IT Management

Three separate groups are involved in the management of the IT infrastructure that you will encounter: PPE group support, school IT support, and the university's IT Services Division.

Any problems will likely be resolved most quickly if you can direct them to the appropriate support team. If you're unsure about who to contact, PPE support will be able to point you in the right direction.

PPE IT Support

Within PPE, IT management and support is the overall responsibility of Gordon Stewart, supported by the rest of the ScotGrid team. Gordon is the principal point of contact (if it's a Mac issue you might want to try someone else!), but the whole team will be able to help. Infrastructure managed by the PPE team includes the following:

  • PPE Linux user accounts.
  • Desktops and laptops.
  • PPE servers, including local web servers and the log-in service (ppelx).
  • PPE printers (not the pull printers).
  • Parts of the local network, including switches in labs.
  • AFS and NFS storage.
  • The batch system.

You can report problems or request assistance:

  • By e-mail: (mail sent to this address will be received by the whole team).
  • In person, by visiting the team in room 427 (accessible from stair E).

Please use the address rather than e-mailing people directly; this is likely to get you a quicker response, ensures that all admins are aware of problems, and prevents your message being missed due to travel or annual leave.

School IT

The School of Physics and Astronomy has its own IT staff who manage the following infrastructure:

  • Most networking, including the wireless networks.
  • GUPHYSICS Windows accounts (PPE admins can perform some management tasks, including resetting passwords, for PPE users).
  • School web pages hosted at

You can find some more information on the school IT web pages, or by contacting Ian Anthony (Windows and general support) or Jon Trinder (networking) in room 238.

IT Services

The university's central IT Services division has responsibility for centralised systems and services including:

You can find lots of information on the services provided by visiting the IT services web pages.

In particular, you may want to bookmark the IT helpdesk page, through which you can change your GUID password and also access support on university IT systems. This page also includes the latest Spotlight alerts, which provide updates on current university-level IT problems as they develop.

All use of IT facilities at the university is governed by regulations and policies defined by IT Services.

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Topic revision: r12 - 2017-08-11 - GordonStewart
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