CERN Pixel VI Mini Production summary of IVs CP6 summary.pdf: CPVI IV summary mini production Tracking wafer through the process CP6 3164 6 wafer level...
CO2 blow off systems in WP2 Please use the space below to describe your system and how you use it. It would be helpful if you could include any modifications you have...
Multi Module Set up Pages detailing Glasgow`s multi module set up. The basic goal is to run multiple quad sensor modules simultaneously to test the electronic properties...
Module Cooling Pages detailing Glasgow`s multi module cooling tests. Tests of CO2 cooling prototypes. Basic set up Sensors Temperature Pressure Comments
2016 Electrical services Details of the module, ring tape, data transmission and EoSC are found here for the 2016 design. 2016ModuleHybrid 2016RingTape 2016DataTransmission...