Difference: TravelInformation (1 vs. 24)

Revision 242019-05-08 - RichardBates

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Travel and Expenses information

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Staff information


ATLAS travel

Before travbelling please fill in a visit notice https://pprc.qmul.ac.uk/app/travel/travel.php.

Instructions here ATLASQMULVisitNotice


STFC Budget

For full details please read http://www.ppd.stfc.ac.uk/public/PPFinance/Claims/index.html.

Revision 232018-11-16 - GordonStewart

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Travel and Expenses information

Line: 54 to 54
  STFC expenses claim form for overseas trip ( .doc, .pdf)
GU expense claim form ( media_148263_en.xls, see http://www.gla.ac.uk/services/finance/payandpensions/expensesprocedures/)

Please note that the following information should be input on the authoriser section of the GU expenses form:

Surname: HENDRY
Forename: MARTIN
Dept No: 30601100
Staff Number: 159455

Please ensure that the expense claim forms are filled out fully and accurately to facilitate swift payment, and return the complete forms to room 477 to be forwarded to the appropriate place.

GU expenses claims should be submitted through the Core HR portal: https://hrportal.mis.gla.ac.uk
  All STFC expense claims for UK trips, regardless of the total amount claimed, require the budget holder's signature. Glasgow University Finance Office will only accept expense claims written in black ink. Forms in blue, or any colour other than black, will be returned unpaid.

Revision 222014-09-01 - ValerieFlood

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Travel and Expenses information

Line: 28 to 28
  STFC instructions and URLs change from time to time: please see the page above.
To book flights through Key Travel, please email Valerie Flood ( v.flood@physics.gla.ac.uk) with the following information:
To book flights please email Valerie Flood ( v.flood@physics.gla.ac.uk) with the following information:
  * Destination
Line: 38 to 38
  * Budget code (obtainable from the BudgetHolders page).
Once the flights are provisionally booked with Key Travel they will forward details as an options - please check the details and confim with Valerie that it is all fine. Valerie will email Key Travel who will then forward the e-ticket to you.

UK train tickets can also be purchased through Key Travel, they can either be delivered by post or collected at the train station. For posted tickets these need to be booked well in advance.


Department Budget

The same information as above is required for booking flights, but a university budget centre is required instead of a project code.

Revision 212014-02-24 - AidanRobson

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Travel and Expenses information

Line: 75 to 75
  (Please update your bookmarks, the weblink has changed as of Dec 11th, 2012).
NEW: 2014 booking page is available now 2014 flat booking page.
NEW: 2014 booking page is available now 2014 flat booking page.
  • Please make sure you are booking the right year.
  • As of November 2013, a "TEST" user has been added. Please use this for testing, rather than booking in Richard Bates randomly.

Revision 202013-10-20 - DeepakKar

Line: 1 to 1

Travel and Expenses information

Line: 75 to 75
  (Please update your bookmarks, the weblink has changed as of Dec 11th, 2012).
NEW: 2014 booking page is available now 2014 flat booking page.

  • Please make sure you are booking the right year.
  • As of November 2013, a "TEST" user has been added. Please use this for testing, rather than booking in Richard Bates randomly.
  • If your travel plan changes, please unbook yourself.
 Archived (cannot be edited after migration from nfs to afs filesystem):

2012 flat booking page.

Revision 192013-08-29 - AidanRobson

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Travel and Expenses information

Line: 20 to 20

Staff information


CCLRC Budget


STFC Budget

  For full details please read http://www.ppd.stfc.ac.uk/public/PPFinance/Claims/index.html.

New Guidance Notes for Travel and Claims, in particular covering the change to 'actuals' for overseas travel, will be issued in the near future. (Note the transition to 'actuals' is not yet in effect for non-STFC staff)

CCLRC instructions and URLs change from time to time: please see the page above.
STFC instructions and URLs change from time to time: please see the page above.
  To book flights through Key Travel, please email Valerie Flood ( v.flood@physics.gla.ac.uk) with the following information:
Line: 54 to 54
  The various expense claim forms which you may require are available online: CCLRC advance form (.doc, .pdf)
CCLRC expenses claim form for UK trip (.xls, .pdf)
STFC expenses claim form for UK trip (.xls, .pdf)
CCLRC expenses claim form for overseas trip (.doc, .pdf)
STFC expenses claim form for overseas trip (.doc, .pdf)
  GU expense claim form (media_148263_en.xls, see http://www.gla.ac.uk/services/finance/payandpensions/expensesprocedures/)

