NA62 Monte Carlo Simulations
This wiki describes how to set up and distribute the NA62 Monte Carlo simulation code.
Source or precompiled production version provided by Antonino Sergi. Job submission and output management system code components are held on the server.
Installation from scratch on a SL6 desktop
This was done for testing purposes and is documented in a separate wiki,
Code distribution
CVMFS is used for software distribution to sites. A guide is provided here:
Scripts preparation
The following files need to be checked and updated for each new s/w release:
- Job wrapper script - update version number
file - check for new settings, new decay types etc.
- check if any new files need to be included in this archive
Job submission
Job submission is fully automated via
Automated jobs scripts creator
There's now a suite of tools for submitting jobs either one-by-one or in bulk. Jobs submitted via this interface have the advantage that everything about the jobs (input and output files, scripts, run parameters and statistics) are archived for later reference.
script creator interface lets the production manager (PM) set up the job parameters (both MC parameters and output options) and choose the number of 'runs' to launch. The
scripter prints out in the browser a list of commands that the PM has to run on his grid UI in order to launch the job or production with
his credentials. For individual jobs, the PM updates the DB by hand, for multiple runs, it is done via a wrapper script. A cron job periodically updates the list of jobs and files in the DB.
Mark Slater set up a Ganga service ( for managing entire production rounds. The Ganga request form is accessed via a link on the
Production table. Once the request is submitted, a Ganga daemon from the Grid UI machine picks it up (within 10 minutes) and will submit and monitor jobs until the events target is reached.
How the Ganga service was set up and interacts with the other
bot components is described in here:
Site resources
This is a simple table to keep track of site resources (please update if changes occur):
Note on s/w labelling: both a NA62 release/version number (e.g. r261/v0.9.0) and a tarball version (e.g. v14) are used.
They are kept track of in a dedicated DB table. FTS channels might not be needed is FTS3 is used (latest wrapper scripts).
Site admins - persons to contact in case something goes wrong on one of the sites are:
- Glasgow - Dan Protopopescu (
- IC - Janusz Martyniak (
- RAL - Andrew Lahiff (
- Liverpool - Stephen Jones (
- Birmingham - Mark Slater (
- UCL - Sergey Podolsky (, Pavel Demin (
- CNAF - Daniele Cesini (
Please replace the #-s.
Cron jobs
Cronjobs are employed to keep track of jobs and output files:
To log problems encountered (and solutions) use this wiki: