• The file mc10_7TeV.105200.T1_McAtNlo_Jimmy.merge.NTUP_TOP.e598_s933_s946_r1831_r1700_p406_tid254756_00NTUP_TOP.254756._000020.root.1 was recommended by This Twiki location
  • /home/alext/Cut_Flow, see r1831_r1700_p406_NTUP_TOP.254756._000020.root is a file copied for cut flow analysis
  • for electron we used these variables:
    • *el_cl_pt, *el_tracketa,
    • *el_trackphi.
  • for jets:
    • *jet_cor_AntiKt4TopoEMJets_emscale_pt,
    • *jet_cor_AntiKt4TopoEMJets_emscale_eta,
    • *jet_cor_AntiKt4TopoEMJets_EMJES_EtaCorr,
    • jet_cor_AntiKt4TopoEMJets_n, ....
  • RichardStDenis - 2011-05-23
  • There is a sample file for mc10b on glasvr01.cern.ch:/data/mwright/SM_WZ_D3PD/2011/MC10a
  • These are the MC datasets
    • mc10 7TeV.116591.WH120lnubb pythia.merge.NTUP SMWZ.e701 s933 s946 r2215
      r2260 p545 tid325902 00
    • mc10 7TeV.105200.T1 McAtNlo Jimmy.merge.NTUP SMWZ.e598 s933 s946 r2215
      r2260 p545 tid325917 00
    • mc10 7TeV.105200.T1 McAtNlo Jimmy.merge.NTUP SMWZ.e598 s933 s946 r2215
      r2260 p545 tid325918 00
    • mc10 7TeV.108340.st tchan enu McAtNlo Jimmy.merge.NTUP SMWZ.e598 s933
      s946 r2215 r2260 p545 tid326138 00
    • mc10 7TeV.108340.st tchan enu McAtNlo Jimmy.merge.NTUP SMWZ.e598 s933
      s946 r2215 r2260 p545 tid326139 00
    • mc10 7TeV.108341.st tchan munu McAtNlo Jimmy.merge.NTUP SMWZ.e598 s933
      s946 r2215 r2260 p545 tid326140 00
    • mc10 7TeV.108341.st tchan munu McAtNlo Jimmy.merge.NTUP SMWZ.e598 s933
      s946 r2215 r2260 p545 tid326141 00
    • mc10 7TeV.108342.st tchan taunu McAtNlo Jimmy.merge.NTUP SMWZ.e598 s933
      s946 r2215 r2260 p545 tid326143 00
    • mc10 7TeV.108343.st schan enu McAtNlo Jimmy.merge.NTUP SMWZ.e598 s933
      s946 r2215 r2260 p545 tid326144 00
    • mc10 7TeV.108344.st schan munu McAtNlo Jimmy.merge.NTUP SMWZ.e598 s933
      s946 r2215 r2260 p545 tid326145 00
    • mc10 7TeV.108345.st schan taunu McAtNlo Jimmy.merge.NTUP SMWZ.e598 s933
      s946 r2215 r2260 p545 tid326146 00
    • mc10 7TeV.108346.st Wt McAtNlo Jimmy.merge.NTUP SMWZ.e598 s933 s946
      r2215 r2260 p545 tid326147 00
    • mc10 7TeV.108346.st Wt McAtNlo Jimmy.merge.NTUP SMWZ.e598 s933 s946
      r2215 r2260 p545 tid326148 00
    • mc10 7TeV.117284.AlpgenWccFullNp0 pt20.merge.NTUP SMWZ.e600 s933 s946
      r2215 r2260 p545 tid326262 00
    • mc10 7TeV.117285.AlpgenWccFullNp1 pt20.merge.NTUP SMWZ.e600 s933 s946
      r2215 r2260 p545 tid326263 00
    • mc10 7TeV.117286.AlpgenWccFullNp2 pt20.merge.NTUP SMWZ.e600 s933 s946
      r2215 r2260 p545 tid326264 00
    • mc10 7TeV.117287.AlpgenWccFullNp3 pt20.merge.NTUP SMWZ.e600 s933 s946
      r2215 r2260 p545 tid326265 00
    • mc10 7TeV.107280.AlpgenJimmyWbbFullNp0 pt20.merge.NTUP SMWZ.e600 s933
      s946 r2215 r2260 p545 tid326037 00
    • mc10 7TeV.107281.AlpgenJimmyWbbFullNp1 pt20.merge.NTUP SMWZ.e600 s933
      s946 r2215 r2260 p545 tid326038 00
    • mc10 7TeV.107282.AlpgenJimmyWbbFullNp2 pt20.merge.NTUP SMWZ.e600 s933
      s946 r2215 r2260 p545 tid326039 00
    • mc10 7TeV.107283.AlpgenJimmyWbbFullNp3 pt20.merge.NTUP SMWZ.e600 s933
      s946 r2215 r2260 p545 tid326040 00
    • mc10 7TeV.108405.PythiaB bbmu15X.merge.NTUP SMWZ.e574 s933 s946 r2215
      r2260 p545 tid326150 00
    • mc10 7TeV.108326.PythiaB bbe15X.merge.NTUP SMWZ.e574 s933 s946 r2215
      r2260 p545 tid326136 00 mc10 7TeV.106059.PythiaB ccmu15X.merge.NTUP SMWZ.e574 s933 s946 r2215
      r2260 p545 tid326013 00
    • mc10 7TeV.108327.PythiaB cce15X.merge.NTUP SMWZ.e574 s933 s946 r2215
      r2260 p545 tid326137 00
  • One file from each MCDataset is at /data/atlas09/stdenis/MC10a
  • Exercise:
    • Use the signal MC: mc10 7TeV.116591.WH120lnubb pythia.merge.NTUP SMWZ.e701 s933 s946 r2215
      r2260 p545 tid325902 00
    • There is a makeclass h and C file in the directory. Make a new Cuts_with_OTX.h,C that uses this makeclass -- perhaps Cuts_with_OTX_EWK.C,h
    • Run the cuts selection on the signal file with this and try to get the same answer as mike
  • Plan
    • Rick will take the old Cuts_with_OTX and make it work so that it can write out a file with chosen variables to feed into the GlaNtp
    • Sasha and Faig will determine the variables to be used and also set bits to indicate that there is 0 1 2 or more leptons and 0 1 2 3 or more jets.
    • Rick will update the Cuts_with_OTX to use the new one based on the EWK and on the event cuts
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Topic revision: r4 - 2011-05-23 - RichardStDenis
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