information as I go
      • ssh to lxplus to access my afs version may also improve connection speed, as ssh to Glasgow can be sluggish, especially when opening files
Generating a Kμ2 normalisation sample to compare the ππ0 and μ+ν normalised branching ratio values, to determine if anything has been missed in the systematics.
  • step 1: start generating a sample of Kμ2 data with PNN like cuts


Generating a Pnn sample from the Kaon code given to me by Giuseppe.
  • Build fails due to class conflict in the public directory files
    • Solution: fixed manually by Giuseppe in the codes, largely by replacing the conflicting "Particle" class with "MyParticle"
  • Further run fails due to a special trigger issue not dependent on the build flag
    • Solution: a special trigger element of the code needs changing when swapping between MC and data files
  • Now working on afs and should be able to set up on any other system (copy placed in: userDir2)
 A test analyser, to understand how to generate an analyser from scratch and plot variables in the data files, using the framework as a basis.
  • This analyser is now setup such that it builds and begins to run with the current setup, designed to record the number of spectrometer candidates, but it fails at runtime due to an issue with a special trigger which is not specifically used in the code.
    • Solution: frameworks are not yet completely backwards compatible, I need to use the --old-specialtrigger flag after "build" to get this to work

Revision 102017-10-18 - ConnorGraham

Line: 1 to 1

Connor Graham's Analysis

Line: 11 to 11
  • Listened to the facebook live broadcast of the ISOLDE 50th birthday celebration, with some talks and Q&A
  • Saturday: day shift
  • Updated the basic information on my glasgow webpage's front page
  • Attending the Analysis meeting in full, as I've only attended the pnn parts of the last several meetings and it may improve my knowledge of the software framework
  • Setup a mattermost account for further collaboration on na62 work

NA62 meetings

Analysis meetings:

Line: 59 to 61
 Generating a Pnn sample from the Kaon code given to me by Giuseppe.
  • Build fails at ~95% due to an issue with the Particle class definition, the code seems correct, perhaps include is searching for the .hh file in the wrong location
    • Possible solutions, look for: missing files in config (no), discrepancies with working dependency files (no), different combinations of build flags that might work (no)
      • further issue generated, it seems this can only occur due to circular #include statements between two or more files, this is hard to find in so many files, it's possible this is due to the fact that the library files are out of date, as Stoyan has slightly different versions, I don't know where to get up-to-date versions of these, so I'll ask Giuseppe
      • Further issue generated, it seems this can only occur due to circular #include statements between two or more files, this is hard to find in so many files, it's possible this is due to the fact that the library files are out of date, as Stoyan has slightly different versions, I don't know where to get up-to-date versions of these, so I'll ask Giuseppe
    • Last resort idea: full cleanall and rebuild of analysis framework and userdirectory without any shortcuts
  • Met with Giuseppe to breiftly discus the user directory issues for the fullanalysis.conf
    • He suggested running from afs as certain things may not be set up for other systems, so I'm generating a new framework and user directory in my afs work directory, I'm following the instructions in my readme file and am updating for any missing information as I go
      • ssh to lxplus to access my afs version may also improve connection speed, as ssh to Glasgow can be sluggish, especially when opening files


  A test analyser, to understand how to generate an analyser from scratch and plot variables in the data files, using the framework as a basis.
  • This analyser is now setup such that it builds and begins to run with the current setup, designed to record the number of spectrometer candidates, but it fails at runtime due to an issue with a special trigger which is not specifically used in the code.

Revision 92017-10-16 - ConnorGraham

Line: 1 to 1

Connor Graham's Analysis

This page summarises key points and events from my PhD analysis. My thesis topic is an analysis of 2017 data from the NA62 experiment at CERN, to make a measurement of the branching fraction K+→π+νν to 10% Standard Model sensitivity.
This page summarises key points and events from my PhD analysis. My thesis topic is an analysis of 2017 data from the NA62 experiment at CERN, to make a measurement of the branching fraction K+→π+νν to 10% Standard Model sensitivity.


