Difference: GlaSiDGettingStarted (1 vs. 28)

Revision 282017-03-16 - DanProtopopescu

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Getting Started with SiD DD4HEP


At the moment, our code is committed to the DESY SVN repository, where the core DD4hep software and the CLIC and ILD models are stored as well. This is to make it easier to include SiD in the standard tests. The latest/work version is labelled SiD_o1_v03. The XML configuration is located in lcgeo/SiD/compact/SiD_o1_v01 and the C++ drivers are located in lcgeo/detector/.

At the moment, our code is on GitHub (https://github.com/iLCSoft/lcgeo), where the core DD4hep software and the CLIC and ILD models are stored as well. The latest/work version is labelled SiD_o2_v02. The XML configuration is located in lcgeo/SiD/compact/SiD_o2_v02 and the C++ drivers are located in lcgeo/detector/.
  Browse or check out the code via https://svnsrv.desy.de/websvn/wsvn/General.ddsim/lcgeo
Line: 10 to 10

Important version notes


Important version notes (updated 16 March 2017)

  We are running on SL6 machines and haven't tried other architectures. Note that you must have cvmfs installed (ask your local sysadmin).
Latest update was on 5 Sept 16, using the latest ilcsoft release v01-17-10 for everything.
Latest update was on 16 March 2017, using the latest ilcsoft release v01-19-01 for everything. Make sure you replace correct latest versions in all examples below.

Building the detector model (lcgeo)

Revision 272017-02-27 - BogdanMishchenko

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Getting Started with SiD DD4HEP

Line: 37 to 37
 Prepare the build environment (note the ending double-dots!):
cmake -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=`which g++` -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=`which gcc` -C /cvmfs/ilc.desy.de/sw/x86_64_gcc48_sl6/v01-17-10/ILCSoft.cmake ..
cmake -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=`which g++` -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=`which gcc` -DILCUTIL_DIR=/cvmfs/ilc.desy.de/sw/x86_64_gcc49_sl6/v01-19-01/ILCSOFT.cmake -C $ILCSOFT/ILCSoft.cmake .. (with new v01-19-01 release)

Build the code with

Revision 262016-11-11 - DanProtopopescu

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Getting Started with SiD DD4HEP

Line: 181 to 181
  -DILCUTIL_DIR=/cvmfs/ilc.desy.de/sw/x86_64_gcc48_sl6/v01-17-10/ilcutil/v01-03/ -C $ILCSOFT/ILCSoft.cmake .. make -j4 install
Edit HitResiduals.xml to make sure you have the right input file and detector model. Then run with
Edit HitResiduals.xml to make sure you have the right input file and detector model. Make the new processor known to Marlin
cd ../
export MARLIN_DLL=$MARLIN_DLL:$CWD/lib/libTrackAna.so
ALERT! Do this export only once, else Marlin will complain about duplicate libraries!

Then run your new processor with

 Marlin HitResiduals.xml This will produce a file named hitresiduals.root which contains something like this:

Revision 252016-10-25 - DanProtopopescu

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Getting Started with SiD DD4HEP

Line: 53 to 53

Modifying the code

If you modify the detector model, lcgeo needs to be rebuilt.
If you modify the detector model, lcgeo needs to be rebuilt. See this wiki about how to tweak the drivers.
  If you add, remove, or move files from the directories, you have to rerun cmake as above (note the double-dots .. at the end)

Revision 242016-10-19 - BogdanMishchenko

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Getting Started with SiD DD4HEP

Revision 232016-10-17 - DanProtopopescu

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Getting Started with SiD DD4HEP

Line: 152 to 152
 ddsim --compactFile=SiD/compact/SiD_o1_v01/SiD_o1_v03.xml --runType=batch --inputFile mcparticles.slcio -N=1000 --outputFile=testSiD_o1_v03.slcio Marlin SiDReconstruction_v03_160711.xml
For more options of running Marlin:
Marlin -? 
Particularly useful:
Marlin -c SiDReconstruction_v03_160711.xml  (check given  steering file for consistency) 
 Now the files testSiD_o1_v03.slcio and sitracks.slcio each contain 1000 events.

Our example analysis code can be found here. From lcgeo do

Revision 222016-10-14 - BogdanMishchenko

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Getting Started with SiD DD4HEP

Line: 152 to 152
 ddsim --compactFile=SiD/compact/SiD_o1_v01/SiD_o1_v03.xml --runType=batch --inputFile mcparticles.slcio -N=1000 --outputFile=testSiD_o1_v03.slcio Marlin SiDReconstruction_v03_160711.xml
For more options of running Marlin:
Marlin -? 
Particularly useful:
Marlin -c SiDReconstruction_v03_160711.xml  (check given  steering file for consistency) 
 Now the files testSiD_o1_v03.slcio and sitracks.slcio each contain 1000 events.

Our example analysis code can be found here. From lcgeo do

Revision 212016-10-04 - AidanRobson

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Getting Started with SiD DD4HEP

Line: 113 to 113
 anajob testSiD_o1_v03.slcio

Running reconstruction


Running digitization and reconstruction

  Use the latest SiDReconstruction.xml attached to this twiki page. You also need to have the basic gear_sid.xml file in your directory. For example (assuming you are in the lcgeo directory):

Revision 202016-09-29 - DanProtopopescu

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Getting Started with SiD DD4HEP

Line: 85 to 85
 source bin/thislcgeo.sh
Depending on your setup, you might also have to do
export LCGRELEASES=/cvmfs/sft.cern.ch/lcg/releases/LCG_84
export PYTHONDIR=$LCGRELEASES/Python/2.7.10/x86_64-slc6-gcc48-opt
export PYTOOLSDIR=$LCGRELEASES/pytools/1.9_python2.7/x86_64-slc6-gcc48-opt
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTOOLSDIR/lib/python2.7/site-packages:$PYTHONPATH

Running simulation

Revision 192016-09-28 - DanProtopopescu

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Getting Started with SiD DD4HEP

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There were problems with libraries from /cvmfs/sft.cern.ch/ that might have been due to a faulty CVMFS repository (see this report).

