Difference: WebPages (1 vs. 4)

Revision 42017-08-11 - GordonStewart

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PPE Web Presence

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  You can create a personal web page by making a directory named public_html within your Linux home directory. Within this directory, you should create a file called index.html or index.php to act as your default home page. Your personal pages can then be found at www.ppe.gla.ac.uk/~<USERNAME>.
You should be aware that you are responsible for any material you publish. Reference should be made to the university's Guidelines for Electronic Publishing.
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You should be aware that you are responsible for any material you publish. Reference should be made to the university's Guidelines for Electronic Publishing.
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Revision 32016-04-26 - GordonStewart

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PPE Web Presence

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These pages are served from ppewww.physics.gla.ac.uk, and are by default globally accessible unless steps are taken to restrict access. The content for these pages is taken from two sources: group or project pages stored in the /data/www01 directory (visible from many PPE machines), and personal web pages served from group members' home directories.
These pages are served from ppewww.physics.gla.ac.uk, and are by default globally accessible unless steps are taken to restrict access (you can use basic passwords to deter casual users, but this provides no real security). The content for these pages is taken from two sources: group or project pages stored in the /data/www01 directory (visible from many PPE machines), and personal web pages served from group members' home directories.

Personal Web Pages

Revision 22016-04-26 - GordonStewart

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PPE Web Pages


PPE Web Presence

The groups web pages are split into internal and external pages as well as these TWiki pages.
PPE's web presence is divided between university-hosted pages which form part of the main University of Glasgow website, and locally-hosted pages which generally appear somewhat separate. The university-hosted pages are managed by IT Services (although PPE members can apply for access to add and update content), while the internal pages are managed by PPE IT support.

T4 Pages

The groups T4 pages are the relatively static pages served from the university's T4 servers and are intended as an introduction/overview to the PPE group.

University Web Pages (t4)



The group's main web pages may found in the following location:
The groups internal pages are served from ppewww.physics.gla.ac.uk. Internal in this sense meaning mainly of use to people in the group. For the most part these pages can be viewed by anyone. Most of the these internal pages are stored on the ppe file system in /data/www01.
This server also serves users personal web pages.
These pages are constructed in t4, the Content Management System (CMS) which the university uses to drive its website. You can learn more about t4 by referring to the university's Guide to Web Publishing. This guide will also tell you how to register for access to t4 should you need to update the PPE pages.
-- AndrewPickford - 25 Jan 2009

Staff Profile

Members of staff have a profile on the university website which can be located by searching the staff list. Your contact details on this profile are drawn from your HR record, which can be viewed or amended through the HR portal:

To update your research profile, you should refer to the following guide:

Your list of publications is drawn from Enlighten, the university's publication database, about which more can be found here:

PPE-hosted Web Pages

The group also maintains a few web pages which we host ourselves, which may be found in the following location:


These pages are served from ppewww.physics.gla.ac.uk, and are by default globally accessible unless steps are taken to restrict access. The content for these pages is taken from two sources: group or project pages stored in the /data/www01 directory (visible from many PPE machines), and personal web pages served from group members' home directories.

Personal Web Pages

You can create a personal web page by making a directory named public_html within your Linux home directory. Within this directory, you should create a file called index.html or index.php to act as your default home page. Your personal pages can then be found at www.ppe.gla.ac.uk/~<USERNAME>.

You should be aware that you are responsible for any material you publish. Reference should be made to the university's Guidelines for Electronic Publishing.

Revision 12009-01-25 - AndrewPickford

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PPE Web Pages

The groups web pages are split into internal and external pages as well as these TWiki pages.

T4 Pages

The groups T4 pages are the relatively static pages served from the university's T4 servers and are intended as an introduction/overview to the PPE group.


The groups internal pages are served from ppewww.physics.gla.ac.uk. Internal in this sense meaning mainly of use to people in the group. For the most part these pages can be viewed by anyone. Most of the these internal pages are stored on the ppe file system in /data/www01.

This server also serves users personal web pages.

-- AndrewPickford - 25 Jan 2009

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