Difference: WebHome (1 vs. 57)

Revision 572016-11-07 - MoragWilliams

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Linear Collider activities in Glasgow


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ZZ fusion analysis

Revision 562016-10-31 - BogdanMishchenko

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Revision 552016-09-28 - DanProtopopescu

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Student projects

Revision 542016-09-05 - AidanRobson

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Linear Collider activities in Glasgow

<--img alt="ild.gif" height="169" src="https://twiki.ppe.gla.ac.uk/pub/LinearCollider/WebHome/ild.gif" style="width: 222; float: right;" title="ild.gif" /> <img alt="clic_event.gif" height="199" src="https://twiki.ppe.gla.ac.uk/pub/LinearCollider/WebHome/clic_event.gif" style="width: 200; float: right;" title="clic_event.gif" /-->
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Porting SiD drivers to DD4hep


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Linear Collider activities in Glasgow


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Current work is presented at the top.
Most recent work is presented at the top.

Porting SiD drivers to DD4hep


Implementing the ECAL simulation in DD4hep for the new CLIC detector concept

Revision 522014-10-06 - DanProtopopescu

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Linear Collider activities in Glasgow


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VO membership via ilc link at http://grid.desy.de/certs/vos.html
VO membership: https://grid-voms.desy.de:8443/voms/ilc (or ILC link in http://grid.desy.de/certs/vos.html)

Installation of ILC software at Glasgow

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Revision 502014-07-25 - DanProtopopescu

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Revision 492014-06-27 - DanProtopopescu

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Revision 482014-06-16 - DanProtopopescu

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Linear Collider activities in Glasgow

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Current work is presented at the top.

Implementing the ECAL simulation in DD4hep for the new CLIC detector concept



VO membership via ilc link at http://grid.desy.de/certs/vos.html

Installation of ILC software at Glasgow

  • ILC software installation described in: ILCSoft wiki
  • Whizard installation described in: Whizard wiki

Grid Installations

Line: 40 to 48


Student projects:

Student projects

ZZ fusion analysis:

ZZ fusion analysis

Line: 61 to 69
  Using Dirac: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CLIC/DiracForUsers



Other Documentation

Line: 98 to 106
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="LCD-2011-026.pdf" attr="h" comment="K. Seidel et al. on Top Quark Pair Production at a 500 GeV CLIC Collider" date="1359476223" name="LCD-2011-026.pdf" path="LCD-2011-026.pdf" size="648147" stream="LCD-2011-026.pdf" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp29197" user="DanProtopopescu" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="b_jet_mass50000.ps" attr="" comment="b jet mass from 50000 events" date="1359645816" name="b_jet_mass50000.ps" path="b_jet_mass50000.ps" size="9954" stream="b_jet_mass50000.ps" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp16534" user="GavinMurdoch" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="c_jet_mass50000.ps" attr="" comment="c jet mass from 50000 events" date="1359645829" name="c_jet_mass50000.ps" path="c_jet_mass50000.ps" size="9218" stream="c_jet_mass50000.ps" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp16495" user="GavinMurdoch" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="CLICdp5.jpg" attr="h" comment="CLICdp image 5" date="1402929322" name="CLICdp5.jpg" path="CLICdp5.jpg" size="59965" user="DanProtopopescu" version="2"

Revision 472014-06-05 - DanProtopopescu

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Linear Collider activities in Glasgow

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  • ILC software installation described in: ILCSoft wiki
  • Whizard installation described in: Whizard wiki

Grid Installations

Revision 462014-05-23 - DanProtopopescu

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Linear Collider activities in Glasgow

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Implementing the ECAL simulation in DD4hep for the new CLIC detector concept



Revision 442014-04-23 - AidanRobson

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Linear Collider activities in Glasgow

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Installation of ILC software at Glasgow

  • ILC software installation described in: ILCSoft wiki
  • Whizard installation described in: Whizard wiki

Grid Installations

Revision 432014-01-23 - DanProtopopescu

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Linear Collider activities in Glasgow

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Using Dirac: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CLIC/DiracForUsers


Revision 422014-01-20 - NikolajsPrecenieks

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Linear Collider activities in Glasgow

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  ZZ fusion analysis:

Revision 402013-12-06 - DanProtopopescu

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 Running our own simulations:



Revision 392013-11-28 - GavinMurdoch

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  ZZ fusion analysis:

Revision 382013-11-01 - DanProtopopescu

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  1. DONE Example analysis macro
  2. DONE Reproduce ... channel
  3. DONE Analyse ee_ZZ channel


Running our own simulations:



Revision 372013-07-26 - DanProtopopescu

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Linear Collider activities in Glasgow

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  ZZ fusion analysis:

Revision 362013-07-05 - DanProtopopescu

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  ZZ fusion analysis:

Revision 352013-06-28 - DanProtopopescu

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Linear Collider activities in Glasgow

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ZZ fusion analysis:


Revision 342013-03-11 - DanProtopopescu

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  There's a small script, mksteer.sh, which will create the LCIOInputFiles list for your steering file.

Revision 332013-02-12 - DanProtopopescu

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Linear Collider activities in Glasgow

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There's a small script, mksteer.sh, which will create the LCIOInputFiles list for your steering file.


Student projects:

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Linear Collider activities in Glasgow

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META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="gaede_ildsoft_chep09.pdf" attr="" comment="ILC Software Framework - Frank Gaede's CHEP 2009 talk" date="1344439388" name="gaede_ildsoft_chep09.pdf" path="gaede_ildsoft_chep09.pdf" size="2191024" stream="gaede_ildsoft_chep09.pdf" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp28471" user="DanProtopopescu" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ILD-LDC-SWF.png" attr="" comment="SW framework overview" date="1344439692" name="ILD-LDC-SWF.png" path="ILD-LDC-SWF.png" size="147925" stream="ILD-LDC-SWF.png" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp28495" user="DanProtopopescu" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2011-06-Desy-grid-installations.pdf" attr="" comment="ILC Software Grid Installations - Talk by J. Engels (2011)" date="1345035938" name="2011-06-Desy-grid-installations.pdf" path="2011-06-Desy-grid-installations.pdf" size="99560" stream="2011-06-Desy-grid-installations.pdf" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp26379" user="DanProtopopescu" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="LCD-Note-2012-015.pdf" attr="" comment="J.S. Marshall's paper on Higgs mass and cross-section measurements- Sep 27, 2012" date="1353602538" name="LCD-Note-2012-015.pdf" path="LCD-Note-2012-015.pdf" size="1684199" stream="LCD-Note-2012-015.pdf" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp19852" user="DominicSmith" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="LCD-Note-2011-016.pdf" attr="" comment="M. Thomson et al. on the physics benchmark processes for the detector performance studies of the CLIC CDR" date="1359476155" name="LCD-Note-2011-016.pdf" path="LCD-Note-2011-016.pdf" size="1454610" stream="LCD-Note-2011-016.pdf" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp29117" user="DanProtopopescu" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="LCD-2011-026.pdf" attr="" comment="K. Seidel et al. on Top Quark Pair Production at a 500 GeV CLIC Collider" date="1359476223" name="LCD-2011-026.pdf" path="LCD-2011-026.pdf" size="648147" stream="LCD-2011-026.pdf" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp29197" user="DanProtopopescu" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="LCD-2011-026.pdf" attr="h" comment="K. Seidel et al. on Top Quark Pair Production at a 500 GeV CLIC Collider" date="1359476223" name="LCD-2011-026.pdf" path="LCD-2011-026.pdf" size="648147" stream="LCD-2011-026.pdf" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp29197" user="DanProtopopescu" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="b_jet_mass50000.ps" attr="" comment="b jet mass from 50000 events" date="1359645816" name="b_jet_mass50000.ps" path="b_jet_mass50000.ps" size="9954" stream="b_jet_mass50000.ps" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp16534" user="GavinMurdoch" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="c_jet_mass50000.ps" attr="" comment="c jet mass from 50000 events" date="1359645829" name="c_jet_mass50000.ps" path="c_jet_mass50000.ps" size="9218" stream="c_jet_mass50000.ps" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp16495" user="GavinMurdoch" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="LCD-Note-2011-036.pdf" attr="" comment="Light Higgs Production and Decays to Pairs of Bottom and Charm Quarks at 3 TeV - T. Lastovicka" date="1360668950" name="LCD-Note-2011-036.pdf" path="LCD-Note-2011-036.pdf" size="611952" stream="LCD-Note-2011-036.pdf" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp29412" user="DanProtopopescu" version="1"

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Student projects:


Common topics:


Revision 292013-01-31 - GavinMurdoch

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META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="LCD-Note-2012-015.pdf" attr="" comment="J.S. Marshall's paper on Higgs mass and cross-section measurements- Sep 27, 2012" date="1353602538" name="LCD-Note-2012-015.pdf" path="LCD-Note-2012-015.pdf" size="1684199" stream="LCD-Note-2012-015.pdf" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp19852" user="DominicSmith" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="LCD-Note-2011-016.pdf" attr="" comment="M. Thomson et al. on the physics benchmark processes for the detector performance studies of the CLIC CDR" date="1359476155" name="LCD-Note-2011-016.pdf" path="LCD-Note-2011-016.pdf" size="1454610" stream="LCD-Note-2011-016.pdf" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp29117" user="DanProtopopescu" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="LCD-2011-026.pdf" attr="" comment="K. Seidel et al. on Top Quark Pair Production at a 500 GeV CLIC Collider" date="1359476223" name="LCD-2011-026.pdf" path="LCD-2011-026.pdf" size="648147" stream="LCD-2011-026.pdf" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp29197" user="DanProtopopescu" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="b_jet_mass50000.ps" attr="" comment="b jet mass from 50000 events" date="1359645816" name="b_jet_mass50000.ps" path="b_jet_mass50000.ps" size="9954" stream="b_jet_mass50000.ps" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp16534" user="GavinMurdoch" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="c_jet_mass50000.ps" attr="" comment="c jet mass from 50000 events" date="1359645829" name="c_jet_mass50000.ps" path="c_jet_mass50000.ps" size="9218" stream="c_jet_mass50000.ps" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp16495" user="GavinMurdoch" version="1"

Revision 282013-01-29 - DanProtopopescu

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Student projects:

  • Dominic Smith's
  • Gavin Murdoch's

Common topics:


Line: 71 to 77
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ILD-LDC-SWF.png" attr="" comment="SW framework overview" date="1344439692" name="ILD-LDC-SWF.png" path="ILD-LDC-SWF.png" size="147925" stream="ILD-LDC-SWF.png" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp28495" user="DanProtopopescu" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2011-06-Desy-grid-installations.pdf" attr="" comment="ILC Software Grid Installations - Talk by J. Engels (2011)" date="1345035938" name="2011-06-Desy-grid-installations.pdf" path="2011-06-Desy-grid-installations.pdf" size="99560" stream="2011-06-Desy-grid-installations.pdf" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp26379" user="DanProtopopescu" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="LCD-Note-2012-015.pdf" attr="" comment="J.S. Marshall's paper on Higgs mass and cross-section measurements- Sep 27, 2012" date="1353602538" name="LCD-Note-2012-015.pdf" path="LCD-Note-2012-015.pdf" size="1684199" stream="LCD-Note-2012-015.pdf" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp19852" user="DominicSmith" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="LCD-Note-2011-016.pdf" attr="" comment="M. Thomson et al. on the physics benchmark processes for the detector performance studies of the CLIC CDR" date="1359476155" name="LCD-Note-2011-016.pdf" path="LCD-Note-2011-016.pdf" size="1454610" stream="LCD-Note-2011-016.pdf" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp29117" user="DanProtopopescu" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="LCD-2011-026.pdf" attr="" comment="K. Seidel et al. on Top Quark Pair Production at a 500 GeV CLIC Collider" date="1359476223" name="LCD-2011-026.pdf" path="LCD-2011-026.pdf" size="648147" stream="LCD-2011-026.pdf" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp29197" user="DanProtopopescu" version="1"

Revision 272013-01-26 - DominicSmith

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Revision 262012-12-11 - AidanRobson

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  • LCD-Note-2012-015.pdf: J.S. Marshall's paper on Higgs mass and cross-section measurements- Sep 27, 2012

Useful Links

Revision 252012-11-28 - DanProtopopescu

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Linear Collider activities in Glasgow

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Revision 242012-11-22 - DominicSmith

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Linear Collider activities in Glasgow

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META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="clic_event.gif" attr="h" comment="clic_event" date="1344013306" name="clic_event.gif" path="clic_event.gif" size="13910" stream="clic_event.gif" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp32570" user="AidanRobson" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ild.gif" attr="h" comment="ild" date="1344013323" name="ild.gif" path="ild.gif" size="14210" stream="ild.gif" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp32479" user="AidanRobson" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="gaede_ildsoft_chep09.pdf" attr="" comment="ILC Software Framework - Frank Gaede's CHEP 2009 talk" date="1344439388" name="gaede_ildsoft_chep09.pdf" path="gaede_ildsoft_chep09.pdf" size="2191024" stream="gaede_ildsoft_chep09.pdf" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp28471" user="DanProtopopescu" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ILD-LDC-SWF.png" attr="" comment="SW framework overview" date="1344439692" name="ILD-LDC-SWF.png" path="ILD-LDC-SWF.png" size="147925" stream="ILD-LDC-SWF.png" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp28495" user="DanProtopopescu" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2011-06-Desy-grid-installations.pdf" attr="" comment="ILC Software Grid Installations - Talk by J. Engels (2011)" date="1345035938" name="2011-06-Desy-grid-installations.pdf" path="2011-06-Desy-grid-installations.pdf" size="99560" stream="2011-06-Desy-grid-installations.pdf" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp26379" user="DanProtopopescu" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="LCD-Note-2012-015.pdf" attr="" comment="J.S. Marshall's paper on Higgs mass and cross-section measurements- Sep 27, 2012" date="1353602538" name="LCD-Note-2012-015.pdf" path="LCD-Note-2012-015.pdf" size="1684199" stream="LCD-Note-2012-015.pdf" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp19852" user="DominicSmith" version="1"

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Installation of ILC software at Glasgow


Getting the latest version

Two choices for downloading the software is through svn or via a tarball. For the first attempt I opted for the latter. To do this I

went to:


and downloaded the tar file accessible here:


into the afs area


I then untarred the file:

tar xvfz ilctools-tags.tar.gz

I then went into the directory:


and removed all other tags except for the latest v01-14.

(Using svn to check out this tag would have been a more sensible way - will do next time!)

Preparing for build - separate packages to install

First we must prepare four packages that don't come automatically with the ilcsoft installation.

They are MySQL, Java, xerces-c and cernlib. MySQL was installed by sysadmin (Andy) as root

privileges are necessary. Java is already installed on our network. So it was necessary to install

xerces-c and Cernlib. I installed them in the:


directory. For xerces-c I did the following:

mkdir xerces-c

And in this directory I:

wget http://apache.mirror.rbftpnetworks.com//xerces/c/3/binaries/xerces-c-3.1.1-x86_64-linux-gcc-3.4.tar.gz

for 64 bit. And untarred.

For Cernlib I realised that the installation here ( /usr/lib64/cernlib) did not have the inlcude directories needed so I also went to /afs/phas.gla.ac.uk/data/ilc/software

and downloaded:

wget http://wwwasd.web.cern.ch/wwwasd/cernlib/download/2006b_x86_64-slc5-gcc41-opt/tar/cernlib.tar.gz
wget http://wwwasd.web.cern.ch/wwwasd/cernlib/download/2006b_x86_64-slc5-gcc41-opt/tar/include.tar.gz

and untarred them.

Preparing release version file

First of all I created a directory where the ilcsoft software packages will actually be installed into. This is called /data/atlas01/ILC/ilcsoft

It is now necessary to point to the above installations (MySQL etc.) in the release file that comes with the ilcsoft installer. To do this I went to file:


But I first tell this file where the ilcsoft install directory is by setting:

ilcsoft_install_prefix = "/afs/phas.gla.ac.uk/data/ilc/software/ilcsoft/"

I then added:

MySQL_path = "/usr/"
Java_path = "/usr/java/latest/"
CERNLIB_path = "/afs/phas.gla.ac.uk/data/ilc/software/2006b"
XERCESC_ROOT_DIR = "/afs/phas.gla.ac.uk/data/ilc/software/xcerces-c/xerces-c-3.1.1-x86_64-linux-gcc-3.4"

to this file

Starting a full build for all packages

The file at the centre of this build is called 'release-scratch.cfg' which can be found in the same directory as the release-versions.py: /afs/phas.gla.ac.uk/data/ilc/software/tags/v01-14/releases/v01-14/

This file has the list and order in which all packages must be installed. First of all it is necessary to point to the release-version.py file from within this file:

path_where_this_file_lives = "/afs/phas.gla.ac.uk/data/ilc/software/tags/v01-14/releases/v01-14"

Then do:

./ilcsoft-install -p releases/v01-14/release-scratch.cfg -p (to check all is ok)
./ilcsoft-install -p releases/v01-14/release-scratch.cfg -I (to install)

Problems to expect and fix:

LCIO compilation problems

(1) Failed to find tools required to build lcio user manual - to fix this just turn off documentation installation. I did this for all pacakages by changing:

ilcsoft.envcmake["INSTALL_DOC"]="ON" to ilcsoft.envcmake["INSTALL_DOC"]="OFF"

in /afs/phas.gla.ac.uk/data/ilc/software/tags/v01-14/releases/v01-14/release-scratch.cfg, but it could be done at just a package level here:


(2) We don't want Fortran examples - and they cause problems in compilation anyway - so I commented out:



# fortran examples
#OPTION( BUILD_F77_TESTJOBS "Set to ON to build LCIO F77 testjobs" OFF )
# ADD_SUBDIRECTORY( ./src/f77 f77 )

again in: /afs/phas.gla.ac.uk/data/ilc/software/ilcsoft/lcio/v02-01-02/CMakeLists.txt

(3) I also turned off the optional root dict build for LCIO



Building Root Dict manually for certain packages

The Root Dict compilation does not work for some packages when building using the main compilation script so it is necessary to do the following:


Comment out of /afs/phas.gla.ac.uk/data/ilc/software/tags/v01-14/releases/v01-14/release-scratch.py

cd /afs/phas.gla.ac.uk/data/ilc/software/ilcsoft/v01-14/KalTest/v01-05/build
# set up root (installed with ilcsoft)
source ../../../root/5.28.00f/bin/thisroot.sh
cmake -DILCUTIL_DIR=../../../ilcutil/ -DROOT_DIR=$ROOTSYS ..
make install

When installed – can uncomment in release-scratch.cfg again.