Line: 10 to 10
 Non-analysis work this week:
  • Listened to the facebook live broadcast of the ISOLDE 50th birthday celebration, with some talks and Q&A
  • Saturday: day shift
  • Updated the basic information on my glasgow webpage's front page

NA62 meetings

Analysis meetings:

Line: 57 to 58
  Generating a Pnn sample from the Kaon code given to me by Giuseppe.
  • Build fails at ~95% due to an issue with the Particle class definition, the code seems correct, perhaps include is searching for the .hh file in the wrong location
    • Possible solutions, look for: missing files in config, discrepancies with working dependency files, different combinations of build flags that might work
    • Possible solutions, look for: missing files in config (no), discrepancies with working dependency files (no), different combinations of build flags that might work (no)
      • further issue generated, it seems this can only occur due to circular #include statements between two or more files, this is hard to find in so many files, it's possible this is due to the fact that the library files are out of date, as Stoyan has slightly different versions, I don't know where to get up-to-date versions of these, so I'll ask Giuseppe
    • Last resort idea: full cleanall and rebuild of analysis framework and userdirectory without any shortcuts

Revision 82017-10-16 - ConnorGraham

Line: 1 to 1

Connor Graham's Analysis

Line: 8 to 8


Non-analysis work this week:

  • Setting up a secure file directory for sharing files with the Glasgow NA62 group (done)
  • Setting up this TWiki page for current work, plans and instructions (done)
  • Removing and rebuilding my mail client staff acount seems to have fixed sending issues
  • Listened to the facebook live broadcast of the ISOLDE 50th birthday celebration, with some talks and Q&A
  • Saturday: day shift

NA62 meetings

Analysis meetings:

Line: 46 to 45
 Long Term Attachment at CERN: 27/06/17 - 12/18 (return date approximate)

Lancaster University for STFC HEP Summer School 03-15/09/17 | Helping with the particle physics masterclass for pre-university students 13/06/17 | CERN trip for analysis meeting etc. 22-26/05/17 | Residentail at Edinburgh University for SUPAHOW 25-27/04/17 | Helping on PhD interview day 15/02/17 | Edinburgh University for detectors lab 30/11/16 | CERN for account setup and visiting the main building 24-28/10/16

Seminars and other external events:

16/10/17 facebook live broadcast of the ISOLDE 50th birthday celebration


Talks and posters

11/09/17 poster presentation on NA62 at Lancaster University, 05/04/17 creative talk for the postgraduate leadership programme, 02/03/17 LHCb pentaquark talk for SUPADCL


Currently working on:

A test analyser, to understand how to generate an analyser from scratch and plot variables in the data files, using the framework as a basis.
  • This analyser is now setup such that it builds and begins to run with the currecnt setup, designed to record the number of spectrometer candidates, but it fails at runtime due to an issue with a special trigger which is not specifically used in the code.
    • Solution: frameworks are not yet completely backwards compatible, I need to use the --old-specialtrigger flag after "build" to get this to work
 Generating a Pnn sample from the Kaon code given to me by Giuseppe.
  • Build fails at ~95% due to an issue with the Particle class definition, the code seems correct, perhaps include is searching for the .hh file in the wrong location
    • Possible solutions, look for: missing files in config, discrepancies with working dependency files, different combinations of build flags that might work
    • Last resort idea: full cleanall and rebuild of analysis framework and userdirectory without any shortcuts

A test analyser, to understand how to generate an analyser from scratch and plot variables in the data files, using the framework as a basis.

  • This analyser is now setup such that it builds and begins to run with the current setup, designed to record the number of spectrometer candidates, but it fails at runtime due to an issue with a special trigger which is not specifically used in the code.
    • Solution: frameworks are not yet completely backwards compatible, I need to use the --old-specialtrigger flag after "build" to get this to work

Thesis document

I've collected all the relevant guideline documents and found a LATEX template for a generic "science and engineering" thesis. I've made a draft copy, added some basic information, style (both in the code and pdf) and some preliminary chapter titles. I'll mostly work on this in the background at this stage, such as a little while on shifts or during long periods of travel.

Revision 72017-10-12 - ConnorGraham

Line: 1 to 1

Connor Graham's Analysis

Line: 10 to 10
 Non-analysis work this week:
  • Setting up a secure file directory for sharing files with the Glasgow NA62 group (done)
  • Setting up this TWiki page for current work, plans and instructions (done)
  • Removing and rebuilding my mail client staff acount seems to have fixed sending issues

NA62 meetings

Analysis meetings:

Line: 22 to 23
  Glasgow meetings:
Meeting slides are available in the shared directory under meeting_slides/
Meeting slides are available in the shared directory under meeting_slides/


Line: 55 to 56
  • This analyser is now setup such that it builds and begins to run with the currecnt setup, designed to record the number of spectrometer candidates, but it fails at runtime due to an issue with a special trigger which is not specifically used in the code.
    • Solution: frameworks are not yet completely backwards compatible, I need to use the --old-specialtrigger flag after "build" to get this to work
Generating a Pnn sample from the Kaon code given to me by Giuseppe.
  • Build fails at ~95% due to an issue with the Particle class definition, the code seems correct, perhaps include is searching for the .hh file in the wrong location

Thesis document

I've collected all the relevant guideline documents and found a LATEX template for a generic "science and engineering" thesis. I've made a draft copy, added some basic information, style (both in the code and pdf) and some preliminary chapter titles. I'll mostly work on this in the background at this stage, such as a little while on shifts or during long periods of travel.