Please note that the following information should be input on the authoriser section of the GU expenses form:

Surname: LONG
Forename: ANDREW
Dept No: 407
Staff Number: 110906
Surname: HENDRY
Forename: MARTIN
Dept No: 30601100
Staff Number: 159455
  Please ensure that the expense claim forms are filled out fully and accurately to facilitate swift payment, and return the complete forms to room 477 to be forwarded to the appropriate place.
All CCLRC expense claims for UK trips, regardless of the total amount claimed, require the budget holder's signature. Glasgow University Finance Office will only accept expense claims written in black ink. Forms in blue, or any colour other than black, will be returned unpaid.
All STFC expense claims for UK trips, regardless of the total amount claimed, require the budget holder's signature. Glasgow University Finance Office will only accept expense claims written in black ink. Forms in blue, or any colour other than black, will be returned unpaid.

Accommodation while at CERN

Revision 182013-03-05 - AdrianBuzatu

Line: 1 to 1

Travel and Expenses information

Line: 77 to 77
  Archived (cannot be edited after migration from nfs to afs filesystem):
2012 flat booking page.
2012 flat booking page.
2011 flat booking page.
2011 flat booking page.
  -- KennyWraight - 16 Jul 2008

Revision 172012-12-11 - DeepakKar

Line: 1 to 1

Travel and Expenses information

Line: 71 to 71

Accommodation while at CERN

The group has a flat within the close vicinity of CERN. Group members travelling to CERN should therefore use this accommodation if at all possible. Availability and booking of the CERN flat can be found on the 2012 flat booking page.
The group has a flat within the close vicinity of CERN. Group members travelling to CERN should therefore use this accommodation if at all possible. Availability and booking of the CERN flat can be found on the 2013 flat booking page.
NEW: 2013 flat booking page.
(Please update your bookmarks, the weblink has changed as of Dec 11th, 2012).
There is also the 2011 flat booking page.
Archived (cannot be edited after migration from nfs to afs filesystem):

2012 flat booking page.

2011 flat booking page.

  -- KennyWraight - 16 Jul 2008

Revision 162012-11-12 - DeepakKar

Line: 1 to 1

Travel and Expenses information

Line: 73 to 73
  The group has a flat within the close vicinity of CERN. Group members travelling to CERN should therefore use this accommodation if at all possible. Availability and booking of the CERN flat can be found on the 2012 flat booking page.
NEW: 2013 flat booking page.
 There is also the 2011 flat booking page.

-- KennyWraight - 16 Jul 2008

Revision 152012-10-10 - DeepakKar

Line: 1 to 1

Travel and Expenses information

Line: 71 to 71

Accommodation while at CERN

The group has a flat within the close vicinity of CERN. Group members travelling to CERN should therefore use this accommodation if at all possible. Availability and booking of the CERN flat can be found on the 2011 flat booking page.
The group has a flat within the close vicinity of CERN. Group members travelling to CERN should therefore use this accommodation if at all possible. Availability and booking of the CERN flat can be found on the 2012 flat booking page.
There is also the 2011 flat booking page.
There is also the 2011 flat booking page.
  -- KennyWraight - 16 Jul 2008

Revision 142012-03-19 - DeepakKar

Line: 1 to 1

Travel and Expenses information

Line: 71 to 71

Accommodation while at CERN

The group has a flat within the close vicinity of CERN. Group members travelling to CERN should therefore use this accommodation if at all possible. Availability and booking of the CERN flat can be found on the 2011 flat booking page.
The group has a flat within the close vicinity of CERN. Group members travelling to CERN should therefore use this accommodation if at all possible. Availability and booking of the CERN flat can be found on the 2011 flat booking page.
  There is also the 2011 flat booking page.

Revision 132011-03-16 - ChrisCollins

Line: 1 to 1

Travel and Expenses information

Line: 71 to 71

Accommodation while at CERN

The group has a flat within the close vicinity of CERN. Group members travelling to CERN should therefore use this accommodation if at all possible. Availability and booking of the CERN flat can be found on the 2010 flat booking page.
The group has a flat within the close vicinity of CERN. Group members travelling to CERN should therefore use this accommodation if at all possible. Availability and booking of the CERN flat can be found on the 2011 flat booking page.
  There is also the 2011 flat booking page.

