Dominic's Signal Datasets

The paths to access the datasets regarding the reactions mentioned in LCD-Note-2012-015 are listed below. Items marked with a DONE are downloaded locally. To obtain the local path, replace /ilc/prod/clic/ with /afs/ Some files could not be downloaded though, due to catalogue errors.

There is a simple script, /afs/, that one can use to download the files.

The 350GeV HZ recoil analysis (Part 3 of note)

HZmumu /ilc/prod/clic/350gev/hzmumu/ILD/DST/00001334/000 DONE

HZee /ilc/prod/clic/350gev/hzee/ILD/DST/00001338/000 DONE

The 500GeV HZ Recoil (Part 4)

HZmumu /ilc/prod/clic/500gev/hzmumu/ILD/DST/00000739/000

HZee /ilc/prod/clic/500gev/hzee/ILD/DST/00000742/000

The 500GeV HZqq analysis (Part 5)


/ilc/prod/clic/500gev/qqqq/ILD/DST/00001117/000 and (001,002,003,004,005,006,007,008,009)


/ilc/prod/clic/500gev/qq_nunu/ILD/DST/00001125/000 and (001,002,003,004)

The 500GeV Hvv analysis (Part 6)


/ilc/prod/clic/500gev/qqqq/ILD/DST/00001117/000 and (001,002,003,004,005,006,007,008,009)


/ilc/prod/clic/500gev/qq_nunu/ILD/DST/00001125/000 and (001,002,003,004)

-- DominicSmith - 2012-11-22

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