Line: 62 to 64
  NA62 framework and user directory: (may expand this into a complete section with the instructions written out to be easier to read)
Instruction file in the shared directory under: /readme/analysisbuild.txt
Instruction file in the shared directory under: /readme/analysisbuild.txt
  I'm currently using "NA62AnalysisBuilder.py build --old-specialtrigger --build-user-only -j 60 config" to build my config file
  • --old-specialtrigger (explained above) is for backward compatibility with datasets that were filtered using an older revision

Revision 62017-10-11 - ConnorGraham

Line: 1 to 1

Connor Graham's Analysis

This page summarises key points and events from my PhD analysis. My thesis topic is an analysis of 2017 data from the NA62 experiment at CERN, to make a measurement of the branching fraction K+→π+νν to 10% Standard Model sensitivity.




Non-analysis work this week:

Line: 22 to 22
  Glasgow meetings:
Meeting slides are available in the shared directory under ./meeting_slides/
Meeting slides are available in the shared directory under meeting_slides/


Line: 31 to 31
Day 27/10 (shaddow)
Day 27/10 (shadow)

Practical training 04/07/17

Day 08/07 (shaddow) | Night 10/07 | Afternoon 11/07 | Night 15/07 | Night 16/07 | Night 17/07 | Day 18/07
Day 08/07 (shadow) | Night 10/07 | Afternoon 11/07 | Night 15/07 | Night 16/07 | Night 17/07 | Day 18/07
  Afternoon 20/07 | Day 22/07 | Day 24/07 | Day 28/08 | Day 31/08 | Afternoon 10/08 | Day 21/08

Events and travel

Line: 53 to 53
  A test analyser, to understand how to generate an analyser from scratch and plot variables in the data files, using the framework as a basis.
  • This analyser is now setup such that it builds and begins to run with the currecnt setup, designed to record the number of spectrometer candidates, but it fails at runtime due to an issue with a special trigger which is not specifically used in the code.
    • Solution: frameworks are not yet completely backwards compatible, I need to use the --old-specialtrigger flag after "build" to get this to work
 Generating a Pnn sample from the Kaon code given to me by Giuseppe.

Thesis document

Line: 61 to 62
  NA62 framework and user directory: (may expand this into a complete section with the instructions written out to be easier to read)
Instuction file in the shared directory under: ./readme/analysisbuild.txt

//Download and set up the NA62 Analysis framework


git clone ssh://git@gitlab.cern.ch:7999/NA62FW/na62fw.git //download the latest version from git to current directory, new directory will be called na62fw

//update the framework to the latest revision

git pull //from the na62fw directory

//then re-source and re-make both MC and reco

//Compile MC (required for setting up analysis)

cd na62fw/NA62MC/ //go to the MC directory

source scripts/env.sh //source the MC environment

make //compile ~takes a while~

//Compile Reco (required for setting up analysis)

cd na62fw/NA62Reconstruction/ //go to the reco directory

source scripts/env.sh //source the reco environment

make //compile ~takes a while~

//prepare the user directory

cd ../NA62Analysis/ //go to the analysis directory

export NA62MCSOURCE=~/na62fw/NA62MC //set the location of the MC

export NA62RECOSOURCE=~/na62fw/NA62Reconstruction //set the location of the Reco

source scripts/env.sh //source the analysis envirenment

./NA62AnalysisBuilder.py prepare ~/work/userDir/ //prepare your personal directory outside the framework to protect it from updates ~this step takes a while~

//From here everything must be done within userDir or it doesn't work, remember to source the env.sh as above

NA62AnalysisBuilder.py -h //to show documentation

NA62AnalysisBuilder.py build config //builds code file specified in config, don't need the build comand after first build

//run code with:

./exec_name -i input.root -o output.root //default output is outFile.root

Instruction file in the shared directory under: /readme/analysisbuild.txt

I'm currently using "NA62AnalysisBuilder.py build --old-specialtrigger --build-user-only -j 60 config" to build my config file

  • --old-specialtrigger (explained above) is for backward compatibility with datasets that were filtered using an older revision
  • --build-user-only speeds up the build if the framework is built and up-to-date (wouldn't advise this unless this analyser has been built at least once completely)
  • -j 60 uses more cores to run the build, also speeding it up


Links to repositories, with version remarks, etc. \ No newline at end of file

Revision 52017-10-11 - ConnorGraham

Line: 1 to 1

Connor Graham's Analysis

Line: 52 to 52

Currently working on:

A test analyser, to understand how to generate an analyser from scratch and plot variables in the data files, using the framework as a basis.

  • This analyser is now setup such that it builds and begins to run with the currecnt setup, designed to record the number of spectrometer candidates, but it fails at runtime due to an issue with a special trigger which is not specifically used in the code.
 Generating a Pnn sample from the Kaon code given to me by Giuseppe.

Thesis document

Revision 42017-10-10 - ConnorGraham

Line: 1 to 1

Connor Graham's Analysis

This page summarises key points and events from my PhD analysis. My thesis topic is an analysis of 2017 data from the NA62 experiment at CERN, to make a measurement of the branching fraction K+→π+νν to 10% Standard Model sensitivity.




Current non-analysis work:
  • Setting up a secure file directory for sharing files with the Glasgow NA62 group (working)
  • Setting up this TWiki page for current work, plans and instructions
Non-analysis work this week:
  • Setting up a secure file directory for sharing files with the Glasgow NA62 group (done)
  • Setting up this TWiki page for current work, plans and instructions (done)

NA62 meetings

Analysis meetings:

18-19/10/17, 07-08/02/18, 25-26/04/18, 18-19/07/18, 24-25/10/18.
 Collaboration meetings:
11-15/12/17, 5-9/03/18, 4-8/06/18, beginning of September in Pisa, 10-14/12/18.
 Glasgow meetings:
Meeting slides available in the shared directory under ./meeting_slides/
Meeting slides are available in the shared directory under ./meeting_slides/


Line: 32 to 35
Practical training 04/07/17
 Day 08/07 (shaddow) | Night 10/07 | Afternoon 11/07 | Night 15/07 | Night 16/07 | Night 17/07 | Day 18/07

Afternoon 20/07 | Day 22/07 | Day 24/07 | Day 28/08 | Day 31/08 | Afternoon 10/08 | Day 21/08

Events and travel

Long Term Attachment at CERN: 27/06/17 - 12/18 (return date approximate)

Lancaster University for STFC HEP Summer School 03-15/09/17 | Helping with the particle physics masterclass for pre-university students 13/06/17 | CERN trip for analysis meeting etc. 22-26/05/17 | Residentail at Edinburgh University for SUPAHOW 25-27/04/17 | Helping on PhD interview day 15/02/17 | Edinburgh University for detectors lab 30/11/16 | CERN for account setup and visiting the main building 24-28/10/16


Talks and posters

11/09/17 poster presentation on NA62 at Lancaster University, 05/04/17 creative talk for the postgraduate leadership programme, 02/03/17 LHCb pentaquark talk for SUPADCL


Currently working on:

A test analyser, to understand how to generate an analyser from scratch and plot variables in the data files, using the framework as a basis.

Generating a Pnn sample from the Kaon code given to me by Giuseppe.

Thesis document

I've collected all the relevant guideline documents and found a LATEX template for a generic "science and engineering" thesis. I've made a draft copy, added some basic information, style (both in the code and pdf) and some preliminary chapter titles. I'll mostly work on this in the background at this stage, such as a little while on shifts or during long periods of travel.



NA62 framework and user directory:
NA62 framework and user directory: (may expand this into a complete section with the instructions written out to be easier to read)

Instuction file in the shared directory under: ./readme/analysisbuild.txt


//Download and set up the NA62 Analysis framework


git clone ssh://git@gitlab.cern.ch:7999/NA62FW/na62fw.git //download the latest version from git to current directory, new directory will be called na62fw

//update the framework to the latest revision

git pull //from the na62fw directory

//then re-source and re-make both MC and reco

//Compile MC (required for setting up analysis)

cd na62fw/NA62MC/ //go to the MC directory

source scripts/env.sh //source the MC environment

make //compile ~takes a while~

//Compile Reco (required for setting up analysis)

cd na62fw/NA62Reconstruction/ //go to the reco directory

source scripts/env.sh //source the reco environment

make //compile ~takes a while~

//prepare the user directory

cd ../NA62Analysis/ //go to the analysis directory

export NA62MCSOURCE=~/na62fw/NA62MC //set the location of the MC

export NA62RECOSOURCE=~/na62fw/NA62Reconstruction //set the location of the Reco

source scripts/env.sh //source the analysis envirenment

./NA62AnalysisBuilder.py prepare ~/work/userDir/ //prepare your personal directory outside the framework to protect it from updates ~this step takes a while~

//From here everything must be done within userDir or it doesn't work, remember to source the env.sh as above

NA62AnalysisBuilder.py -h //to show documentation

NA62AnalysisBuilder.py build config //builds code file specified in config, don't need the build comand after first build

//run code with:

./exec_name -i input.root -o output.root //default output is outFile.root



Links to repositories, with version remarks, etc.