Revision 122010-11-24 - ChrisCollins

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Travel and Expenses information

Line: 60 to 62
  Please note that the following information should be input on the authoriser section of the GU expenses form:

Surname: LONG
Forename: ANDREW
Dept No: 407
Staff Number: 110906
Surname: LONG
Forename: ANDREW
Dept No: 407
Staff Number: 110906
  Please ensure that the expense claim forms are filled out fully and accurately to facilitate swift payment, and return the complete forms to room 477 to be forwarded to the appropriate place.
Line: 75 to 73
  The group has a flat within the close vicinity of CERN. Group members travelling to CERN should therefore use this accommodation if at all possible. Availability and booking of the CERN flat can be found on the 2010 flat booking page.
There is also the 2010 flat booking page.
There is also the 2011 flat booking page.
  -- KennyWraight - 16 Jul 2008

Revision 112010-07-08 - AndrewPickford

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Travel and Expenses information

Line: 34 to 34
  * Preferred time of day for the flights
* Budget code (obtainable from the Buget Holder link above).
* Budget code (obtainable from the BudgetHolders page).
  Once the flights are provisionally booked with Key Travel they will forward details as an options - please check the details and confim with Valerie that it is all fine. Valerie will email Key Travel who will then forward the e-ticket to you.

Revision 102010-06-28 - AndrewPickford

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Travel and Expenses information

Line: 20 to 20

CCLRC Budget

All current CCLRC travel forms can be found on the Particle Physics travel and claims page.
For full details please read http://www.ppd.stfc.ac.uk/public/PPFinance/Claims/index.html.
CCLRC instructions and URLs change from time to time: please see the page above. Here is an overview for Glasgow users.
New Guidance Notes for Travel and Claims, in particular covering the change to 'actuals' for overseas travel, will be issued in the near future. (Note the transition to 'actuals' is not yet in effect for non-STFC staff)
Firstly, if the business trip is overseas, a CCLRC Overseas Visit form is required in advance .This should be fully completed, signed by the BudgetHolders and faxed to Debbie Loader at RAL on 01235 445672. The ORG code is "PUG" for Glasgow.
CCLRC instructions and URLs change from time to time: please see the page above.
  To book flights through Key Travel, please email Valerie Flood ( v.flood@physics.gla.ac.uk) with the following information:

Revision 92010-05-11 - AndrewPickford

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Travel and Expenses information

Line: 8 to 8

Student information

STFC funded students

For students funded by the Science and Technologies Funding Council (STFC) expenses forms can be found here. N.B. Remember, (try to) apply for expenses before travel and to claim afterwards within the allowed time periods.
For students funded by the Science and Technologies Funding Council (STFC) who started before 2008 expenses forms can be found here. N.B. Remember, (try to) apply for expenses before travel and to claim afterwards within the allowed time periods.

STFC funded students who started from 2008 should contact Valerie Flood about travel arrangements, accommodation requirements and travel insurance cover as well as LTA arrangements. Also see http://www.stfc.ac.uk/resources/pdf/InsPolicy.pdf for travel insurance with STFC.


SUPA funded students

Follow the instructions for Staff claiming GU expenses below.
Line: 22 to 24
  CCLRC instructions and URLs change from time to time: please see the page above. Here is an overview for Glasgow users.
Firstly, if the business trip is overseas, a CCLRC Overseas Visit form is required in advance .This should be fully completed, signed by the BudgetHolders and faxed to Sue Bartlett at RAL on 01235 445672. The ORG code is "PUG" for Glasgow.
Firstly, if the business trip is overseas, a CCLRC Overseas Visit form is required in advance .This should be fully completed, signed by the BudgetHolders and faxed to Debbie Loader at RAL on 01235 445672. The ORG code is "PUG" for Glasgow.
To book flights through Joint Venture Travel (JVT), please email Valerie Flood ( v.flood@physics.gla.ac.uk) with the following information:
To book flights through Key Travel, please email Valerie Flood ( v.flood@physics.gla.ac.uk) with the following information:
  * Destination
Line: 34 to 36
  * Budget code (obtainable from the Buget Holder link above).
Once the flights are provisionally booked with JVT your signature will be required on the booking form before it can be faxed.
Once the flights are provisionally booked with Key Travel they will forward details as an options - please check the details and confim with Valerie that it is all fine. Valerie will email Key Travel who will then forward the e-ticket to you.
UK train tickets can also be purchased through JVT, but as these are paper tickets rather than electronic ones, the booking must be made before 3pm in order to be sent out in the last post.
UK train tickets can also be purchased through Key Travel, they can either be delivered by post or collected at the train station. For posted tickets these need to be booked well in advance.

