Inter-strip capacitance measurments

Measurements performed by Alex Chilingarov, University of Lancaster and analysis is done by Lars Eklund, University of Glasgow.

Reverse current vs. voltage for w14 (6 um BCB), w09 (12 um BCB) and bare sensors

For an explanation of the plot legend, see below

I/V curves for w14

IV curves

I/V of bare sensors

Reverse current vs. time for w14 (6 um BCB), w09 (12 um BCB) and bare sensors

For an explanation of the plot legend, see below

I vs time at 600V

I vs time at max bias

TIme stability of bare sensors

Inter-strip capacitance measurements, w14 (6 um BCB)

Capacitance was measured between one strip and its two nearest neighbours at 100 kHz and 1 MHz.

The measurement consists of a bias voltage ramp, then the sensor is kept at maximal voltage.

See below for plot legend

Cis vs V at 100kHz

Cis vs V at 1 MHz

Plot legend description: XNYM-KK-A/B/C/D-GNDPlaneType

Coordinates on the wafer are given by N and M and the number of the measured strip is given by KK

The measurements were done in four different configurations of the bias rail connection:

A Ampere meter and 1 MOhm connected between bias rail and HV return GND plane floating (DC)
B Ampere meter and 1 MOhm connected between bias rail and HV returnGND plane bonded to bias rail
C Bias rail connected directly to HV return
GND plane floating (DC)
D Bias rail connected directly to HV return GND plane bonded to bias rail

The GND plane types are:

Sensor covered only by BCB layer (6+3 um)
m25/30 Sensor with meshed GND plane (25 % fill factor and 30 um line width)
m50/30 Sensor with meshed GND plane (50 % fill factor and 30 um line width)
m50/80 Sensor with meshed GND plane (50 % fill factor and 80 um line width)
solid Sensor solid solid GND plane
bare No BCB and no GND plane: sensors from an old production batch

Cis vs time at 100 kHz

Cis vs time at 1 MHz

Inter-strip capacitance measurements, w09 (12 um BCB)

Capacitance was measured between one strip and its two nearest neighbours at 100 kHz and 1 MHz.

The measurement consists of a bias voltage ramp, then the sensor is kept at maximal voltage.

See below for plot legend

Cis vs V at 100kHz

Cis vs V at 1 MHz

Plot legend description: XNYM-KK-A/B/C/D-GNDPlaneType

Coordinates on the wafer are given by N and M and the number of the measured strip is given by KK

The measurements were done in four different configurations of the bias rail connection:

A Ampere meter and 1 MOhm connected between bias rail and HV return GND plane floating (DC)
B Ampere meter and 1 MOhm connected between bias rail and HV returnGND plane bonded to bias rail
C Bias rail connected directly to HV return
GND plane floating (DC)
D Bias rail connected directly to HV return GND plane bonded to bias rail

The GND plane types are:

Sensor covered only by BCB layer (12+3 um)
Sensor with meshed GND plane (25 % fill factor and 30 um line width)
m50/30 Sensor with meshed GND plane (50 % fill factor and 30 um line width)
m50/80 Sensor with meshed GND plane (50 % fill factor and 80 um line width)
solid Sensor covered by a solid GND plane
bare No BCB and no GND plane: sensors from an old production batch

Cis vs time at 100 kHz

Cis vs time at 1 MHz

Comparison of GND scheme D only, w14 (6 um BCB)

Cis/V 100 kHz scheme D

Cis/V 1 MHz scheme D

Cis vs. time, 100 kHz, scheme D

Comparison of sensors without GND plane, w14 (6 um BCB) and bare sensor

Cis/V 100 kHz no GNDP

Cis/V 1 MHz no GNDP

Cis vs. Time, 1 MHz, no GNDP

Cis vs. time, 100 kHz, no GNDP

Cis vs. Time, 1 MHz, scheme D

Comparison tables and plots

Summary histogram of Cis for sensors covered by only BCB, BCB plus solid GND plane or nothing (bare). Sensors with ground planes are measurend in two different configurations, A and D at 100 kHz.

Summary histogram of Cis

Summary histgram of all different types of ground planes, all measured in configuration D at 100 kHz.

Summary of Cis scheme D

Summary histogram of Cis for sensors covered by only BCB, BCB plus solid GND plane or nothing (bare). Sensors with ground planes are measurend in two different configurations, A and D at 1 MHz.

Summary histogram of Cis

Summary histgram of all different types of ground planes, all measured in configuration D at 1 MHz.

Summary of Cis scheme D

Summary of the final interstrip capacitance values at 100 kHz for both thicknesses, mean values extracted from the histogram above. The Cis for bare sensors is an upper limit since the value has not yet reached it's plateau value.