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="SiDReconstruction_v03_160711.xml" attr="" comment="Tutorial reconstruction XML" date="1474480726" name="SiDReconstruction_v03_160711.xml" path="SiDReconstruction_v03_160711.xml" size="38296" user="DanProtopopescu" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="gear_sid.xml" attr="" comment="basic gear file to satisfy reconstruction" date="1473083258" name="gear_sid.xml" path="gear_sid.xml" size="286" user="AidanRobson" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="SiD_o1_v03a.xml" attr="" comment="minor modified SiD_o1_v03.xml for ced event display" date="1473247650" name="SiD_o1_v03a.xml" path="SiD_o1_v03a.xml" size="8634" user="AidanRobson" version="1"

Revision 182016-09-28 - DanProtopopescu

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Getting Started with SiD DD4HEP

Line: 85 to 85
 source bin/thislcgeo.sh
Depending on your system, you might have to type the following 7 commands
export LCGRELEASES=/cvmfs/sft.cern.ch/lcg/releases/LCG_84
export PYTHONDIR=/cvmfs/sft.cern.ch/lcg/releases/LCG_84/Python/2.7.10/x86_64-slc6-gcc48-opt
export PATH=/cvmfs/sft.cern.ch/lcg/releases/LCG_84/Python/2.7.10/x86_64-slc6-gcc48-opt/bin:$PATH
export PYTOOLSDIR=/cvmfs/sft.cern.ch/lcg/releases/LCG_84/pytools/1.9_python2.7/x86_64-slc6-gcc48-opt
export PYTHONPATH=/cvmfs/sft.cern.ch/lcg/releases/LCG_84/pytools/1.9_python2.7/x86_64-slc6-gcc48-opt/lib/python2.7/site-packages:$PYTHONPATH 

Running simulation

Revision 172016-09-22 - DanProtopopescu

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Getting Started with SiD DD4HEP

Line: 135 to 135
 export PATH=/cvmfs/ilc.desy.de/sw/x86_64_gcc44_sl6/CED/v01-09-02/bin/:$PATH
This needs a few extra parameters that were missing from the SiD_o1_v03.xml in v01-17-10, so put the modified SiD_o1_v03a.xml attached to this page in your local lcgeo/SiD/compact/SiD_o1_v01/ directory.
A few extra parameters are missing from the SiD_o1_v03.xml in v01-17-10, so download and put the modified SiD_o1_v03a.xml attached to this page in your local lcgeo/SiD/compact/SiD_o1_v01/ directory.
 You may need to make the following environment modification, depending on your local machine and how you connect to it:

Revision 162016-09-22 - DanProtopopescu

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Getting Started with SiD DD4HEP

Line: 47 to 47
  You will now have to update your environment to include the newly created apps
source ../bin/thislcgeo.sh
cd ../ source bin/thislcgeo.sh

Modifying the code

Line: 56 to 57
  If you add, remove, or move files from the directories, you have to rerun cmake as above (note the double-dots .. at the end)
cd build/
 cmake -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=`which g++` -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=`which gcc` -C /cvmfs/ilc.desy.de/sw/x86_64_gcc48_sl6/v01-17-10/ILCSoft.cmake .. Note: to suppress all warnings add option -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-w" to the above cmake command.

Revision 152016-09-22 - DanProtopopescu

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Getting Started with SiD DD4HEP

Line: 58 to 58
cmake -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=`which g++` -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=`which gcc` -C /cvmfs/ilc.desy.de/sw/x86_64_gcc48_sl6/v01-17-10/ILCSoft.cmake ..
Note: to suppress all warnings add option -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-w" to the above cmake command.
 If you edit files (source code) you need re-run make:
make -j4

Revision 142016-09-21 - DanProtopopescu

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Getting Started with SiD DD4HEP

Line: 20 to 20
  Download the code and remove some unneeded ILD drivers (these first five steps are to be done one time only):
svn co https://svnsrv.desy.de/basic/ddsim/lcgeo/trunk lcgeo
svn co https://svnsrv.desy.de/public/ddsim/lcgeo/trunk lcgeo
 rm lcgeo/detector/calorimeter/SHcal* rm lcgeo/detector/calorimeter/SEcal* rm lcgeo/detector/CaloTB/CaloPrototype*
Line: 139 to 139
  Then run, assuming you are still in the lcgeo directory:
ced2go -d SiD/compact/SiD_o1_v01/SiD_o1_v03.xml sitracks.slcio
ced2go -d SiD/compact/SiD_o1_v01/SiD_o1_v03a.xml sitracks.slcio

Analysing the output

Line: 151 to 151
  Now the files testSiD_o1_v03.slcio and sitracks.slcio each contain 1000 events.
Our example analysis code can be found here, and it will contain
Our example analysis code can be found here. From lcgeo do
cd ../
wget https://twiki.ppe.gla.ac.uk/pub/LinearCollider/GlaSiDGettingStarted/TrackAna.tgz
tar -zxvf TrackAna.tgz
ls Tracking/
and you will see
Line: 170 to 177
  -DILCUTIL_DIR=/cvmfs/ilc.desy.de/sw/x86_64_gcc48_sl6/v01-17-10/ilcutil/v01-03/ -C $ILCSOFT/ILCSoft.cmake .. make -j4 install
Now we run processor with
Edit HitResiduals.xml to make sure you have the right input file and detector model. Then run with
cd ../
Line: 182 to 188
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="SiDReconstruction_v03_160711.xml" attr="" comment="Tutorial reconstruction XML" date="1474480726" name="SiDReconstruction_v03_160711.xml" path="SiDReconstruction_v03_160711.xml" size="38296" user="DanProtopopescu" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="gear_sid.xml" attr="" comment="basic gear file to satisfy reconstruction" date="1473083258" name="gear_sid.xml" path="gear_sid.xml" size="286" user="AidanRobson" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="SiD_o1_v03a.xml" attr="" comment="minor modified SiD_o1_v03.xml for ced event display" date="1473247650" name="SiD_o1_v03a.xml" path="SiD_o1_v03a.xml" size="8634" user="AidanRobson" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="resX.png" attr="" comment="resX example plot" date="1474302131" name="resX.png" path="resX.png" size="42080" user="DanProtopopescu" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="TrackAna.tgz" attr="" comment="Track analysis example" date="1474302299" name="TrackAna.tgz" path="TrackAna.tgz" size="7019" user="DanProtopopescu" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="mcparticles.slcio" attr="" comment="Simulation input file" date="1474491457" name="mcparticles.slcio" path="mcparticles.slcio" size="220584" user="DanProtopopescu" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="testSiD_o1_v03.slcio" attr="" comment="Tutorial input for reco (1 event)" date="1474493647" name="testSiD_o1_v03.slcio" path="testSiD_o1_v03.slcio" size="26088" user="DanProtopopescu" version="1"

