Tier 2.5

The Tier 2.5 link between the PPE IT system and the ScotGrid cluster allows the data stored on the PPE file systems to be accessed from ScotGrid batch nodes. Only data stored on the /data or /nfs file systems can be accessed through this mechanism.

In order to work this access needs to be setup on for each user and for each subdirectory under /data or /nfs. Connact the PPE ITManagement to get this access setup.

Once working the files are accessible, for both reading and writing, in the same place on the ScotGrid batch nodes as they are on a PPE desktop.

Please allow some time for individual access to be setup as the configuration that enables the file access is tricky.

-- AndrewPickford - 2013-05-23

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Topic revision: r2 - 2016-04-14 - GordonStewart
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