Difference: ConnorsAnalysis-EventTimeline (1 vs. 8)

Revision 82018-09-25 - ConnorGraham

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  Collaboration meetings:
11-15/12/17, 5-9/03/18, 4-8/06/18, beginning of September in Pisa, 10-14/12/18.
11-15/12/17, 05-09/03/18, 04-08/06/18, 02-07/09 in Pisa, 10-14/12/18.
  Glasgow meetings:

Meeting slides are available in the shared directory under meeting_slides/

20/10/17, 10/11/17, 24/11/17, 08/12/17, 12/01/18, 26/01/18, 02/02/18, 02/03/18, 09/03/18, 16/03/18, 23/03/18, 30/03/18, 20/04/18
20/10/17, 10/11/17, 24/11/17, 08/12/17, 12/01/18, 26/01/18, 02/02/18, 02/03/18, 09/03/18, 16/03/18,

23/03/18, 30/03/18, 20/04/18, 11/05/18, 18/05/18, 22/06/18, 29/06/18, 17/08/18,

  Also attened numerous CERN "Data Quality/Processing" and "Run" meetings (which occur weekly) in 2017/18.


Night = 00:00 - 08:00, Day = 08:00 - 16:00, Afternoon = 16:00 - 00:00

2016 [1 shadow]:
  Day 27/10 (shadow)
2017 [13 + 1 shadow]:
  Practical training 04/07/17 (included in online training for 2018)

Day 08/07 (shadow) | Night 10/07 | Afternoon 11/07 | Night 15/07 | Night 16/07 | Night 17/07 | Day 18/07

Afternoon 20/07 | Day 22/07 | Day 24/07 | Day 28/08 | Day 31/08 | Afternoon 10/08 | Day 21/08
Afternoon 20/07 | Day 22/07 | Day 24/07 | Day 28/08 | Day 31/08 | Afternoon 08/10 | Day 21/10

2018 [19 + 1 shadow]:

Afternoon 21/04 (shadow) | Afternoon 15/06 | Afternoon 08/07 | Afternoon 12/07 | Night 28/07 | Night 03/08
Afternoon 21/04/18 (shadow)
Afternoon 19/09 | Afternoon 20/09 | Afternoon 21/09 | Night 25/09 | Night 26/09 | Day 28/09 | Day 29/09
Day 30/09 | Night 02/10 | Night 04/10 | Day 12/10 | Night 17/10 | Night 18/10 | Night 19/10

Events and travel

PhD and Glasgow University related events:

Long Term Attachment at CERN: 27/06/17 - 12/18 (return date approximate)
Long Term Attachment at CERN: 27/06/17 - 14/12/18
CERN for account setup and visiting the main building 24-28/10/16 | Edinburgh University for detectors lab 30/11/16 | Helping on PhD interview day 15/02/17 | Residentail at Edinburgh University for SUPAHOW 25-27/04/17 | CERN trip for analysis meeting etc. 22-26/05/17 | Helping with the particle physics masterclass for pre-university students 13/06/17 | Lancaster University for STFC HEP Summer School 03-15/09/17 | Attend CERN French beginners course from 09/04 - 20/06/18 | Reading the SUPA String Theory course as background work in 03-04/18
CERN for account setup and visiting the main building 24-28/10/16 | Edinburgh University for detectors lab 30/11/16 | Helping on <nop>PhD interview day 15/02/17 | Residentail at Edinburgh University for SUPAHOW 25-27/04/17 | CERN trip for analysis meeting etc. 22-26/05/17 | Helping with the particle physics masterclass for pre-university students 13/06/17 | Lancaster University for STFC HEP Summer School 03-15/09/17 | Attend CERN French beginners course from 09/04 - 20/06/18 | Reading the SUPA String Theory course as background work in 03-04/18
  Seminars and other external events:
Line: 59 to 63
 ATLAS (alone) 22/02/18 | ALICE (group) 01/03/18 | CMS (group) 05/03/18 | LHCb (alone) 07/03/18 | NA62 (alone for detailed cavern documentation during YETS) 09/03/18 | NA62 (group, with me as guide) 14/03/18 | ISOLDE (group) 23/03/18

Talks and posters

02/03/17 LHCb pentaquark talk for SUPADCL, 05/04/17 creative talk for the postgraduate leadership programme, 11/09/17 poster presentation on NA62 at Lancaster University, 07/03/18 presented the results of the muon normalisation of Pnn to the NA62 collaboration meeting (the unblinding and final result also occurred during this meeting)
02/03/17 LHCb pentaquark talk for SUPADCL, 05/04/17 creative talk for the postgraduate leadership programme, 11/09/17 poster presentation on NA62 at Lancaster University, 07/03/18 presented the results of the muon normalisation of Pnn to the NA62 collaboration meeting (the unblinding and final result also occurred during this meeting)

Revision 72018-03-30 - ConnorGraham

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  Meeting slides are available in the shared directory under meeting_slides/
Upcoming: 02/02/18, 02/03/18, 09/03/18, 16/03/18, 23/03/18
20/10/17, 10/11/17, 24/11/17, 08/12/17, 12/01/18, 26/01/18, 02/02/18, 02/03/18, 09/03/18, 16/03/18, 23/03/18, 30/03/18, 20/04/18
Past: 20/10/17, 10/11/17, 24/11/17, 08/12/17, 12/01/18, 26/01/18
Also attened numerous CERN "Data Quality/Processing" and "Run" meetings (which occur weekly) in 2017/18.