Comment out of /afs/phas.gla.ac.uk/data/ilc/software/tags/v01-14/releases/v01-14/release-scratch.py

cd /afs/phas.gla.ac.uk/data/ilc/software/ilcsoft/KalDet/v01-09/build
source ../../../root/5.28.00f/bin/thisroot.sh
cmake -DILCUTIL_DIR=../../../ilcutil/ -DROOT_DIR=$ROOTSYS ..
make install

When installed – can uncomment in release-scratch.cfg


Comment out of /afs/phas.gla.ac.uk/data/ilc/software/tags/v01-14/releases/v01-14/release-scratch.py

cd /afs/phas.gla.ac.uk/data/ilc/software/ilcsoft/LCFIPlus/v00-05/build
source ../../../root/5.28.00f/bin/thisroot.sh
cmake -DILCUTIL_DIR=../../../ilcutil/ -DROOT_DIR=$ROOTSYS ..
make install

When installed – can uncomment in release-scratch.cfg but make sure not to reinstall.


Comment out of /afs/phas.gla.ac.uk/data/ilc/software/tags/v01-14/releases/v01-14/release-scratch.py

cd /afs/phas.gla.ac.uk/data/ilc/software/ilcsoft/bbq/v00-01-02/build
source ../../../root/5.28.00f/bin/thisroot.sh
cmake -DILCUTIL_DIR=../../../ilcutil/ -DROOT_DIR=$ROOTSYS ..

When installed – can uncomment in release-scratch.cfg but make sure not to reinstall.

Installing a new tag for one package within ilcsoft suite

Mokka needed to be reinstalled because of problem:


This ended out to be a lot simpler than I had expected. From the thread above the

new tag for mokka was mokka-08-00-03. All that was necessary to install it was

to change the version in:


from Mokka_version = "mokka-08-00-02" to Mokka_version = "mokka-08-00-03"

and when you run:

./ilcsoft-install -p releases/v01-14/release-scratch.cfg -i

it automatically picks up the new version. Downloads it and builds it.

Running a validation test for Mokka and Marlin installations

Follow the instructions in StandardConfig/current/README, but using the default central database (do not use the script that creates a local DB).

. /afs/phas.gla.ac.uk/data/ilc/software/ilcsoft/v01-14/init_ilcsoft.sh
cd StandardConfig/current
Mokka -M ILD_o1_v05 -e ./particle.tbl bbudsc_3evt.steer
anajob bbudsc_3evt.slcio
Marlin bbudsc_3evt_stdreco.xml
dumpevent bbudsc_3evt_DST.slcio 2 

ALERT! The visualisation bit did not work though.

See https://svnsrv.desy.de/viewvc/marlinreco/ILDConfig/trunk/StandardConfig/current/README?view=markup

Running a Marlin processor example in your home area

Preparing the home area

In this example we are building and running a Marlin processor called ExampleDSTAnalysis.

(1) Make the directory named as you wish - for example: /home/tdoherty/ILCWork/Marlin/ExampleDSTAnalysis

(2) In the ExampleDSTAnalysis directory create build, src, include and lib directories - like:

[tdoherty@ppepc144 ExampleDSTAnalysis]$ ls -lart
total 908
drwxr-xr-x 3 tdoherty grid 77 Aug 3 15:12 include
drwxr-xr-x 2 tdoherty grid 66 Aug 3 15:14 src
drwxr-xr-x 3 tdoherty grid 121 Aug 3 15:17 lib
drwxr-xr-x 5 tdoherty grid 4096 Aug 3 15:26 build

(3) Place the source ( ExampleDSTAnalysis.cc) code for your processor in the src directory and the header ( ExampleDSTAnalysis.h) file in the include/ directory

(4) Copy the CMakeLists.txt file from the mymarlin example given with Marlin into the ExampleDSTAnalysis folder:

cp /data/atlas01/ILC/ilcsoft/Marlin/v01-03/examples/mymarlin/CMakeLists.txt .

(5) Open up this file and just change the name of the project from mymarlin to ExampleDSTAnalysis: from PROJECT(mymarlin) to PROJECT(ExampleDSTAnalysis).

(6) If your processor code requires ROOT then add:



 IF( ${pkg}_FOUND )

to CMakeLists.txt so that your C++ code can pull in ROOT header files.

Building the processor

(1) First set up the ilcsoft software by running this script

. /afs/phas.gla.ac.uk/data/ilc/software/ilcsoft/v01-14/init_ilcsoft.sh

(2) cd into the build directory of this processor in your home area

cd build

(3) Then:

cmake -C $ILCSOFT/ILCSoft.cmake ..

(4) And:

make install

This should create library: lib/libExampleDSTAnalysis.so.

Loading the processor into Marlin

(1) Point to the .so file

export MARLIN_DLL=$PWD/lib/libExampleDSTAnalysis.so

(2) Create the steering file. This steering file is used to tell Marlin in what order to run your processor with other standard processors. It is used to set some global variables aswell as the input stdio file and the output file name. You also need to point to the gear (geometry) file that was used to create your input stdio file. Marlin automatically creates this file for you but you must edit the input/output files at least. The global variables will be taken from your C++ code. To create the file just do:

Marlin -x > mysteer.xml

(3) As mentioned you must edit the steering file to point to the input .stdio and gear.xml file you are using for your analysis.

Running Marlin processor

Simply do:

Marlin mysteer.xml


Grid Installations

Line: 337 to 20



<-- -++ Analysis

  1. DONE Example analysis macro
  2. DONE Reproduce
  3. DONE Analyse ee_ZZ channel



Useful Links

Line: 346 to 42

Revision 222012-08-15 - DanProtopopescu

Line: 1 to 1

Linear Collider activities in Glasgow

<-- img style="width: 222; float: right" alt="ild.gif" src="https://ppes8.physics.gla.ac.uk/twiki/pub/LinearCollider/WebHome/ild.gif" title="ild.gif" height="169" -->
Line: 8 to 8


  • ilcsoft local installation temporarily at /data/atlas01/ILC/ilcsoft ALERT!

Installation of ILC software at Glasgow

Line: 331 to 330
  Marlin mysteer.xml

Grid Installations



Line: 338 to 342

Useful Links

Line: 365 to 370
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ild.gif" attr="h" comment="ild" date="1344013323" name="ild.gif" path="ild.gif" size="14210" stream="ild.gif" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp32479" user="AidanRobson" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="gaede_ildsoft_chep09.pdf" attr="" comment="ILC Software Framework - Frank Gaede's CHEP 2009 talk" date="1344439388" name="gaede_ildsoft_chep09.pdf" path="gaede_ildsoft_chep09.pdf" size="2191024" stream="gaede_ildsoft_chep09.pdf" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp28471" user="DanProtopopescu" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ILD-LDC-SWF.png" attr="" comment="SW framework overview" date="1344439692" name="ILD-LDC-SWF.png" path="ILD-LDC-SWF.png" size="147925" stream="ILD-LDC-SWF.png" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp28495" user="DanProtopopescu" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2011-06-Desy-grid-installations.pdf" attr="" comment="ILC Software Grid Installations - Talk by J. Engels (2011)" date="1345035938" name="2011-06-Desy-grid-installations.pdf" path="2011-06-Desy-grid-installations.pdf" size="99560" stream="2011-06-Desy-grid-installations.pdf" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp26379" user="DanProtopopescu" version="1"

Revision 212012-08-15 - ThomasDoherty

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Linear Collider activities in Glasgow

<-- img style="width: 222; float: right" alt="ild.gif" src="https://ppes8.physics.gla.ac.uk/twiki/pub/LinearCollider/WebHome/ild.gif" title="ild.gif" height="169" -->
Line: 293 to 293
  (1) First set up the ilcsoft software by running this script
. /afs/phas.gla.ac.uk/data/ilc/software/ilcsoft/v01-14/init_ilcsoft.sh
  (2) cd into the build directory of this processor in your home area

Revision 202012-08-15 - DanProtopopescu

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Linear Collider activities in Glasgow

<-- img style="width: 222; float: right" alt="ild.gif" src="https://ppes8.physics.gla.ac.uk/twiki/pub/LinearCollider/WebHome/ild.gif" title="ild.gif" height="169" -->
Line: 224 to 224
 ./ilcsoft-install -p releases/v01-14/release-scratch.cfg -i

it automatically picks up the new version. Downloads it and builds it.


Running a validation test for Mokka and Marlin installations

ALERT! STILL TO BE COMPLETED: See https://svnsrv.desy.de/viewvc/marlinreco/ILDConfig/trunk/StandardConfig/current/README?view=markup
Follow the instructions in StandardConfig/current/README, but using the default central database (do not use the script that creates a local DB).

