IV and CV measurments
Measurements performed by Alex Chilingarov, University of Lancaster and analysis is done by Lars Eklund, University of Glasgow.
Summary plots of I/V and C/V performance for wafer 09 (12 µm BCB)
The scale of the I/V graph covers the range of 25 of the 26 sensors on wafer 09. Sensor
X5Y3 breakes down at low voltages, see
separate I/V. Sensors
X5Y2 and
X5Y4 were ramped to 600 V with leakage current of 40, 33 and 31 nA at 600V. Sensor
X5Y1 was kept at 600 V for 30 min and is the only sensor that shows a clear change in reverse current over time, but with signs of saturation. See
stability graph.
Depletion voltage extracted from C/V
The depletion voltage was extracted by fitting two first order polynomials to the 1/C2 vs. Vbias graph. The first straight line is fitted between 0 and 30 V and the second straight line is fitted between 150 and 400 V. The depletion voltage is defined as the intersection between these two lines. The depletion voltage is displayed both as a histogram and as a map where the depletion voltage is displayed in its position on the wafer, with coordinates as defined in the figure above. The depletion voltage could not be determined for
X5Y3 due to its breakdown, hence the histograms include 25 sensors.
Summary plots of I/V and C/V performance for wafer 14 (6 µm BCB)
Until present 19 sensors have been teste of which 18 are inclueded in the plots. Sensor
X0Y4 broke down a very low voltage and is excluded from the analysis presented here.
Depletion voltage extracted from C/V
The depletion voltage was extracted by fitting two first order polynomials to the 1/C2 vs. Vbias graph. The first straight line is fitted between 0 and 30 V and the second straight line is fitted between 150 and 400 V. The depletion voltage is defined as the intersection between these two lines. The depletion voltage is displayed both as a histogram and as a map where the depletion voltage is displayed in its position on the wafer, with coordinates as defined in the figure above. Sensor
X0Y4 is not inclued in the depletion voltage plots since it broke down at low voltages.
I/V ramp to 1000 V for two sensors on w14
X5Y1 was kept at 1000V and a break down started to develop at which point it was ramped down immediately
Plots combining the I/V and C/V data for wafer 09 and 14
The following plot show the reverse current at 400 V bias for all measured sensors on wafer 09 and 14.
The following plot shows the reverse current at 400 and 600 V for w 14 for all measured sensors
LarsEklund - 16 Dec 2008