Night = 00:00 - 08:00, Day = 08:00 - 16:00, Afternoon = 16:00 - 00:00

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Practical training 04/07/17
Practical training 04/07/17 (included in online training for 2018)
  Day 08/07 (shadow) | Night 10/07 | Afternoon 11/07 | Night 15/07 | Night 16/07 | Night 17/07 | Day 18/07

Afternoon 20/07 | Day 22/07 | Day 24/07 | Day 28/08 | Day 31/08 | Afternoon 10/08 | Day 21/08


Afternoon 21/04/18 (shadow)



Events and travel

PhD and Glasgow University related events:

Long Term Attachment at CERN: 27/06/17 - 12/18 (return date approximate)

Lancaster University for STFC HEP Summer School 03-15/09/17 | Helping with the particle physics masterclass for pre-university students 13/06/17 | CERN trip for analysis meeting etc. 22-26/05/17 | Residentail at Edinburgh University for SUPAHOW 25-27/04/17 | Helping on PhD interview day 15/02/17 | Edinburgh University for detectors lab 30/11/16 | CERN for account setup and visiting the main building 24-28/10/16
CERN for account setup and visiting the main building 24-28/10/16 | Edinburgh University for detectors lab 30/11/16 | Helping on PhD interview day 15/02/17 | Residentail at Edinburgh University for SUPAHOW 25-27/04/17 | CERN trip for analysis meeting etc. 22-26/05/17 | Helping with the particle physics masterclass for pre-university students 13/06/17 | Lancaster University for STFC HEP Summer School 03-15/09/17 | Attend CERN French beginners course from 09/04 - 20/06/18 | Reading the SUPA String Theory course as background work in 03-04/18
  Seminars and other external events:
Facebook live broadcast of the ISOLDE 50th birthday celebration 16/10/17, Physics Beyond Colliders Annual Workshop 21-22/11/17, NOvA neutrino mixing results seminar 30/01/18
Facebook live broadcast of the ISOLDE 50th birthday celebration 16/10/17, Physics Beyond Colliders Annual Workshop 21-22/11/17, NOvA neutrino mixing results seminar 30/01/18, Giuseppe's presentation of the 2016 NA62 Pnn results to the CERN community 27/03/18

Cavern visits organised by me:

ATLAS (alone) 22/02/18 | ALICE (group) 01/03/18 | CMS (group) 05/03/18 | LHCb (alone) 07/03/18 | NA62 (alone for detailed cavern documentation during YETS) 09/03/18 | NA62 (group, with me as guide) 14/03/18 | ISOLDE (group) 23/03/18


Talks and posters

11/09/17 poster presentation on NA62 at Lancaster University, 05/04/17 creative talk for the postgraduate leadership programme, 02/03/17 LHCb pentaquark talk for SUPADCL
 \ No newline at end of file
02/03/17 LHCb pentaquark talk for SUPADCL, 05/04/17 creative talk for the postgraduate leadership programme, 11/09/17 poster presentation on NA62 at Lancaster University, 07/03/18 presented the results of the muon normalisation of Pnn to the NA62 collaboration meeting (the unblinding and final result also occurred during this meeting)

Revision 62018-01-30 - ConnorGraham

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META TOPICPARENT name="ConnorsAnalysis"
Return the the main analysis page.
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  Meeting slides are available in the shared directory under meeting_slides/
Upcoming: 12/01/18
Upcoming: 02/02/18, 02/03/18, 09/03/18, 16/03/18, 23/03/18
Past: 20/10/17, 10/11/17, 24/11/17, 08/12/17
Past: 20/10/17, 10/11/17, 24/11/17, 08/12/17, 12/01/18, 26/01/18


Night = 00:00 - 08:00, Day = 08:00 - 16:00, Afternoon = 16:00 - 00:00

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  Seminars and other external events:
Physics Beyond Colliders Annual Workshop 21-22/11/17, facebook live broadcast of the ISOLDE 50th birthday celebration 16/10/17
Facebook live broadcast of the ISOLDE 50th birthday celebration 16/10/17, Physics Beyond Colliders Annual Workshop 21-22/11/17, NOvA neutrino mixing results seminar 30/01/18

Talks and posters

11/09/17 poster presentation on NA62 at Lancaster University, 05/04/17 creative talk for the postgraduate leadership programme, 02/03/17 LHCb pentaquark talk for SUPADCL \ No newline at end of file