. /afs/phas.gla.ac.uk/data/ilc/software/ilcsoft/v01-14/init_ilcsoft.sh
cd StandardConfig/current
Mokka -M ILD_o1_v05 -e ./particle.tbl bbudsc_3evt.steer
anajob bbudsc_3evt.slcio
Marlin bbudsc_3evt_stdreco.xml
dumpevent bbudsc_3evt_DST.slcio 2 

ALERT! The visualisation bit did not work though.

See https://svnsrv.desy.de/viewvc/marlinreco/ILDConfig/trunk/StandardConfig/current/README?view=markup


Running a Marlin processor example in your home area

Revision 192012-08-14 - ThomasDoherty

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Linear Collider activities in Glasgow

<-- img style="width: 222; float: right" alt="ild.gif" src="https://ppes8.physics.gla.ac.uk/twiki/pub/LinearCollider/WebHome/ild.gif" title="ild.gif" height="169" -->
Line: 158 to 158
Comment out of /data/atlas01/ILC/tags/v01-14/releases/v01-14/release-scratch.cfg
Comment out of /afs/phas.gla.ac.uk/data/ilc/software/tags/v01-14/releases/v01-14/release-scratch.py
cd /afs/phas.gla.ac.uk/data/ilc/software/ilcsoft/v01-14/KalTest/v01-05/build
# set up root (installed with ilcsoft)
Line: 171 to 171
Comment out of /data/atlas01/ILC/tags/v01-14/releases/v01-14/release-scratch.cfg
Comment out of /afs/phas.gla.ac.uk/data/ilc/software/tags/v01-14/releases/v01-14/release-scratch.py
cd /data/atlas01/ILC/ilcsoft/KalDet/v01-09/build
cd /afs/phas.gla.ac.uk/data/ilc/software/ilcsoft/KalDet/v01-09/build
 source ../../../root/5.28.00f/bin/thisroot.sh cmake -DILCUTIL_DIR=../../../ilcutil/ -DROOT_DIR=$ROOTSYS .. make install
Line: 183 to 183
Comment out of /data/atlas01/ILC/tags/v01-14/releases/v01-14/release-scratch.cfg
Comment out of /afs/phas.gla.ac.uk/data/ilc/software/tags/v01-14/releases/v01-14/release-scratch.py
cd /data/atlas01/ILC/ilcsoft/LCFIPlus/v00-05/build
cd /afs/phas.gla.ac.uk/data/ilc/software/ilcsoft/LCFIPlus/v00-05/build
 source ../../../root/5.28.00f/bin/thisroot.sh cmake -DILCUTIL_DIR=../../../ilcutil/ -DROOT_DIR=$ROOTSYS .. make install
Line: 195 to 195
Comment out of /data/atlas01/ILC/tags/v01-14/releases/v01-14/release-scratch.cfg
Comment out of /afs/phas.gla.ac.uk/data/ilc/software/tags/v01-14/releases/v01-14/release-scratch.py
cd /data/atlas01/ILC/ilcsoft/bbq/v00-01-02/build
cd /afs/phas.gla.ac.uk/data/ilc/software/ilcsoft/bbq/v00-01-02/build
 source ../../../root/5.28.00f/bin/thisroot.sh cmake -DILCUTIL_DIR=../../../ilcutil/ -DROOT_DIR=$ROOTSYS ..
Line: 203 to 203

When installed – can uncomment in release-scratch.cfg but make sure not to reinstall.


Installing a new tag for one package within ilcsoft suite

ALERT! STILL TO BE COMPLETED: Mokka needed to be reinstalled because of problem:
Mokka needed to be reinstalled because of problem:

Revision 182012-08-14 - ThomasDoherty

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Linear Collider activities in Glasgow

<-- img style="width: 222; float: right" alt="ild.gif" src="https://ppes8.physics.gla.ac.uk/twiki/pub/LinearCollider/WebHome/ild.gif" title="ild.gif" height="169" -->
Line: 124 to 124
 ilcsoft.envcmake["INSTALL_DOC"]="ON" to ilcsoft.envcmake["INSTALL_DOC"]="OFF"
in /data/atlas01/ILC/v01-14/releases/v01-14/release-scratch.cfg, but it could be done at just a package level here:
in /afs/phas.gla.ac.uk/data/ilc/software/tags/v01-14/releases/v01-14/release-scratch.cfg, but it could be done at just a package level here:

(2) We don't want Fortran examples - and they cause problems in compilation anyway - so I commented out:

Line: 144 to 144
again in: /data/atlas01/ILC/ilcsoft/lcio/v02-01-02/CMakeLists.txt
again in: /afs/phas.gla.ac.uk/data/ilc/software/ilcsoft/lcio/v02-01-02/CMakeLists.txt
  (3) I also turned off the optional root dict build for LCIO
in /data/atlas01/ILC/v01-14/releases/v01-14/release-scratch.cfg.
Building Root Dict manually for certain packages

The Root Dict compilation does not work for some packages when building using the main compilation script so it is necessary to do the following:

Line: 161 to 160
  Comment out of /data/atlas01/ILC/tags/v01-14/releases/v01-14/release-scratch.cfg
cd /data/atlas01/ILC/ilcsoft/KalTest/v01-05/build
cd /afs/phas.gla.ac.uk/data/ilc/software/ilcsoft/v01-14/KalTest/v01-05/build
 # set up root (installed with ilcsoft) source ../../../root/5.28.00f/bin/thisroot.sh cmake -DILCUTIL_DIR=../../../ilcutil/ -DROOT_DIR=$ROOTSYS ..
Line: 207 to 206

Installing a new tag for one package within ilcsoft suite

ALERT! STILL TO BE COMPLETED: Mokka needs to be reinstalled because of problem:
ALERT! STILL TO BE COMPLETED: Mokka needed to be reinstalled because of problem:
This ended out to be a lot simpler than I had expected. From the thread above the

new tag for mokka was mokka-08-00-03. All that was necessary to install it was

to change the version in:


from Mokka_version = "mokka-08-00-02" to Mokka_version = "mokka-08-00-03"

and when you run:

./ilcsoft-install -p releases/v01-14/release-scratch.cfg -i

it automatically picks up the new version. Downloads it and builds it.


Running a validation test for Mokka and Marlin installations

ALERT! STILL TO BE COMPLETED: See https://svnsrv.desy.de/viewvc/marlinreco/ILDConfig/trunk/StandardConfig/current/README?view=markup

Revision 172012-08-14 - ThomasDoherty

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Linear Collider activities in Glasgow

<-- img style="width: 222; float: right" alt="ild.gif" src="https://ppes8.physics.gla.ac.uk/twiki/pub/LinearCollider/WebHome/ild.gif" title="ild.gif" height="169" -->
Line: 106 to 106
  This file has the list and order in which all packages must be installed. First of all it is necessary to point to the release-version.py file from within this file:
path_where_this_file_lives = "/data/atlas01/ILC/tags/v01-14/releases/v01-14"
path_where_this_file_lives = "/afs/phas.gla.ac.uk/data/ilc/software/tags/v01-14/releases/v01-14"

Then do:

Revision 162012-08-14 - ThomasDoherty

Line: 1 to 1

Linear Collider activities in Glasgow

<-- img style="width: 222; float: right" alt="ild.gif" src="https://ppes8.physics.gla.ac.uk/twiki/pub/LinearCollider/WebHome/ild.gif" title="ild.gif" height="169" -->
Line: 24 to 24
into the temporary directory(soon to be replaced by an afs area)
into the afs area
 I then untarred the file:
tar xvfz ilctools-tags.tar.gz
Line: 35 to 36
  I then went into the directory:
 and removed all other tags except for the latest v01-14.

(Using svn to check out this tag would have been a more sensible way - will do next time!)

Line: 50 to 52
 privileges are necessary. Java is already installed on our network. So it was necessary to install

xerces-c and Cernlib. I installed them in the:

 directory. For xerces-c I did the following:
mkdir xerces-c
Line: 61 to 63
wget http://apache.mirror.rbftpnetworks.com//xerces/c/3/binaries/xerces-c-3.1.1-x86_64-linux-gcc-3.4.tar.gz
 for 64 bit. And untarred.
For Cernlib I realised that the installation here (/usr/lib64/cernlib) did not have the inlcude directories needed so I also went to /data/atlas01/ILC and created directory 2006b/ and in this directory I downloaded:
For Cernlib I realised that the installation here ( /usr/lib64/cernlib) did not have the inlcude directories needed so I also went to /afs/phas.gla.ac.uk/data/ilc/software

and downloaded:

wget http://wwwasd.web.cern.ch/wwwasd/cernlib/download/2006b_x86_64-slc5-gcc41-opt/tar/cernlib.tar.gz
wget http://wwwasd.web.cern.ch/wwwasd/cernlib/download/2006b_x86_64-slc5-gcc41-opt/tar/include.tar.gz
Line: 70 to 73
 wget http://wwwasd.web.cern.ch/wwwasd/cernlib/download/2006b_x86_64-slc5-gcc41-opt/tar/cernlib.tar.gz wget http://wwwasd.web.cern.ch/wwwasd/cernlib/download/2006b_x86_64-slc5-gcc41-opt/tar/include.tar.gz
 and untarred them.

