Difference: EmailAccess (1 vs. 10)

Revision 102017-08-11 - GordonStewart

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  Useful topics include:
  You should also familiarise yourself with the information security advice relating to e-mail use:
  This is particularly important if you deal with personal or confidential information (e.g. if you have teaching responsibilities or are involved in industrial collaborations).
 You can access your e-mail from a web browser at the following link:

Members of staff should note that the university is legally obliged to display its charitable status on all external business communication, including e-mail. For this reason, the Secretary of Court has requested that all e-mail sent to recipients outside the university include the following:
Please note that the university is legally obliged to display its charitable status on all external business communication, including e-mail. For this reason, the Secretary of Court has requested that all e-mail sent to recipients outside the university include the following:
  The University of Glasgow, charity number SC004401
Line: 37 to 36
Useful topics include:
Instructions describing how to access your e-mail from your computer or mobile device can be found here:
  You should also familiarise yourself with the information security advice relating to e-mail use:
  This is particularly important if you deal with personal or confidential information (e.g. if you have teaching responsibilities or are involved in industrial collaborations).
Line: 54 to 50
Postgrads should note that the university is legally obliged to display its charitable status on all external business communication, including e-mail. For this reason, the Secretary of Court has requested that all e-mail sent to recipients outside the university include the following:
Please note that the university is legally obliged to display its charitable status on all external business communication, including e-mail. For this reason, the Secretary of Court has requested that all e-mail sent to recipients outside the university include the following:
  The University of Glasgow, charity number SC004401

Revision 92016-04-22 - GordonStewart

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Staff and student e-mail accounts are managed centrally by IT Services. In both cases, your GUID is used to access your account.


Staff E-Mail

Information regarding staff e-mail accounts can be found at the following location:

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You should also familiarise yourself with the information security advice relating to e-mail use:

This is particularly important if you deal with personal or confidential information (e.g. if you have teaching responsibilities or are involved in industrial collaborations).

 You can access your e-mail from a web browser at the following link:

Line: 41 to 44
You should also familiarise yourself with the information security advice relating to e-mail use:

This is particularly important if you deal with personal or confidential information (e.g. if you have teaching responsibilities or are involved in industrial collaborations).

 You can access your e-mail from a web browser at the following link:

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  The University of Glasgow, charity number SC004401

File Transfer Service

E-mail is not really suitable for sending and receiving files much larger than about 10 MB. IT Services provides a file transfer service which presently supports files of up to 10 GB in size; this service lets University of Glasgow users upload files which can be retrieved by anyone, and also lets external users upload files for retrieval by recipients with a University of Glasgow e-mail address.

You can find more information about this service here:


META TOPICMOVED by="AndrewPickford" date="1316682559" from="IT.EmailChangeover" to="IT.EmailAccess"

Revision 82016-04-15 - GordonStewart

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  Staff and student e-mail accounts are managed centrally by IT Services. In both cases, your GUID is used to access your account.

Staff E-Mail

Information regarding staff e-mail accounts can be found at the following location:

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You can access your e-mail from a web browser at the following link:

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Postgrads should note that the university is legally obliged to display its charitable status on all external business communication, including e-mail. For this reason, the Secretary of Court has requested that all e-mail sent to recipients outside the university include the following:
The University of Glasgow, charity number SC004401

Basic Process

  • Read the rest of this page before starting, including the Potential Problems section!

  • Check that your new IT Services email account exists. This can be done going to the Outlook web access page at https://mail.campus.gla.ac.uk/ and loging in using your GUID username and password. If you don't know your GUID or don't remember the password contact the IT Services help desktop on extension 4800.

  • Once your email clients are setup and working contact Shane Kelly (Shane.K.Kelly@ges.gla.ac.uk) to request your email to be changed over. Any email sent to your old @physics.gla.ac.uk address will now be forwarded to your @glasgow.ac.uk email Inbox.

Individual Email Client Setup

The campus email server can be access via the IMAP protocol for reading email and the SMTP protocol for sending email.

  • Incoming server: imap.campus.gla.ac.uk using TLS on port 143 or using SSL on port 993
  • Outgoing SMTP server: smtp.campus.gla.ac.uk using TLS on port 587

Thunderbird (version 3 or above)

Open the Account Settings window (Tools->Account Settings) and select Add Mail Account... from the Account Actions pull down list near the bottom for the window. Fill in the first pop up window:


and click continue.

Thunderbird will auto fill-in the next window, but the values are incorrect.


Change the user name to your GUID. Change the incoming server to imap.campus.gla.ac.uk, type IMAP, port 993 and select SSL/TLS from the pull down menu. Change the outgoing server to smtp.campus.gla.ac.uk, port 587, type STARTTLS. Then select 'Re-test Configuration'. The window should then change to:


At this point select 'Manual Setup' and in the 'Server Settings' change the Authentication Method to 'Normal Password'.


and click 'OK'. This sets up the incoming email configuration.

To finish the outgoing email configuration open up the 'Account Settings' window again and select 'Outgoing Server(SMTP)' near the bottom. From the list of outgoing servers edit the smtp.campus.gla.ac.uk server. Change the user name setting to your GUID and check the rest of the settings match the following:


Pine or Alpine

A configuration file for pine lives in each users home directory and is called .pinerc. Note on SL5 machines alpine has replaced pine, but still uses the same .pinerc configuration file. If the file does not exist run pine or alpine and exit from it, this should create the configuration file.

To configure pine open the .pinerc file in a text editor and set the following as shown, substituting your GUID and email addresses as appropriate. Note these configuration variable may be spread out within the configuration file, just search for and edit them as required.

customized-hdrs=From: _your_name_ <_your_@glasgow.ac.uk_address_>

If in the feature-list= section of the configuration file you have use-sender-not-x-sender change it to no-use-sender-not-x-sender.

Run pine or alpine and use your GUID password to login to the campus mail server. Two additional configurations my prove useful:

  • To make saved folders on the campus mail server visible (not just the mail server inbox) go to pines (S)etup page page and select (L) collectionLists. (A)dd a new collection list and set it up as (substituting in your guid):
Nickname  : Campus
Server    : imap.campus.gla.ac.uk/ssl/user=GUID
Path      : 
View      :

  • To stop empty directories on the mail server showing up in the mail folder list go to the (S)etup page, then (C)onfigure then select 'Hide Empty Directories' under the 'Folder Preferences' section.

Potential Problems

External Mailing lists

Many mailing lists only except email from subscribed email addresses. Your @physics.gla.ac.uk address will be subscribed but your @glasgow.ac.uk address will not be. If you can talk to the list manager they may be able to remove your old @physics.gla.ac.uk address and add your new @glasgow.ac.uk address. The mailing lists may also have a web interface to subscribe and unsubscribe email addresses. Other lists can be (un)subscribed to by sending email to the list control email address, typically the unsubscribe request would have to come from the email address to be unsubscribed.

Plan ahead is the order of the day here.

-- AndrewPickford - 2011-06-14

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="thunderbird-add-account-1.png" attr="" comment="" date="1308060015" name="thunderbird-add-account-1.png" path="thunderbird-add-account-1.png" size="32982" stream="thunderbird-add-account-1.png" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp14559" user="AndrewPickford" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="thunderbird-add-account-2.png" attr="" comment="" date="1308062227" name="thunderbird-add-account-2.png" path="thunderbird-add-account-2.png" size="70051" stream="thunderbird-add-account-2.png" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp14542" user="AndrewPickford" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="thunderbird-add-account-3.png" attr="" comment="" date="1308062503" name="thunderbird-add-account-3.png" path="thunderbird-add-account-3.png" size="60000" stream="thunderbird-add-account-3.png" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp14502" user="AndrewPickford" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="thunderbird-add-account-4.png" attr="" comment="" date="1308062620" name="thunderbird-add-account-4.png" path="thunderbird-add-account-4.png" size="178733" stream="thunderbird-add-account-4.png" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp14538" user="AndrewPickford" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="thunderbird-add-account-5.png" attr="" comment="" date="1308063000" name="thunderbird-add-account-5.png" path="thunderbird-add-account-5.png" size="46201" stream="thunderbird-add-account-5.png" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp14447" user="AndrewPickford" version="1"
META TOPICMOVED by="AndrewPickford" date="1316682559" from="IT.EmailChangeover" to="IT.EmailAccess"

Revision 72016-04-15 - GordonStewart

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Email Access



Staff and student e-mail accounts are managed centrally by IT Services. In both cases, your GUID is used to access your account.

Staff E-Mail

Information regarding staff e-mail accounts can be found at the following location:

Useful topics include:

You can access your e-mail from a web browser at the following link:

Members of staff should note that the university is legally obliged to display its charitable status on all external business communication, including e-mail. For this reason, the Secretary of Court has requested that all e-mail sent to recipients outside the university include the following:

The University of Glasgow, charity number SC004401

Student E-Mail

Information regarding student e-mail accounts can be found at the following location:

Useful topics include:

You can access your e-mail from a web browser at the following link:

Hints and recipes for handling the changeover to IT Services email system.

Basic Process

Revision 62011-09-22 - AndrewPickford

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Email Changeover


Email Access

  Hints and recipes for handling the changeover to IT Services email system.
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META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="thunderbird-add-account-3.png" attr="" comment="" date="1308062503" name="thunderbird-add-account-3.png" path="thunderbird-add-account-3.png" size="60000" stream="thunderbird-add-account-3.png" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp14502" user="AndrewPickford" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="thunderbird-add-account-4.png" attr="" comment="" date="1308062620" name="thunderbird-add-account-4.png" path="thunderbird-add-account-4.png" size="178733" stream="thunderbird-add-account-4.png" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp14538" user="AndrewPickford" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="thunderbird-add-account-5.png" attr="" comment="" date="1308063000" name="thunderbird-add-account-5.png" path="thunderbird-add-account-5.png" size="46201" stream="thunderbird-add-account-5.png" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp14447" user="AndrewPickford" version="1"
META TOPICMOVED by="AndrewPickford" date="1316682559" from="IT.EmailChangeover" to="IT.EmailAccess"

Revision 52011-07-28 - AndrewPickford

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Email Changeover

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 alt-addresses=_your_@physics.gla.ac.uk_address_, your_@glasgow.ac_uk_address disable-these-authenticators=GSSAPI
customized-hdrs=From: your_name <_your_@glasgow.ac.uk_address_>

If in the feature-list= section of the configuration file you have use-sender-not-x-sender change it to no-use-sender-not-x-sender.

Revision 42011-06-21 - AndrewPickford

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Email Changeover

Line: 57 to 57
 alt-addresses=_your_@physics.gla.ac.uk_address_, your_@glasgow.ac_uk_address
If in the feature-list= section of the configuration file you have use-sender-not-x-sender change it to no-use-sender-not-x-sender.
 Run pine or alpine and use your GUID password to login to the campus mail server. Two additional configurations my prove useful:

  • To make saved folders on the campus mail server visible (not just the mail server inbox) go to pines (S)etup page page and select (L) collectionLists. (A)dd a new collection list and set it up as (substituting in your guid):

Revision 32011-06-20 - AndrewPickford

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Email Changeover

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  Plan ahead is the order of the day here.

Restricted Page Access

 -- AndrewPickford - 2011-06-14

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="thunderbird-add-account-1.png" attr="" comment="" date="1308060015" name="thunderbird-add-account-1.png" path="thunderbird-add-account-1.png" size="32982" stream="thunderbird-add-account-1.png" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp14559" user="AndrewPickford" version="1"

Revision 22011-06-17 - AndrewPickford

Line: 1 to 1

Email Changeover

Hints and recipes for handling the changeover to IT Services email system.


Basic Process

  • Read the rest of this page before starting, including the Potential Problems section!
  • Check that your new IT Services email account exists. This can be done going to the Outlook web access page at https://mail.campus.gla.ac.uk/ and login using your GUID username and password. If you don't know your GUID and don't remember the password contact the IT Services help desktop on extension 4800.
  • Check that your new IT Services email account exists. This can be done going to the Outlook web access page at https://mail.campus.gla.ac.uk/ and loging in using your GUID username and password. If you don't know your GUID or don't remember the password contact the IT Services help desktop on extension 4800.
  • Set up your email client. The exact details vary from program to program. IT Services page at http://www.gla.ac.uk/services/it/forstaff/usinge-mail/exchange/2007/clients/ covers Outlook on Windows and OS X, Mac Mail and also has hints for mobile devices. Thunderbird and (al)pine are covered in the sections below.
  • Once your email clients are setup and working contact Shane Kelly (Shane.K.Kelly@ges.gla.ac.uk) to request your email to be changed over. Any email sent to your old @physics.gla.ac.uk address will now be forwarded to your @glasgow.ac.uk email Inbox.
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Pine or Alpine

A configuration file for pine lives in each users home directory and is called .pinerc. Note on SL5 machines alpine has replaced pine, but still uses the same .pinerc configuration file. If the file does not exist run pine or alpine and exit from it, this should create the configuration file.

To configure pine open the .pinerc file in a text editor and set the following as shown, substituting your GUID and email addresses as appropriate. Note these configuration variable may be spread out within the configuration file, just search for and edit them as required.






Run pine or alpine and use your GUID password to login to the campus mail server. Two additional configurations my prove useful:

  • To make saved folders on the campus mail server visible (not just the mail server inbox) go to pines (S)etup page page and select (L) collectionLists. (A)dd a new collection list and set it up as (substituting in your guid):
Nickname  : Campus
Server    : imap.campus.gla.ac.uk/ssl/user=GUID
Path      : 
View      :

  • To stop empty directories on the mail server showing up in the mail folder list go to the (S)etup page, then (C)onfigure then select 'Hide Empty Directories' under the 'Folder Preferences' section.