Revision 132016-09-21 - DanProtopopescu

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Getting Started with SiD DD4HEP

Line: 74 to 74

Session initialisation

You must run these commands at the beginning of every session:
You must run these commands at the beginning of every session (assuming you are in the lcgeo directory):
source /cvmfs/sft.cern.ch/lcg/releases/gcc/4.8.4/x86_64-slc6/setup.sh
source /cvmfs/ilc.desy.de/sw/x86_64_gcc48_sl6/v01-17-10/init_ilcsoft.sh
Line: 95 to 95

Running simulation

Assuming you are in the lcgeo directory, and that you have initialised your session as above, do
Assuming you are in the lcgeo directory (else do cd ../), and that you have initialised your session as above, do
python example/lcio_particle_gun.py
ddsim --compactFile=SiD/compact/SiD_o1_v01/SiD_o1_v03.xml --runType=batch --inputFile mcparticles.slcio -N=1 --outputFile=testSiD_o1_v03.slcio
Line: 112 to 112

Running reconstruction

Use the latest SiDReconstruction.xml attached to this twiki page, after you have edited the LCIOInputFiles and DD4hepXMLFile parameters for your local area. You also need to have the basic gear_sid.xml file (attached to this twiki page as well) in your directory. Assuming you are in the lcgeo directory, and you have initialised your session as above, run
Use the latest SiDReconstruction.xml attached to this twiki page. You also need to have the basic gear_sid.xml file in your directory. For example (assuming you are in the lcgeo directory):
wget https://twiki.ppe.gla.ac.uk/pub/LinearCollider/GlaSiDGettingStarted/SiDReconstruction_v03_160711.xml
wget https://twiki.ppe.gla.ac.uk/pub/LinearCollider/GlaSiDGettingStarted/gear_sid.xml

Once you've done this, and assuming you are still in the lcgeo directory, and you have initialised your session as above, run

Marlin SiDReconstruction_v03_160711.xml
Line: 177 to 182
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="SiDReconstruction_v03_160711.xml" attr="" comment="" date="1468250213" name="SiDReconstruction_v03_160711.xml" path="SiDReconstruction_v03_160711.xml" size="39022" user="AidanRobson" version="1"

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="SiDReconstruction_v03_160711.xml" attr="" comment="Tutorial reconstruction XML" date="1474480726" name="SiDReconstruction_v03_160711.xml" path="SiDReconstruction_v03_160711.xml" size="38296" user="DanProtopopescu" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="gear_sid.xml" attr="" comment="basic gear file to satisfy reconstruction" date="1473083258" name="gear_sid.xml" path="gear_sid.xml" size="286" user="AidanRobson" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="SiD_o1_v03a.xml" attr="" comment="minor modified SiD_o1_v03.xml for ced event display" date="1473247650" name="SiD_o1_v03a.xml" path="SiD_o1_v03a.xml" size="8634" user="AidanRobson" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="resX.png" attr="" comment="resX example plot" date="1474302131" name="resX.png" path="resX.png" size="42080" user="DanProtopopescu" version="1"

Revision 122016-09-20 - DanProtopopescu

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Getting Started with SiD DD4HEP


At the moment, our code is committed to the DESY SVN repository, where the core DD4hep software and the CLIC and ILD models are stored as well. This is to make it easier to include SiD in the standard tests. The latest/work version is labelled SiD_o1_v03. The XML configuration is located in lcgeo/SiD/compact/SiD_o1_v01 and the C++ drivers are located in lcgeo/detector/

At the moment, our code is committed to the DESY SVN repository, where the core DD4hep software and the CLIC and ILD models are stored as well. This is to make it easier to include SiD in the standard tests. The latest/work version is labelled SiD_o1_v03. The XML configuration is located in lcgeo/SiD/compact/SiD_o1_v01 and the C++ drivers are located in lcgeo/detector/.
  Browse or check out the code via https://svnsrv.desy.de/websvn/wsvn/General.ddsim/lcgeo
Line: 146 to 146
  Now the files testSiD_o1_v03.slcio and sitracks.slcio each contain 1000 events.
Our example analysis code can be found [[/pub/LinearCollider/GlaSiDGettingStarted/TrackAna.tgz][here], and it will contain
Our example analysis code can be found here, and it will contain

Revision 112016-09-19 - DanProtopopescu

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Getting Started with SiD DD4HEP

Line: 117 to 117
Marlin SiDReconstruction_v03_160711.xml
and this will produce a file named sitracks.slcio located in the current directory.

Visualizing the output using CED

Line: 140 to 141
  We could run a simple analysis and draw a few plots. For this let us re-run ddsim and ddreco with a few more events
ddsim --compactFile=SiD/compact/SiD_o1_v01/SiD_o1_v03.xml --runType=batch --inputFile mcparticles.slcio -N=1000 --outputFile=SiD_o1_v03.slcio
ddsim --compactFile=SiD/compact/SiD_o1_v01/SiD_o1_v03.xml --runType=batch --inputFile mcparticles.slcio -N=1000 --outputFile=testSiD_o1_v03.slcio
 Marlin SiDReconstruction_v03_160711.xml
Now the files SiD_o1_v03.slcio contains 1000 events.
Now the files testSiD_o1_v03.slcio and sitracks.slcio each contain 1000 events.
Our example analysis code can be found here, and it will contain
Our example analysis code can be found [[/pub/LinearCollider/GlaSiDGettingStarted/TrackAna.tgz][here], and it will contain
 include/LinkDef.h include/HitResiduals.h src/HitResiduals.cc
Line: 167 to 169
 Now we run processor with
cd ../
export MARLIN_DLL=$MARLIN_DLL:./lib/libTrackAna.so
CWD=`pwd` export MARLIN_DLL=$MARLIN_DLL:$CWD/lib/libTrackAna.so
 Marlin HitResiduals.xml
This will produce a file named hitresiduals.root which contains the results.
This will produce a file named hitresiduals.root which contains something like this:


META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="SiDReconstruction_v03_160711.xml" attr="" comment="" date="1468250213" name="SiDReconstruction_v03_160711.xml" path="SiDReconstruction_v03_160711.xml" size="39022" user="AidanRobson" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="gear_sid.xml" attr="" comment="basic gear file to satisfy reconstruction" date="1473083258" name="gear_sid.xml" path="gear_sid.xml" size="286" user="AidanRobson" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="SiD_o1_v03a.xml" attr="" comment="minor modified SiD_o1_v03.xml for ced event display" date="1473247650" name="SiD_o1_v03a.xml" path="SiD_o1_v03a.xml" size="8634" user="AidanRobson" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="resX.png" attr="" comment="resX example plot" date="1474302131" name="resX.png" path="resX.png" size="42080" user="DanProtopopescu" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="TrackAna.tgz" attr="" comment="Track analysis example" date="1474302299" name="TrackAna.tgz" path="TrackAna.tgz" size="7019" user="DanProtopopescu" version="1"

Revision 102016-09-19 - DanProtopopescu

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Getting Started with SiD DD4HEP

Line: 143 to 143
 ddsim --compactFile=SiD/compact/SiD_o1_v01/SiD_o1_v03.xml --runType=batch --inputFile mcparticles.slcio -N=1000 --outputFile=SiD_o1_v03.slcio Marlin SiDReconstruction_v03_160711.xml
Now the files SiD_o1_v03.slcio and sitracks.slcio contain 1000 events.
Now the files SiD_o1_v03.slcio contains 1000 events.

Our example analysis code can be found here, and it will contain

Assuming you are in the lcgeo directory, and you have initialised your session as above, let us compile the example with:
cd Tracking
mkdir build lib
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=`which g++` -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=`which gcc` \
  -DILCUTIL_DIR=/cvmfs/ilc.desy.de/sw/x86_64_gcc48_sl6/v01-17-10/ilcutil/v01-03/ -C $ILCSOFT/ILCSoft.cmake ..
make -j4 install

Now we run processor with

cd ../
export MARLIN_DLL=$MARLIN_DLL:./lib/libTrackAna.so
Marlin HitResiduals.xml
This will produce a file named hitresiduals.root which contains the results.
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="SiDReconstruction_v03_160711.xml" attr="" comment="" date="1468250213" name="SiDReconstruction_v03_160711.xml" path="SiDReconstruction_v03_160711.xml" size="39022" user="AidanRobson" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="gear_sid.xml" attr="" comment="basic gear file to satisfy reconstruction" date="1473083258" name="gear_sid.xml" path="gear_sid.xml" size="286" user="AidanRobson" version="1"

Revision 92016-09-12 - DanProtopopescu

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Getting Started with SiD DD4HEP

Line: 126 to 126

This needs a few extra parameters that were missing from the SiD_o1_v03.xml in v01-17-10, so put the modified SiD_o1_v03a.xml attached to this page in your local lcgeo/SiD/compact/SiD_o1_v01/ directory.

You may need to make the following environment modification, depending on your local machine:
You may need to make the following environment modification, depending on your local machine and how you connect to it:
Line: 143 to 143
 ddsim --compactFile=SiD/compact/SiD_o1_v01/SiD_o1_v03.xml --runType=batch --inputFile mcparticles.slcio -N=1000 --outputFile=SiD_o1_v03.slcio Marlin SiDReconstruction_v03_160711.xml
Now the output file SiD_o1_v03.slcio contains 1000 events.
Now the files SiD_o1_v03.slcio and sitracks.slcio contain 1000 events.
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="SiDReconstruction_v03_160711.xml" attr="" comment="" date="1468250213" name="SiDReconstruction_v03_160711.xml" path="SiDReconstruction_v03_160711.xml" size="39022" user="AidanRobson" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="gear_sid.xml" attr="" comment="basic gear file to satisfy reconstruction" date="1473083258" name="gear_sid.xml" path="gear_sid.xml" size="286" user="AidanRobson" version="1"

Revision 82016-09-12 - DanProtopopescu

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Getting Started with SiD DD4HEP

Line: 18 to 18

Building the detector model (lcgeo)

Download the code and removing some unwanted drivers (these first five steps are to be done one time only):
Download the code and remove some unneeded ILD drivers (these first five steps are to be done one time only):
svn co https://svnsrv.desy.de/basic/ddsim/lcgeo/trunk lcgeo
rm lcgeo/detector/calorimeter/SHcal*
Line: 54 to 54
  If you modify the detector model, lcgeo needs to be rebuilt.
If you add, remove, or move files from the directories, you have to rerun cmake as above (note the doble-dots at the end)
If you add, remove, or move files from the directories, you have to rerun cmake as above (note the double-dots .. at the end)
cmake -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=`which g++` -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=`which gcc` -C /cvmfs/ilc.desy.de/sw/x86_64_gcc48_sl6/v01-17-10/ILCSoft.cmake ..
Line: 66 to 66
 (or simply make -j4 install)

Running simulation and reconstruction

To run the code, you have to initialise your environment at the beginning of your work session (i.e. when starting a new shell, after ssh). Remember that you also have to rebuild the code in case you modify any of the source files.
To run the code, you have to initialise your environment at the beginning of your work session (i.e. when starting a new shell, after ssh). Remember that you also have to rebuild the code in case you modify any of the source files. If you've just built lcgeo as above, you've already initialised your environment, so you can skip the next subsection.

Session initialisation

Line: 132 to 133
  Then run, assuming you are still in the lcgeo directory:
ced2go -d SiD/compact/SiD_o1_v01/SiD_o1_v03.xml <input_file.slcio>
ced2go -d SiD/compact/SiD_o1_v01/SiD_o1_v03.xml sitracks.slcio

Analysing the output

Revision 72016-09-12 - DanProtopopescu

Line: 1 to 1

Getting Started with SiD DD4HEP


At the moment, our code is committed to the DESY SVN repository, where the core DD4hep software and the CLIC and ILD models are stored as well. This is to make it easier to include SiD in the standard tests. The latest/work version is labelled SiD_o1_v03. The XML configuration is located in lcgeo/SiD/compact/SiD_o1_v01 and the C++ drivers are located in lcgeo/detector/

Browse or check out the code via https://svnsrv.desy.de/websvn/wsvn/General.ddsim/lcgeo