Wafer Cis - no BCB
Cis - only BCB
Cis - Solid GND (scheme D) Cis - Solid GND (scheme A)
w09 (12 um BCB)
< 0.92 pF
1. 05pF 0.75 pF
0.82 pF
w14 (6 um BCB) 1.02 pF
0.63 pF

0.78 pF

Same table but for 1 MHz measurement frequency

Wafer Cis - no BCB
Cis - only BCB
Cis - Solid GND (scheme D) Cis - Solid GND (scheme A)
w09 (12 um BCB)
< 0.92 pF
1. 08pF 0.75 pF
0.84 pF
w14 (6 um BCB) 1.06 pF
0.63 pF

0.85 pF

-- LarsEklund - 16 Dec 2008

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
GIFgif CisSummaryHisto.gif r6 r5 r4 r3 r2 manage 10.9 K 2009-03-01 - 18:16 LarsEklund  
GIFgif CisSummaryHisto100kHz.gif r1 manage 10.9 K 2009-03-04 - 22:02 LarsEklund  
GIFgif CisSummaryHisto100kHz_D.gif r1 manage 10.6 K 2009-03-04 - 22:02 LarsEklund  
GIFgif CisSummaryHisto1MHz.gif r1 manage 9.2 K 2009-03-04 - 22:02 LarsEklund  
GIFgif CisSummaryHisto1MHz_D.gif r1 manage 10.9 K 2009-03-04 - 22:02 LarsEklund  
GIFgif CisSummaryHisto_D.gif r2 r1 manage 9.9 K 2009-03-01 - 18:17 LarsEklund  
GIFgif bareIV.gif r1 manage 9.3 K 2009-03-01 - 16:26 LarsEklund  
GIFgif bareIvsTime.gif r1 manage 7.4 K 2009-03-01 - 16:32 LarsEklund  
GIFgif w09CisTime100kHz.gif r4 r3 r2 r1 manage 10.4 K 2009-03-01 - 16:35 LarsEklund  
GIFgif w09CisTime1MHz.gif r4 r3 r2 r1 manage 12.3 K 2009-03-01 - 16:35 LarsEklund  
GIFgif w09CisV100kHz.gif r4 r3 r2 r1 manage 15.3 K 2009-03-01 - 16:36 LarsEklund  
GIFgif w09CisV1MHz.gif r4 r3 r2 r1 manage 15.1 K 2009-03-01 - 16:37 LarsEklund  
GIFgif w09IV.gif r3 r2 r1 manage 10.0 K 2009-03-01 - 16:26 LarsEklund  
GIFgif w09IvsTime.gif r5 r4 r3 r2 r1 manage 7.9 K 2009-03-01 - 16:27 LarsEklund  
GIFgif w14CisTime100kHz.gif r9 r8 r7 r6 r5 manage 13.3 K 2009-03-04 - 21:36 LarsEklund  
GIFgif w14CisTime100kHz_NoGNDP.gif r2 r1 manage 10.4 K 2009-03-04 - 21:41 LarsEklund  
GIFgif w14CisTime100kHz_SchemeD.gif r2 r1 manage 9.7 K 2009-03-04 - 21:37 LarsEklund  
GIFgif w14CisTime1MHz.gif r10 r9 r8 r7 r6 manage 13.3 K 2009-03-04 - 21:37 LarsEklund  
GIFgif w14CisTime1MHz_NoGNDP.gif r1 manage 9.9 K 2009-03-01 - 18:19 LarsEklund  
GIFgif w14CisTime1MHz_SchemeD.gif r2 r1 manage 9.3 K 2009-03-04 - 21:38 LarsEklund  
GIFgif w14CisV100kHz.gif r9 r8 r7 r6 r5 manage 22.1 K 2009-03-04 - 21:38 LarsEklund  
GIFgif w14CisV100kHz_NoGNDP.gif r1 manage 12.3 K 2009-03-01 - 18:20 LarsEklund  
GIFgif w14CisV100kHz_SchemeD.gif r2 r1 manage 15.3 K 2009-03-04 - 21:39 LarsEklund  
GIFgif w14CisV1MHz.gif r9 r8 r7 r6 r5 manage 21.9 K 2009-03-04 - 21:39 LarsEklund  
GIFgif w14CisV1MHz_NoGNDP.gif r1 manage 12.0 K 2009-03-01 - 18:19 LarsEklund  
GIFgif w14CisV1MHz_SchemeD.gif r2 r1 manage 15.2 K 2009-03-04 - 21:40 LarsEklund  
GIFgif w14IV.gif r8 r7 r6 r5 r4 manage 11.3 K 2009-03-01 - 16:25 LarsEklund  
GIFgif w14IvsTime.gif r8 r7 r6 r5 r4 manage 9.0 K 2009-03-01 - 16:27 LarsEklund  
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Topic revision: r19 - 2009-03-04 - LarsEklund
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