Via yield measurements of Run 1

Measurements of w04 (12 um BCB, mechanical)

Probing double vias on same pad: 24 sensors * 4 pads * 2 vias = 192 vias

No via failures observed

Measurement offset: 2.3 ohm (both needles on the same pad)

Measured resistance: average = 4.5 ohm, sigma = 0.65

Probing the two vias to the bias rail: 26 sensors * 2 vias = 52 vias

No via failures observed

Measurement offset: 2.3 ohm (both needles on the same pad)

Measured resistance: average = 17.5 ohm, sigma = 0.66

Cp-Rp measurement: Checking for opens and shorts

26 sensors * 120 vias = 3120 vias (no opens seen)

26 sensors * 60 pairs = 1560 pairs (no shorts seen)

-- LarsEklund - 16 Dec 2008

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Topic revision: r4 - 2009-01-19 - LarsEklund
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