Welcome to the Glasgow ATLAS Twiki

ATLAS_Silver_White_1024x768.jpg firstEventVP1.png

N.B. Cartographers can redirect here, but pay more attention in future.


Getting Started with ATLAS

Basic Infrastructure

ATLAS Software Training

ATLAS software uses basically two languages: C++ and python. There are many online resources where you can learn the basics of these languages (e.g., C++ and python), however, you need to supplement that information with knowledge of how ATLAS uses these languages.

ATLAS Offline Software Tutorial

  • Basic tutorial on coding, but mainly on the essentials of analysing ATLAS data
ATLAS Software Development Tutorial
  • Tutorial on software design and coding, with an emphasis on the ATLAS Athena Framework
ATLAS Computing WorkBook
  • Twiki guide to coding in ATLAS
The ATLAS Physics Analysis Workbook
  • For further Exercises In Data Analysis

Also, the SUPA courses on ROOT, C++, Python and especially Software Carpentry are recommended (aka ROO, COO, PYT, SWC).

Running ATLAS Software At Glasgow


Useful information

Members only

Glasgow ATLAS Theory (for registered users only)

Web Utilities

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who CommentSorted ascending
PNGpng firstEventVP1.png r1 manage 541.5 K 2008-10-17 - 14:00 KennyWraight first events in ATLAS
PDFpdf BaselineSelection_v3.pdf r1 manage 29.6 K 2011-04-11 - 14:14 MichaelWright  
PowerPointppt E1Data.ppt r1 manage 919.0 K 2010-08-20 - 17:28 MichaelWright  
PowerPointpptx HbbMeeting11_04_2011.pptx r1 manage 131.8 K 2011-04-11 - 13:45 MichaelWright  
PowerPointpptx QCD-Lecture12.pptx r1 manage 7913.8 K 2011-02-24 - 15:08 MichaelWright  
PDFpdf WHbb_18_04_2011.pdf r1 manage 92.1 K 2011-04-18 - 13:53 MichaelWright  
PDFpdf WHbb_25_04_2011.pdf r1 manage 102.6 K 2011-04-26 - 14:06 MichaelWright  
JPEGjpg ATLAS_Silver_White_1024x768.jpg r1 manage 101.5 K 2008-10-17 - 13:59 KennyWraight the ATLAS detector

This topic: ATLAS > WebHome
Topic revision: r88 - 2015-02-13 - WilliamBreadenMadden
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