Connor Graham's Analysis

This page summarises key points and events from my PhD analysis, if you make any changes to this topic (or sub-topics) please sign your name next to the edit. My thesis topic is an analysis of 2017 data from the NA62 experiment at CERN, to make a measurement of the branching fraction K+→π+νν to 10% Standard Model sensitivity.


To view the dates of meetings, shifts, other events and presentations view the event timeline page.

Non-analysis work of note:

  • Shifts end 19th October for Glasgow and 12th November for NA62 for Long Shutdown 2


To view the past, current and future progression of the analysis work view the analysis timeline page.

Giuseppe's preliminary note on the Pnn analysis is available in /Documents/pinunu_selection.pdf

Thesis document

I've collected all the relevant guideline documents and found a LATEX template for a generic "science and engineering" thesis. I've made a draft copy, added some basic information, style (both in the code and pdf) and some preliminary chapter titles. I'll mostly work on this in the background at this stage, such as a little while on shifts or during long periods of travel.

Some initial content has been added in bullet point and section title format, this will be expanded (when time allows) to some first draft paragraphs.


To view a summary of the available instruction files view the instructions page.


  • Code files specific to my work are backed up to: /codes/
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Topic revision: r35 - 2018-09-25 - ConnorGraham
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