Preparing release version file

First of all I created a directory where the ilcsoft software packages will actually be installed into. This is called /data/atlas01/ILC/ilcsoft
First of all I created a directory where the ilcsoft software packages will actually be installed into. This is called /data/atlas01/ILC/ilcsoft
It is now necessary to point to the above installations (MySQL etc.) in the release file that comes with the ilcsoft installer. To do this I went to file:
It is now necessary to point to the above installations (MySQL etc.) in the release file that comes with the ilcsoft installer. To do this I went to file:

But I first tell this file where the ilcsoft install directory is by setting:

ilcsoft_install_prefix = "/data/atlas01/ILC/ilcsoft/"
ilcsoft_install_prefix = "/afs/phas.gla.ac.uk/data/ilc/software/ilcsoft/"
 I then added:
MySQL_path = "/usr/"
Java_path = "/usr/java/latest/"
CERNLIB_path = "/data/atlas01/ILC/2006b/" XERCESC_ROOT_DIR = "/data/atlas01/ILC/xerces-c/xerces-c-3.1.1-x86_64-linux-gcc-3.4/"
CERNLIB_path = "/afs/phas.gla.ac.uk/data/ilc/software/2006b" XERCESC_ROOT_DIR = "/afs/phas.gla.ac.uk/data/ilc/software/xcerces-c/xerces-c-3.1.1-x86_64-linux-gcc-3.4"
 to this file

Starting a full build for all packages

The file at the centre of this build is called 'release-scratch.cfg' which can be found in the same directory as the release-versions.py: /data/atlas01/ILC/v01-14/releases/v01-14/
The file at the centre of this build is called 'release-scratch.cfg' which can be found in the same directory as the release-versions.py: /afs/phas.gla.ac.uk/data/ilc/software/tags/v01-14/releases/v01-14/
  This file has the list and order in which all packages must be installed. First of all it is necessary to point to the release-version.py file from within this file:
Line: 115 to 119
LCIO compilation problems
(1) Failed to find tools required to build lcio user manual - to fix this just turn off documentation installation. I did this for all pacakages by changing:
(1) Failed to find tools required to build lcio user manual - to fix this just turn off documentation installation. I did this for all pacakages by changing:
ilcsoft.envcmake["INSTALL_DOC"]="ON" to ilcsoft.envcmake["INSTALL_DOC"]="OFF"
Line: 120 to 123
ilcsoft.envcmake["INSTALL_DOC"]="ON" to ilcsoft.envcmake["INSTALL_DOC"]="OFF"
 in /data/atlas01/ILC/v01-14/releases/v01-14/release-scratch.cfg, but it could be done at just a package level here:
(2) We don't want Fortran examples - and they cause problems in compilation anyway - so I commented out:
(2) We don't want Fortran examples - and they cause problems in compilation anyway - so I commented out:
Line: 146 to 150
 in /data/atlas01/ILC/v01-14/releases/v01-14/release-scratch.cfg.

Building Root Dict manually for certain packages
The Root Dict compilation does not work for some packages when building using the main compilation script so it is necessary to do the following:
The Root Dict compilation does not work for some packages when building using the main compilation script so it is necessary to do the following:
Line: 280 to 289
 export MARLIN_DLL=$PWD/lib/libExampleDSTAnalysis.so
(2) Create the steering file. This steering file is used to tell Marlin in what order to run your processor with other standard processors. It is used to set some global variables aswell as the input stdio file and the output file name. You also need to point to the gear (geometry) file that was used to create your input stdio file. Marlin automatically creates this file for you but you must edit the input/output files at least. The global variables will be taken from your C++ code. To create the file just do:
(2) Create the steering file. This steering file is used to tell Marlin in what order to run your processor with other standard processors. It is used to set some global variables aswell as the input stdio file and the output file name. You also need to point to the gear (geometry) file that was used to create your input stdio file. Marlin automatically creates this file for you but you must edit the input/output files at least. The global variables will be taken from your C++ code. To create the file just do:
Marlin -x > mysteer.xml
Marlin -x > mysteer.xml
(3) As mentioned you must edit the steering file to point to the input .stdio and gear.xml file you are using for your analysis.
(3) As mentioned you must edit the steering file to point to the input .stdio and gear.xml file you are using for your analysis.

Running Marlin processor

Revision 152012-08-10 - DanProtopopescu

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Linear Collider activities in Glasgow

<-- img style="width: 222; float: right" alt="ild.gif" src="https://ppes8.physics.gla.ac.uk/twiki/pub/LinearCollider/WebHome/ild.gif" title="ild.gif" height="169" -->
Line: 8 to 8


  • ilcsoft local installation temporarily at /data/atlas01/ILC/ilcsoft
  • ilcsoft local installation temporarily at /data/atlas01/ILC/ilcsoft ALERT!

Installation of ILC software at Glasgow

Revision 142012-08-09 - DanProtopopescu

Line: 1 to 1

Linear Collider activities in Glasgow

<-- img style="width: 222; float: right" alt="ild.gif" src="https://ppes8.physics.gla.ac.uk/twiki/pub/LinearCollider/WebHome/ild.gif" title="ild.gif" height="169" -->
Line: 24 to 25

into the temporary directory(soon to be replaced by an afs area)

 I then untarred the file:
tar xvfz ilctools-tags.tar.gz
tar xvfz ilctools-tags.tar.gz
  I then went into the directory:

and removed all other tags except for the latest v01-14.

and removed all other tags except for the latest v01-14.
  (Using svn to check out this tag would have been a more sensible way - will do next time!)

Preparing for build - seperate packages to install


Preparing for build - separate packages to install

  First we must prepare four packages that don't come automatically with the ilcsoft installation.
They are MySQL, Java, xerces-c and cernlib. MySQL was installed by sysadmin (Andy) as root
They are MySQL, Java, xerces-c and cernlib. MySQL was installed by sysadmin (Andy) as root
  privileges are necessary. Java is already installed on our network. So it was necessary to install

xerces-c and Cernlib. I installed them in the:


directory. For xerces-c I did the following:

mkdir xerces-c

directory. For xerces-c I did the following:
mkdir xerces-c
 And in this directory I:
wget http://apache.mirror.rbftpnetworks.com//xerces/c/3/binaries/xerces-c-3.1.1-x86_64-linux-gcc-3.4.tar.gz
wget http://apache.mirror.rbftpnetworks.com//xerces/c/3/binaries/xerces-c-3.1.1-x86_64-linux-gcc-3.4.tar.gz
 for 64 bit. And untarred.
For Cernlib I realised that the installation here (/usr/lib64/cernlib) did not have the inlcude

directories needed so I also went to /data/atlas01/ILC and created directory 2006b

For Cernlib I realised that the installation here (/usr/lib64/cernlib) did not have the inlcude directories needed so I also went to /data/atlas01/ILC and created directory 2006b/
 and in this directory I downloaded:
wget http://wwwasd.web.cern.ch/wwwasd/cernlib/download/2006b_x86_64-slc5-gcc41-opt/tar/cernlib.tar.gz_


wget http://wwwasd.web.cern.ch/wwwasd/cernlib/download/2006b_x86_64-slc5-gcc41-opt/tar/include.tar.gz_

wget http://wwwasd.web.cern.ch/wwwasd/cernlib/download/2006b_x86_64-slc5-gcc41-opt/tar/cernlib.tar.gz
wget http://wwwasd.web.cern.ch/wwwasd/cernlib/download/2006b_x86_64-slc5-gcc41-opt/tar/include.tar.gz
 and untarred them.

Preparing release version file

First of all I created a directory where the ilcsoft software packages will actually be installed

Preparing release version file

into. This is called: /data/atlas01/ILC/ilcsoft
First of all I created a directory where the ilcsoft software packages will actually be installed into. This is called /data/atlas01/ILC/ilcsoft
  It is now necessary to point to the above installations (MySQL etc.) in the release file that comes with
 the ilcsoft installer. To do this I went to file:
  But I first tell this file where the ilcsoft install directory is by setting:
ilcsoft_install_prefix = "/data/atlas01/ILC/ilcsoft/"
ilcsoft_install_prefix = "/data/atlas01/ILC/ilcsoft/"
 I then added:
MySQL_path = "/usr/"

Java_path = "/usr/java/latest/"

CERNLIB_path = "/data/atlas01/ILC/2006b/"

XERCESC_ROOT_DIR = "/data/atlas01/ILC/xerces-c/xerces-c-3.1.1-x86_64-linux-gcc-3.4/"

MySQL_path = "/usr/"
Java_path = "/usr/java/latest/"
CERNLIB_path = "/data/atlas01/ILC/2006b/"
XERCESC_ROOT_DIR = "/data/atlas01/ILC/xerces-c/xerces-c-3.1.1-x86_64-linux-gcc-3.4/"
 to this file

Starting a full build for all packages

The file at the centre of this build is called 'release-scratch.cfg' which can be found in

the same directory as the release-versions.py: /data/atlas01/ILC/v01-14/releases/v01-14/

This file has the list and order in which all packages must be installed. First of all it is