If needed for read access, a new basic account can be registered for anyone, by anyone else who has a grid certificate, at:

At the moment, our code is committed to the DESY SVN repository, where the core DD4hep software and the CLIC and ILD models are stored as well. This is to make it easier to include SiD in the standard tests. The latest/work version is labelled SiD_o1_v03. The XML configuration is located in lcgeo/SiD/compact/SiD_o1_v01 and the C++ drivers are located in lcgeo/detector/
We are running on SL6 machines and haven't tried other architectures. Note that you must have cvmfs installed (ask your local sysadmin).
Browse or check out the code via https://svnsrv.desy.de/websvn/wsvn/General.ddsim/lcgeo
Latest update: 5 Sept 16, using the latest ilcsoft release v01-17-10 for everything
If needed for read access, a new basic account can be registered for anyone, by anyone else who has a grid certificate, at https://svnsrv.desy.de/admin/svn

Build example:
# [first five steps are one-time only]

Important version notes

We are running on SL6 machines and haven't tried other architectures. Note that you must have cvmfs installed (ask your local sysadmin). Latest update was on 5 Sept 16, using the latest ilcsoft release v01-17-10 for everything.

Building the detector model (lcgeo)

Download the code and removing some unwanted drivers (these first five steps are to be done one time only):

 svn co https://svnsrv.desy.de/basic/ddsim/lcgeo/trunk lcgeo rm lcgeo/detector/calorimeter/SHcal* rm lcgeo/detector/calorimeter/SEcal* rm lcgeo/detector/CaloTB/CaloPrototype* mkdir lcgeo/build
# [setups you do every time: ]

Setup the environment (these steps will have to be repeated at the beginning of every session):

 source /cvmfs/sft.cern.ch/lcg/releases/gcc/4.8.4/x86_64-slc6/setup.sh source /cvmfs/ilc.desy.de/sw/x86_64_gcc48_sl6/v01-17-10/init_ilcsoft.sh
cd lcgeo/build # [cmake you only need do after you have added/removed/moved files from the directories]
cd lcgeo/build/

Prepare the build environment (note the ending double-dots!):

cmake -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=`which g++` -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=`which gcc` -C /cvmfs/ilc.desy.de/sw/x86_64_gcc48_sl6/v01-17-10/ILCSoft.cmake ..

Build the code with

make -j4
make install

You will now have to update your environment to include the newly created apps

source ../bin/thislcgeo.sh

Modifying the code

If you modify the detector model, lcgeo needs to be rebuilt.

If you add, remove, or move files from the directories, you have to rerun cmake as above (note the doble-dots at the end)

 cmake -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=`which g++` -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=`which gcc` -C /cvmfs/ilc.desy.de/sw/x86_64_gcc48_sl6/v01-17-10/ILCSoft.cmake ..
# [make you only need to do after you have changed files]
If you edit files (source code) you need re-run make:
 make -j4 make install
# [setup you need to do every time: ] source ../bin/thislcgeo.sh
(or simply make -j4 install)

Running simulation and reconstruction

Run example for ddsim:
To run the code, you have to initialise your environment at the beginning of your work session (i.e. when starting a new shell, after ssh). Remember that you also have to rebuild the code in case you modify any of the source files.

Session initialisation

You must run these commands at the beginning of every session:

# [assuming you are in the lcgeo directory you created above, but these instructions are for a clean login]
 source /cvmfs/sft.cern.ch/lcg/releases/gcc/4.8.4/x86_64-slc6/setup.sh source /cvmfs/ilc.desy.de/sw/x86_64_gcc48_sl6/v01-17-10/init_ilcsoft.sh
source bin/thislcgeo.sh

Depending on your system, you might have to type the following 7 commands

 export LCGRELEASES=/cvmfs/sft.cern.ch/lcg/releases/LCG_84 export PYTHONDIR=/cvmfs/sft.cern.ch/lcg/releases/LCG_84/Python/2.7.10/x86_64-slc6-gcc48-opt export PATH=/cvmfs/sft.cern.ch/lcg/releases/LCG_84/Python/2.7.10/x86_64-slc6-gcc48-opt/bin:$PATH
Line: 39 to 89
 export PYTOOLSDIR=/cvmfs/sft.cern.ch/lcg/releases/LCG_84/pytools/1.9_python2.7/x86_64-slc6-gcc48-opt export PYTHONPATH=/cvmfs/sft.cern.ch/lcg/releases/LCG_84/pytools/1.9_python2.7/x86_64-slc6-gcc48-opt/lib/python2.7/site-packages:$PYTHONPATH export PATH=$PYTOOLSDIR/bin:$PATH
source bin/thislcgeo.sh python example/lcio_particle_gun.py ddsim --compactFile=SiD/compact/SiD_o1_v01/SiD_o1_v03.xml --runType=batch --inputFile mcparticles.slcio -N=1 --outputFile=testSiD_o1_v03.slcio

Then to look at the output:
dumpevent testSiD_o1_v03.slcio 1

Running simulation

Assuming you are in the lcgeo directory, and that you have initialised your session as above, do

python example/lcio_particle_gun.py
ddsim --compactFile=SiD/compact/SiD_o1_v01/SiD_o1_v03.xml --runType=batch --inputFile mcparticles.slcio -N=1 --outputFile=testSiD_o1_v03.slcio
Then to inspect the output use:
dumpevent testSiD_o1_v03.slcio 1
anajob testSiD_o1_v03.slcio
anajob testSiD_o1_v03.slcio
To run reconstruction:

Running reconstruction

# [assuming you are in the lcgeo directory you created above, but these instructions are for a clean login]
source /cvmfs/ilc.desy.de/sw/x86_64_gcc48_sl6/v01-17-10/init_ilcsoft.sh
#use the latest SiDReconstruction.xml attached to this twiki page,
#  where you have edited the LCIOInputFiles and DD4hepXMLFile parameters for your local area.
#  You also need to have the basic gear_sid.xml file (attached to this twiki page) in your directory.
Use the latest SiDReconstruction.xml attached to this twiki page, after you have edited the LCIOInputFiles and DD4hepXMLFile parameters for your local area. You also need to have the basic gear_sid.xml file (attached to this twiki page as well) in your directory. Assuming you are in the lcgeo directory, and you have initialised your session as above, run
 Marlin SiDReconstruction_v03_160711.xml
To visualize the output using CED:

Note that for the event display to wokr I had to ask my local sysadmin to install freeglut (e.g. for SLC6, freeglut-2.6.0-1.el6.x86_64) so that the library libglut.so was available.