Potential Problems

External Mailing lists

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Restricted Page Access

Restricted Page Access

Revision 12011-06-14 - AndrewPickford

Line: 1 to 1

Email Changeover

Hints and recipes for handling the changeover to IT Services email system.

Basic Process

  • Read the rest of this page before starting, including the Potential Problems section!

  • Check that your new IT Services email account exists. This can be done going to the Outlook web access page at https://mail.campus.gla.ac.uk/ and login using your GUID username and password. If you don't know your GUID and don't remember the password contact the IT Services help desktop on extension 4800.

  • Set up your email client. The exact details vary from program to program. IT Services page at http://www.gla.ac.uk/services/it/forstaff/usinge-mail/exchange/2007/clients/ covers Outlook on Windows and OS X, Mac Mail and also has hints for mobile devices. Thunderbird and (al)pine are covered in the sections below.

  • Once your email clients are setup and working contact Shane Kelly (Shane.K.Kelly@ges.gla.ac.uk) to request your email to be changed over. Any email sent to your old @physics.gla.ac.uk address will now be forwarded to your @glasgow.ac.uk email Inbox.

Individual Email Client Setup

The campus email server can be access via the IMAP protocol for reading email and the SMTP protocol for sending email.

  • Incoming server: imap.campus.gla.ac.uk using TLS on port 143 or using SSL on port 993
  • Outgoing SMTP server: smtp.campus.gla.ac.uk using TLS on port 587

Thunderbird (version 3 or above)

Open the Account Settings window (Tools->Account Settings) and select Add Mail Account... from the Account Actions pull down list near the bottom for the window. Fill in the first pop up window:


and click continue.

Thunderbird will auto fill-in the next window, but the values are incorrect.


Change the user name to your GUID. Change the incoming server to imap.campus.gla.ac.uk, type IMAP, port 993 and select SSL/TLS from the pull down menu. Change the outgoing server to smtp.campus.gla.ac.uk, port 587, type STARTTLS. Then select 'Re-test Configuration'. The window should then change to:


At this point select 'Manual Setup' and in the 'Server Settings' change the Authentication Method to 'Normal Password'.


and click 'OK'. This sets up the incoming email configuration.

To finish the outgoing email configuration open up the 'Account Settings' window again and select 'Outgoing Server(SMTP)' near the bottom. From the list of outgoing servers edit the smtp.campus.gla.ac.uk server. Change the user name setting to your GUID and check the rest of the settings match the following:


Pine or Alpine

Potential Problems

External Mailing lists

Many mailing lists only except email from subscribed email addresses. Your @physics.gla.ac.uk address will be subscribed but your @glasgow.ac.uk address will not be. If you can talk to the list manager they may be able to remove your old @physics.gla.ac.uk address and add your new @glasgow.ac.uk address. The mailing lists may also have a web interface to subscribe and unsubscribe email addresses. Other lists can be (un)subscribed to by sending email to the list control email address, typically the unsubscribe request would have to come from the email address to be unsubscribed.

Plan ahead is the order of the day here.


Restricted Page Access

-- AndrewPickford - 2011-06-14

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="thunderbird-add-account-1.png" attr="" comment="" date="1308060015" name="thunderbird-add-account-1.png" path="thunderbird-add-account-1.png" size="32982" stream="thunderbird-add-account-1.png" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp14559" user="AndrewPickford" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="thunderbird-add-account-2.png" attr="" comment="" date="1308062227" name="thunderbird-add-account-2.png" path="thunderbird-add-account-2.png" size="70051" stream="thunderbird-add-account-2.png" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp14542" user="AndrewPickford" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="thunderbird-add-account-3.png" attr="" comment="" date="1308062503" name="thunderbird-add-account-3.png" path="thunderbird-add-account-3.png" size="60000" stream="thunderbird-add-account-3.png" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp14502" user="AndrewPickford" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="thunderbird-add-account-4.png" attr="" comment="" date="1308062620" name="thunderbird-add-account-4.png" path="thunderbird-add-account-4.png" size="178733" stream="thunderbird-add-account-4.png" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp14538" user="AndrewPickford" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="thunderbird-add-account-5.png" attr="" comment="" date="1308063000" name="thunderbird-add-account-5.png" path="thunderbird-add-account-5.png" size="46201" stream="thunderbird-add-account-5.png" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp14447" user="AndrewPickford" version="1"
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