Video Conferencing: EVO

EVO is the successor to VRVS and works on Windows, Linux and MacOS. EVO requires java to be installed.

Before using EVO you need to register ( and "REGISTER").

The main EVO documentation ( and "DOCUMENTATION") and faq ( describe how to setup and use EVO.

Local Issues

The first time EVO runs on a Windows system it will need to be unblocked in the Windows firewall. This requires Administrator rights on that machine.

Currently firewall issues cause EVO to issue an error that it cannot determine the closest Panda server. This causes the koala client to use the default panda server, located in the USA. Once the koala client has started the panda server should be changed by selecting 'Koala' --> 'Koala Monitoring' and then 'Manual Panada Selection'. Choose the 'UKERNA_UK' panda server located in Manchester.

-- AndrewPickford - 27 Feb 2009

Topic revision: r1 - 2009-02-27 - AndrewPickford
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