Visualizing the output using CED

source /cvmfs/ilc.desy.de/sw/x86_64_gcc48_sl6/v01-17-10/init_ilcsoft.sh
# point to a CED installation with glced:
Note that for the event display to work I had to ask my local sysadmin to install freeglut (e.g. for SLC6, freeglut-2.6.0-1.el6.x86_64) so that the library libglut.so was available. Point to a CED installation with glced:
 export PATH=/cvmfs/ilc.desy.de/sw/x86_64_gcc44_sl6/CED/v01-09-02/bin/:$PATH
# this needs a few extra parameters that were missing from the SiD_o1_v03.xml in v01-17-10 # so put the modified SiD_o1_v03a.xml attached to this page in your local # lcgeo/SiD/compact/SiD_o1_v01/ directory # You may need to make the following environment modification, depending on your local machine:

This needs a few extra parameters that were missing from the SiD_o1_v03.xml in v01-17-10, so put the modified SiD_o1_v03a.xml attached to this page in your local lcgeo/SiD/compact/SiD_o1_v01/ directory. You may need to make the following environment modification, depending on your local machine:

# then run: ced2go -d /SiD/compact/SiD_o1_v01/SiD_o1_v03.xml <input_file.slcio>
-- Aidan Robson - 2016-07-11
Then run, assuming you are still in the lcgeo directory:
ced2go -d SiD/compact/SiD_o1_v01/SiD_o1_v03.xml <input_file.slcio>



Analysing the output


We could run a simple analysis and draw a few plots. For this let us re-run ddsim and ddreco with a few more events
ddsim --compactFile=SiD/compact/SiD_o1_v01/SiD_o1_v03.xml --runType=batch --inputFile mcparticles.slcio -N=1000 --outputFile=SiD_o1_v03.slcio
Marlin SiDReconstruction_v03_160711.xml
Now the output file SiD_o1_v03.slcio contains 1000 events.
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="SiDReconstruction_v03_160711.xml" attr="" comment="" date="1468250213" name="SiDReconstruction_v03_160711.xml" path="SiDReconstruction_v03_160711.xml" size="39022" user="AidanRobson" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="gear_sid.xml" attr="" comment="basic gear file to satisfy reconstruction" date="1473083258" name="gear_sid.xml" path="gear_sid.xml" size="286" user="AidanRobson" version="1"

Revision 62016-09-09 - AidanRobson

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Getting Started with SiD DD4HEP

Line: 66 to 63
 To visualize the output using CED:

Note that for the event display to wokr I had to ask my local sysadmin to install freeglut (e.g. for SLC6, freeglut-2.6.0-1.el6.x86_64) so that the library libglut.so was available.

source /cvmfs/ilc.desy.de/sw/x86_64_gcc48_sl6/v01-17-10/init_ilcsoft.sh
# point to a CED installation with glced:
export PATH=/cvmfs/ilc.desy.de/sw/x86_64_gcc44_sl6/CED/v01-09-02/bin/:$PATH
# this needs a few extra parameters that were missing from the SiD_o1_v03.xml in v01-17-10
#   so put the modified SiD_o1_v03a.xml attached to this page in your local
#   lcgeo/SiD/compact/SiD_o1_v01/ directory
# You may need to make the following environment modification, depending on your local machine: unset LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT # then run:
 ced2go -d /SiD/compact/SiD_o1_v01/SiD_o1_v03.xml <input_file.slcio>

-- Aidan Robson - 2016-07-11

Revision 52016-09-07 - AidanRobson

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Getting Started with SiD DD4HEP

Line: 60 to 63
To visualize the output using CED:

Note that for the event display to wokr I had to ask my local sysadmin to install freeglut (e.g. for SLC6, freeglut-2.6.0-1.el6.x86_64) so that the library libglut.so was available.

source /cvmfs/ilc.desy.de/sw/x86_64_gcc48_sl6/v01-17-10/init_ilcsoft.sh
# point to a CED installation with glced:
export PATH=/cvmfs/ilc.desy.de/sw/x86_64_gcc44_sl6/CED/v01-09-02/bin/:$PATH
# this needs a few extra parameters that were missing from the SiD_o1_v03.xml in v01-17-10
#   so put the modified SiD_o1_v03a.xml attached to this page in your local
#   lcgeo/SiD/compact/SiD_o1_v01/ directory
ced2go -d <path_to_my_local_lcgeo_directory>/SiD/compact/SiD_o1_v01/SiD_o1_v03.xml <input_file.slcio>
 -- Aidan Robson - 2016-07-11


Line: 68 to 82
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="SiDReconstruction_v03_160711.xml" attr="" comment="" date="1468250213" name="SiDReconstruction_v03_160711.xml" path="SiDReconstruction_v03_160711.xml" size="39022" user="AidanRobson" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="gear_sid.xml" attr="" comment="basic gear file to satisfy reconstruction" date="1473083258" name="gear_sid.xml" path="gear_sid.xml" size="286" user="AidanRobson" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="SiD_o1_v03a.xml" attr="" comment="minor modified SiD_o1_v03.xml for ced event display" date="1473247650" name="SiD_o1_v03a.xml" path="SiD_o1_v03a.xml" size="8634" user="AidanRobson" version="1"

Revision 42016-09-05 - AidanRobson

Line: 1 to 1

Getting Started with SiD DD4HEP


At the moment, our code is committed to the DESY SVN repository, where the core DD4hep software and the CLIC and ILD models are stored as well. This is to make it easier to include SiD in the standard tests. The latest/work version is labelled SiD_o1_v01. The XML configuration is located in lcgeo/SiD/compact/SiD_o1_v01 and the C++ drivers are located in lcgeo/detector/

Browse or check out the code via https://svnsrv.desy.de/websvn/wsvn/General.ddsim/lcgeo

If needed for read access, a new basic account can be registered for anyone, by anyone else who has a grid certificate, at:

At the moment, our code is committed to the DESY SVN repository, where the core DD4hep software and the CLIC and ILD models are stored as well. This is to make it easier to include SiD in the standard tests. The latest/work version is labelled SiD_o1_v03. The XML configuration is located in lcgeo/SiD/compact/SiD_o1_v01 and the C++ drivers are located in lcgeo/detector/

Browse or check out the code via https://svnsrv.desy.de/websvn/wsvn/General.ddsim/lcgeo

If needed for read access, a new basic account can be registered for anyone, by anyone else who has a grid certificate, at:
We are running on SL6 machines and haven't tried other architectures. Note that you must have cvmfs installed (ask your local sysadmin).

