Laptop Anti Virus

All Microsoft Windows machines connected to the departmental networking either wired or wireless, including the PPE networking, must run Sophos anti-virus software. On PPE supplied laptops Sophos is installed as part of the standard laptop setup. If you are using your laptop please follow the installation instructions below.

Installing Sophos AntiVirus

1. Download the installation kit from the Computing Services site: following the link for your OS. This can only be done directly on campus or using the VPN.

2. Extract the contents of the zip file using 7-Zip, or Windows XP's in-built zip file handler, or whichever "un-zipping" program you are comfortable with.

3. Log in as Administrator and remove any older versions of Sophos present by clicking on Start->Control Panel->Add/Remove Programs, then clicking on Change/Remove for Sophos Remote Update, Sophos AntiVirus or Sophos AutoUpdate if they are present. A reboot will be required.

4. Log back in as Administrator and open the interchk folder again, double click on savinst.bat and follow the instructions given, a reboot will again be required.

5. (Optional) Tidy up by removing the interchk folder and the file.

Configuring Sophos AntiVirus

When the Sophos client is installed it is automatically configured to update from the central University of Glasgow Sophos servers. The on-access scanning and daily scan still needs to be configured by hand.

1. Right click on the blue Sophos sheild and select Open Sophos Anti-Virus

2. Click on Configure Sophos Anti-Virus

3. Click on On-access scanning

4. Click on the Disinfection tab at the top of the dialog box

5. Under Automatic disinfection select Disinfect items.... Under Other actions... Select Delete and click on OK

-- AndrewPickford - 13 Oct 2008

Topic revision: r1 - 2008-10-13 - AndrewPickford
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