A local copy of xAOD input data is here:
xAOD EDM Notes
Original twiki page
Mostly this worked for me, but in the section
PyROOT with the xAOD note that:
- You have to setup the analysis release to get this to work (setupATLAS; rcSetup 2.0.3,Base)
- The example does run but reports errors at the end
xAOD ROOT Analysis Notes
Original twiki page
Section 3
- The path to make_skeleton didn't work for me ($ROOTCOREBIN was pointing to my local setup area). Instead I needed to run it as:
$ /cvmfs/atlas.cern.ch/repo/sw/ASG/AnalysisBase/2.0.3/EventLoop/scripts/make_skeleton gsAnalysis MyxAODAnalysis
Section 5
- You can use the samples here:
SH::scanDir(sh, "/afs/phas.gla.ac.uk/user/g/graeme/public/xAODtut/");
- Note that if you get something wrong, then try to re-run the code will crash as the output directory exists (it doesn't like that):
EventLoop:/build3/atnight/localbuilds/nightlies/AnalysisBase-2.0.X/AnalysisBase/rel_nightly/EventLoop/Root/Driver.cxx:94:exception: could not create output directory /afs/phas.gla.ac.uk/user/g/graeme/xAODtut/Run/submitDir
- Running both the ROOT macro and the standalone testRun.cxx gave unchecked status code warnings (1 for each file)
Section 6
- To get the jets package compiled and linked properly to testRun, I needed to do an rc clean as well as find_packages and compile.
Section 7
- Comiplation errors when comiling
(comlaints about a forward declaration in SampleHandler.h). Haven't had time to dig into these yet.
Graeme Stewart - 2014-07-10