ChristophEnglert topic: | |
2014-04-16, | |
DanProtopopescu topic: | |
2014-05-02, | |
DavidPennicard topic: | |
DPennicardPhoto.jpg Photo of me |
2008-07-30, |
DominicSmith topic: | |
README How to use the t tbar analysis software- 'TTbar_CLIC_Analysis_Template' |
2012-11-25, |
DonnchadhaQuilty topic: | |
Photo_on_2010-10-10_at_17.50.jpg Photograph of me! |
2010-10-10, |
2011-11-11, | |
GraemeStewart topic: | |
2014-01-14, | |
Images topic: | |
2023-04-08, | |
2023-04-08, | |
2023-04-08, | |
2023-04-08, | |
2023-04-08, | |
2023-04-08, | |
2023-04-08, | |
2023-04-08, | |
2023-04-08, | |
2023-04-08, | |
KirkArndt topic: | |
2016-12-02, | |
MainWeb2 topic: | |
2023-04-17, | |
2023-04-17, | |
PiENu topic: | |
TalkINPC.pdf INPC 2010 talk by Chloé Malbrunot |
2012-05-04, |
PIENU_proposal.pdf PIENU Proposal |
2012-05-04, |
Plots-2012-06-26.pdf Plots reproducing figures 1.2, 5.1 and 5.19 |
2012-06-27, |
macros.tgz Analysis macros (initial versions) |
2012-06-27, |
SeminarSlides topic: | |
Saxon-DIS10v4.pdf Slides from David Saxon |
2010-06-14, |
2010-09-16, | |
2010-09-27, | |
2010-10-28, | |
2011-03-31, | |
2011-04-21, | |
2011-05-19, | |
2011-08-11, | |
2011-09-22, | |
StephenBrown topic: | |
2018-02-23, | |
TWikiGuest topic: | |
2012-04-03, | |
TorqueAuks topic: | |
server_prologue.patch Server Prologue patch |
2013-06-05, |
acl_fix.patch ACL Patch |
2013-06-05, |
torque.spec Torque spec file |
2013-06-05, |
2013-06-11, | |
2013-06-11, | |
UserProfileHeader topic: | |
2011-06-05, | |
2011-06-05, | |
2011-06-06, | |
WhDocuments topic: | |
2009-09-15, | |
wwgamma-PhysRevD.41.1476.pdf WGamma Theory |
2010-02-10, |
zgammaPhysRevD.47.4889-1.pdf ZGamma theory |
2010-02-10, |
Hww06Jan10WGammav2.pdf WGamma Studies in CDF |
2010-02-10, |
cdf9649_wbjets_prl_final.pdf Measurement of the b-jet Cross Section in Events with a W Boson in p anti-p Collisions at s**(1/2) �.96 TeV |
2010-02-18, |
ATL-COM-PHYS-2009-245.pdf WH/ZH fatjet |
2010-05-06, |
ATL-COM-PHYS-2009-345.pdf Atlas WH/ZH Fatjet |
2010-05-06, |
ATL-COM-PHYS-2010-115.pdf Brief description of ATLAS WH/ZH Fatjet analysis |
2010-05-06, |
WH-cross-sections.doc WH-cross-sections |
2010-06-03, |
CompHep_cross_sections.doc CompHep cross sections |
2010-06-04, |