Difference: MacDD4hep ( vs. 1)

Revision 12014-05-12 - DanProtopopescu

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Attempting to build DD4hep on a Mac


  1. CMake 2.8 or higher
  2. Xerces-C (might be optional)
  3. Geant4
  4. CLHEP (might be optional)
  5. Root
  6. DD4hep


  1. Need CMake 2.8 or newer
  2. Geant4 must be compiled with GDML
  3. Downloaded root binary needs libpcre.dylib
  4. DD4hep needs libssl.1.0.0.dylib
  5. ILCSoft is required and did not install on a Mac

Installation Steps

Would be great if this could have been done simpler, but after a lot of frustrating trial and error I collected this list of must do’s:


  1. get cmake- from http://www.cmake.org
  2. unpack
  3. cd cmake-
  4. ./bootstrap --prefix=/Users/protopop/DD4hep
  5. make
  6. make install
  7. export PATH=$PATH:/Users/protopop/DD4hep/cmake-


  1. get Xerces-C from http://xerces.apache.org/xerces-c
  2. unpack
  3. cd xerces-c-3.1.1/
  4. ./configure (after editing ac_default_prefix install path in the script itself)
  5. make
  6. make install


  1. get geant4.9.5.p02 source from http://geant4.web.cern.ch/geant4/support/source_archive.shtml
  2. unpack
  3. cd geant4.9.5.p02/
  4. mkdir build
  5. cd build
  6. cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/Users/protopop/DD4hep/Geant4 -DGEANT4_USE_GDML=ON -DXERCESC_INCLUDE_DIR=/Users/protopop/DD4hep/xercesc/include -DXERCESC_LIBRARY=/Users/protopop/DD4hep/xercesc/lib/libxerces-c.dylib ..
  7. make
  8. make install


  1. get chlep from http://proj-clhep.web.cern.ch/proj-clhep/
  2. unpack


  1. get root precompiled binary from http://root.cern.ch/drupal/content/production-version-534
  2. unpack

and find out that root requires libpcre.dylib ...

  1. get pcre from http://sourceforge.net/projects/pcre/
  2. cd pcre-8.35/
  3. ./configure
  4. make
  5. make install prefix=/Users/protopop/DD4hep/pcre
  6. export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/Users/protopop/DD4hep/pcre/lib
  7. now root will run


  1. get openssl via macports with 'sudo port install openssl’
  2. export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH:/opt/local/lib

Now the actual DD4hep compilation:

  1. get DD4hep with svn co https://svnsrv.desy.de/public/aidasoft/DD4hep/trunk DD4hep
  2. cd DD4hep
  3. edit DDG4/src/Geant4UIManager.cpp and change line 55 to ui = new G4UIExecutive(1,(char**)args);//,m_sessionType.c_str());
  4. mkdir build
  5. cd build/
  6. source /Users/protopop/DD4hep/root-v5-34-00-patches/bin/thisroot.sh
  7. source /Users/protopop/DD4hep/Geant4/bin/geant4.sh
  8. export CLHEP_BASE_DIR="/Users/protopop/DD4hep/chlep_x86_64-mac106-gcc42-opt
  9. export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/Users/protopop/DD4hep/pcre/lib:/opt/local/lib
  10. cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/Users/protopop/DD4hep -DDD4HEP_WITH_GEANT4=on -DGeant4_DIR=/Users/protopop/DD4hep/Geant4/lib/Geant4-9.5.2 -DDD4HEP_USE_XERCESC=ON -DXERCESC_ROOT_DIR=/Users/protopop/DD4hep/xercesc ..
  11. make
  12. cd lib/
  13. export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH:/Users/protopop/DD4hep/xercesc/lib
  14. /Users/protopop/DD4hep/root-v5-34-00-patches/bin/genmap -debug -i libDD4hepG4Legacy.dylib -o libDD4hepG4Legacy.rootmap
  15. cd ../
  16. make install

To try the first examples, we need gear:

  1. download GEAR from http://ilcsoft.desy.de/portal/software_packages/gear/index_eng.html
  2. and this needs ilcutils ...
  3. ... but ilcsoft doesn’t want to install on a Mac

so back to the linux box ...

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