Starting a full build for all packages

necessary to point to the release-version.py file from within this file:
The file at the centre of this build is called 'release-scratch.cfg' which can be found in the same directory as the release-versions.py: /data/atlas01/ILC/v01-14/releases/v01-14/
path_where_this_file_lives = "/data/atlas01/ILC/tags/v01-14/releases/v01-14"
This file has the list and order in which all packages must be installed. First of all it is necessary to point to the release-version.py file from within this file:
path_where_this_file_lives = "/data/atlas01/ILC/tags/v01-14/releases/v01-14"
  Then do:
./ilcsoft-install -p releases/v01-14/release-scratch.cfg -p (to check all is ok)
./ilcsoft-install -p releases/v01-14/release-scratch.cfg -I (to install)
./ilcsoft-install -p releases/v01-14/release-scratch.cfg –p (to check all is ok)

./ilcsoft-install -p releases/v01-14/release-scratch.cfg –I (to install)


Problems to expect and fix:

LCIO compilation problems

(1) Failed to find tools required to build lcio user manual - to fix this just turn off documentation

Line: 121 to 116
LCIO compilation problems

(1) Failed to find tools required to build lcio user manual - to fix this just turn off documentation

 installation. I did this for all pacakages by changing:
 ilcsoft.envcmake["INSTALL_DOC"]="ON" to ilcsoft.envcmake["INSTALL_DOC"]="OFF"
in /data/atlas01/ILC/v01-14/releases/v01-14/release-scratch.cfg, but it could be done at just a package level here:
in /data/atlas01/ILC/v01-14/releases/v01-14/release-scratch.cfg

but it could be done at just a package level here:


(2) We don't want fortran examples - and they cause problems in compilation

(2) We don't want Fortran examples - and they cause problems in compilation
 anyway - so I commented out:
# fortran examples
#OPTION( BUILD_F77_TESTJOBS "Set to ON to build LCIO F77 testjobs" OFF )
# ADD_SUBDIRECTORY( ./src/f77 f77 )
again in: /data/atlas01/ILC/ilcsoft/lcio/v02-01-02/CMakeLists.txt
# fortran examples

#OPTION( BUILD_F77_TESTJOBS "Set to ON to build LCIO F77 testjobs" OFF )


# ADD_SUBDIRECTORY( ./src/f77 f77 )


again in: /data/atlas01/ILC/ilcsoft/lcio/v02-01-02/CMakeLists.txt

(3) I also turned off the optional root dict build for LCIO

(3) I also turned off the optional root dict build for LCIO
in /data/atlas01/ILC/v01-14/releases/v01-14/release-scratch.cfg
in /data/atlas01/ILC/v01-14/releases/v01-14/release-scratch.cfg.
Building Root Dict manually for certain packages
The Root Dict compilation does not work for some packages when
The Root Dict compilation does not work for some packages when
 building using the main compilation script so it is necessary to do
 the following:


Comment out of /data/atlas01/ILC/tags/v01-14/releases/v01-14/release-scratch.cfg

cd /data/atlas01/ILC/ilcsoft/KalTest/v01-05/build

Comment out of /data/atlas01/ILC/tags/v01-14/releases/v01-14/release-scratch.cfg
cd /data/atlas01/ILC/ilcsoft/KalTest/v01-05/build
 # set up root (installed with ilcsoft)
source ../../../root/5.28.00f/bin/thisroot.sh cmake -DILCUTIL_DIR=../../../ilcutil/ -DROOT_DIR=$ROOTSYS .. make install
source ../../../root/5.28.00f/bin/thisroot.sh

cmake -DILCUTIL_DIR=../../../ilcutil/ -DROOT_DIR=$ROOTSYS ..

make install

When installed – can uncomment in release-scratch.cfg again.

When installed – can uncomment in release-scratch.cfg again.
Comment out of /data/atlas01/ILC/tags/v01-14/releases/v01-14/release-scratch.cfg
Comment out of /data/atlas01/ILC/tags/v01-14/releases/v01-14/release-scratch.cfg
cd /data/atlas01/ILC/ilcsoft/KalDet/v01-09/build
source ../../../root/5.28.00f/bin/thisroot.sh
cmake -DILCUTIL_DIR=../../../ilcutil/ -DROOT_DIR=$ROOTSYS ..
make install
cd /data/atlas01/ILC/ilcsoft/KalDet/v01-09/build

source ../../../root/5.28.00f/bin/thisroot.sh

cmake -DILCUTIL_DIR=../../../ilcutil/ -DROOT_DIR=$ROOTSYS ..

make install

When installed – can uncomment in release-scratch.cfg

When installed – can uncomment in release-scratch.cfg
Comment out of /data/atlas01/ILC/tags/v01-14/releases/v01-14/release-scratch.cfg

cd /data/atlas01/ILC/ilcsoft/LCFIPlus/v00-05/build

source ../../../root/5.28.00f/bin/thisroot.sh

Comment out of /data/atlas01/ILC/tags/v01-14/releases/v01-14/release-scratch.cfg
cd /data/atlas01/ILC/ilcsoft/LCFIPlus/v00-05/build
source ../../../root/5.28.00f/bin/thisroot.sh
cmake -DILCUTIL_DIR=../../../ilcutil/ -DROOT_DIR=$ROOTSYS ..
make install
cmake -DILCUTIL_DIR=../../../ilcutil/ -DROOT_DIR=$ROOTSYS ..

make install

When installed – can uncomment in release-scratch.cfg but make sure not to reinstall.

When installed – can uncomment in release-scratch.cfg but make sure not to reinstall.
Comment out of /data/atlas01/ILC/tags/v01-14/releases/v01-14/release-scratch.cfg

cd /data/atlas01/ILC/ilcsoft/bbq/v00-01-02/build

Comment out of /data/atlas01/ILC/tags/v01-14/releases/v01-14/release-scratch.cfg
cd /data/atlas01/ILC/ilcsoft/bbq/v00-01-02/build
source ../../../root/5.28.00f/bin/thisroot.sh
cmake -DILCUTIL_DIR=../../../ilcutil/ -DROOT_DIR=$ROOTSYS ..
source ../../../root/5.28.00f/bin/thisroot.sh
When installed – can uncomment in release-scratch.cfg but make sure not to reinstall.
cmake -DILCUTIL_DIR=../../../ilcutil/ -DROOT_DIR=$ROOTSYS ..

When installed – can uncomment in release-scratch.cfg but make sure not to reinstall.


Installing a new tag for one package within ilcsoft suite

STILL TO BE COMPLETED: Mokka needs to be reinstalled because of problem:
ALERT! STILL TO BE COMPLETED: Mokka needs to be reinstalled because of problem:

Running a validation test for Mokka and Marlin installations

STILL TO BE COMPLETED: See https://svnsrv.desy.de/viewvc/marlinreco/ILDConfig/trunk/StandardConfig/current/README?view=markup

Running a Marlin processor example in your home area

Preparing the home area

ALERT! STILL TO BE COMPLETED: See https://svnsrv.desy.de/viewvc/marlinreco/ILDConfig/trunk/StandardConfig/current/README?view=markup
In this example we are building and running a Marlin processor called ExampleDSTAnalysis

Running a Marlin processor example in your home area

(1) Make the directory named as you wish - for example: /home/tdoherty/ILCWork/Marlin/ExampleDSTAnalysis

Preparing the home area

(2) In the ExampleDSTAnalysis directory create a build, src, include and lib directory - like:
In this example we are building and running a Marlin processor called ExampleDSTAnalysis.
[tdoherty@ppepc144 ExampleDSTAnalysis]$ ls -lart
total 908
drwxr-xr-x 3 tdoherty grid 77 Aug 3 15:12 include
drwxr-xr-x 2 tdoherty grid 66 Aug 3 15:14 src
drwxr-xr-x 3 tdoherty grid 121 Aug 3 15:17 lib
drwxr-xr-x 5 tdoherty grid 4096 Aug 3 15:26 build
(1) Make the directory named as you wish - for example: /home/tdoherty/ILCWork/Marlin/ExampleDSTAnalysis
(3) Place the source (ExampleDSTAnalysis.cc) code for your processor in the src directory and the header (ExampleDSTAnalysis.h) file in the include directory
(2) In the ExampleDSTAnalysis directory create build, src, include and lib directories - like:
[tdoherty@ppepc144 ExampleDSTAnalysis]$ ls -lart
total 908
drwxr-xr-x 3 tdoherty grid 77 Aug 3 15:12 include
drwxr-xr-x 2 tdoherty grid 66 Aug 3 15:14 src
drwxr-xr-x 3 tdoherty grid 121 Aug 3 15:17 lib
drwxr-xr-x 5 tdoherty grid 4096 Aug 3 15:26 build
(4) Copy the CMakeLists .txt file from the mymarlin example given with Marlin into the ExampleDSTAnalysis folder:
(3) Place the source (ExampleDSTAnalysis.cc) code for your processor in the src directory and the header (ExampleDSTAnalysis.h) file in the include/ directory
(4) Copy the CMakeLists.txt file from the mymarlin example given with Marlin into the ExampleDSTAnalysis folder:
 cp /data/atlas01/ILC/ilcsoft/Marlin/v01-03/examples/mymarlin/CMakeLists.txt .
(5) Open up this file and just change the name of the project from mymarlin to ExampleDSTAnalysis

From PROJECT(mymarlin) to PROJECT(ExampleDSTAnalysis )

(5) Open up this file and just change the name of the project from mymarlin to ExampleDSTAnalysis: from PROJECT(mymarlin) to PROJECT(ExampleDSTAnalysis).
  (6) If your processor code requires ROOT then add:
 IF( ${pkg}_FOUND )
to CMakeLists.txt so that your C++ code can pull in ROOT header files.
IF( ${pkg}_FOUND )

to CMakeLists.txt so that your c++ code can pull in ROOT header files.


