Dataset access
LCD-WG datasets are accessed through Dirac, as explained in:
Quick start
source /afs/
Before first use, register in ILC VO, and email grid certificate DN to asking to be added to ilcdirac.
Not clear whether special credentials are needed. If so: in ~/.glite/vomses add:
"ilc" "" "15110" "/C=DE/O=GermanGrid/OU=DESY/CN=host/" "ilc" "24"
File access
To see what's in there, do:
ls /ilc/prod/clic/
To get a file:
dirac-dms-get-file /ilc/prod/clic/500gev/ZZ/ILD/DST/00000443/000/ZZ_dst_443_90.slcio
There is a datasets directory on AFS in
and there is a simple script,
, that one can use to download the files listed in the
SignalDatasets1 wiki.
Data Catalogues
Online data catalogues:
To understand the labelling of the dataset directories, the WHIZARD nomenclature might prove useful.
A useful list of available MC samples can be found here: