ATLAS TWiki Access

To access the protected pages on the central ATLAS TWiki you must have a CERN computer account. This requires being registered on the CERN HR database, for which see Craig Buttar (Room 482, Once you are registered with CERN you must contact the Computing Group Administrator (for our group, ZP, this is Connie Potter,, or you can use and sign the electronic Computer Centre User Registration Form. You will then receive a login and initial password (which should be changed), and these will allow you to access your account almost immediately. You have three days to complete the CERN computing security course and confirm that you have read and accepted the CERN Computing Rules, after which your account will have been fully activated.

If you wish to check whether you are on the ATLAS members' list (before attempting to activate your account) you may check the full members list or this search utility. If you are asked for a login, the "generic ATLAS credentials" are to be used (ask if you do not know what this means).

If there is any confusion, refer to these pages:

  • Account Registration (where you can find out how to determine who the Administrator is, if this has changed)

-- GavinKirby - 16 Jun 2009

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Topic revision: r3 - 2009-06-22 - GavinKirby
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