Wireless Networking

The wireless network in the Kelvin building is managed by Jon Trinder and the school IT staff. Wireless problems may be reported to school IT support.

For various historical reasons, there are presently three wireless networks in the Kelvin building: Eduroam, GUPHYSICS and KELVIN. It is recommended that you use them in that order of preference.


Eduroam is a secure roaming service supported by academic and research institutions internationally. You can connect to Eduroam access points throughout the university, and indeed throughout the world, using your GUID. Eduroam is supported on campus by IT Services; for instructions describing how to connect, refer to the information provided by IT Services.

Eduroam provision in the Kelvin building is mostly centred around teaching spaces and common areas, although this will be expanded throughout the building in the future.


The GUPHYSICS network is accessible by staff and postgraduate students possessing an account in the GUPHYSICS Windows domain. Enquiries concerning these accounts should be directed to Ian Anthony.


The KELVIN network is accessible by all staff, students and visitors to the school. The services which may be run over this network are fairly heavily restricted, but should suffice for simple web browsing.

In order to connect to the network, you will need to enter the wireless PIN which changes monthly. PINs are listed here, and can also be found displayed in various locations around the school.

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Topic revision: r6 - 2017-08-11 - GordonStewart
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