Department Budget

Line: 54 to 56
  CCLRC expenses claim form for overseas trip (.doc, .pdf)
GU expense claim form (media_87728_en.pdf, guidance notes)
GU expense claim form (media_148263_en.xls, see http://www.gla.ac.uk/services/finance/payandpensions/expensesprocedures/)

Please note that the following information should be input on the authoriser section of the GU expenses form:

Surname: LONG
Forename: ANDREW
Dept No: 407
Staff Number: 110906

  Please ensure that the expense claim forms are filled out fully and accurately to facilitate swift payment, and return the complete forms to room 477 to be forwarded to the appropriate place.

Revision 82010-03-25 - ChrisCollins

Line: 1 to 1

Travel and Expenses information

Line: 65 to 65
  The group has a flat within the close vicinity of CERN. Group members travelling to CERN should therefore use this accommodation if at all possible. Availability and booking of the CERN flat can be found on the 2010 flat booking page.
There is also the 2009 flat booking page.
There is also the 2010 flat booking page.
  -- KennyWraight - 16 Jul 2008

Revision 72009-11-23 - ChrisCollins

Line: 1 to 1

Travel and Expenses information

Line: 63 to 63

Accommodation while at CERN

The group has a flat within the close vicinity of CERN. Group members travelling to CERN should therefore use this accommodation if at all possible. Availability and booking of the CERN flat can be found on the 2008 flat booking page.
The group has a flat within the close vicinity of CERN. Group members travelling to CERN should therefore use this accommodation if at all possible. Availability and booking of the CERN flat can be found on the 2010 flat booking page.
  There is also the 2009 flat booking page.

Revision 62009-11-06 - AndrewPickford

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Travel and Expenses information

Line: 44 to 44


Travel insurance is arranged by the University Finance Office. To apply for Travel insurance read the Finance & Purchasing Office pages and complete the online form
Travel insurance is arranged by the University Finance Office. To apply for Travel insurance read the Finance & Purchasing Office pages and complete the online form

Claiming Expenses

Line: 54 to 54
  CCLRC expenses claim form for overseas trip (.doc, .pdf)
GU expense claim form (.pdf v5, .pdf v3/4, guidance notes)
GU expense claim form (media_87728_en.pdf, guidance notes)
  Please ensure that the expense claim forms are filled out fully and accurately to facilitate swift payment, and return the complete forms to room 477 to be forwarded to the appropriate place.

Revision 52008-11-26 - AndrewPickford

Line: 1 to 1

Travel and Expenses information

This page contains information for staff and students on travel expenses as well as accomodation while at CERN.
Line: 22 to 22
  CCLRC instructions and URLs change from time to time: please see the page above. Here is an overview for Glasgow users.
Firstly, if the business trip is overseas, a CCLRC Overseas Visit form is required in advance .This should be fully completed, signed by the BudgetHolder and faxed to Sue Bartlett at RAL on 01235 445672. The ORG code is "PUG" for Glasgow.
Firstly, if the business trip is overseas, a CCLRC Overseas Visit form is required in advance .This should be fully completed, signed by the BudgetHolders and faxed to Sue Bartlett at RAL on 01235 445672. The ORG code is "PUG" for Glasgow.
  To book flights through Joint Venture Travel (JVT), please email Valerie Flood ( v.flood@physics.gla.ac.uk) with the following information:
Line: 68 to 68
 There is also the 2009 flat booking page.

-- KennyWraight - 16 Jul 2008 \ No newline at end of file

META TOPICMOVED by="AndrewPickford" date="1227713439" from="ATLAS.TravelInformation" to="Main.TravelInformation"

Revision 42008-11-26 - ChrisCollins

Line: 1 to 1

Travel and Expenses information

Line: 50 to 48

Claiming Expenses

The various expense claim forms which you may require are available online: CCLRC advance form (.doc, .pdf)
The various expense claim forms which you may require are available online: CCLRC advance form (.doc, .pdf)
  CCLRC expenses claim form for UK trip (.xls, .pdf)
Line: 66 to 63

Accommodation while at CERN

The group has a flat within the close vicinity of CERN. Group members travelling to CERN should therefore use this accommodation if at all possible. Availability and booking of the CERN flat can be found on the flat booking page.
The group has a flat within the close vicinity of CERN. Group members travelling to CERN should therefore use this accommodation if at all possible. Availability and booking of the CERN flat can be found on the 2008 flat booking page.

There is also the 2009 flat booking page.

  -- KennyWraight - 16 Jul 2008

Revision 32008-07-24 - KennyWraight

Line: 1 to 1

Travel and Expenses information

Line: 11 to 11
 For students funded by the Science and Technologies Funding Council (STFC) expenses forms can be found here. N.B. Remember, (try to) apply for expenses before travel and to claim afterwards within the allowed time periods.

SUPA funded students

I dunno yet
Follow the instructions for Staff claiming GU expenses below.

Revision 22008-07-16 - KennyWraight

Line: 1 to 1

Welcome to the Main web


Travel and Expenses information


This page contains information for staff and students on travel expenses as well as accomodation.

This page contains information for staff and students on travel expenses as well as accomodation while at CERN.

Student information

Line: 34 to 34
  * Preferred time of day for the flights
* BudgetCode
* Budget code (obtainable from the Buget Holder link above).
  Once the flights are provisionally booked with JVT your signature will be required on the booking form before it can be faxed.

Revision 12008-07-16 - KennyWraight

Line: 1 to 1

Welcome to the Main web

This page contains information for staff and students on travel expenses as well as accomodation.

Student information

STFC funded students

For students funded by the Science and Technologies Funding Council (STFC) expenses forms can be found here. N.B. Remember, (try to) apply for expenses before travel and to claim afterwards within the allowed time periods.

SUPA funded students

I dunno yet

Staff information

CCLRC Budget

All current CCLRC travel forms can be found on the Particle Physics travel and claims page.

CCLRC instructions and URLs change from time to time: please see the page above. Here is an overview for Glasgow users.

Firstly, if the business trip is overseas, a CCLRC Overseas Visit form is required in advance .This should be fully completed, signed by the BudgetHolder and faxed to Sue Bartlett at RAL on 01235 445672. The ORG code is "PUG" for Glasgow.

To book flights through Joint Venture Travel (JVT), please email Valerie Flood ( v.flood@physics.gla.ac.uk) with the following information:

* Destination

* Departure and return date

* Preferred time of day for the flights

* BudgetCode

Once the flights are provisionally booked with JVT your signature will be required on the booking form before it can be faxed.

UK train tickets can also be purchased through JVT, but as these are paper tickets rather than electronic ones, the booking must be made before 3pm in order to be sent out in the last post.

Department Budget

The same information as above is required for booking flights, but a university budget centre is required instead of a project code.


Travel insurance is arranged by the University Finance Office. To apply for Travel insurance read the Finance & Purchasing Office pages and complete the online form

Claiming Expenses

The various expense claim forms which you may require are available online: CCLRC advance form (.doc, .pdf)

CCLRC expenses claim form for UK trip (.xls, .pdf)

CCLRC expenses claim form for overseas trip (.doc, .pdf)

GU expense claim form (.pdf v5, .pdf v3/4, guidance notes)

Please ensure that the expense claim forms are filled out fully and accurately to facilitate swift payment, and return the complete forms to room 477 to be forwarded to the appropriate place.

All CCLRC expense claims for UK trips, regardless of the total amount claimed, require the budget holder's signature. Glasgow University Finance Office will only accept expense claims written in black ink. Forms in blue, or any colour other than black, will be returned unpaid.

Accommodation while at CERN

The group has a flat within the close vicinity of CERN. Group members travelling to CERN should therefore use this accommodation if at all possible. Availability and booking of the CERN flat can be found on the flat booking page.

-- KennyWraight - 16 Jul 2008

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