Build example:
We are running on SL6 machines and haven't tried other architectures. Note that you must have cvmfs installed (ask your local sysadmin).

Latest update: 5 Sept 16, using the latest ilcsoft release v01-17-10 for everything

Build example:

# [first five steps are one-time only]
svn co https://svnsrv.desy.de/basic/ddsim/lcgeo/trunk lcgeo
rm lcgeo/detector/calorimeter/SHcal*
Line: 13 to 17
 mkdir lcgeo/build # [setups you do every time: ] source /cvmfs/sft.cern.ch/lcg/releases/gcc/4.8.4/x86_64-slc6/setup.sh
source /cvmfs/ilc.desy.de/sw/x86_64_gcc48_sl6/v01-17-09/init_ilcsoft.sh
source /cvmfs/ilc.desy.de/sw/x86_64_gcc48_sl6/v01-17-10/init_ilcsoft.sh
 cd lcgeo/build # [cmake you only need do after you have added/removed/moved files from the directories]
cmake -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=`which g++` -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=`which gcc` -C /cvmfs/ilc.desy.de/sw/x86_64_gcc48_sl6/ILCSoft.cmake ..
cmake -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=`which g++` -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=`which gcc` -C /cvmfs/ilc.desy.de/sw/x86_64_gcc48_sl6/v01-17-10/ILCSoft.cmake ..
 # [make you only need to do after you have changed files] make -j4 make install
Line: 27 to 31
# [assuming you are in the lcgeo directory you created above, but these instructions are for a clean login]
source /cvmfs/sft.cern.ch/lcg/releases/gcc/4.8.4/x86_64-slc6/setup.sh 
source /cvmfs/ilc.desy.de/sw/x86_64_gcc48_sl6/v01-17-09/init_ilcsoft.sh
source /cvmfs/ilc.desy.de/sw/x86_64_gcc48_sl6/v01-17-10/init_ilcsoft.sh
 export LCGRELEASES=/cvmfs/sft.cern.ch/lcg/releases/LCG_84 export PYTHONDIR=/cvmfs/sft.cern.ch/lcg/releases/LCG_84/Python/2.7.10/x86_64-slc6-gcc48-opt export PATH=/cvmfs/sft.cern.ch/lcg/releases/LCG_84/Python/2.7.10/x86_64-slc6-gcc48-opt/bin:$PATH
Line: 37 to 41
 export PATH=$PYTOOLSDIR/bin:$PATH source bin/thislcgeo.sh python example/lcio_particle_gun.py
ddsim --compactFile=SiD/compact/SiD_o1_v01/SiD_o1_v01.xml --runType=batch --inputFile mcparticles.slcio -N=1 --outputFile=testSiD_o1_v01.slcio
ddsim --compactFile=SiD/compact/SiD_o1_v01/SiD_o1_v03.xml --runType=batch --inputFile mcparticles.slcio -N=1 --outputFile=testSiD_o1_v03.slcio
Then to look at the output:
dumpevent testSiD_o1_v01.slcio 1
dumpevent testSiD_o1_v03.slcio 1
anajob testSiD_o1_v01.slcio
anajob testSiD_o1_v03.slcio
  To run reconstruction:
We are currently using a more recent CLIC release.
#In a fresh login shell:
source /afs/cern.ch/eng/clic/work/ilcsoft/HEAD-2016-02-19/init_ilcsoft.sh
# [assuming you are in the lcgeo directory you created above, but these instructions are for a clean login]
source /cvmfs/ilc.desy.de/sw/x86_64_gcc48_sl6/v01-17-10/init_ilcsoft.sh
 #use the latest SiDReconstruction.xml attached to this twiki page,
# where you have edited the LCIOInputFiles and DD4hepXMLFile parameters for your local area:
# where you have edited the LCIOInputFiles and DD4hepXMLFile parameters for your local area. # You also need to have the basic gear_sid.xml file (attached to this twiki page) in your directory.
 Marlin SiDReconstruction_v03_160711.xml

Line: 63 to 67

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="SiDReconstruction_v03_160711.xml" attr="" comment="" date="1468250213" name="SiDReconstruction_v03_160711.xml" path="SiDReconstruction_v03_160711.xml" size="39022" user="AidanRobson" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="gear_sid.xml" attr="" comment="basic gear file to satisfy reconstruction" date="1473083258" name="gear_sid.xml" path="gear_sid.xml" size="286" user="AidanRobson" version="1"

Revision 32016-07-11 - AidanRobson

Line: 1 to 1

Getting Started with SiD DD4HEP

Line: 46 to 45
anajob testSiD_o1_v01.slcio
-- Aidan Robson - 2016-06-27
To run reconstruction:

We are currently using a more recent CLIC release.

#In a fresh login shell:
source /afs/cern.ch/eng/clic/work/ilcsoft/HEAD-2016-02-19/init_ilcsoft.sh
#use the latest SiDReconstruction.xml attached to this twiki page,
# where you have edited the LCIOInputFiles and DD4hepXMLFile parameters for your local area:
Marlin SiDReconstruction_v03_160711.xml

-- Aidan Robson - 2016-07-11





META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="SiDReconstruction_v03_160711.xml" attr="" comment="" date="1468250213" name="SiDReconstruction_v03_160711.xml" path="SiDReconstruction_v03_160711.xml" size="39022" user="AidanRobson" version="1"

Revision 22016-06-27 - AidanRobson

Line: 1 to 1

Getting Started with SiD DD4HEP


At the moment, our code is committed to the DESY SVN repository, where the core DD4hep software and the CLIC and ILD models are stored as well. This is to make it easier to include SiD in the standard tests. The latest/work version is labelled SiD _o1_v01. The XML configuration is located in lcgeo/SiD/compact/SiD_o1_v01 and the C++ drivers are located in lcgeo/detector/

Browse or check out the code via https://svnsrv.desy.de/websvn/wsvn/General.ddsim/lcgeo

If needed for read access, a new basic account can be registered for anyone, by anyone else who has a grid certificate, at:

Build example:

At the moment, our code is committed to the DESY SVN repository, where the core DD4hep software and the CLIC and ILD models are stored as well. This is to make it easier to include SiD in the standard tests. The latest/work version is labelled SiD_o1_v01. The XML configuration is located in lcgeo/SiD/compact/SiD_o1_v01 and the C++ drivers are located in lcgeo/detector/

Browse or check out the code via https://svnsrv.desy.de/websvn/wsvn/General.ddsim/lcgeo

If needed for read access, a new basic account can be registered for anyone, by anyone else who has a grid certificate, at:
svn co https://svnsrv.desy.de/basic/ddsim/lcgeo/trunk lcgeo
We are running on SL6 machines and haven't tried other architectures. Note that you must have cvmfs installed (ask your local sysadmin).