Building the processor

(1) First set up the ilcsoft software by running this script
(1) First set up the ilcsoft software by running this script
(2) cd into the build directory of this processor in your home area

cd build

(2) cd into the build directory of this processor in your home area
cd build
 (3) Then:
cmake -C $ILCSOFT/ILCSoft.cmake ..
cmake -C $ILCSOFT/ILCSoft.cmake ..
 (4) And:
make install
This should create library: lib/libExampleDSTAnalysis.so.
make install

This should create library: lib/libExampleDSTAnalysis.so


Loading the processor into Marlin

(1) Point to the .so file

export MARLIN_DLL=$PWD/lib/libExampleDSTAnalysis.so

(2) Create the steering file. This steering file is used to tell Marlin in what

(1) Point to the .so file
export MARLIN_DLL=$PWD/lib/libExampleDSTAnalysis.so
(2) Create the steering file. This steering file is used to tell Marlin in what
 order to run your processor with other standard processors. It is used
 to set some global variables aswell as the input stdio file and the output file
name. You also need to point to the gear (geometry) file that was used to
name. You also need to point to the gear (geometry) file that was used to
 create your input stdio file. Marlin automatically creates this file for you
 but you must edit the input/output files at least. The global variables will
be taken from your C++ code. To create the file just do:
be taken from your c++ code. To create the file just do:

Marlin -x > mysteer.xml

Marlin -x > mysteer.xml
(3) As mentioned you must edit the steering file to point to the input .stdio
(3) As mentioned you must edit the steering file to point to the input .stdio and gear.xml file you are using for your analysis.
and gear.xml file you are using for your analysis.

Running Marlin processor

Simply do:

Marlin mysteer.xml
Marlin mysteer.xml



Line: 321 to 313
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="clic_event.gif" attr="h" comment="clic_event" date="1344013306" name="clic_event.gif" path="clic_event.gif" size="13910" stream="clic_event.gif" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp32570" user="AidanRobson" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ild.gif" attr="h" comment="ild" date="1344013323" name="ild.gif" path="ild.gif" size="14210" stream="ild.gif" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp32479" user="AidanRobson" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="gaede_ildsoft_chep09.pdf" attr="" comment="ILC Software Framework - Frank Gaede's CHEP 2009 talk" date="1344439388" name="gaede_ildsoft_chep09.pdf" path="gaede_ildsoft_chep09.pdf" size="2191024" stream="gaede_ildsoft_chep09.pdf" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp28471" user="DanProtopopescu" version="1"

Revision 132012-08-09 - ThomasDoherty

Line: 1 to 1

Linear Collider activities in Glasgow

<-- img style="width: 222; float: right" alt="ild.gif" src="https://ppes8.physics.gla.ac.uk/twiki/pub/LinearCollider/WebHome/ild.gif" title="ild.gif" height="169" -->
Line: 38 to 38
 and removed all other tags except for the latest v01-14.

(Using svn to check out this tag would have been a more sensible way - will do next time!)


Preparing for build


Preparing for build - seperate packages to install

  First we must prepare four packages that don't come automatically with the ilcsoft installation.
Line: 100 to 100
 XERCESC_ROOT_DIR = "/data/atlas01/ILC/xerces-c/xerces-c-3.1.1-x86_64-linux-gcc-3.4/"

to this file


Starting a full build for all packakges


Starting a full build for all packages

  The file at the centre of this build is called 'release-scratch.cfg' which can be found in
Line: 117 to 117
  ./ilcsoft-install -p releases/v01-14/release-scratch.cfg –p (to check all is ok)

./ilcsoft-install -p releases/v01-14/release-scratch.cfg –I (to install)


Problems to expect and fix:

LCIO compilation problems

More to come.........

(1) Failed to find tools required to build lcio user manual - to fix this just turn off documentation

installation. I did this for all pacakages by changing:

ilcsoft.envcmake["INSTALL_DOC"]="ON" to ilcsoft.envcmake["INSTALL_DOC"]="OFF"

in /data/atlas01/ILC/v01-14/releases/v01-14/release-scratch.cfg

but it could be done at just a package level here:


(2) We don't want fortran examples - and they cause problems in compilation

anyway - so I commented out:



# fortran examples

#OPTION( BUILD_F77_TESTJOBS "Set to ON to build LCIO F77 testjobs" OFF )


# ADD_SUBDIRECTORY( ./src/f77 f77 )


again in: /data/atlas01/ILC/ilcsoft/lcio/v02-01-02/CMakeLists.txt

(3) I also turned off the optional root dict build for LCIO


in /data/atlas01/ILC/v01-14/releases/v01-14/release-scratch.cfg

Building Root Dict manually for certain packages

The Root Dict compilation does not work for some packages when

building using the main compilation script so it is necessary to do

the following:


Comment out of /data/atlas01/ILC/tags/v01-14/releases/v01-14/release-scratch.cfg

cd /data/atlas01/ILC/ilcsoft/KalTest/v01-05/build

# set up root (installed with ilcsoft)

source ../../../root/5.28.00f/bin/thisroot.sh

cmake -DILCUTIL_DIR=../../../ilcutil/ -DROOT_DIR=$ROOTSYS ..

make install

When installed – can uncomment in release-scratch.cfg again.


Comment out of /data/atlas01/ILC/tags/v01-14/releases/v01-14/release-scratch.cfg

cd /data/atlas01/ILC/ilcsoft/KalDet/v01-09/build

source ../../../root/5.28.00f/bin/thisroot.sh

cmake -DILCUTIL_DIR=../../../ilcutil/ -DROOT_DIR=$ROOTSYS ..

make install

When installed – can uncomment in release-scratch.cfg


Comment out of /data/atlas01/ILC/tags/v01-14/releases/v01-14/release-scratch.cfg

cd /data/atlas01/ILC/ilcsoft/LCFIPlus/v00-05/build

source ../../../root/5.28.00f/bin/thisroot.sh

cmake -DILCUTIL_DIR=../../../ilcutil/ -DROOT_DIR=$ROOTSYS ..

make install

When installed – can uncomment in release-scratch.cfg but make sure not to reinstall.


Comment out of /data/atlas01/ILC/tags/v01-14/releases/v01-14/release-scratch.cfg

cd /data/atlas01/ILC/ilcsoft/bbq/v00-01-02/build

source ../../../root/5.28.00f/bin/thisroot.sh

cmake -DILCUTIL_DIR=../../../ilcutil/ -DROOT_DIR=$ROOTSYS ..

When installed – can uncomment in release-scratch.cfg but make sure not to reinstall.

Installing a new tag for one package within ilcsoft suite

STILL TO BE COMPLETED: Mokka needs to be reinstalled because of problem:


Running a validation test for Mokka and Marlin installations

STILL TO BE COMPLETED: See https://svnsrv.desy.de/viewvc/marlinreco/ILDConfig/trunk/StandardConfig/current/README?view=markup

Running a Marlin processor example in your home area

Preparing the home area

In this example we are building and running a Marlin processor called ExampleDSTAnalysis

(1) Make the directory named as you wish - for example: /home/tdoherty/ILCWork/Marlin/ExampleDSTAnalysis

(2) In the ExampleDSTAnalysis directory create a build, src, include and lib directory - like:

[tdoherty@ppepc144 ExampleDSTAnalysis]$ ls -lart
total 908
drwxr-xr-x 3 tdoherty grid 77 Aug 3 15:12 include
drwxr-xr-x 2 tdoherty grid 66 Aug 3 15:14 src
drwxr-xr-x 3 tdoherty grid 121 Aug 3 15:17 lib
drwxr-xr-x 5 tdoherty grid 4096 Aug 3 15:26 build

(3) Place the source (ExampleDSTAnalysis.cc) code for your processor in the src directory and the header (ExampleDSTAnalysis.h) file in the include directory

(4) Copy the CMakeLists .txt file from the mymarlin example given with Marlin into the ExampleDSTAnalysis folder:

cp /data/atlas01/ILC/ilcsoft/Marlin/v01-03/examples/mymarlin/CMakeLists.txt .

(5) Open up this file and just change the name of the project from mymarlin to ExampleDSTAnalysis

From PROJECT(mymarlin) to PROJECT(ExampleDSTAnalysis )

(6) If your processor code requires ROOT then add:



IF( ${pkg}_FOUND )

to CMakeLists.txt so that your c++ code can pull in ROOT header files.

Building the processor

(1) First set up the ilcsoft software by running this script

(2) cd into the build directory of this processor in your home area

cd build

(3) Then:

cmake -C $ILCSOFT/ILCSoft.cmake ..

(4) And:

make install

This should create library: lib/libExampleDSTAnalysis.so

Loading the processor into Marlin

(1) Point to the .so file

export MARLIN_DLL=$PWD/lib/libExampleDSTAnalysis.so

(2) Create the steering file. This steering file is used to tell Marlin in what

order to run your processor with other standard processors. It is used

to set some global variables aswell as the input stdio file and the output file

name. You also need to point to the gear (geometry) file that was used to

create your input stdio file. Marlin automatically creates this file for you

but you must edit the input/output files at least. The global variables will

be taken from your c++ code. To create the file just do:

Marlin -x > mysteer.xml

(3) As mentioned you must edit the steering file to point to the input .stdio

and gear.xml file you are using for your analysis.

