Recent Changes in LHCb Web retrieved at 05:19 (GMT)

Charm Baryon Spectroscopy This page outlines the Glasgow PPE Group`s research into charmed baryon measurements with the LHCb experiment. A primary goal is to observe...
LHCb Glasgow Physics Analyses B hh and D hh Please upload any recent B hh and D hh results to the following areas. Feel free to change titles and pages of them to...
G Fact Mass Fitting Validation of signal fraction fitter (Lars) To validate the signal fraction fitter (aka mass fitter) a series of data sets were generated with...
LHCb Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the LHCb web. These preferences overwrite the site level preferences in . and...
Statistics for LHCb Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and...
Recent Results in Charmed Baryons Papers on recent charmed baryon experimental results include: experimental results on charmed baryons, Matt Charles, 2009....
B2hh GFact Asymmetry Fitting page The aims for the asymmetry fitter are the following 1 Perform basic checks of current fitting package with toy data for Bd and...
D hh Mass and Time Fitting The intention of this analysis is to measure the average lifetime of the D0 in the channels D0 K and D0 KK in order to measure y CP...
G Fact Lifetime fitting AlisonBates 2010 08 06
AlisonBates 2010 08 06
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