Build example:

# [first five steps are one-time only]
svn co https://svnsrv.desy.de/basic/ddsim/lcgeo/trunk lcgeo
rm lcgeo/detector/calorimeter/SHcal*
rm lcgeo/detector/calorimeter/SEcal*
rm lcgeo/detector/CaloTB/CaloPrototype*
mkdir lcgeo/build
# [setups you do every time: ]
 source /cvmfs/sft.cern.ch/lcg/releases/gcc/4.8.4/x86_64-slc6/setup.sh source /cvmfs/ilc.desy.de/sw/x86_64_gcc48_sl6/v01-17-09/init_ilcsoft.sh
cd lcgeo/ rm detector/detector/calorimeter/SHcal* rm detector/detector/calorimeter/SEcal* rm detector/detector/CaloTB/CaloPrototype* mkdir build cd build
cd lcgeo/build # [cmake you only need do after you have added/removed/moved files from the directories]
 cmake -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=`which g++` -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=`which gcc` -C /cvmfs/ilc.desy.de/sw/x86_64_gcc48_sl6/ILCSoft.cmake ..
# [make you only need to do after you have changed files]
 make -j4 make install
# [setup you need to do every time: ]
 source ../bin/thislcgeo.sh

Run example for ddsim:

Line: 19 to 25
 source ../bin/thislcgeo.sh

Run example for ddsim:

# [assuming you are in the lcgeo directory you created above, but these instructions are for a clean login]
 source /cvmfs/sft.cern.ch/lcg/releases/gcc/4.8.4/x86_64-slc6/setup.sh source /cvmfs/ilc.desy.de/sw/x86_64_gcc48_sl6/v01-17-09/init_ilcsoft.sh export LCGRELEASES=/cvmfs/sft.cern.ch/lcg/releases/LCG_84
Line: 32 to 38
 export PATH=$PYTOOLSDIR/bin:$PATH source bin/thislcgeo.sh python example/lcio_particle_gun.py
ddsim --compactFile=SiD/compact/SiD_o1_v01.xml --runType=batch --inputFile mcparticles.slcio -N=1 --outputFile=testSiD_o1_v01.slcio
ddsim --compactFile=SiD/compact/SiD_o1_v01/SiD_o1_v01.xml --runType=batch --inputFile mcparticles.slcio -N=1 --outputFile=testSiD_o1_v01.slcio
Then to look at the output:
dumpevent testSiD_o1_v01.slcio 1


Revision 12016-06-27 - AidanRobson

Line: 1 to 1

Getting Started with SiD DD4HEP

At the moment, our code is committed to the DESY SVN repository, where the core DD4hep software and the CLIC and ILD models are stored as well. This is to make it easier to include SiD in the standard tests. The latest/work version is labelled SiD _o1_v01. The XML configuration is located in lcgeo/SiD/compact/SiD_o1_v01 and the C++ drivers are located in lcgeo/detector/

Browse or check out the code via https://svnsrv.desy.de/websvn/wsvn/General.ddsim/lcgeo

If needed for read access, a new basic account can be registered for anyone, by anyone else who has a grid certificate, at:

Build example:

svn co https://svnsrv.desy.de/basic/ddsim/lcgeo/trunk lcgeo
source /cvmfs/sft.cern.ch/lcg/releases/gcc/4.8.4/x86_64-slc6/setup.sh
source /cvmfs/ilc.desy.de/sw/x86_64_gcc48_sl6/v01-17-09/init_ilcsoft.sh
cd lcgeo/
rm detector/detector/calorimeter/SHcal*
rm detector/detector/calorimeter/SEcal*
rm detector/detector/CaloTB/CaloPrototype*
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=`which g++` -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=`which gcc` -C /cvmfs/ilc.desy.de/sw/x86_64_gcc48_sl6/ILCSoft.cmake ..
make -j4
make install
source ../bin/thislcgeo.sh

Run example for ddsim:

source /cvmfs/sft.cern.ch/lcg/releases/gcc/4.8.4/x86_64-slc6/setup.sh 
source /cvmfs/ilc.desy.de/sw/x86_64_gcc48_sl6/v01-17-09/init_ilcsoft.sh
export LCGRELEASES=/cvmfs/sft.cern.ch/lcg/releases/LCG_84
export PYTHONDIR=/cvmfs/sft.cern.ch/lcg/releases/LCG_84/Python/2.7.10/x86_64-slc6-gcc48-opt
export PATH=/cvmfs/sft.cern.ch/lcg/releases/LCG_84/Python/2.7.10/x86_64-slc6-gcc48-opt/bin:$PATH
export PYTOOLSDIR=/cvmfs/sft.cern.ch/lcg/releases/LCG_84/pytools/1.9_python2.7/x86_64-slc6-gcc48-opt
export PYTHONPATH=/cvmfs/sft.cern.ch/lcg/releases/LCG_84/pytools/1.9_python2.7/x86_64-slc6-gcc48-opt/lib/python2.7/site-packages:$PYTHONPATH 
source bin/thislcgeo.sh
python example/lcio_particle_gun.py
ddsim --compactFile=SiD/compact/SiD_o1_v01.xml --runType=batch --inputFile mcparticles.slcio -N=1 --outputFile=testSiD_o1_v01.slcio

Then to look at the output:

dumpevent testSiD_o1_v01.slcio 1


anajob testSiD_o1_v01.slcio

-- Aidan Robson - 2016-06-27


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