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="meeting_slides_06-10-17.pdf" attr="" comment="Meeting slides Oct 6, 2017" date="1507204621" name="meeting_slides_06-10-17.pdf" path="meeting_slides_06-10-17.pdf" size="69466" user="DanProtopopescu" version="1"

Revision 32017-10-10 - ConnorGraham

Line: 1 to 1

Connor Graham's Analysis

This page summarises key points and events from my PhD analysis. My thesis topic is an analysis of 2017 data from the NA62 experiment at CERN, to make a measurement of the branching fraction K+→π+νν to 10% Standard Model sensitivity.
This page summarises key points and events from my PhD analysis. My thesis topic is an analysis of 2017 data from the NA62 experiment at CERN, to make a measurement of the branching fraction K+→π+νν to 10% Standard Model sensitivity.


Current non-analysis work:

  • Setting up a secure file directory for sharing files with the Glasgow NA62 group
  • Setting up a secure file directory for sharing files with the Glasgow NA62 group (working)
  • Setting up this TWiki page for current work, plans and instructions

NA62 meetings

Analysis meetings:
Analysis meetings:
Collaboration meetings:
Collaboration meetings:
Glasgow meetings:
Glasgow meetings:

Meeting slides available in the shared directory under ./meeting_slides/




Night = 00:00 - 08:00, Day = 08:00 - 16:00, Afternoon = 16:00 - 00:00


Day 27/10 (shaddow)

  Day 08/07 (shaddow) | Night 10/07 | Afternoon 11/07 | Night 15/07 | Night 16/07 | Night 17/07 | Day 18/07
Line: 42 to 48
  Links to repositories, with version remarks, etc.

Weekly meetings

These are slides prepared for the Glasgow's NA62 group weekly meetings:

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="meeting_slides_06-10-17.pdf" attr="" comment="Meeting slides Oct 6, 2017" date="1507204621" name="meeting_slides_06-10-17.pdf" path="meeting_slides_06-10-17.pdf" size="69466" user="DanProtopopescu" version="1"

Revision 22017-10-08 - ConnorGraham

Line: 1 to 1

Connor Graham's Analysis

Intro text.
This page summarises key points and events from my PhD analysis. My thesis topic is an analysis of 2017 data from the NA62 experiment at CERN, to make a measurement of the branching fraction K+→π+νν to 10% Standard Model sensitivity.
(change page title if you like, etc.)




Meetings, talks, posters, notes ...
Current non-analysis work:
  • Setting up a secure file directory for sharing files with the Glasgow NA62 group
  • Setting up this TWiki page for current work, plans and instructions

NA62 meetings



Analysis meetings:

Collaboration meetings:

Glasgow meetings:


Night = 00:00 - 08:00, Day = 08:00 - 16:00, Afternoon = 16:00 - 00:00

Add text and subtopics ...

Day 08/07 (shaddow) | Night 10/07 | Afternoon 11/07 | Night 15/07 | Night 16/07 | Night 17/07 | Day 18/07

Afternoon 20/07 | Day 22/07 | Day 24/07 | Day 28/08 | Day 31/08 | Afternoon 10/08 | Day 21/08

Events and travel

Talks and posters


Currently working on:


NA62 framework and user directory:


Links to repositories, with version remarks, etc.

Line: 26 to 46
  These are slides prepared for the Glasgow's NA62 group weekly meetings:
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="meeting_slides_06-10-17.pdf" attr="" comment="Meeting slides Oct 6, 2017" date="1507204621" name="meeting_slides_06-10-17.pdf" path="meeting_slides_06-10-17.pdf" size="69466" user="DanProtopopescu" version="1"

Revision 12017-10-05 - DanProtopopescu

Line: 1 to 1

Connor Graham's Analysis

Intro text.

(change page title if you like, etc.)


Meetings, talks, posters, notes ...


Add text and subtopics ...



Links to repositories, with version remarks, etc.

Weekly meetings

These are slides prepared for the Glasgow's NA62 group weekly meetings:

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="meeting_slides_06-10-17.pdf" attr="" comment="Meeting slides Oct 6, 2017" date="1507204621" name="meeting_slides_06-10-17.pdf" path="meeting_slides_06-10-17.pdf" size="69466" user="DanProtopopescu" version="1"
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