Revision 52018-01-11 - ConnorGraham

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META TOPICPARENT name="ConnorsAnalysis"
Return the the main analysis page.
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  Meeting slides are available in the shared directory under meeting_slides/
Upcoming: 08/12/17, 12/01/18
Upcoming: 12/01/18
Past: 20/10/17, 10/11/17, 24/11/17
Past: 20/10/17, 10/11/17, 24/11/17, 08/12/17


Night = 00:00 - 08:00, Day = 08:00 - 16:00, Afternoon = 16:00 - 00:00

Revision 42017-11-30 - ConnorGraham

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META TOPICPARENT name="ConnorsAnalysis"
Return the the main analysis page.
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  Analysis meetings:
18-19/10/17, 07-08/02/18, 25-26/04/18, 18-19/07/18, 24-25/10/18.
18-19/10/17, 28/11/17, 07-08/02/18, 25-26/04/18, 18-19/07/18, 24-25/10/18.
  Collaboration meetings:
Line: 18 to 18
  Meeting slides are available in the shared directory under meeting_slides/
Upcoming: 10/11/17
Upcoming: 08/12/17, 12/01/18
Past: 20/10/17
Past: 20/10/17, 10/11/17, 24/11/17


Night = 00:00 - 08:00, Day = 08:00 - 16:00, Afternoon = 16:00 - 00:00

Revision 32017-11-22 - ConnorGraham

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META TOPICPARENT name="ConnorsAnalysis"
Return the the main analysis page.

Event Timeline

NA62 meetings

Line: 41 to 42
  Long Term Attachment at CERN: 27/06/17 - 12/18 (return date approximate)
Lancaster University for STFC HEP Summer School 03-15/09/17 | Helping with the particle physics masterclass for pre-university students 13/06/17 | CERN trip for analysis meeting etc. 22-26/05/17 | Residentail at Edinburgh University for SUPAHOW 25-27/04/17 | Helping on PhD interview day 15/02/17 | Edinburgh University for detectors lab 30/11/16 | CERN for account setup and visiting the main building 24-28/10/16
Lancaster University for STFC HEP Summer School 03-15/09/17 | Helping with the particle physics masterclass for pre-university students 13/06/17 | CERN trip for analysis meeting etc. 22-26/05/17 | Residentail at Edinburgh University for SUPAHOW 25-27/04/17 | Helping on PhD interview day 15/02/17 | Edinburgh University for detectors lab 30/11/16 | CERN for account setup and visiting the main building 24-28/10/16
  Seminars and other external events:
16/10/17 facebook live broadcast of the ISOLDE 50th birthday celebration
Physics Beyond Colliders Annual Workshop 21-22/11/17, facebook live broadcast of the ISOLDE 50th birthday celebration 16/10/17

Talks and posters

11/09/17 poster presentation on NA62 at Lancaster University, 05/04/17 creative talk for the postgraduate leadership programme, 02/03/17 LHCb pentaquark talk for SUPADCL \ No newline at end of file

Revision 22017-11-19 - ConnorGraham

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META TOPICPARENT name="ConnorsAnalysis"
Return the the main analysis page.

Event Timeline

NA62 meetings

Revision 12017-11-19 - ConnorGraham

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META TOPICPARENT name="ConnorsAnalysis"
Return the the main analysis page.

Event Timeline

NA62 meetings

Analysis meetings:

18-19/10/17, 07-08/02/18, 25-26/04/18, 18-19/07/18, 24-25/10/18.

Collaboration meetings:

11-15/12/17, 5-9/03/18, 4-8/06/18, beginning of September in Pisa, 10-14/12/18.

Glasgow meetings:

Meeting slides are available in the shared directory under meeting_slides/

Upcoming: 10/11/17

Past: 20/10/17


Night = 00:00 - 08:00, Day = 08:00 - 16:00, Afternoon = 16:00 - 00:00


Day 27/10 (shadow)


Practical training 04/07/17

Day 08/07 (shadow) | Night 10/07 | Afternoon 11/07 | Night 15/07 | Night 16/07 | Night 17/07 | Day 18/07

Afternoon 20/07 | Day 22/07 | Day 24/07 | Day 28/08 | Day 31/08 | Afternoon 10/08 | Day 21/08

Events and travel

PhD and Glasgow University related events:

Long Term Attachment at CERN: 27/06/17 - 12/18 (return date approximate)

Lancaster University for STFC HEP Summer School 03-15/09/17 | Helping with the particle physics masterclass for pre-university students 13/06/17 | CERN trip for analysis meeting etc. 22-26/05/17 | Residentail at Edinburgh University for SUPAHOW 25-27/04/17 | Helping on PhD interview day 15/02/17 | Edinburgh University for detectors lab 30/11/16 | CERN for account setup and visiting the main building 24-28/10/16

Seminars and other external events:

16/10/17 facebook live broadcast of the ISOLDE 50th birthday celebration

Talks and posters

11/09/17 poster presentation on NA62 at Lancaster University, 05/04/17 creative talk for the postgraduate leadership programme, 02/03/17 LHCb pentaquark talk for SUPADCL

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