Return the the main analysis page.


NA62 framework and user directory (may expand this into a complete section with the instructions written out to be easier to read)

Instruction file in the shared directory under: /readme/analysisbuild.txt

I'm currently using " build -j16 --build-user-only --old-specialtrigger fullanalysis.conf" to build my config file

  • --old-specialtrigger (explained above) is for backward compatibility with datasets that were filtered using an older revision
  • --build-user-only speeds up the build if the framework is built and up-to-date (wouldn't advise this unless this analyser has been built at least once completely)
  • -j16 uses more cores to run the build, also speeding it up
HTCondor batch system (may expand this into a complete section with the instructions written out to be easier to read)

Instruction file in the shared directory under: /readme/htcondor_scripts.txt

This instruction file explains how to run an NA62-framework-based executable on multiple input files with the NA62 batch system, which is called HTCondor.

Monte Carlo from cvmfs

Instruction file in the shared directory under: /readme/NA62MC.txt

How to download and run the cvmfs version of the analysis framework to generate a reconstructed MC .root file.

Monte Carlo from the web interface

Instruction file in the shared directory under: /readme/NA62MC_grid.txt

How to simply submit a job to the web interface of the grid for MC and reconstruction.


Instruction file in the shared directory under: /readme/install_dirac_and_certificates.txt

How to install dirac and convert grid certificates.

Instruction file in the shared directory under: /readme/dirac_job_submission.txt

Also, how to submit jobs to the grid from Dirac.

Generating an analyser for a specific (or style of) root file

Instruction file in the shared directory under: /readme/MakeClass_instructions.txt

How to generate an analyser from a root file using the MakeClass() ROOT function, then subsequently run that function in the ROOT comand line.

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Topic revision: r2 - 2017-11-30 - ConnorGraham
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