Geometry implementation workflow

This wiki describes a (proposed) workflow for obtaining the latest CLIC detector geometry, implementing modifications to one of the sub-detectors, validating the model and committing the changes.

Obtaining the latest geometry

The new CLIC detector (which we will call CLICd herein) geometry is still being optimised, so it's a work in progress. A standard (SVN) location for the latest CLICd geometry is still to be agreed. For this wiki, let's start from the DD4hep implementation of the ILD_o1_v5 ECal that is included in DDSim. The included ILD/Readme explains how this configuration was obtained.

Implementing or updating the latest ECal version in DD4hep

Follow the main steps outlined in this wiki:

  • edit the XML file and update parameters as necessary
  • verify/edit the C++ module that builds the ECal

You should produce the following files:

  • XML - updated version containing the latest settings
  • C++ module - that correctly builds the ECal (Barrell and EndCap)
  • updated materials.xml if any new material is added

Validating the newly implemented ECal

Is done as described in this wiki:

  1. visual check
  2. check volume overlaps (between ECal modules themselves and eventually between ECal and other modules)
  3. shoot some particles and compare hit positions in ECal
  4. run stressGeometry to compare with previous implementation (if any)

Committing the changes

A location for uploading the latest geometry implementations is still to be agreed. In the meantime, it can go here: LatestECal


Mokka included in ilcsoft/v01-17 will not load ILD_o1_v06, but exit with "sub_detector driver doesn't exist! Construct failed". One can use instead the script to extract the desired model parameters from the DB.

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Topic revision: r5 - 2014-08-07 - DanProtopopescu
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