Running Marlin processor

Simply do:

Marlin mysteer.xml



Revision 122012-08-08 - ThomasDoherty

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Linear Collider activities in Glasgow

<-- img style="width: 222; float: right" alt="ild.gif" src="https://ppes8.physics.gla.ac.uk/twiki/pub/LinearCollider/WebHome/ild.gif" title="ild.gif" height="169" -->
Line: 38 to 38
 and removed all other tags except for the latest v01-14.

(Using svn to check out this tag would have been a more sensible way - will do next time!)


Preparing for build


First we must prepare four packages that don't come automatically with the ilcsoft installation.
They are MySQL, Java, xerces-c and cernlib. MySQL was installed by sysadmin (Andy) as root

privileges are necessary. Java is already installed on our network. So it was necessary to install

xerces-c and Cernlib. I installed them in the:


directory. For xerces-c I did the following:

mkdir xerces-c

And in this directory I:

wget http://apache.mirror.rbftpnetworks.com//xerces/c/3/binaries/xerces-c-3.1.1-x86_64-linux-gcc-3.4.tar.gz

for 64 bit. And untarred.

For Cernlib I realised that the installation here (/usr/lib64/cernlib) did not have the inlcude

directories needed so I also went to /data/atlas01/ILC and created directory 2006b

and in this directory I downloaded:

wget http://wwwasd.web.cern.ch/wwwasd/cernlib/download/2006b_x86_64-slc5-gcc41-opt/tar/cernlib.tar.gz_


wget http://wwwasd.web.cern.ch/wwwasd/cernlib/download/2006b_x86_64-slc5-gcc41-opt/tar/include.tar.gz_

and untarred them.

Preparing release version file

First of all I created a directory where the ilcsoft software packages will actually be installed

into. This is called: /data/atlas01/ILC/ilcsoft

It is now necessary to point to the above installations (MySQL etc.) in the release file that comes with

the ilcsoft installer. To do this I went to file:


But I first tell this file where the ilcsoft install directory is by setting:

ilcsoft_install_prefix = "/data/atlas01/ILC/ilcsoft/"

I then added:

MySQL_path = "/usr/"

Java_path = "/usr/java/latest/"

CERNLIB_path = "/data/atlas01/ILC/2006b/"

XERCESC_ROOT_DIR = "/data/atlas01/ILC/xerces-c/xerces-c-3.1.1-x86_64-linux-gcc-3.4/"

to this file

Starting a full build for all packakges

The file at the centre of this build is called 'release-scratch.cfg' which can be found in

the same directory as the release-versions.py: /data/atlas01/ILC/v01-14/releases/v01-14/

This file has the list and order in which all packages must be installed. First of all it is

necessary to point to the release-version.py file from within this file:

path_where_this_file_lives = "/data/atlas01/ILC/tags/v01-14/releases/v01-14"

Then do:

./ilcsoft-install -p releases/v01-14/release-scratch.cfg –p (to check all is ok)

./ilcsoft-install -p releases/v01-14/release-scratch.cfg –I (to install)

More to come.........



Revision 112012-08-08 - DanProtopopescu

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Linear Collider activities in Glasgow

<-- img style="width: 222; float: right" alt="ild.gif" src="https://ppes8.physics.gla.ac.uk/twiki/pub/LinearCollider/WebHome/ild.gif" title="ild.gif" height="169" -->
Line: 75 to 75
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="clic_event.gif" attr="h" comment="clic_event" date="1344013306" name="clic_event.gif" path="clic_event.gif" size="13910" stream="clic_event.gif" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp32570" user="AidanRobson" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ild.gif" attr="h" comment="ild" date="1344013323" name="ild.gif" path="ild.gif" size="14210" stream="ild.gif" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp32479" user="AidanRobson" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="gaede_ildsoft_chep09.pdf" attr="" comment="ILC Software Framework - Frank Gaede's CHEP 2009 talk" date="1344439388" name="gaede_ildsoft_chep09.pdf" path="gaede_ildsoft_chep09.pdf" size="2191024" stream="gaede_ildsoft_chep09.pdf" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp28471" user="DanProtopopescu" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ILD-LDC-SWF.png" attr="" comment="SW framework overview" date="1344439692" name="ILD-LDC-SWF.png" path="ILD-LDC-SWF.png" size="147925" stream="ILD-LDC-SWF.png" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp28495" user="DanProtopopescu" version="1"

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Linear Collider activities in Glasgow

<-- img style="width: 222; float: right" alt="ild.gif" src="https://ppes8.physics.gla.ac.uk/twiki/pub/LinearCollider/WebHome/ild.gif" title="ild.gif" height="169" -->
Line: 11 to 11
  • ilcsoft local installation temporarily at /data/atlas01/ILC/ilcsoft

Installation of ILC software at Glasgow


Getting the latest version

  Two choices for downloading the software is through svn or via a tarball. For the first attempt I opted for the latter. To do this I
Line: 22 to 23
into the temporary directory
into the temporary directory(soon to be replaced by an afs area)
I then untarred the file:

tar xvfz ilctools-tags.tar.gz

I then went into the directory:


and removed all other tags except for the latest v01-14.

(Using svn to check out this tag would have been a more sensible way - will do next time!)



Revision 92012-08-08 - DanProtopopescu

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Linear Collider activities in Glasgow

<-- img style="width: 222; float: right" alt="ild.gif" src="https://ppes8.physics.gla.ac.uk/twiki/pub/LinearCollider/WebHome/ild.gif" title="ild.gif" height="169" -->
Line: 57 to 57
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="clic_event.gif" attr="h" comment="clic_event" date="1344013306" name="clic_event.gif" path="clic_event.gif" size="13910" stream="clic_event.gif" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp32570" user="AidanRobson" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ild.gif" attr="h" comment="ild" date="1344013323" name="ild.gif" path="ild.gif" size="14210" stream="ild.gif" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp32479" user="AidanRobson" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="gaede_ildsoft_chep09.pdf" attr="" comment="ILC Software Framework - Frank Gaede's CHEP 2009 talk" date="1344439388" name="gaede_ildsoft_chep09.pdf" path="gaede_ildsoft_chep09.pdf" size="2191024" stream="gaede_ildsoft_chep09.pdf" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp28471" user="DanProtopopescu" version="1"

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Linear Collider activities in Glasgow

<-- img style="width: 222; float: right" alt="ild.gif" src="https://ppes8.physics.gla.ac.uk/twiki/pub/LinearCollider/WebHome/ild.gif" title="ild.gif" height="169" -->
<-- img style="width: 222; float: right" alt="ild.gif" src="https://ppes8.physics.gla.ac.uk/twiki/pub/LinearCollider/WebHome/ild.gif" title="ild.gif" height="169" -->
Line: 13 to 12

Installation of ILC software at Glasgow

Two choices for ....
Two choices for downloading the software is through svn or via a tarball. For the first attempt I opted for the latter. To do this I

went to:


and downloaded the tar file accessible here:


into the temporary directory




Revision 72012-08-08 - DanProtopopescu

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Linear Collider activities in Glasgow

ild.gif clic_event.gif


Linear Collider activities in Glasgow

<-- img style="width: 222; float: right" alt="ild.gif" src="https://ppes8.physics.gla.ac.uk/twiki/pub/LinearCollider/WebHome/ild.gif" title="ild.gif" height="169" -->




Installation of ILC software at Glasgow

Two choices for
Two choices for ....



Useful Links

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LinearCollider Web Utilities

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="clic_event.gif" attr="h" comment="clic_event" date="1344013306" name="clic_event.gif" path="clic_event.gif" size="13910" stream="clic_event.gif" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp32570" user="AidanRobson" version="1"
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Revision 62012-08-08 - ThomasDoherty

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Linear Collider activities in Glasgow

ild.gif clic_event.gif



Installation of ILC software at Glasgow

Two choices for



Useful Links

Revision 52012-08-06 - AidanRobson

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Linear Collider activities in Glasgow

ild.gif clic_event.gif


  • ilcsoft local installation



Useful Links

Revision 42012-08-06 - AidanRobson

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Linear Collider activities in Glasgow

ild.gif clic_event.gif


  • ilcsoft local installation



Useful Links

Revision 32012-08-05 - AidanRobson

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Linear Collider activities in Glasgow

ild.gif clic_event.gif


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Revision 22012-08-03 - AidanRobson

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Welcome to the LinearCollider web


Linear Collider activities in Glasgow

ild.gif clic_event.gif


  • ilcsoft local installation

Useful Links


Available Information

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LinearCollider Web Utilities


LinearCollider Web Utilities

  • WebTopicList - all topics in alphabetical order
  • WebChanges - recent topic changes in this web
  • WebNotify - subscribe to an e-mail alert sent when topics change
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Revision 12005-03-28 - TWikiContributor

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Welcome to the LinearCollider web

Available Information

  • ...
  • ...
  • ...

LinearCollider Web Utilities

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